
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#9033 closed defect (fixed)

use styles for tracktype only if highway=track is taged

Reported by: osm@… Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Internal mappaint style Version: tested
Keywords: tracktype Cc:


in OSM-data there are also some tracktype=* who are taged together with highway!=track. This leads to a random style of the way. For example: highway=unclassified and tracktype=grade2. If you split such a way maybe one way gets displayed as highway=unclassified and the other one as tracktype=grade2.

Adding <condition k="highway" v="track"/> to each rule for tracktype will solve this issue.

<!-- tracktype tags -->

		<condition k="highway" v="track"/>
		<condition k="tracktype" v="grade1"/>
		<line width="1" realwidth="3" dashed="2" colour="highway_track#006600"/>
		<icon annotate="true" src="misc/deprecated.png"/>

		<condition k="highway" v="track"/>
		<condition k="tracktype" v="grade2"/>
		<line width="1" realwidth="3" dashed="4" colour="highway_track#006600"/>
		<icon annotate="true" src="misc/deprecated.png"/>

		<condition k="highway" v="track"/>
		<condition k="tracktype" v="grade3"/>
		<line width="1" realwidth="3" dashed="6" colour="highway_track#006600"/>
		<icon annotate="true" src="misc/deprecated.png"/>

		<condition k="highway" v="track"/>
		<condition k="tracktype" v="grade4"/>
		<line width="1" realwidth="3" dashed="8" colour="highway_track#006600"/>
		<icon annotate="true" src="misc/deprecated.png"/>

		<condition k="highway" v="track"/>
		<condition k="tracktype" v="grade5"/>
		<line width="1" realwidth="3" dashed="10" colour="highway_track#006600"/>
		<icon annotate="true" src="misc/deprecated.png"/>

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 6212/josm:

applied #9033 - use styles for tracktype only if highway=track is tagged (patch by osm@…)

comment:2 by bastiK, 11 years ago

Thanks, please try to create a patch file next time.

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