
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#9463 closed enhancement (fixed)

[Patch] add filtering of tags

Reported by: mkoniecz Owned by: simon04
Priority: normal Milestone: 15.11
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Sometimes I modify only some tags (for example - lit, surface), there are some that I never edit (ref, sidewalk) or ones that are pointless but there is a local consensus to not remove them (oneway=no).

Currently there is no way to hide tags in the way that it is possible to hide entire objects.

And a feature like this would be really helpful for me in editing.

Attachments (3)

0001-see-9463-Refactoring.patch (14.6 KB ) - added by simon04 9 years ago.
0002-fix-9463-Properties-dialog-add-text-field-for-tag-fi.patch (9.3 KB ) - added by simon04 9 years ago.
2015-10-18-204253_477x245_scrot.png (11.2 KB ) - added by simon04 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Could be implemented with r6314 as example of similar feature.

by simon04, 9 years ago

by simon04, 9 years ago

comment:2 by simon04, 9 years ago

Milestone: 15.11
Owner: changed from team to simon04
Summary: add filtering of tags[Patch] add filtering of tags

Filtering added similarly as for the relation list dialog:

comment:3 by simon04, 9 years ago

In 8979/josm:

see #9463 - Refactoring

  • Refactor SearchCompiler to work with Tagged instances
  • Extract CompileSearchTextDecorator from RelationListDialog

comment:4 by simon04, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 8980/josm:

fix #9463 - Properties dialog: add text field for tag filtering

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