{6} Open tickets, changed/created in the last 10 days (14 matches)

Active tickets, changed/created in the last 10 days

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#23810 Way Split shows superfluous warning of splitting way with possible referrers Core defect anonymous needinfo 11 days ago
#23823 [PATCH] damn plugin: Use jakarta.json instead of javax.json Plugin damn latest defect qeef new 22 hours ago
#23820 Cannot delete empty relation Core defect jfd553 needinfo 4 days ago
#23819 [Plugin panoviewer] JOSM crashes with ```Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-lookup.c: 106: check_match: Assertion `version->filename == NULL || ! _dl_name_match_p (version->filename, map)' failed!```. Plugin latest defect team new 4 days ago
#23818 openindoor: Port 8432: Conflicts with another plugin and makes JOSM unable to startup due to conflict in port usage. Plugin openindoor defect clement_openindoor new 4 days ago
#23808 Cannot align nodes in circle on a specific way segment Core defect team reopened 11 days ago
#21242 Create autofix for sidewalk=none -> no Core validator enhancement team new 3 years ago
#23290 Validate the regions a tag is expected to be in Core enhancement team reopened 9 months ago
#23614 NPE: Cannot invoke "javax.swing.JRadioButton.isSelected()" because "this.this$0.rbGraalVMScriptingEngine" is null Plugin scripting defect anonymous needinfo 3 months ago
#21985 Allow remote control to start/stop as JOSM gains or loses window focus Core remotecontrol enhancement team new 2 years ago
#23813 [PATCH] Update recycling presets, change number of points in circles Core enhancement team new 8 days ago
#23812 Does not zoom to downloaded data Plugin reverter defect team new 9 days ago
#23484 When hitting "Upload All Changes" button the upload proceeds without the Upload window showing before Core tested defect SekeRob needinfo 5 months ago
#23802 Backup preferences files get overwritten by bad preference files Core defect team new 2 weeks ago
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