
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#5285 closed enhancement (fixed)

[PATCH] Missing icons in presets menus

Reported by: erwandf Owned by: erwandf
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Internal preset Version: latest
Keywords: icons presets Cc: ulfl


Some icons are missing in the preset menus, although they exist. This patch will just replace the empty.png link by the already contained icons

Attachments (1)

icons.diff (17.1 KB ) - added by erwandf 15 years ago.
patch for displaying icons in presets menus

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by erwandf, 15 years ago

Attachment: icons.diff added

patch for displaying icons in presets menus

comment:1 by bastiK, 15 years ago

Summary: Missing icons in presets menus[PATCH] Missing icons in presets menus

The map paint icons are currently not used by presets menu. They are not a core part of JOSM, but included as external reference. However I don't know the history of this system. Christian, do you know the details?

comment:2 by ce, 15 years ago

  • Mappaint and presets have formerly been maintained by different people, namely Ulf and myself.
  • Ulf had a point that people recognize stuff by consistent icons (I agreed). He thus prefered to have any icon, regardless how pixellated and difficult to understand it was (I disagreed). For example, see the icons for weirs or playgrounds. The are barely understood unless you tell the user what htey mean. IMO such icons shouldn't be used.
  • As many preset dialogs allow various settings, the preset menu icons need to be more generalized, while the mappaint icons need to be specialized.
  • In the preset menus, you can omit an icon in case you have not an intuitive one. In mappaint, you should have an icon for each recognized tag combination.
  • In mappaint, you need unique icons. In the presets, you do not necessarily need unique icons, but you need additional icons for the groups.
  • Formerly, the presets toolbar required 32px icons, while in mappaint one needs 16px icons.
  • We tried to find a system to unify icon usage at the Essen OSM hackers workshop. Unfortunately we didn't manage to get a consensus.
  • Theoretically, the mappaint style can be change (e.g. to cope with different viewport background colors) while the preset icons need to match the grey menu background.
  • At the Essen workshop, we have been discussing that icons should be chosen by mappaint automatically according to the tags in order to reduce the need of manual maintenance. Unfortunately we didn't find a working system.
  • Any icons should be vector graphics (e.g. SVG) and (if necessary) should be converted to raster graphics during build time.
  • The icons should not be unique for JOSM but available to other editors and renderers as well via the OSM SVN.
  • We are missing a usable and consistent icon set. An artist is desperately wanted to do this job.

My personal take:

  • Currently the icons for mappaint and the presets are separated with reason. It's redundant, but allows to address some of the abovementioned issues. It should be kept separate until we have a better system.
  • It was desirable to get consistent SVG icons.
  • It was desirable to get an automated icon selection system.
  • It was desirable to unify icon handling.
  • etc.

comment:3 by bastiK, 15 years ago

Cc: ulfl added

Thanks for the insight!

Some of the images in this patch seem to be acceptable for presets, even with the low resolution. (Isn't there higher res. available?)

E.g. archery, beverages, dentist, florist, hair dresser, toys

comment:4 by stoecker, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from ce to erwandf
Status: newneedinfo

Still an issue after rework by Ulf?

comment:5 by ulfl, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: needinfoclosed

(In [3498]) fix #5285: add the remaining icons listed in the attachment to the presets
add aerialway=goods

comment:6 by ulfl, 14 years ago

I've added the remaining icons from the attachment to the presets.

My general thoughts on this: It is important to have consistent presets and mappaint. Both should have - where suitable - the same icons for the same things.

From a usability standpoint, it's a "no go" to add something using the presets and see a different icon in the map. BTW: If something has no icon in the presets, it's less useful in the toolbar.

I do agree that a consistent set of good icons from a gifted artist (not me :-) would be beneficial.

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