
Disc Golf Tagging presets

The following is a set of presets which are used in Disc Golf.

See also

The preset itself

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<presets xmlns="" 
description="Presets for Mapping of Disc Golf Courses"
shortdescription="Disc Golf Courses"

fr.description="Balises spécifiques aux terrains de Disc Golf."
fr.shortdescription="Terrain de Disc Golf"

link = "">

        <group name="Disc Golf" icon="presets/sport/golf.svg">
                <item name="Disc golf course" type="relation,closedway,node""Terrain de disc golf" preset_name_label="true">
                        <label text="A disc golf course is a place or area where you can play disc golf" />
                        <space />
                        <key key="leisure" value="disc_golf_course"/>
                        <text key="name" text="Name" />
                <item name="Tee""Abschlagzone""Aire de départ" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
                        <label text="A tee is the starting point from where the first throw is made. It is marked and sometimes have different surface material than the surroundings." />
                        <space />
                        <key key="disc_golf" value="tee"/>
                <item name="Basket" type="node""Panier" preset_name_label="true">
                        <label text="Location of the basket.  A basket is the goal. It is usually a fixed special designed basket" />
                        <space />
                        <key key="disc_golf" value="basket"/>
                        <text key="ref" text="Ref"   />
                <item name="Way to basket""Chemin vers la corbeille" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
                        <label text="Way from tee to the basket (ideal line)" />
                        <space />
                        <key key="disc_golf" value="hole"/>
                        <text key="name" text="Name"   />
                        <text key="ref" text="Ref"   />
                        <text key="par" text="Par"   />
                        <text key="dist" text="Distance from tee"  />
                <item name="Disc Golf Course" type="relation" preset_name_label="true" >
                        <label text="Relation englobing all baskets of this course. If there is more than 1 course, specify different names, i.e. - 9 baskets and ... - 18 baskets" />
                        <space />
                        <key key="type" value="disc_golf_course" />
                <text key="name" text="Name" fr.text="Nom du parcours"   />
                                <role key="hole" text="Basket" fr.text="Corbeilles" requisite="required" type="way" count="18" />



Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 2018-03-24T15:03:08+01:00
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