
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#10351 closed enhancement (fixed)

[patch] added <reference/> to replace keys, new chunk id's, comment on closed tags

Reported by: frankthetankk Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 14.08
Component: Internal preset Version: tested
Keywords: reference Cc:

Description (last modified by frankthetankk)

In my attempt to make the code look better/cleaner. This patch doesn't add new code besides chunk id. I replaced some already known key values with <reference/>. Briefly here are some changes I made.

  • <reference ref="name_ref" /> under key="highway" value="unclassified", key="surveillance:type" value="camera"
  • <reference ref="name_operator" /> under key="highway" value="services", key="barrier" value="toll_booth", key="landuse" value="greenhouse_horticulture", key="landuse" value="plant_nursery", key="landuse" value="garages"
  • <reference ref="name_wikipedia" /> under key="mountain_pass" value="yes"
  • <reference ref="name_layer" /> under key="waterway" value="ditch", key="waterway" value="stream", key="waterway" value="wadi",
  • <reference ref="name_operator_oh" /> under key="amenity" value="fuel", key="information" value="terminal", key="information" value="audioguide", key="leisure" value="sauna"
  • <reference ref="name_brand_operator_oh" /> under key="shop" value="motorcycle"

added new <chunk id=""> and <reference/> with the changes below

  • <chunk id="layer"> with <reference ref="layer" /> under tunnel, living_street, pedestrian, drain, canal, river, power line, power cable, bridge
  • <chunk id="internet"> with <reference ref="internet" /> under terminal, office,
  • <chunk id="name_wikipedia_elevation"> with <reference ref="name_wikipedia_elevation" /> under mountain_pass, peak, saddle, glacier, volcano
  • <chunk id="elevation"> with <reference ref="elevation" /> under alpine_hut, guidepost,
  • <chunk id="name_leisure_type"> with <reference ref="name_leisure_type" /> under 9pin, 10pin, archery, gymnastics, shooting, cricket_nets, racquet, table_tennis
  • <chunk id="width"> with <reference ref="width" /> under unclassified, residential, bicycle_road, living_street, pedestrian, service, construction, roundabout, bridge, tracktype, path, cycleway, foot_and_cycleway_segregated, foot_and_cycleway_combined, footway, steps, tunnel, building_passage, arcade, colonnade, avalanche_protector, culvert, bus_guideway, platform_rail, platform_bus
  • <chunk id="height"> with <reference ref="height" /> under hedge, fence, tower, chimney, surveillance camera, power tower, pole, tree, bridge
  • <chunk id="length"> with <reference ref="length" /> under adit, bridge, tunnel,
  • <chunk id="incline"> with <reference ref="incline" /> under highway_yesno_incline, bridge, ford, tunnel, building passage, avalanche_protector, culvert, `
  • <chunk id="maxspeed"> with <reference ref="maxspeed" /> under highway_base, road restrictions, bridge, bridleway, speedcamera, tunnel, building passage, bus guideway
  • <chunk id="lit_check"> with <reference ref="lit_check" /> under highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit, motorway, motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, bicycle_road, pedestrian, parking_aisle, footway, dog_park, `
  • <chunk id="aerialway_capacity"> with <reference ref="aerialway_capacity" /> under chair_lift, drag_lift, cable_car, gondola, mixed_lift, t-bar, j-bar, platter, rope_tow, magic_carpet
  • <chunk id="aerialway_duration"> with <reference ref="aerialway_duration" /> under chair_lift, drag_lift, cable_car, gondola, mixed_lift, t-bar, j-bar, platter, rope_tow, magic_carpet, goods
  • <chunk id="aerialway_bubble"> with <reference ref="aerialway_bubble" /> under chair_lift, mixed_lift
  • <chunk id="aerialway_heating"> with <reference ref="aerialway_heating" /> under chair_lift, cable_car, gondola, mixed_lift
  • <chunk id="stars"> with <reference ref="stars" /> under hotel, motel, guest_house, chalet, hostel, caravan_site, camp_site, restaurant
  • <chunk id="capacity"> with <reference ref="capacity" /> under parking_space, car_sharing, motorcycle_parking, bicycle_parking, caravan_site, Retirement Home
  • <chunk id="operator"> with <reference ref="operator" /> too many to list, Counted 30 changes here. 1 had an extra space at defibrillator
  • <chunk id="network"> with <reference ref="network" /> too many to list, Counted 9 changes here.
  • <chunk id="name"> with <reference ref="name" /> too many to list, Counted 208 changes here.
  • <chunk id="ref"> with <reference ref="ref" /> too many to list, Counted 20 changes here.
  • <chunk id="description"> with <reference ref="description" /> under public_transport, toilets, drinking_water, farm
  • <chunk id="fee"> with <reference ref="fee" /> under motorcycle_parking, terminal, audioguide, toilets
  • <chunk id="ref_number"> with <reference ref="ref_number" /> under parking_name_type_ref, vending_machine, terminal, audioguide, post_box, `
  • <chunk id="closer_description"> with <reference ref="closer_description" /> under map, board, terminal, audioguide, information,
  • <chunk id="wikipedia"> with <reference ref="wikipedia" /> under name_wikipedia, aerodrome, zoo, museum, contact, waterway, `
  • <chunk id="smoking_wheelchair"> with <reference ref="smoking_wheelchair" /> under internet_smoking_wheelchair, nightclub, brothel
  • <chunk id="sport"> with <reference ref="sport" /> under stadium, sports_centre, pitch, track
  • <chunk id="riding_surface"> with <reference ref="riding_surface" /> under `
  • <chunk id="organic"> with <reference ref="organic" /> under marketplace, greengrocer, farm, clothes, shoes, `
  • <chunk id="website"> with <reference ref="website" /> under population_postcode_website, car_sharing, marketplace, neighbourhood, `
  • <chunk id="genus_species"> with <reference ref="genus_species" /> under hedge, tree
  • <chunk id="genus_species_taxon"> with <reference ref="genus_species_taxon" /> under plant_nursery
  • <chunk id="highway_yesno_oneway_bridge_tunnel_cutting_embankment_lit_toll"> with <reference ref="highway_yesno_oneway_bridge_tunnel_cutting_embankment_lit_toll" /> under motorway, motorway_link
  • <chunk id="highway_yesno_oneway_motorroad_bridge_tunnel_cutting_embankment_lit_toll"> with <reference ref="highway_yesno_oneway_motorroad_bridge_tunnel_cutting_embankment_lit_toll" /> under trunk, trunk_link

I also added commented out titles at the end of the group and item closing tags. I feel with the titles include in both group and item closing tags makes it easier to read while editing and maintaining it being unified. I added this because it appears to look like it was unfinished as some were labeled in some areas and some were not. There were some errors on position and misspellings on the comments within the original file that I fixed as well.

I feel like with changes like these the code will be easier to read for anyone seeing the code, maybe for the first time, that wants to contribute improving it. At the same time I was able to reduce the file size from just adding the references alone. Below are some details of the file sizes. Let me know which version is appropriate for JOSM.

Attachments (7)

reference_7363_v1.diff (179.3 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
reference and chunk id changes onlys
reference_comments_7363_v1.diff (354.2 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments, reference and chunk id changes
reference_comments_7374_v2.diff (372.8 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v2
reference_comments_7374_v3.diff (366.2 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v3
reference_comments_7374_v4.diff (366.1 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v4
optional_sport_riding_surface_v1.diff (8.1 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments_english_slang_7384_v1.diff (271.0 KB ) - added by frankthetankk 11 years ago.
comments, english slang words 7384 v1

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (33)

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Attachment: reference_7363_v1.diff added

reference and chunk id changes onlys

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments, reference and chunk id changes

comment:1 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Version: latest

comment:3 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Version: latesttested

comment:4 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

[patch] updated to presets 7374. Added a few more chunk_id's. Fix some errors in last patch. Cleaned up the code slightly. I went through and checked and doublechecked each items for errors. Please check my work and let me know what you think. Thanks

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v2

comment:5 by bastiK, 11 years ago

I'm not so fond of the overuse of references. It complicates the code with little to no gain. I don't think we need one liners like

<chunk id="network"> 
  <text key="network" text="Network" /> 

A bit of redundancy doesn't hurt. If you want to change something, every editor should offer find & replace. I wouldn't see it as a primary goal to reduce the file size, maintainability is most important.

Sorry for the negative feedback, this is just my personal taste. I can totally understand if others see it differently.

Your references for optional_sport and riding_surface are good, could you please prepare a patch just for those two?

comment:6 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

reference_comments_7374_v2.diff had some errors. Apparently adding references with a <check /> value inside a <checkgroup /> returns a error.
`cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with
element reference. One of
{"":check} is expected.`

Here is newer verison.

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v3

in reply to:  5 ; comment:7 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

I'm not so fond of the overuse of references. It complicates the code with little to no gain. I don't think we need one liners like

<chunk id="network"> 
  <text key="network" text="Network" /> 

A bit of redundancy doesn't hurt. If you want to change something, every editor should offer find & replace. I wouldn't see it as a primary goal to reduce the file size, maintainability is most important.

I made the changes from referencing skyper comment here. Saying that even for a one line change can easily change other shared values. There wouldn't be a strong need for a editor with find & replace. This makes sense to a having a "redundancy" while making it simpler to read. Granted yeah one liner change may seem unnatural. But in this case since the presets are already established(for the most part) with little changes needed might as well keep a 'standard' across common presets values. For example with 223 counts of <text key="name" text="Name" />, hypothetically if we wanted to add a : it'd be simple to do. Plus when a new contributor views the code for the first time it'll be easier to read.

Sorry for the negative feedback, this is just my personal taste. I can totally understand if others see it differently.

No need to apologize. I dont see it as negative, but as a learning experience. I appreciate your feedback. I am more curious to what else needs to be done to defaultpresets.xml that I may work on for you guys?

Some things I want to include.

  • I want to add <label text to all the items.
  • I want to add US slang words and/or commonly used/spoken words for items. example Biergarten

Your references for optional_sport and riding_surface are good, could you please prepare a patch just for those two?

I will attempt to do this sure.

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments, reference and chunk id changes 7374 v4

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago


in reply to:  5 comment:8 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

reference_comments_7374_v4.diff I readded a "+" sign I removed by mistake.

Replying to bastiK:

Your references for optional_sport and riding_surface are good, could you please prepare a patch just for those two?

here it is

comment:9 by bastiK, 11 years ago

In 7379/josm:

see #10351 - use <chunk> in defaultpresets (patch by frankthetankk)

in reply to:  7 ; comment:10 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Replying to frankthetankk:

I made the changes from referencing skyper comment here. Saying that even for a one line change can easily change other shared values. There wouldn't be a strong need for a editor with find & replace. This makes sense to a having a "redundancy" while making it simpler to read. Granted yeah one liner change may seem unnatural. But in this case since the presets are already established(for the most part) with little changes needed might as well keep a 'standard' across common presets values. For example with 223 counts of <text key="name" text="Name" />, hypothetically if we wanted to add a : it'd be simple to do. Plus when a new contributor views the code for the first time it'll be easier to read.

For me, the version without references is easier to read: You don't have to look up the meaning at some other part of the code, but see it directly. Just a matter of opinion and personal preference.

I am more curious to what else needs to be done to defaultpresets.xml that I may work on for you guys?

  • Compare preset icon and corresponding map icon. If they differ, choose one, so it matches.
  • Identify other problems / inconsistencies and fix them.
  • Make suggestions for new features to include. Ideas may be taken from the user presets.

Some things I want to include.

  • I want to add <label text to all the items.


in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Replying to frankthetankk:
For me, the version without references is easier to read: You don't have to look up the meaning at some other part of the code, but see it directly. Just a matter of opinion and personal preference.

I understand its just a matter of opinion and personal preference. When is it appropriate and not appropriate when creating chunk id's? Like does there need to be a minimum requirement before using them?

Some things I want to include.

  • I want to add <label text to all the items.


Well, there is already a few items with label text describing what the meaning or function of a certain preset. Usually this seems to match up exactly to the corresponding wiki page. I feel that finishing this project of adding label text to items without it can easily understand the brief meaning of preset without having select the preset in question, hit "F1" to read further what it is. For example, item Biergarten, I am an American and we call this a "Beer Garden". Doing "F3" and searcing for "Beer" would come up with no results. When you add label text, and describe it as also called a "Beer Garden" the "F3" search will come up with the result Biergarten.

This is why I feel a strong need to include American slang words for some of these presets. Since Americans also use JOSM they should be exposed to the correct tags that have be established. This will benefit the beginner and advanced users of JOSM, and OSM as a whole.

Under the user presets. I have look extensively at that section. I do plan to attempt to include some of their ideas. Glad to hear anyone can use the code. I have some questions on creating my own external presets. I have read on how to create them but I'm not exactly sure on the steps to creating one without screwing up the wiki. I would like to add my presets under "Presets managed in JOSM wiki" but I dont understand how to exactly. I use github already but what is the difference comparing the external url and "Presets managed in JOSM wiki"? How do I navigate to TitleIndex(Presets/) to create my own page?

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Replying to frankthetankk:

Replying to bastiK:

Replying to frankthetankk:
For me, the version without references is easier to read: You don't have to look up the meaning at some other part of the code, but see it directly. Just a matter of opinion and personal preference.

I understand its just a matter of opinion and personal preference. When is it appropriate and not appropriate when creating chunk id's? Like does there need to be a minimum requirement before using them?

Let's say we prefer patches with visible changes to the user. With or without those small chunks, it doesn't matter, so just leave it as it is. :)

Some things I want to include.

  • I want to add <label text to all the items.


Well, there is already a few items with label text describing what the meaning or function of a certain preset. Usually this seems to match up exactly to the corresponding wiki page. I feel that finishing this project of adding label text to items without it can easily understand the brief meaning of preset without having select the preset in question, hit "F1" to read further what it is.

Okay, sounds good.

For example, item Biergarten, I am an American and we call this a "Beer Garden". Doing "F3" and searcing for "Beer" would come up with no results. When you add label text, and describe it as also called a "Beer Garden" the "F3" search will come up with the result Biergarten.

This is why I feel a strong need to include American slang words for some of these presets. Since Americans also use JOSM they should be exposed to the correct tags that have be established. This will benefit the beginner and advanced users of JOSM, and OSM as a whole.

Sure. As you are a native speaker, improving the language in any part of JOSM would be a valuable contribution.

Under the user presets. I have look extensively at that section. I do plan to attempt to include some of their ideas. Glad to hear anyone can use the code.

Not quite, if you want to copy larger sections of a user preset to JOSM core, you should ask the author first. Just taking ideas and creating you own work is fine though.

I have some questions on creating my own external presets. I have read on how to create them but I'm not exactly sure on the steps to creating one without screwing up the wiki. I would like to add my presets under "Presets managed in JOSM wiki" but I dont understand how to exactly. I use github already but what is the difference comparing the external url and "Presets managed in JOSM wiki"? How do I navigate to TitleIndex(Presets/) to create my own page?

I've extended the description, does this help?

in reply to:  11 comment:13 by stoecker, 11 years ago

Replying to frankthetankk:

Replying to bastiK:

For me, the version without references is easier to read: You don't have to look up the meaning at some other part of the code, but see it directly. Just a matter of opinion and personal preference.

I understand its just a matter of opinion and personal preference. When is it appropriate and not appropriate when creating chunk id's? Like does there need to be a minimum requirement before using them?

Basically like bastiK says. If the added complexity has a larger gain, then use chunks. If the gain is only very small, then don't use it and make it easier to understand.

That's also known as the programming rule: "Keep it simple" ( rule 3 :-) NOTE that these rules are always in conflict with each other. It makes the good programmer to know when to use which one.

comment:14 by skyper, 11 years ago

I am unsure about too many small chunks as well, especially, text boxes. On the other hand it makes it easier to maintain as, e.g. "name" is not used only as tag and "search and replace" often isn't as simple as it sounds.
Once external presets will be able to use chunks from defaultpresets.xml we will benefit from small chunks.

Some advantages of chunk are that you easily can have the same order of tags and that you can group single tags together. In this way we could even tweak the patch a little more.

As already mentioned, I like the label and the defaultpresets gains step by step like adding more optional tags to railway=* similar to highway=* comes to my mind.

comment:15 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Replying to frankthetankk:

Replying to bastiK:
For example, item Biergarten, I am an American and we call this a "Beer Garden". Doing "F3" and searching for "Beer" would come up with no results. When you add label text, and describe it as also called a "Beer Garden" the "F3" search will come up with the result Biergarten.

This is why I feel a strong need to include American slang words for some of these presets. Since Americans also use JOSM they should be exposed to the correct tags that have be established. This will benefit the beginner and advanced users of JOSM, and OSM as a whole.

Sure. As you are a native speaker, improving the language in any part of JOSM would be a valuable contribution.

Before I attempt adding native wording in the presets for an American speaker. What is the best practice and where would the appropriate place within the item should I place a reference? For example should I add (Beer Garden) to the item text itself? Which makes it easier to read and find in the list of presets without having to do a more detailed search. This is what I prefer. Or within an <label text? Or within a format like this (pretend the following code is for Biergarten) name="Car""Auto""Automobile""Автомобиль"?

Also a side question, Is it worth adding for example"" language name types throughout the items in the whole file?

I hope that made sense. :) I would like to hear your opinions on the best practices to implement this into the presets. Below is just a visual example what I was trying to explain.

        <item name="Biergarten (Beer Garden)" name="Car""Auto""Automobile""Автомобиль" icon="presets/biergarten.png" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href=""
                  ru.href="" />
            <label text="Also known as a Beer Garden" />
            <space />
            <key key="amenity" value="biergarten" />
            <reference ref="name_operator" />
            <check key="microbrewery" text="Microbrewery" />
            <reference ref="oh" />
            <space />
            <reference ref="internet_smoking_wheelchair" />
            <space />
            <reference ref="contact" />

Under the user presets. I have look extensively at that section. I do plan to attempt to include some of their ideas. Glad to hear anyone can use the code.

Not quite, if you want to copy larger sections of a user preset to JOSM core, you should ask the author first. Just taking ideas and creating you own work is fine though.

I understand, I will respect the authors. I'm sure the same goes for their icons.

I have some questions on creating my own external presets. I have read on how to create them but I'm not exactly sure on the steps to creating one without screwing up the wiki. I would like to add my presets under "Presets managed in JOSM wiki" but I dont understand how to exactly. I use github already but what is the difference comparing the external url and "Presets managed in JOSM wiki"? How do I navigate to TitleIndex(Presets/) to create my own page?

I've extended the description, does this help?

Yes! That better describes on how to do it, thank you. I will let you know if I encounter more problems.
I understand its a open source wiki, but if I find a problem and/or a question on something about the wiki. Without editing the page myself. What would be the appropriate means of getting help? Making a ticket on this topic could be considered spam.

in reply to:  14 comment:16 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Replying to skyper:

Once external presets will be able to use chunks from defaultpresets.xml we will benefit from small chunks.

That sounds exciting. I look forward to this. When do you think this is going to happen?
Perhaps then would be a good time to add small chunks.

As already mentioned, I like the label and the defaultpresets gains step by step like adding more optional tags to railway=* similar to highway=* comes to my mind.

Yeah, I noticed this as well. I think you're referring to the chunk id I created in my patch for highway=*. So in other words are you saying to revert the small chunks and keep in the larger chunks like for highway=*? Any of the other chunks I created look useful to you guys?

comment:17 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Left still in the patch. On the topic of commented out at the end of /item and /group closing tags. How do you guys feel about the addition of these throughout the entire file? For example.
</item> <!-- Cliff -->
</group> <!-- Water -->

in reply to:  15 comment:18 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Replying to frankthetankk:

Before I attempt adding native wording in the presets for an American speaker. What is the best practice and where would the appropriate place within the item should I place a reference? For example should I add (Beer Garden) to the item text itself? Which makes it easier to read and find in the list of presets without having to do a more detailed search. This is what I prefer. Or within an <label text? Or within a format like this (pretend the following code is for Biergarten) name="Car""Auto""Automobile""Автомобиль"?

Just change the item name to Beer garden? The OSM wiki tries point out a difference, but I think it is pretty much the English expression for the German word Biergarten.

Also a side question, Is it worth adding for example"" language name types throughout the items in the whole file?

Translation of the default preset is done in Launchpad, so I don't think this belongs here.

I understand its a open source wiki, but if I find a problem and/or a question on something about the wiki. Without editing the page myself. What would be the appropriate means of getting help? Making a ticket on this topic could be considered spam.

Depends on the question, maybe add it to one of your open threads?

Replying to frankthetankk:

Left still in the patch. On the topic of commented out at the end of /item and /group closing tags. How do you guys feel about the addition of these throughout the entire file? For example.
</item> <!-- Cliff -->
</group> <!-- Water -->

Sure, why not.

by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments, english slang words 7384 v1

comment:19 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

comments_english_slang_7384_v1.diff I dropped all the chunk_id's unless you guys see any that look appropriate. I added comments to closing tag of items and group. I also included or changed some item names to better fit the native English spoken language. Please double check my work and let me know. Thanks.

comment:20 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Great work, thanks!

  • Why is it Doctor(s) Office and not Doctor's Office?
  • Maybe Candy store instead of Candy shop?
  • Marketplace/Farmers Market: I feel like Farmers Market is an unnecessary restriction, as Markets can be specialized to other things like seafood, spices, electronics, etc.
  • Greengrocer/Produce Market: Having trouble to find a clear definition of Produce Market in the dictionary, but isn't this the same as Farmers market? May be confusion for non-native speakers.

in reply to:  20 ; comment:21 by frankthetankk, 11 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Great work, thanks!

  • Why is it Doctor(s) Office and not Doctor's Office?

I changed that, because the wiki was stating that this could either be a single Doctor's Office or a Doctor's Office with multipliable Doctors. I used "(s)" to signify both sides. If you feel Doctor's Office is better, that's fine with me. It looks better to me, but I wasn't positive on the meaning of the keyvalue.

  • Maybe Candy store instead of Candy shop?

hmm? I think you meant this quote the other way around.

I going to definitely stay with Candy Store. I've found a lot of evidence in my area to support this over Candy Shop. As an American we don't call it a Candy Shop, even though we call place that sells donuts a Donut Shop and not a store. Searching on google for businesses I get more results with Candy Store. Also, on google map maker there is a category for Candy Store and not shop.

  • Marketplace/Farmers Market: I feel like Farmers Market is an unnecessary restriction, as Markets can be specialized to other things like seafood, spices, electronics, etc.

This I found to be a little difficult to find a conclusion for. We definitely do not call this as a Marketplace. We have so many different names that mean that same thing, as it states in the wiki "Public markets may incorporate elements of specialized markets such as farmers markets, craft markets, and antique markets.". I think we should change it to Public Markets.

  • Greengrocer/Produce Market: Having trouble to find a clear definition of Produce Market in the dictionary, but isn't this the same as Farmers market? May be confusion for non-native speakers.

I have never heard of the term Greengrocer used until I discovered OSM. That is not a term we use. This one is very difficult as well, while it's similar to a shop=marketplace, shop=grocery, and shop=supermarket. In the wiki, this is what a Farmer's Market means is in the Unitied States We typically use the term Farmer's Market to describe a weekly or a temporary period of time setup where vendors come sell their wares, with it mostly being produce as the main product. While I agree with what is stated, we typically refer to a Greengrocer as a Produce Market and/or Farmer's Market which makes it hard to pick a name. Produce Market is the main search result for North America businesses in google, with Farmer's Market we get nearly zero results. Although, there is so many different types of markets selling a variety of things that call themselves a Produce Market, which in turn we need to be cautious with what we call this.

It's my belief that the closest to this is called a Produce Market. Although, to keep OSM from inaccurate tagging I think for now until more is discovered about the meaning of this we should stay with the term Greengrocer

comment:22 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 7393/josm:

applied #10351 - defaultpreset: Use expressions that are more common in the United States.

in reply to:  21 comment:23 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Replying to frankthetankk:

Replying to bastiK:

  • Maybe Candy store instead of Candy shop?

hmm? I think you meant this quote the other way around.

No, I somehow misread it, sorry.

I think we should change it to Public Markets.


It's my belief that the closest to this is called a Produce Market. Although, to keep OSM from inaccurate tagging I think for now until more is discovered about the meaning of this we should stay with the term Greengrocer


comment:24 by aceman, 11 years ago

Yay, this will break our translations which are probably not interested in these strings changes as they are already correct for the target language:) This seems to just add or change the British English words to US English.
But anyway, more power to cleanups. Thanks.

I got the impression from the wiki that Newsagent's shop is specifically not a "Stand". But I may be mistaken.

comment:25 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Milestone: 14.08

comment:26 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

In 7396/josm:

see #10351 - fix unit test

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