All Tickets (including closed) (2465 matches)

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Component Ticket Milestone Priority Status Summary Created Type
Core #2173 trivial reopened Show the Progress of preparing Data after downloading an Area 15 years enhancement
Core #5115 trivial new Connection failed / text in dialogue box 14 years defect
Core #6786 trivial new Command stack conflict error message 13 years defect
Core mappaint #8588 trivial new MapCSS: pixels per meter 11 years defect
Core #8757 trivial new Display one window when merging multiple layers 11 years enhancement
Core #10004 trivial new Treat highway=* + area=yes similar to roundabouts in the relation editor. 10 years enhancement
Core #12674 trivial new Incorrect text in extrude tool 8 years defect
Core #13259 trivial new filter is not rendered correctly if you open two layers and then switch to the second 8 years defect
Core #13765 trivial new [patch needs rework] adding a button to test the proxy settings 8 years enhancement
Core validator #14155 trivial new Warning: amenity=place_of_worship inside amenity=place_of_worship 7 years defect
Core #14573 trivial new slippy map in download window jumps unexpectedly when doing a consecutive download in one session 7 years defect
Core imagery #14730 trivial new Display a notice to the user if functionality (imagery layer display) is reduced in case of low memory allocation 7 years enhancement
Core #14876 trivial new Change indication when we have clicked the second time, making a point 7 years enhancement
Core #15080 trivial new Add a "Try again" button to "Network errors occurred" dialog 7 years enhancement
Plugin piclayer #15837 trivial new Right click on layer lacks "Info" choice 6 years enhancement
Plugin piclayer #15983 trivial new Add all four image quality sliders 6 years enhancement
Core #17395 trivial new download described as upload in an error message what is a bit confusing 5 years defect
Core imagery #17618 trivial new Add {x+1} etc. tile simple math capabilities for URL templates 5 years enhancement
Core #18641 trivial new Start with empty preferences: various preferences are marked as modified 4 years defect
Core #18718 trivial new Updating of relation members connected to roundabout 4 years defect
Core #18797 trivial new Same layer name used multiple times 4 years defect
Core imagery #18921 trivial new Minimum height of dialog field to avoid endless flickering 4 years defect
Core #19529 trivial new Download Dialog: Tile numbers: Button offset 4 years defect
Core validator #20214 trivial new data/validation/tests/ should include "smoothness" 4 years enhancement
Core validator #20381 trivial new Validation text crushes ValidateUploadHook dialog. Help button missing. 3 years enhancement
Core #20406 trivial new Command Line Help: Update and additions 3 years defect
Core #20481 trivial new just an idea: 'undo' versus 'restore to' 3 years enhancement
Core #22863 trivial new Incorrect Dutch translation of preset value 14 months defect
Core #23004 trivial new Feature request: zoom + and - buttons on slippy map for download 12 months enhancement
Internal preset #23174 trivial new add location=underground to recycling container preset. 9 months enhancement
Plugin #23578 trivial new First restart after adding plugins error 3 months defect
External preset #23587 trivial new [Patch] Franchises in Korea has cuisine=Korean not cuisine=korean 2 months defect
External preset #23594 trivial new surface=unspecified in preset LCA from HDDM Optional for: LCA v1.01/Roads 2 months defect
JMapViewer #23654 trivial new [WIP patch] Attribution text misalignment 5 weeks defect
Core #794 minor new Adjacent areas 16 years enhancement
Core audio #1547 minor new Wrong play position for Audio markers 16 years defect
Core audio #1701 minor new josm should support loading multiple audio files 16 years enhancement
Core audio #2043 minor new Audio continues to run for nearly a second after clicking pause button 15 years defect
Plugin rex #2136 minor new Suggestion: instant roundabouts 15 years enhancement
Core #2335 minor new displayed modifiers in selection mode (defect and enhancement) 15 years enhancement
Core #2520 minor new ability to write commit message while working 15 years enhancement
Core #2622 minor new Displaying points count from GPX in the Layers tab 15 years enhancement
Core #3321 minor new Prevent connection of roads to specific ways 15 years enhancement
Core #3384 minor new Prevent modified status even if no real modification has been done 15 years enhancement
Core audio #3757 minor new audio play head jumps to start of the track 15 years defect
Core #3888 minor reopened Save layer doesn't update title bar 15 years enhancement
Core shortcuts #4132 minor new 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine 15 years enhancement
Core #4494 minor new conflict manager: do not block josm totally 14 years enhancement
Core #4637 minor new Add "Retry now" button to "Starting retry in X seconds" dialog 14 years enhancement
Core #4851 minor new Display of angle is wrong with projection method WGS84 14 years defect
Core #4929 minor new Filtered and disabled objects can be selected 14 years defect
Core #5124 minor new relation merge 14 years enhancement
Core image mapping #5151 minor new button for DST in photo referencing 14 years enhancement
Plugin #5194 minor new Add/edit multiple point/objects/POI in a table/grid. 14 years enhancement
Core #5253 minor new Starting retry... in upload dialog remains after upload starts 14 years enhancement
Core #5650 minor new The term 'key:' can only be the last term of a multiple AND search expression. 14 years defect
Core #6231 minor new "Update modified" not disabled even if nothing has been modified. 13 years defect
Core #6423 minor new Impossible to simplify the "shared" parts of "overlapping ways" 13 years enhancement
Core #6429 minor new Extend "Jump to Position" function to support different coordinate formats 13 years enhancement
Core #6661 minor new Wish: show Relation with a more width Line 13 years enhancement
Core #7097 minor new multi-line value editor in advanced preferences and copy-paste 13 years enhancement
Core #7105 minor new in extrusion mode, make ctrl+shift rotate selection 13 years enhancement
Core #7496 minor new Suggestion of a more intuitive UI design 12 years enhancement
Core #7526 minor new downloading new map paint styles hangs prefs dialog 12 years enhancement
Core #8268 minor new Not animated progress bar after 50k/10k changeset 12 years defect
Core #8432 minor new Create closed way 11 years enhancement
Core #8448 minor new Tag editor: "short cuts" for tag combinations 11 years enhancement
Core #8463 minor new Command stack (undo/redo) should be per object 11 years enhancement
Core #8831 minor new Extruding after extrude+add not possible 11 years defect
Core #8844 minor new "Toggle panels" action move displayed map about 1 pixel 11 years defect
Plugin openinghourseditor #8965 minor new timespan ::= ... wrong specification, so is generation wrong too? 11 years defect
Core #9260 minor new Zoom level changes when downloading map data 11 years defect
Core mappaint #9920 minor new make plus sign between two nodes of a line changeable with macss mappaint style 10 years enhancement
Core validator #9924 minor new same geom and all tag of one way are include in the second 10 years enhancement
Core #9935 minor new Generic building tool 10 years enhancement
Core #10098 minor reopened adding a new tag with a already existing key makes you loose your value if you do not overwrite 10 years enhancement
Core mappaint #10420 minor new Reload images on change 10 years enhancement
Core validator #11374 minor new Wrong validator assert does not give a hint about the line 9 years defect
Internal preset #11417 minor new [PATCH] update dump station preset: add freshwater fill tag 9 years enhancement
Core imagery #11825 minor assigned Set imagery.wms.simultaneousConnections to 6 by default 9 years enhancement
Core #11990 minor new Add tags: useful suggestions 9 years enhancement
Core #12067 minor new Dragging layer list items needs two clicks 9 years enhancement
Core #12266 minor new Also JOSM core must demystify Wikidata tags 8 years enhancement
Core #12359 minor new Import JOSM-Presets via JOSM-RemoteControl 8 years enhancement
Core validator #12493 minor new [PATCH] Categorize 'Way end node near other highway' warnings. 8 years enhancement
Core #12676 minor new Run validaton after Fast Draw finished way construction 8 years enhancement
Plugin reverter #12683 minor new hotkey for reverter plugin not working without data layer 8 years defect
Plugin reverter #12684 minor new Varying behaviour when undeleting a changeset 8 years defect
Core #12697 minor new Improve conflicts window usability 8 years enhancement
Plugin simplifyArea #12788 minor new Misleading message for different defaul values 8 years enhancement
Core #12827 minor new Rough ETA display while uploading data 8 years enhancement
Core validator #12918 minor new Warn about 1,2,3,4,5 year old shops/amenities 8 years enhancement
Core validator #13444 minor new A Validator Warning should be produced when Parking Access Tag Keys not correct 8 years enhancement
Core #13452 minor new Not able to use/set visibility of the server (re-download after local deletion) 8 years enhancement
Core #13546 minor new Overlapping characters in textboxes with very long strings 8 years defect
Core #13621 minor new Disconnect node from way: incorrect message and option to disconnect from more than one way at once 8 years defect
Core #13667 minor new osm-obj-info plugin can replace advanced info 8 years enhancement
Core #13704 minor new file rename process unexpectedly aborts 8 years enhancement
Core #13925 minor new Enable edit button when utilsplugin2 enabled 8 years enhancement
Core #14274 minor new Autocomplete in relation editor behaves different from Tags/Memberships dialog 7 years defect
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