
Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#13121 new enhancement

Create/update Wikidata item using OSM data

Reported by: simon04 Owned by: simon04
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin wikipedia Version:
Keywords: Cc: Polyglot, Pigsonthewing


From ticket:9775#comment:22

Something I do regularly, but which is quite likely a bit tricky to implement (and there might be licensing issues), is a way to create a Wikidata item based on OSM tags. There is this QuickStatements tool which allows to do this conveniently. The tricky part is 'translating' from tags to properties.
The advantage would be that it becomes possible to add precise coordinates to Wikidata directly and to add the resulting WD item to the OSM object in one go. WRT the licensing issues, this may make sense only for items that are being created, so before uploading them makes them subject to ODBL. (Which is the reason why I find myself going back and forth between JOSM and my browser atm).

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comment:1 by pigsonthewing, 4 years ago

Cc: Pigsonthewing added

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