
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#12992 closed defect (fixed)

Way with waterway=dam cause false validator warning

Reported by: mdk Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 16.06
Component: Core validator Version: latest
Keywords: template_report Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Open validateDam.osm
  2. validate

What is the expected result?

No warnings, because a dam as a simple way normally is a little bit wider then the water behind the dam. So the end nodes of the dam are normally not connected to other waterway=*

What happens instead?

Warning "Waterway ends without a connection to other waterway or the direction of the waterway is wrong."

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

If you copy all and past it to a new layer, validation shown no warning.

Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2016-06-17 02:58:36 +0200 (Fri, 17 Jun 2016)
Build-Date:2016-06-17 01:34:23
Relative:URL: ^/trunk

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (10409 en) Linux Ubuntu 15.10
Memory Usage: 427 MB / 876 MB (165 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~15.10.1-b14, Oracle Corporation, OpenJDK Server VM
VM arguments: [-Djosm.restart=true, -Djosm.home=<josm.pref>,]
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

- ColumbusCSV (32292)
- FastDraw (32158)
- HouseNumberTaggingTool (31926)
- Mapillary (32158)
- OpeningHoursEditor (32158)
- RoadSigns (32177)
- SimplifyArea (32158)
- apache-commons (32158)
- apache-http (32158)
- buildings_tools (32158)
- contourmerge (1014)
- imagery-xml-bounds (32287)
- imagery_offset_db (32158)
- pbf (32290)
- poly (32287)
- public_transport (32158)
- reltoolbox (32158)
- reverter (32158)
- terracer (32158)
- turnlanes (32158)
- turnrestrictions (32158)
- utilsplugin2 (32158)

Tagging presets:

Map paint styles:

Last errors/warnings:
- W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.mapillary.gui.MapillaryMainDialog$StopAction@ded068
- W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.mapillary.gui.MapillaryHistoryDialog$UndoAction@13eca2c
- W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.mapillary.gui.MapillaryHistoryDialog$RedoAction@e45ab2
- W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.mapillary.gui.MapillaryFilterDialog$UpdateAction@75c1fc
- W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.mapillary.gui.MapillaryFilterDialog$ResetAction@11c1769

Attachments (1)

validateDam.osm (6.3 KB ) - added by mdk 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by mdk, 8 years ago

Attachment: validateDam.osm added

comment:1 by Don-vip, 8 years ago

Milestone: 16.06

comment:2 by Don-vip, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 10422/josm:

fix #12992 - Way with waterway=dam cause false validator warning

comment:3 by mdk, 8 years ago

Wow, that was fast!!

For the second part

If you copy all and past it to a new layer, validation shown no warning.

I think I found the reason, but I will create a new ticket instead of post it here ;-)

comment:4 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I think it is even better to explicit use the wanted waterway tags instead of applying this rule to all waterways with some exception because there are so much different values, we could never exlude them all to avoid false positives.

comment:5 by mdk, 8 years ago

For the second part see #12993

comment:6 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

In 10427/josm:

see #12646, fix #12992 - limit "Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow" warning to waterway=stream|ditch|river|drain

comment:7 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Ticket #13026 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

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