Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#16497 relative path in .joz session file new team enhancement normal
#18101 Josm doesn't send the changeset comment new team defect normal
#18433 An easier way to display untagged images new team enhancement normal
#20625 make changeset discussion window non modal new team enhancement normal
#20798 Use data layer for image correlation new team enhancement normal
#21331 Can't create a gpx layer from images without exporting to a file new team enhancement normal
#21334 image direction is wrong when position is beetween 2 gpx point reopened Don-vip defect normal 21.10
#21873 Upload Dialog: Checkboxes for sources new team enhancement normal
#22550 Images correlation: wrong coordinates in images new team defect normal
#22701 360 image viewer : Reset Yaw/Pitch to 0 new team enhancement normal
#22823 WMTS layer max zoom isn't detected by Josm new team defect normal
#22824 WMTS : No way to refresh capabilities manually new team defect normal
#23086 Plugin request for Panoramax new team enhancement normal
#16472 Add support to 360 / spherical image assigned Don-vip enhancement major
#18434 Edit geotagged images localization with the same tools as the nodes new team enhancement major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.