
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#5900 new enhancement

Presets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value

Reported by: Fabi2 Owned by: ce
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: preset combo key Cc: skyper

Description (last modified by skyper)

To circumvent the bad parsing bahaviour of keys styled as:


I let the user choose a fixed predefined values in the key in this proposal:

Yes, this is now very common until now, but I don't want to see e.g. 10 values (or maybe more) as here in the value field, even when some people tried to convince me to use a key such as health_specialty=a;b;c;d;... as the next will enter the same as e.g. health_specialty=b;d;a;c;... and so on.

This is why the requested feature should made it possible to present a list of fixed predefined values as already possible with:




but only for the value and not for the key.

The usage concept should be one of the following two cases:

  1. It is only possible to select a value from a pre-defined list in the combo box, which is read only. The value of the key must then be a fixed value such as "yes". This single combo box will be presented to the user as it is still done.
  1. It should optional possible to put a second combo box for the value beside the first one for the key. Which works as it already did. In this case the user should be forced to select a value from the combo box for the key first, if it is set to undefined. After he selected one of the pre-defined keys, the second value combo box will be actived, which is disabled otherwise..

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Change History (8)

comment:1 by Fabi2, 14 years ago

Summary: Presets: combo box syled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined valuePresets: combo box styled element to setting the key to a fixed predefined value

comment:2 by Fabi2, 14 years ago

Forget about the above, as this is more a kind of misconcept. What I want is some kind of block element, as now only one key can be set, when I slect a value e.g. from a combo box.

Such when someone selects maxillofacial surgery I can set health_specialty:maxillofacial_surgery=yes I can also set health_specialty:dentistry=yes and health_specialty:surgery=yes, which will be unset, if the user switches to e.g. family madicine, which is only health_specialty:family_medicine=yes.

This would be more complicated, but I would at least make this feature request to make it known and will still use my workaround.

comment:3 by bastiK, 14 years ago

Do you know about the multiselect feature, e.g. for cuisine and vending in latest josm? Am I right in thinking that you want the same GUI, but instead of setting one tag vending=toys;sweets you want it to set the tags vending:toys=yes and vending:sweets=yes, yes?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by Fabi2, 14 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

Do you know about the multiselect feature, e.g. for cuisine and vending in latest josm?

Yes, I read about it in the presets documentation, but as written in the first post, if I understand it right, this can only set the value.

Replying to bastiK:

Am I right in thinking that you want the same GUI, but instead of setting one tag vending=toys;sweets you want it to set the tags vending:toys=yes and vending:sweets=yes, yes?

If you mean, that both keys are set together with one user operation, then you are right.

I want something like the block/scope feature of many programming languages. E.g. when the user selects "Physician's office" from a combo box then health_facility:type=office, office=physician and amenity=doctors should be set, but when he selects "Therapists's office", then only health_facility:type=office, office=therapist should be set. I can use <key> for setting health_facility:type=office, but then I have problems, with setting the other keys.

This was the problem, which was behind, what i tried to describe with 2nd case in the first posting. I first thought, that it would be useful to have a control to set the key from a list, for these, key:subkey=value cases, but I missed there, that additional an other key must be set, for some of the selections.

But this problem additional also applies to the GUI controls. Which means, after I selected "Physician's office", you have to select the specialty. Let's say there is a combo box with "Family medicine" (German:"Allgemeinmedizin") and "Internal medicine". If the user selects "Family medicine" then {{health_specialty:family:medicine}}} is set. But e.g. in Germany, a physician of the specialty "internal medicine", can personal decide to also be a physician of family medicine (German: "Hausarzt"). So if "Internal medicine" is selected, the user should be asked if the pysician is als a "Hausarzt".

Until now, I solved the problem by making a preset for every specialty, which includes the optional options/questtions.
E.g. also such simple things such an ophthalmologist (German:"Augenarzt") is trained to do surgery on the eyes, but most don't do it in reality, if they only have their own small office (proposed to be tagged as health_specialty:surgery=trained and health_specialty:ophthalmology=yes) and dont work in a hospital or clinic, which should be tagged as health_specialty:surgery=yes and health_specialty:ophthalmology=yes.

comment:5 by Fabi2, 14 years ago

There was a discussion in the German forum about the same issue, in relation to the new public_transport scheme: Maybe this helps to make it a bit more clear what I meant.

comment:6 by simon04, 13 years ago

Component: CoreInternal preset
Owner: changed from team to ce

comment:7 by skyper, 12 years ago

Cc: skyper added
Description: modified (diff)

comment:8 by skyper, 11 years ago

Component: Internal presetCore
Keywords: preset combo key added

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