
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4790 closed defect (fixed)

[patch] Fully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failed since OSM switched to HTTPS

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Gubaer
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: patch Cc:


The fully automatic retrieval of an OAuth access token failed with the error message org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.oauth.OsmOAuthAuthorizationException: OSM website did not return a session cookie in response to ''

Although I don't know the josm code, I could imagine that the problem lies with the redirect to https on the login page.

Since a couple of weeks the OSM webpage supports and requires secure http for all operations involving the user password. The webserver thus responds with a 301 moved permanently redirect to the the https site and it appears as if the JOSM code does not correctly handle this.

JOSM should then also not warn about the unsecure password transmission when using OAuth

Tested with JOSM version 3151

Attachments (1)

use-https-login.patch (997 bytes ) - added by avarab@… 15 years ago.
Implement a TODO in the source and use HTTPS login instead of HTTP

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by anonymous, 15 years ago

This bug is very easy to fix by simply changing http to https in OsmOAuthAuthorization.buildOsmLoginUrl(). After that, automatic login to works again.

It would probably be better though, if josm could automatically deal with either protocol, as otherwise automatic retrieval of OAuth tokens against the dev servers wouldn't work, as those don't support https.

It would be very good if this could be fixed, as OAuth should really be the default way to authenticate against the api in order to protect users passwords, instead of sending them unencrypted over the network for every call.

by avarab@…, 15 years ago

Attachment: use-https-login.patch added

Implement a TODO in the source and use HTTPS login instead of HTTP

comment:2 by avarab@…, 15 years ago

Keywords: patch added
Priority: normalcritical
Summary: Fully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failedFully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failed since OSM switched to HTTPS

Bumping priority. The OAuth feature doesn't work *at all* due to this bug.

Since the OSM website always uses HTTPS now I've patched it to just use that.

comment:3 by stoecker, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from team to Gubaer
Summary: Fully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failed since OSM switched to HTTPS[patch] Fully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failed since OSM switched to HTTPS


Can you verify this. I never used OAuth myself. But the patch looks straighforward to me.

comment:4 by stoecker, 15 years ago

Probably we should me the "https" a hidden configurable option? This way can support the devservers as well.

comment:5 by stoecker, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [3188]) close #4790 - OAuth uses HTTPS

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