
Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#9900 new enhancement

Add `Paste Tags` action to popup items in `Tags/Memberships` toggledialog

Reported by: A_Pirard Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: Paste Keys Values Cc: A_Pirard


I applaud at the new Windows>Tags/Memberships contextual menu Copy&Paste.
But I would really cheer at "Paste all Keys/Values" (applying also to blank space as Add).
This would not only allow copy & paste all tags say from an old house to all new houses, but also allow applying tag examples copied from a Web page or some other instructions.
Please note that "Copy all Keys/Values" = "Select all" + "Copy Key/Value". (one more action at no more menu space cost).
As many TIAs as contributors to a great program.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

So if I sum up your need, you'd like to have the "Paste tags" action (Ctrl-Shift-V), which does copy tags from text clipboard, available in contextual menu of "tags/memberships" toggle dialog.

Am I right?

comment:2 by A_Pirard, 11 years ago

Oops, I had not spotted Edit>Paste Tags and it is indeed what I suggest.
The same oversight could unfortunately happen to other people indeed.
I had used Copy&Paste element before, but not just "Paste Tags".
It's great but somewhat unexpected that "Paste Tags" works after either "Copy"=>"node X" or "Copy all Keys/Values"=>tags list.
"Copy all Keys/Values" might be named "Copy Tags" for uniformity with "Paste Tags".
And if the context menu user missed "Paste Tags", the Edit menu user might miss "Copy Tags" which is better to do the following.
I let you ponder about these confusions and see what can be improved for the user to make great discoveries.
BTW: popup for pasting invalid tag data refers to non-existing En:Help/Action/PasteTags which refers to UK:... containing Russian.
Thanks for your attention.

Copy&Paste make it great to create new similar tag sets.
If I were to make instructions for them to maintain the COVOIT'STOP data themselves, I would tell them "paste this" and change ref

name=Arrêt covoiturage

comment:3 by simon04, 9 years ago

Summary: suggesting useful Windows>Tags/Memberships>Paste all Keys/ValuesReword "Paste all Keys/Values"

comment:4 by A_Pirard, 9 years ago

Please note that this ticket is not about rewording but adding a menu entry !!!
While we are at it, I find that Key/Value makes that menu confusing (bushy).
And that, just as Edit>Paste Tags does it, the following is more readable:

Copy Value
Copy selected Tag(s)
Copy all Tags

Paste Value
Paste Tags

And while we are still at it, I'm shocked by the word "Delete" for a layer.
That's because no data is deleted, the ususal word is "Remove".
If we accustom someone to use Delete when nothing is deleted,
then he could as well falsely click Delete when it *is* deleted.

comment:5 by A_Pirard, 9 years ago

Summary: Reword "Paste all Keys/Values"Add "Windows>Tags...>Paste Tags"

comment:6 by taylor.smock, 17 months ago

Summary: Add "Windows>Tags...>Paste Tags"Add `Paste Tags` action to popup items in `Tags/Memberships` toggledialog

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