
Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#12310 new enhancement

Validator: add "gap between buildings"

Reported by: MKnight Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: template_report building gap osmose Cc:


Attachments (1)

Touching Buildings.osm (1.5 KB ) - added by mdk 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Keywords: building gap osmose added
Version: tested

comment:2 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 9 years ago

Lack of gap between buildings is not necessarily wrong (for example where I live, the outer wall of my house is part of the outer wall of my neighbour to the right, and the neighbour to the left), overlapping buildings on the other hand is most likely wrong. Another thing I have seen at times are buildings inside buildings, which are most definitely wrong.

comment:3 by MKnight, 9 years ago

Aun: you are right, that that not _must_ be wrong, but it can be wrong (in most of the times is it) I think this check can be in the category "other" (not warnings).

you can give osmose a try for that, 95% of gap-errors there are wrong on the ground/map.

Dont understand your example, if "your" buildings are connected, then they have to be connected on the map too with no gap.

buildings inside buildings are wrong, yes, feel free to add an own feature request for that.

comment:4 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 9 years ago

MKnight: I have mapped my house and the neighbouring as accurate as possible, where they are visibly connected they are mapped sharing the same nodes, etc.

I agree that a check can be made to the validator, but put it rather in "information" than "warning" or "error", as my example are quite common, at least in denser cities.

On the other hand, it might be valid to explore (i.e. on the tagging@ mailing list) if it is wise to tag these buildings as individual polygons, or if rather a multi-polygon relation is on its place, though the validator should not give precedence in this until a decision in made from the community.

comment:5 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 9 years ago

I think building inside building already are warned about.

comment:6 by MKnight, 9 years ago

i have checked the building inside building before my answer. (no warning) Maybe its broken since new josm-release. Will check that later.

Last edited 9 years ago by MKnight (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Aun Johnsen <lists@…>, 9 years ago

It is possible that the check is from an additional validator (external), I have a few external validators loaded.

comment:8 by MKnight, 9 years ago

have checked building in building with older versions, no warnings. Do you want to open a new ticket for that?

P.s. (want to write me at what (and how) external tools you use?)

Last edited 9 years ago by MKnight (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by Klumbumbus, 9 years ago

The building inside building warning works as expected. You need to activate "geometry" in the validator tag checker settings.

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by MKnight, 9 years ago

Replying to Klumbumbus:

The building inside building warning works as expected. You need to activate "geometry" in the validator tag checker settings.

Klumbumbus: thx, dunno why that was not activated here.

by mdk, 9 years ago

Attachment: Touching Buildings.osm added

comment:11 by mdk, 9 years ago

I think a gap between buildings is possible (normally wide enough that a huuman can pass).

But I found often buildings which only has one node together (see attachment). I have never seen two buildings which touch only in one point and habe a acute angle.

comment:12 by mdk, 9 years ago

@MKnight: Can you append an example file where you expect a validator warning? Or is the ticket not longer relevant?

comment:14 by MKnight, 9 years ago

Not good examples?

comment:15 by GerdP, 5 years ago

While it would be interesting to code such a test reg. performance I think it would just produce lots of messages for objects which are not really wrong, similar to the RightAngleBuildingTest. Mappers would be forced to add connections and maybe use Q hot key to create right angles again. In the end, all nodes and at least one way is modified for no visual improvement.

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