
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#8520 closed enhancement (duplicate)

Validator error for keys suffixed with :lanes

Reported by: imagic Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The validator should show an error in the following case:

  • count the number of the character | (vertical bar) in the value of keys which end with any of the following: :lanes, lanes:forward, lanes:backward, lanes:both_ways . Consider the value for each suffix separately.
  • If for any suffix the number of the character | is greater than zero, all keys with the same suffix must have the same number of | . Otherwise show an error: In case of keys suffixed with :lanes show "Number of lane dependent values inconsistent". For keys with different suffixes show "Number of lane dependent values inconsistent in XXX direction" whereas XXX should be the direction suffix like forward, backward or both_ways.

turn:lanes=left|right + change:lanes=only_left|not_right|yes

Error: Number of lane dependent values inconsistent

width:lanes:forward=1|2|3 + psv:lanes:forward=no|designated

Error: Number of lane dependent values inconsistent in forward direction

change:lanes:forward=yes|no + turn:lanes:backward=left|right|left

Ok - no error (different suffixes)

turn:lanes:forward=left|right + change:lanes:forward=yes|no|yes + width:backward=1|2|3

Error: Number of lane dependent values inconsistent in forward direction

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comment:1 by imagic, 11 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Closed as duplicate of #8519.

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