
Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#21807 new defect

[Download] Update wiki page to say the Windows installer is for 64-bit only

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Installer Windows Version:
Keywords: Cc:



I just downloaded and ran the Windows installer… only to find it won't run on 32-bit Windows anymore.

I suggest either

  • providing a 32+64 bit installer.
  • updating the page accordingly (and explaining how to manually update)


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comment:1 by taylor.smock, 3 years ago

If you need 32-bit windows support, I would recommend downloading an OpenJDK distribution ( ), and then using the jar.

With that being said, just about any system after 2011 that is "worth" keeping should be 64-bit compatible. Otherwise, you'd probably (a) see better performance and (b) some significant energy savings from upgrading.

If you are on a budget, I'd recommend a Raspberry Pi 4. Or the Raspberry Pi 400 (effectively the same as the Raspberry Pi 4, but more designed as a desktop replacement). Just note that it will not be running Windows.

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