Note: This page is for historical interest only. It was made in June 2007.
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Introduction into JOSM
(date: 2006-04-23)
This is a brief introduction on how to get starting with JOSM. It covers the installation of JOSM as well as the basic steps to get your first edit uploaded. Beware however, that this video is really outdated (was my first one), so many menus and dialogs look different now.
extern: youtube
Raw GPS Points and Photos
Introduction into what those Raw GPS Tracklogs are for and how to load them from a file. The video also shows how to use the feature of importing Photos taken during your trip.
extern: youtube
Resolving Conflicts
This demo explains what conflicts are, when they can occur and how to solve them.
Preferences, Reorder and Toolbar customisation
This flash video shows how to use the advanced preferences settings to specify undocumented preferences (Hint: The osm-server.version is now 0.4 by default, you don't need this anymore). Also, the customisation of the toolbar and the "Reorder Segments" is explained.
First Edit Ever, Second Edit
Still an older version of JOSM, but nice to give you an idea how to move around in the basic editor.
No image available
Attachments (4)
- josm-introduction.jpg (5.3 KB ) - added by 18 years ago.
- josm-rawgpstracks.jpg (13.3 KB ) - added by 18 years ago.
- josm-resolving-conflicts.jpg (11.4 KB ) - added by 18 years ago.
- preferences_toolbar_reorder.jpg (13.9 KB ) - added by 18 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip