
source:trunk/resources/images/presets/misc/fixme.svg fixme and note


The mappaint style "fixme and note" highlights the tags fixme and note.

You can adjust the colours in the preference window of JOSM.

You can use this mappaint style together with the default JOSM internal mappaint style.

There are 6 style settings to disable the display of fixme or note for nodes, ways or areas.

For ideas/questions/bugs/suggestions or similar please write a message to Klumbumbus.


meta {
    title: "fixme and note";
    version: "1.0.2_2020-08-17";
    description: "Displays fixme=* and note=* coloured.";
    icon: "presets/misc/fixme.svg";
    author: "Klumbumbus";
    link: "";
    /* min-josm-version: "????"; all except very old JOSM versions */

meta[lang=de] {
    title: "fixme und note";
    description: "Zeigt fixme=* und note=* farbig an.";
    link: "";

/* Create mappaint user settings. */

setting::fixme_on_nodes {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display fixme on nodes");
    default: true;
setting::fixme_on_ways {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display fixme on ways");
    default: true;
setting::fixme_on_areas {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display fixme on areas");
    default: true;

setting::note_on_nodes {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display note on nodes");
    default: true;
setting::note_on_ways {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display note on ways");
    default: true;
setting::note_on_areas {
    type: boolean;
    label: tr("Display note on areas");
    default: true;

/* note */

node[note][setting("note_on_nodes")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    text: note;
    font-size: 11;
    text-color: note_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: note#FFFFFF;
    text-anchor-vertical: center;
    text-offset-y: 6;
    symbol-shape: circle;
    symbol-fill-color: note#FFFFFF;
    symbol-size: 10;
    symbol-stroke-color: note_text#000000;
    z-index: -1;

way!:closed[note][setting("note_on_ways")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    width: 8;
    color: note#FFFFFF;
    major-z-index: -1;

way!:closed[note][setting("note_on_ways")] {
    text: note;
    text-color: note_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: note#FFFFFF;
    font-size: 11;

area:closed[note][setting("note_on_areas")] > way::fixme_and_note_layer,
way:closed[note][setting("note_on_areas")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    width: 8;
    color: note#FFFFFF;
     major-z-index: -1;

way:closed[note][setting("note_on_areas")] {
    text: note;
    text-position: inside;
    text-color: note_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: note#FFFFFF;
    font-size: 11;

/* fixme */

node[FIXME][setting("fixme_on_nodes")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    text: tag("FIXME");
    font-size: 11;
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    text-anchor-vertical: center;
    text-offset-y: 6;
    symbol-shape: circle;
    symbol-fill-color: fixme#FF0000;
    symbol-size: 10;
    symbol-stroke-color: fixme_text#000000;
    z-index: -1;
node[fixme][setting("fixme_on_nodes")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    text: fixme;
    font-size: 11;
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    text-anchor-vertical: center;
    text-offset-y: 6;
    symbol-shape: circle;
    symbol-fill-color: fixme#FF0000;
    symbol-size: 10;
    symbol-stroke-color: fixme_text#000000;
    z-index: -1;

way!:closed[fixme][setting("fixme_on_ways")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    width: 8;
    color: fixme#FF0000;
    major-z-index: -1;

way!:closed[FIXME][setting("fixme_on_ways")] {
    text: tag("FIXME");
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    font-size: 11;
way!:closed[fixme][setting("fixme_on_ways")] {
    text: fixme;
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    font-size: 11;

area:closed[FIXME][setting("fixme_on_areas")] > way::fixme_and_note_layer,
area:closed[fixme][setting("fixme_on_areas")] > way::fixme_and_note_layer,
way:closed[fixme][setting("fixme_on_areas")]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    width: 8;
    color: fixme#FF0000;
     major-z-index: -1;

way:closed[FIXME][setting("fixme_on_areas")] {
    text: tag("FIXME");
    text-position: inside;
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    font-size: 11;
way:closed[fixme][setting("fixme_on_areas")] {
    text: fixme;
    text-position: inside;
    text-color: fixme_text#000000;
    text-halo-radius: 2;
    text-halo-color: fixme#FF0000;
    font-size: 11;

/* fixme is more important than note, so if both are tagged the style and text of fixme is used. */

/* icon text position correction, should harmonize fine with the default JOSM internal style and its icon style setting */

node[is_prop_set(icon-image, core_note_fixme)]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    text-offset-x: 4;

node[note][FIXME][is_prop_set(icon-image, core_note_fixme)]::fixme_and_note_layer,
node[note][fixme][is_prop_set(icon-image, core_note_fixme)]::fixme_and_note_layer {
    text-offset-x: 10;


Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 2020-08-17T21:42:59+02:00
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