
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#1684 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Simple template support for relations

Reported by: Nop Owned by: ce
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Internal preset Version:
Keywords: relation editing Cc:


It would be very helpful to have simple support for templates in the relation editor. The benefits are the same as for the templates for ways and nodes.

Usage could be like this:

  • Create a new relation
  • Select a template from a menu or combo box, basically we would need one template for every type of relation. E.g. there could by a template for multi-polygon, hiking route etc.
  • the tags commonly used with this type of relation are added to the relation editor, either completely filled in (e.g. type=route, route=foot) or just the names with empty values for filling in (name, description, operator etc.).

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Change History (1)

comment:1 by Hasienda, 16 years ago

Keywords: relation editing added
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

I looked for tickets linked to enhancements for creating new relations. In fact there is an older description quit similar to this one in ticket #478.

Since here is nothing new as far as I can see, I just added the more generic description parts as comment to #478 and finally referenced to this ticket. Please add further comments related to solving the issue there as well. Something left? Well, nothing more than to close this ticket now.

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