
Opened 21 months ago

Last modified 21 months ago

#22925 new defect

Disable check for incorrect roundabout direction for roundabout=turbo

Reported by: Tjuro Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: Roundabout turbo Cc:


Normaly juncion=roundabout should curve to the left. But with turbo roundabouts (roundabout=turbo) that are maped with multable lanes the juncion=roundabout can also curve to the right, see:

The "suspicius roundabout direction" should be disabled if that element has "roundabout=turbo" tagged.

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by taylor.smock, 21 months ago

osmwiki:Tag:roundabout=turbo is a new wiki page (2023-02-05). In conjunction, the turbo roundabout section was added to osmwiki:Tag:junction=roundabout on 2023-04-26 (the "see also" bit was added on 2023-04-24).

Since osmwiki:Tag:roundabout=turbo did not go through the proposal process (the wiki page has it's status as in use), I'm strongly disinclined to take any action until the wiki page has been around for at least six months (2023-08-05), and probably six months after the main junction=roundabout wiki page was modified (2023-10-26).

This is to ensure that the definition of roundabout=turbo is unlikely to change.

comment:2 by Tjuro, 21 months ago

That is understandable. We (as the dutch community) are currently remapping all 300 or so turbo roundabouts to the new multi lane approach, for some more context see:

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