
Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#17672 new defect

class at different zoomlevels for dashes, not overruled

Reported by: Allroads Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core mappaint Version: tested
Keywords: mapcss class Cc:

Description (last modified by Allroads)


way|z20-[footway=crossing]::footway_crossing_layer {
        set dashzoom20;
        width: 12;
        color:  #808080;
        z-index: 2;     
way|z21[footway=crossing]::footway_crossing_layer {
        set dashzoom21;
        width: 22;
way|z22[footway=crossing]::footway_crossing_layer {
        set dashzoom22;
        width: 40;
way|z23[footway=crossing]::footway_crossing_layer {
        set dashzoom23;
        width: 80;
way|z24-[footway=crossing]::footway_crossing_layer {
        set dashzoom24;
        width: 120;

/*set dashes crossing classes*/
way.dashzoom20 {
    dashes: 4,7;
way.dashzoom21 {
    dashes: 6,10;
way.dashzoom22 {
    dashes: 8,20;
way.dashzoom23 {
    dashes: 15,30;
way.dashzoom24 {
    dashes: 25,50;

I expected dashes but got this.

How to achieve this?

What I want is that I set the code so that on a few lines in the style, the dashes configuration is written, so that I do not have to set it for all the other crossing value combination, all by hand. To reduce mistakes.

So that I can tweak later easier the dashes for all.

At the end I should look like this.

Attachments (4)

nodashes.JPG (70.5 KB ) - added by Allroads 6 years ago.
dashes.JPG (67.1 KB ) - added by Allroads 6 years ago.
nodecrossing.JPG (133.5 KB ) - added by Allroads 6 years ago.
imagescrossing.JPG (111.3 KB ) - added by Allroads 6 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

by Allroads, 6 years ago

Attachment: nodashes.JPG added

comment:1 by Allroads, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from team to Allroads

by Allroads, 6 years ago

Attachment: dashes.JPG added

comment:2 by Allroads, 6 years ago

Owner: changed from Allroads to team
Summary: question: class at different zoomlevels for dashesclass at different zoomlevels for dashes, not overruled
Type: taskdefect

The more I think about it, it is a bug that earlier set class is not overruled.

by Allroads, 6 years ago

Attachment: nodecrossing.JPG added

by Allroads, 6 years ago

Attachment: imagescrossing.JPG added

comment:3 by Allroads, 6 years ago

The more I think about it, is it a bug?
For me it is a big issue to align the images on different zoomlevels. If not solved my project stopped. Then I can not achieve, what I want to. Hints in the style for the road extended.
Must be set on a few code lines, there are a lot of combinations.

Earlier I used ::layer and prop to set the value for that zoomlevel.
But then the base key/value must be set.
example: [higway=crossing]::crossinglayer
When then set crossing_ref=zebra the data is propped. The crossing_ref image is visual.
But when the key/value is missing highway=crossing, the crossing_ref image is not shown, although the tag is there.
It must show up for control reasons. Missing/false tag.
Shown when a tag is there.

A lot of combinations, with legend on zoomlevel.

Can you help?

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