Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#17480 "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid scanline stride" in PicLayer when loading a large image new exception javabug rebsc defect major
#7479 Debug layer to show node movement new debug layer team enhancement normal
#14083 Horizontal scrolling with mouse doesn't work new template_report javabug mouse scroll wheel horizontal team defect normal
#15609 Accessing tiles from the download dialog behind a proxy new template_report javabug proxy ntlm team defect normal
#15925 AIOOBE in Java2D rendering code (wireframe/AA mode with large dataset) new template_report javabug team defect normal
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS reopened template_report macos javabug team defect normal
#16782 JVM crash - kendzi.jogl.model.render.ModelRender.setupTextures new template_report javabug kendzi defect normal
#17865 macos: "Centre view" not indicating the status new macos javabug team defect normal
#22055 Drop down selection boxes no longer respond to arrow keys assigned regression, macos, javabug, aqualaf taylor.smock defect normal
#22631 IAE in EDT new template_report javabug edt team defect normal
#23082 NPE in MapSlider#zoomChanged (in Component#findUnderMouseInWindow) new template_report javabug team defect normal
#23369 JOSM crashes during large uploads needinfo javabug, template_report jmarchon defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.