
Opened 8 years ago

#13944 new enhancement

ImproveWayAccuracy should allow node merging to closest one when creating it

Reported by: Penegal Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: ImproveWayAccuracy merge creation closest polygon Cc:


Hello, there.

While using ImproveWayAccuracy (the integrated version), I noticed something that could be useful: when using it for land uses, I often use this function to merge the contours of land uses polygons, but, when creating nodes, ImproveWayAccuracy doesn't merge them to the closest ones, as when using the m keystroke. I'm forced to:

  1. merge imprecise polygon borders when none is precise enough, then ImproveWayAccuracy, or
  2. use ImproveWayAccuracy on the imprecise one, creating nodes along the existing ones of the already precise polygon, then merge them one by one with the already existing ones.

In this case, and maybe in other cases, it would be very useful that ImproveWayAccuracy offer a keystroke, or a preference checkbox, to create the nodes by using the closest one, mimicking the effect of the m keystroke regarding the proximity parameter in the decision of merging or not the created node to the closest one.


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