Custom Query (10 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#21533 Native Apple Silicon Support team enhancement major Core
#9304 in validator, check for intersecting roads in different layers team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#23177 Remove ref:gnis (org change to gnis:feature_id) in the waterway tagging options team defect normal Internal preset
#23350 [Patch] Add "amenity=bicycle_wash" as a preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#23550 [PATCH] Error when deserializing PBF Blob team defect normal Core
#23574 [Patch]Preference geoimage.viewer.centre.on.image=true is ignored on startup team defect normal Core image mapping
#23596 [Patch] name=Bâtiment (French for "building"), especially on buildings, is suspicious and worth flagging by validator GerdP enhancement normal Core validator
#23599 Error opening osm.pbf if way has negative ID or incomplete metadata GerdP defect normal Core latest
#23604 [Patch] false warning: combination of sport and building:part GerdP defect normal Core validator

Resolution: needinfo (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#23318 [PATCH] Add support for notes.gpx from OSM API milanc@… defect normal Core notes
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.