
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#10360 closed defect (invalid)

Streets without name are reported as warning when a relation street (or associatedStreet) exists

Reported by: oligo Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: tested
Keywords: Cc:


Wiki says that relation type=street is used to avoid duplication of addr:street (among other things). I suppose it is the same intention for relation associatedStreet although it is not explicitly written in the wiki.

From my understanding, if I put multiple highway segments into a street relation, I can omit the name tag on the highways because it is already held by the street relation.
Currently, JOSM validator raises the warning "Unnamed ways".

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by mdk, 10 years ago

As far as I understand your "defect" ticket, you want that all renderers (and other programs dealing with OSM data) in the world should take the name tag from the associatedStreet (or street) relations, which is the post address (addr:street) for buildings in the street and use it also as the name tag for the street (which is the unabbreviated name found on street signs), but only if the street has no name tag? I think they are not the same all over the world!

In my opinion, the JOSM warning is correct and your understanding of the street relation is wrong. Not to mention, that we need to change every program using OSM data for getting street names to handle this new logic.

comment:2 by oligo, 10 years ago

Yes you rephrased as I meant. What "are not the same all over the world"? Normally the name=* of relation must match the name=* of highways and the addr:street of buildings, else it is an error.
I don't want to impact any application, but from Relation:street, putting the name only in the relation is already possible and valid:

One advantage of doing this is that it avoids the need to repeatedly use tags that apply to an entire street, such as addr:street or addr:city. These tags can instead be included once inside the relation.

It is exactly the same as addr:housenumber: it is possible to omit the addr:street if the node is a member of an associatedStreet.

Of course I don't want to remove existing addr:street and name tags, it would break all applications.

History: I run into this when creating a new highway split into multiple parts. To avoid duplication of putting the same name on each way, I put the name only on the relation (because it seemed correct from wiki). When I validated with JOSM it raised the "Unnamed ways" on the highways.

comment:3 by oligo, 10 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I read again the Relation:street wiki, and it is not explicitly written that name=* can be omitted on highways if a street relation exists. I thought the logic could also apply to tag name=*, not only to addr:street and addr:city.
I close the issue.

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