| 1 | [[TranslatedPages]] |
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| 3 | = Plugin -> UtilsPlugin2 -> Split Object = |
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| 5 | [[Image(source:/osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/utilsplugin2/images/splitobject.png,link=,middle,48,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Alt+X`** |
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| 7 | **Split an object at selected nodes.** Splits an area, [[JOSMImage(data/closedway)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#area closed way] and multipolygon or boundary [[JOSMImage(data/relation)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Relations relation] into two parts. |
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| 9 | Select the area and a way connected to the outline at its end nodes and split the area. Currently this action only works with a single way to split along and only with relations with a single outer ring formed by all members with role `outer`. Additionally, all members of the relation have to be downloaded. |
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| 11 | ---- |
| 12 | Back to [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/UtilsPlugin2 UtilsPlugin2 Help] \\ |
| 13 | Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help] |