
Version 11 (modified by skyper, 4 years ago) ( diff )

corrected link

Public Transport GTFS

This preset adds additional tags for public transportation tagging. One major part are tags to use with GTFS and PTNA.

Help needed

Please, feel free to:

  • enhance and update the preset
  • translate
    • Due to #11392 translation is still only possible within the source code.
  • create some nice icons.
  • write me an email


  • This tagging schema is still under heavy development and therefore the preset might change in near future.
  • Watch out: Due to #19392 it is dangerous to use the preset links within the presets if opened from the relation editor.

Supported Tags

Source code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<presets xmlns=""
  shortdescription="Public Transport GTFS"
  description="Additional tags for public transportation including tags for GTFS and PTNA"

  <!-- Chunks -->
  <chunk id="cond">
      <text key="duration:conditional" text="Conditional duration" />
      <text key="interval:conditional" text="Conditional interval" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="short">
      <text key="network:short" text="Common short network" alternative_autocomplete_keys="network" />
      <text key="operator:short" text="Common short operator" lternative_autocomplete_keys="operator" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="gtfs_name">
      <text key="gtfs:name" text="GTFS name" alternative_autocomplete_keys="name" />

  <chunk id="feed_guid">
      <space />
      <label text="Only one of the following tags is needed for PTNA:" />
      <text key="network:guid" text="General unified network id" match="key" />
      <text key="operator:guid" text="General unified operator id" match="key" />
      <text key="gtfs:feed" text="General GTFS feed" match="key" />
      <item_separator />
      <text key="gtfs:source_date" text="Date of the GTFS source" match="key" />
      <reference ref="gtfs_name" />
      <item_separator />
      <reference ref="short" />

  <chunk id="route_id">
      <space />
      <text key="gtfs:route_id" text="GTFS route id" match="key" />

  <chunk id="shape_id">
      <space />
      <text key="gtfs:route_id" text="GTFS route id" />
      <text key="gtfs:shape_id" text="GTFS shape id" match="key" />
      <optional text="Use one of the following, if no `shape_id` exists:">
          <text key="ref_trips" text="Common GTFS trip reference (= shape_id)" match="key" />
          <text key="gtfs:ref_trip" text="Concrete GTFS trip reference (= trip_id" match="key" />
          <space />
          <label text="Only to be used if the relation represents one, single trip" />
          <text key="gtfs:trip_id" text="GTFS trip id" match="key" />
      <item_separator />

  <chunk id="note_gtfs">
      <text key="note:gtfs" text="Note about GTFS" />

  <chunk id="source_note">
      <text key="source" text="Source" />
      <reference ref="note_gtfs" />

  <chunk id="stop_all">
      <space />
      <label text="    Format is:    `Country code`:`Admin area`:`General stop id`:`Level id`:`Quay id`        " />
      <space />
      <label text="    Regex:              [a-z]{2}:[0-9]{5}:[1-9][0-9]{0,4}:[1-9][0-9]{0,1}:[1-9][0-9]{0,1}  " />
      <space />
      <text key="ref:IFOPT" text="IFOPT reference" length="18" match="key" />
      <text key="ref:IFOPT:description" text="IFOPT description" />
      <reference ref="gtfs_name" />
      <item_separator />
      <reference ref="short" />
      <space />
      <reference ref="note_gtfs" />
      <space />

  <!-- Group -->
  <group name="GTFS" icon="presets/transport/bus.svg">
      <item name="Stop - GTFS" icon="presets/transport/stop_position.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="node">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <combo key="railway" text="Railway" values="stop" />
          <text key="local_ref" text="Local reference" length="3"/>
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Stop Position" />
      <item name="Platform - GTFS" icon="presets/transport/platform.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="node,way,closedway,multipolygon">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <text key="local_ref" text="Local reference" length="3"/>
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Platform" />
      <item name="Stop Area - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/interpolation.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <space />
          <reference ref="stop_all" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Stop Area" />
      <separator/> <!-- Stops -->

      <item name="Route - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="shape_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="cond" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public Transport Route (Bus)" />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public Transport Route (Rail)" />
      <item name="Route Master - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="route_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <combo key="quality" name="Quality" delimiter="|" values="complete|complete, ordered|incomplete" values_searchable="true" values_sort="false" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Route Master" />
      <item name="Route (Ptv1) - GTFS" icon="presets/misc/route.svg" preset_name_label="true" type="way,closedway,relation">
          <link wiki="General_Transit_Feed_Specification" />
          <reference ref="route_id" />
          <reference ref="feed_guid" />
          <reference ref="cond" />
          <reference ref="source_note" />
          <space />
          <preset_link preset_name="Public transport route (Legacy)" />
  </group> <!-- Routes -->


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.