6 months |
taylor.smock |
Release 2.20
Additionally, replace ivy with maven for dependency …
10 months |
taylor.smock |
Fix jacoco.exec output (I had one in target/report)
10 months |
taylor.smock |
Write out jacoco report for Sonar
10 months |
taylor.smock |
Fix some lint issues in JMapViewer
This additionally updates some …
12 months |
taylor.smock |
See #8269: Add initial Maven support to JMapViewer
This is largely …
16 months |
taylor.smock |
Fix #19064: resolve all tools using Apache Ivy (JMapViewer)
JUnit was …
16 months |
taylor.smock |
Fix #23114: Add module-info to JMapViewer
3 years |
Don-vip |
update build, readme
6 years |
donvip |
fix javadoc
6 years |
donvip |
see #josm16769 - add unit tests for JMapViewer
7 years |
donvip |
Generate HTML5 javadoc for Java >= 9
7 years |
donvip |
update README and tools (spotbugs, checkstyle 8.0)
7 years |
donvip |
update readme + checkstyle 7.8.2
8 years |
donvip |
update to Checkstyle 7.7
8 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 2.0
8 years |
donvip |
see #josm11390 - switch to Java 8
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.16 with update of checkstyle to 6.19
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.18, add SonarLint configuration
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.17
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.16
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.14.1
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.14 (no new warning)
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] update to checkstyle 6.13
9 years |
donvip |
update to CheckStyle 6.12.1
9 years |
donvip |
update to Checkstyle 6.11.2 and release JMapViewer 1.12
9 years |
donvip |
update to CheckStyle 6.11
9 years |
donvip |
fix javadoc, update to Checkstyle 6.10.1
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] update to checkstyle 6.9
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] add javadoc target to "all"
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] add javadoc target
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] enable findbugs/checkstyle
11 years |
donvip |
see #josm8465 - update jmapviewer to Java 7
11 years |
the111 |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8747 - enhanced versions/releases
11 years |
the111 |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8747 - enhanced versions/releases
11 years |
the111 |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8747 - enhanced versions/releases
11 years |
the111 |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8747 - enhanced versions/releases
11 years |
the111 |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8747 - enhanced versions/releases
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8640 and #josm8747 - JMapViewer versioned releases and …
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8320 - Project specifies 1.5 compiler compliance but requires 1.6
13 years |
stotz |
javac statement updated (source, includeantruntime)
14 years |
stotz |
Gpl added; release zip created
16 years |
stotz |
Patch by r_x and further small enhancements
16 years |
stotz |
Increased maximum zoom and other minor modifications (thanks for the …
16 years |
stotz |
Demo classes excluded for default jar
16 years |
stotz |
Initial commit of the java component "JMapView"