Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15085 Fetch overpass turbo queries from OSM preferences API new mirrored_download overpass turbo team enhancement normal
#15219 remote control with an Overpass query new Overpass API, remote control team enhancement normal
#19151 Wrong query generated by overpass query wizard new template_report overpass query wizard team defect normal
#20788 RespondsCode from overpass completely wrong formatted new template_report ResponseCode error overpass team defect normal
#20814 Angle / direction in bottom status bar not updated when deselecting newly drawn way new template_report angle compass_direction team defect normal
#20869 Ctrl+U "update data" sends too-large overpass query new overpass team defect normal
#22339 Too wide url confirmation window for data import from overpass turbo new gui, remote control, data, import, confirmation window, wide, width, overpass turbo team defect normal
#22967 NullPointerException on Overpass download with "out ids/tags center" new template_report overpass xml json team defect normal
#22972 I need help on adding bus routes. new download along overpass team defect normal
#23611 Support a key without `=*` in the Overpass query wizard new overpass query wizard key team enhancement normal
#23612 Comments in the Overpass query wizard output new overpass query wizard comment team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.