
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#2766 closed enhancement (fixed)

Provide configuration checkbox in upload dialog for enabling/disabling changesets

Reported by: katpatuka Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: atomic upload Cc: Gubaer


I traced the lake "Qiandao Lake" (see wiki) newly because there was only a ~750-node lake (AND data). Upload seems to stall with a timeout after 60 to 80 seconds without josm giving any error.

(Data included)

Attachments (1)

lake.osm.gz (141.8 KB ) - added by katpatuka 16 years ago.
osm file of new Qiandao Lake

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

by katpatuka, 16 years ago

Attachment: lake.osm.gz added

osm file of new Qiandao Lake

comment:1 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from team to katpatuka
Status: newneedinfo

I think this is plainly a server timeout or something like that due to a large number of data. You should retry.

A note: the relation should be "type=multipolygon and natural=water" instead of "type=lake".

comment:2 by katpatuka, 16 years ago

I tried more than 10 times to upload... I don't get no error, nothing, just sort of timeout.
Feel free to try an upload yourself...

comment:3 by Gubaer, 16 years ago

  • Go to Preferences -> "Einstein dialog"
  • set osm-server.atomic-upload to false
  • try to upload again. This will use a lot of small uploads instead of one gigantic diff upload.

comment:4 by katpatuka, 16 years ago

With osm-server.atomic-upload=false I get error:

PUT Bad Request
Error header: Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node visible="true" version="0" lat="29.662" lon="118.93175"/>. Changeset id is missing
got exception: ResponseCode=400, Error Header=<Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node visible="true" version="0" lat="29.662" lon="118.93175"/>. Changeset id is missing>,Error Body=<Cannot parse valid node from xml string <node visible="true" version="0" lat="29.662" lon="118.93175"/>. Changeset id is missing>

comment:5 by Gubaer, 16 years ago

You'll have to update to JOSM latest. I've recently fixed that in in r1682.

Be careful with JOSM latest, though. It's less stable than the tested version.

comment:6 by katpatuka, 16 years ago

Keywords: atomic upload added

Ok, with osm-server.atomic-upload=false and r1682 it finally worked (the old before-changesets-existed way of life) - but it took me 6 hours!
There also had been conflicts against the end of the upload sequence which had to be resolved... and duplicated ways have been created which I manually deleted in potlatch (joms drove me nuts saying node x is still used by way y!)

Strange thing is, that I didn't get any error or hint by josm during the normal upload that something is going wrong...

Recommendation: The setting osm-server.atomic-upload could be implemented into Preferences of josm - as a last resort.

comment:7 by Gubaer, 16 years ago

Cc: Gubaer added
Priority: majorminor
Summary: upload of 76x201-node-lake not possibleProvide configuration checkbox in upload dialog for enabling/disabling changesets
Type: defectenhancement

I'm not really astonished about the 6 hours it took. You have ~ 25-30 K primitivies to upload in your file!

There also had been conflicts against the end of the upload sequence which had to be resolved... and duplicated ways have been created which I manually deleted in potlatch (joms drove me nuts saying node x is still used by way y!)

I'm not astonished either that you have to resolve conflicts. With 30K updates it's likely that in the meantime another mapper touched a couple of primitives too. But I'd be interested to hear more about the conflict you couldn't resolve with JOSM. Perhaps I can improve the conflict resolution code in JOSM.

Strange thing is, that I didn't get any error or hint by josm during the normal upload that something is going wrong...

That's normal too. The API is reporting back only after it has processed the entire changeset - in your case probably only after a couple of hours.

Recommendation: The setting osm-server.atomic-upload could be implemented into Preferences of josm - as a last resort.

I think it would even be better if the upload dialog had two radio boxes:

use [ ] changesets | [ ] this time / [ ] always

I turn this into an enhancement.

comment:8 by katpatuka, 16 years ago the meantime another mapper touched a couple of primitives too.

Not likely: I just tried to upload lakewalker trace of the lake (~16.000 nodes) - so there weren't any ways someone else could have changed in the meantime.

But I'd be interested to hear more about the conflict you couldn't resolve with JOSM...

The non-atomic-upload worked more or less well (despite an electric outage) till it reached the moment where the way-ids start to get transfered. There were lots of "node x is still used by way y" which I tried to resolve. At one time I had a controlling look in potlatch and the coastline was already there. I downloaded the already viewable data in a new layer to check it and saw that about have of the 76 201-node-ccoastlines had dublicates - I first tried to delete the dups in josm but again got these ominous "node x is still used by way y" - therefore I decided to delete the dups in potlatch manually. That process is still slow but more simple than to fight with josm's validator/conflict resolver. BTW: after each resolve and click on upload I had to wait half a minute to get the upload dialogue... After manually deleting in potlatch I reloaded again in josm to fix some duplicate nodes left over and finally could add a relation for the lake.

comment:9 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from katpatuka to team
Status: needinfonew

comment:10 by Gubaer, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

fixed in r1870

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