
Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#10234 new enhancement

Multipolygon - added inner closed way should have inner role set

Reported by: Mkyral Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: multipolygon Cc:


Inner areas added into multipolygon relation via "Add selection to <x> relation" have no role set. I've to open relation editor, find the newly added way (usually on the end of list) and set the inner role manually.

I think, in case, when the relation is type "multipolygon" and the newly added area is inside of the multipolygon, the inner role could be added automatically. Or, if this is not possible, there should be a dialog window allowing role selection for each element displayed.

How to reproduce:
1) Create some area
2) Create new relation, type=multipolygon containing area from step 1 with role set to outer
3) Create small area inside the multipolygon
4) Select inner area, select relation in the relations panel, click by right mouse button and choose "Add selection to 1 relation

As Is:
5) The selection is added into the multipolygon relation, but the role is blank. You must manually change the role in the relation editor

To Be:
5) The selection is added into the multipolygon relation and the role is set to "inner". No more action needed.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by simon04, 10 years ago

The "Add selection to 1 relation" action does not perform multipolygon analysis (at the moment).

Instead of 4+5 you could select the multipolygon relation and the inner ring and call Tools → "Update multipolygon".

comment:2 by Don-vip, 6 years ago

Keywords: multipolygon added

comment:3 by skyper, 4 years ago

In this case, the mechanism of "Update multipolygon" could be used though "Add selection to relation" should use all available checks for all known type. ATM. it more or less corrupts almost every relation if roles are needed or the member order matters.

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