
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#11626 closed defect (fixed)

<checkgroup> blocks auto completion and match=*

Reported by: Klumbumbus Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 15.09
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: template_report Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. use internal preset of r8547 or higher
  2. open add tag dialog and type "payment:v"
  3. it does not autocomplete to "payment:visa"
  1. add "payment:visa=yes"
  2. the preset is not displayed in the tags membership dialog
Revision: 8541
Repository Root:
Relative URL: ^/trunk
Last Changed Author: wiktorn
Last Changed Date: 2015-06-28 14:38:26 +0200 (Sun, 28 Jun 2015)
Build-Date: 2015-06-29 01:32:36
Repository UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last Changed Rev: 8541

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (8541 en) Windows 7 32-Bit
Memory Usage: 336 MB / 742 MB (141 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_45, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
VM arguments: [,\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\lib\security\javaws.policy, -DtrustProxy=true, -Djnlpx.home=<java.home>\bin, -Djnlpx.origFilenameArg=C:\Program Files\josm-latest-bla.jnlp, -Djnlpx.remove=true, -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true, -Djnlpx.heapsize=256m,768m, -Djnlpx.splashport=65308, -Djnlpx.jvm=<java.home>\bin\javaw.exe, -Djnlpx.vmargs=LURqYXZhLnV0aWwuQXJyYXlzLnVzZUxlZ2FjeU1lcmdlU29ydD10cnVlAA==]
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

- DirectDownload (31241)
- DirectUpload (31241)
- HouseNumberTaggingTool (31241)
- Mapillary (31317)
- OpeningHoursEditor (31241)
- PicLayer (31241)
- RoadSigns (31241)
- buildings_tools (31241)
- commons-imaging (31241)
- download_along (31241)
- editgpx (31241)
- imagery_offset_db (31241)
- measurement (31289)
- mirrored_download (31294)
- photo_geotagging (31241)
- photoadjust (31241)
- public_transport (31241)
- reltoolbox (31241)
- reverter (31241)
- tag2link (31241)
- tagging-preset-tester (31241)
- terracer (31241)
- turnrestrictions (31241)
- undelete (31241)
- utilsplugin2 (31241)
- wikipedia (31241)

Last errors/warnings:
- E: Failed to locate image 'error_small.png'
- W: Mappaint style "standard" (FIXME Highlight Warnings) icon "error_small.png" not found.

Attachments (0)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by simon04, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 8786/josm:

fix #11626 - <checkgroup> blocks auto completion and match=*

comment:2 by simon04, 9 years ago

Milestone: 15.09

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