
Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#15436 closed enhancement (fixed)

Store cache data of plugins in cache location

Reported by: bastiK Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 17.10
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: plugin Cc:


We now have good separation of preferences, user data and cache content for JOSM core, but plugins just put all their files in one location (on Linux that would be ~/.local/share/JOSM/plugins/MyPlugin/).

If any plugin were to produce a lot of caching data, then we would have the same problems as reported for JOSM core earlier:

  • Automated backup process saves a lot of junk or needs custom excludes
  • Impossible to keep user directory on a network device (for sharing settings, etc.)

I'm suggesting to have 3 dedicated directories for each plugin, on Linux, that would be:

  • ~/.config/JOSM/plugins/MyPlugin/ plugin preferences
  • ~/.local/share/JOSM/plugins/MyPlugin/ plugin user data
  • ~/.cache/JOSM/plugins/MyPlugin/ plugin cache files

Attachments (1)

plugin-dirs.patch (3.8 KB ) - added by bastiK 7 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by bastiK, 7 years ago

Attachment: plugin-dirs.patch added

comment:1 by bastiK, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 13007/josm:

fixed #15436 - Store cache data of plugins in cache location

comment:2 by bastiK, 7 years ago

Milestone: 17.10

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