Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Help/Plugin/MapWithAI
- Timestamp:
- 2024-02-27T19:32:05+01:00 (12 months ago)
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v15 v16 1 [[TranslatedPages]] 2 3 1 4 = MapWithAI = 2 5 Allows the use of MapWithAI data in JOSM. 3 6 == Features == #Features 4 * Located in **[ [Action/Download|Download Data]]**: Download arbitrary data (non-cropped at this time) inthe `Download from MapWithAI API`tab-- ''note that you cannot download multiple MapWithAI layers''5 * Located in **[ [Menu/Data|data menu]]**7 * Located in **[wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download Data]**: Download arbitrary data (non-cropped at this time) with the `Download from MapWithAI API` checkbox -- ''note that you cannot download multiple MapWithAI layers'' 8 * Located in **[wikitr:/Help/Menu/Data data menu]**: 6 9 * **MapWithAI: Download data**: Download MapWithAI data from the current download area (if more than one layer, a dialog will ask for a layer to be selected). This is dependent upon configured URLs (defaults to MapWithAI). 7 10 {{{#!comment … … 11 14 * **MapWithAI: Attempt to merge potentially duplicate ways** ''([wikitr:/Help/ExpertMode expert mode] only)'': Attempt to merge potentially duplicate ways. Done automatically for MapWithAI data, but is available for other uses (may or may not work as expected). 12 15 * [#RemoteControl Remote Control] + [#UploadHooks Upload Hooks] 13 * Map paint style 16 * Map paint style: 14 17 * Automatically added by the plugin 15 18 * Can be automatically toggled on/off with the `MapWithAI` layer (this requires the `MapWithAI` plugin) … … 43 46 == Installation 44 47 === Mandatory 45 1. see [ [Help/Preferences/Plugins]] for details)48 1. see [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Plugins Preferences > Plugins] for details. 46 49 === Paintstyle (Plugin should automatically add and enable it) 47 1. Start JOSM 48 2. Open JOSM Preferences 49 3. Go to `Map Settings` (the globe with a grid over it) 50 4. Go to `Map Paint Styles` 51 5. Add `MapWithAI` from the `Available style` list 52 6. Press OK 50 1. Start JOSM. 51 1. Open JOSM Preferences. 52 1. Go to [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference Map Paint Styles] 53 1. Add `MapWithAI` from the `Available style` list. 54 1. Press OK. 53 55 == Basic Usage ==#BasicUsage 54 56 Please note that the screen shots were taken with `Expert Mode` checked in JOSM preferences. You may not see all the actions available without that check, the missing actions may be buggy or for a niche audience. 55 57 1. Prepare the area of interest as usual by downloading OSM data and choosing a background imagery. 56 2. Download data from MapWithAI by going to the `Data` -> `MapWithAI: Download Data`. The default keyboard shortcut is **`Ctrl+R`** (`Cmd+R` on Mac).58 1. Download data from MapWithAI by going to the `Data` -> `MapWithAI: Download Data`. The default keyboard shortcut is **`Ctrl+R`** (`Cmd+R` on Mac). 57 59 \\ 58 60 [[Image(GetData.png, alt=Download Data, center, 80%, link=)]]\\ 59 61 \\ 60 This simply uses the OSM data boundaries for the MapWithAI download too. 61 If several data layers are loaded, a dialog will ask from which layer the data boundaries should give the target for the MapWithAI download. 62 This simply uses the OSM data boundaries for the MapWithAI download too.\\ 63 If several data layers are loaded, a dialog will ask from which layer the data boundaries should give the target for the MapWithAI download. \\ 62 64 MapWithAI holds all of its data in one single layer. 63 65 {{{#!comment … … 66 68 67 69 3. Switch to the `MapWithAI` layer if it is not already activated. 68 4. Select objects to add to the topmost OSM data layer.69 5. Add the selected objects by going to `Data` -> `MapWithAI: Add selected data` (default keyboard shortcut is **`Shift+A`**)70 3. Select objects to add to the topmost OSM data layer. 71 3. Add the selected objects by going to `Data` -> `MapWithAI: Add selected data` (default keyboard shortcut is **`Shift+A`**). 70 72 71 73 [[Image(SaveData.png, alt=Add selected data, center, 80%, link=)]] … … 106 108 107 109 === Changeset tags === #ChangesetTags 108 * `mapwithai`: The count of OSM objects added and still present from the MapWithAI layer (splits and deletions may cause this to be inaccurate) 109 * `mapwithai:options`: A semi-colon (`;`) separated list of non-default options 110 * `mapwithai`: The count of OSM objects added and still present from the MapWithAI layer (splits and deletions may cause this to be inaccurate). 111 * `mapwithai:options`: A semi-colon (`;`) separated list of non-default options: 110 112 * `version`: The version of the MapWithAI plugin. Added in case there is a severe bug so it can be blacklisted. 111 * `task`: The bounding box for a task, if one is detected 113 * `task`: The bounding box for a task, if one is detected. 112 114 * `maxadd`: The maximum number of MapWithAI objects that were permitted to be added per operation. `<1` indicates that the user was able to add any number of objects (may indicate an undocumented import). 113 115 * `url`: Shows non-default urls. Always the last `mapwithai:option`. … … 119 121 === Building === 120 122 [ Building and Testing] 123 124 125 ---- 126 Back to [wikitr:/Plugins#JOSMdocu Plugin Help] \\ 127 Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]