
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#11080 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Make the RoadSigns plugin smarter

Reported by: Polyglot Owned by: bastiK
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin roadsigns Version:
Keywords: Cc:


What I would like to do is to be able to lose the 'traffic sign' tick box. I'd like for the plugin to be a bit 'smarter'. I would also move the tick box to show all signs or only the useful ones to the main dialog window, instead of under settings.

User creates a node for the traffic sign. Then he/she selects the ways it applies to. Splitting them, where needed. Ctrl-click or Shft-click to add the new node to the selection.

Now they start the RoadSign plugin dialog and select signs and additional signs.
If the sign node or the ways already have traffic_sign, the new ones should also be appended separated by semi-colon.

In that scenario the node next to the way gets the proper traffic sign tags for all signs on that pole and the ways (optionallly) get those too (another tick box?), but additionally they also get the tags that the sign(s) have as an effect (of course).

To me that would be the most efficient way of working. Otherwise one first has to select the ways, select the whole combination of signs, press OK, then do it all again for the signpost node itself.

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comment:1 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Sounds alright, but it shouldn't get more complicated too complicated for the simple case, i.e. tagging of a single way.

comment:2 by Polyglot, 10 years ago

I think it would simplify things. The way it is now, all tags get applied to everything selected. Meaning the user needs to either invoke the dialog twice, or remove the tags which shouldn't have been added to either the way(s) or the sign post node.


comment:3 by Polyglot, 10 years ago

To keep things simple, the user should be able to indicate in the settings pane, whether he wants to add traffic_sign tags to the ways he selects, or not.

The selection whether to show useful signs or not should be a toggle on the first pane. It may make sense to have more toggles for broad categories, or have more gradation in the usefulness tag than yes/no.

Now a power user can select 1 or more ways and a loose node. Traffic sign tags get appended to the node, and optionally to the ways
All the tags, which are a consequence of the presence of the sign get applied to the ways, some like choker or speed bump may be added to nodes which are part of the way. I think the XML should allow to indicate for which ones this makes sense.

In case of turn restrictions a relation editor window is opened, containing all selected objects.


comment:4 by Don-vip, 10 years ago

Type: defectenhancement

comment:5 by Polyglot, 6 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

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