
Opened 4 years ago

#20108 new enhancement

citygml and gmllight, difference with gml opendata

Reported by: Allroads Owned by: Don-vip
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin opendata Version: tested
Keywords: gml opendata citygml gmllight Cc:


What is the difference between citygml/gmllight and gml in opendata?

Although the downloaded files have the extension .gml and JOSM makes a layer I get a error: No data found in file.

download file zoom in and make small selection.

The code of one object.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gml:FeatureCollection xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:imgeo-s="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gml="" xsi:schemaLocation=" imgeo-simple-2.1-gml31.xsd"><gml:featureMember>
	<imgeo-s:Wegdeel gml:id="be842cb59-028f-4bee-9c66-ccc8f493398a">
	<imgeo-s:geometrie2d><gml:Polygon xmlns:gml=""><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>177881.963 517639.870 177881.887 517658.298 177881.880 517660.128 177881.855 517666.222 177881.566 517683.334 177879.244 517696.980 177877.786 517706.276 177875.832 517705.928 177879.727 517682.505 177879.815 517670.762 177879.833 517664.042 177880.353 517607.901 177880.363 517604.213 177880.366 517602.878 177880.375 517602.115 177880.760 517567.959 177880.784 517565.886 177882.917 517565.907 177882.855 517567.558 177882.682 517581.587 177882.659 517583.467 177881.963 517639.870</gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></imgeo-s:geometrie2d>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gml:FeatureCollection xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:imgeo-s="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gml="" xsi:schemaLocation=" imgeo-simple-2.1-gml31.xsd"><gml:featureMember>
	<imgeo-s:Wegdeel gml:id="bc97ce58f-4838-4ea8-ab24-9790ff9f0ea9">
	<imgeo-s:bgt-fysiekVoorkomen>open verharding</imgeo-s:bgt-fysiekVoorkomen>
	<imgeo-s:geometrie2d><gml:Polygon xmlns:gml=""><gml:exterior><gml:Ring><gml:curveMember><gml:Curve><gml:segments><gml:LineStringSegment><gml:posList>181585.265 491589.556 181582.853 491599.106</gml:posList></gml:LineStringSegment><gml:Arc><gml:posList>181582.853 491599.106 181581.898 491596.415 181579.606 491594.711</gml:posList></gml:Arc><gml:LineStringSegment><gml:posList>181579.606 491594.711 181580.185 491591.310</gml:posList></gml:LineStringSegment><gml:Arc><gml:posList>181580.185 491591.310 181582.996 491591.219 181585.265 491589.556</gml:posList></gml:Arc></gml:segments></gml:Curve></gml:curveMember></gml:Ring></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></imgeo-s:geometrie2d>

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