
Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 3 weeks ago

#14018 new defect

[WIP patch] JOSM is very slow

Reported by: simon04 Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: performance Cc: HarryKane, gaben


As reported by HarryKane at ticket:13767#comment:6

I tried again in latest JOSM 11223, but the problem is still there.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download a layer, have the continuous download plug-in option enabled.
  2. Zoom out a bit, so JOSM downloads new surrounding areas.
  3. Click the download button again to specify a new area.

You might ask why one does step 3. The reason is that either
a) the download of step 2 takes too long so the user wants to speed up this process by searching the new area (especially when GPS tracks are downloaded) or
b) the user wants to download another area.

In all these cases JOSM is very slow on reacting to the users input and thus hampers the workflow.

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Change History (8)

comment:1 by skyper, 8 years ago

Cc: HarryKane added

comment:2 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Keywords: performance added

comment:3 by gaben, 14 months ago

Cc: gaben added

Yeah, after clicking on the download button sometimes takes a few seconds for JOSM to respond.

I don't know if it's related to the continuous download plugin, as I'm using it since the beginning.

comment:4 by taylor.smock, 12 months ago

Have some profiling information:
DownloadDialog.<init> takes 730ms to 1120ms (two profiling runs). I'll use the 730ms run for further numbers. A good chunk was from plugins. I'll see if I can fix those separately. I'll be using that 730ms run as the "base" for now.

BookmarkList.load was the primary problem child (200ms), since it also called ChangesetCacheManager.getInstance. I think we can reduce that significantly with a (relatively) small patch.

  • src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    IDEA additional info:
    Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
    diff --git a/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/ b/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/
    a b  
    286287        if (n > 0 && !im.isAnonymous()) {
    287288            final UserInfo userInfo = im.getUserInfo();
    288289            if (userInfo != null) {
    289                 final ChangesetCacheManager ccm = ChangesetCacheManager.getInstance();
     290                final ChangesetCache ccm = ChangesetCache.getInstance();
     291                final List<Changeset> changesets = new ArrayList<>(ccm.getChangesets());
    290292                final int userId = userInfo.getId();
    291293                int found = 0;
    292                 for (int i = 0; i < ccm.getModel().getRowCount() && found < n; i++) {
    293                     Changeset cs = ccm.getModel().getValueAt(i, 0);
     294                for (int i = 0; i < changesets.size() && found < n; i++) {
     295                    Changeset cs = changesets.get(i);
    294296                    if (cs.getUser().getId() == userId && cs.getBounds() != null) {
    295297                        model.addElement(new ChangesetBookmark(cs));
    296298                        found++;

comment:5 by gaben, 12 months ago

I cannot reproduce, happens very rarely.

Usually it takes less than a second, but sometimes even half a minute, so this 730-1120ms is within measure error, I would say.

comment:6 by gaben, 12 months ago

Wait a second, the wikipedia plugin adds a new tab to the download dialog for Sophox, can it change the situation?

comment:7 by taylor.smock, 12 months ago

That makes it hard to fix.

If you can attach a profiler next time that happens, that would be helpful.

If you have IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, you can attach directly to the process. Otherwise, read the docs for (hopefully you aren't on Windows). Or look into Java Flight Recorder.

Yes, the Wikipedia plugin could be changing things. Let me check.

I'm looking at making a PR for svgSalamander that will significantly reduce memory allocations as well.

EDIT: I didn't see anything from wikipedia. I'll have to run a check with all the plugins enabled.

Last edited 12 months ago by taylor.smock (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by gaben, 3 weeks ago

Summary: JOSM is very slow[WIP patch] JOSM is very slow

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