1 | | /* |
| 1 | require=function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s}({1:[function(require,module,exports){if(require&&module){var i18n=require("i18next-client");module.exports=i18n}var opening_hours_resources={en:{opening_hours:{pretty:{off:"closed",SH:"school holidays",PH:"public holidays"}}},de:{opening_hours:{texts:{"unexpected token":'Unerwartetes Zeichen: "__token__" Das bedeutet, dass die Syntax an dieser Stelle nicht erkannt werden konnte.',"no string":"Der Wert (erster Parameter) ist kein String",nothing:"Der Wert enthält nichts, was ausgewertet werden könnte.","nothing useful":"Diese Regel enthält nichts nützliches. Bitte entferne diese leere Regel.","programmers joke":"Kann es sein, dass du ein Programmier bist und das Hinzufügen eines Semikolons nach jedem Statement ist zwanghaft ;) ?"+" Es ist so, dass das Semikolon in der opening_hours Syntax als Trenner für Regeln definiert ist."+" Bitte verzichte an dieser Stelle auf ein Semikolon.","interpreted as year":"Die Zahl __number__ wird als Jahr interpretiert."+' Vermutlich ist das nicht beabsichtigt. Uhrzeiten werden als "12:00" angegeben.',"rule before fallback empty":"Die Regel vor der Fallback-Regel enthält nichts nützliches","hour min seperator":'Bitte benutze ":" als Stunden/Minuten Trenner',"warnings severity":'Der Parameter optional_conf_parm["warnings_severity"] muss eine ganze Zahl zwischen (einschließlich) 0 und (einschließlich) 7 sein.'+" Gegeben: __severity__ "+", erwartet: Eine der Zahlen: __allowed__.","optional conf parm type":"Der optional_conf_parm Parameter hat einen unbekannten Typ."+" Gegeben: __given__","conf param tag key missing":'Der optional_conf_parm["tag_key"] fehlt, ist aber notwendig wegen optional_conf_parm["map_value"].',"conf param mode invalid":'Der optional_conf_parm["mode"] Parameter ist eine ungültige Zahl.'+" Gegeben: __given__"+", erwartet: Eine der Zahlen: __allowed__.","conf param unkown type":'Der optional_conf_parm["__key__"] Parameter hat einen unbekannten Typ.'+" Gegeben: __given__, erwartet: __expected__.","library bug":'Bei der Auswertung des Wertes "__value__" ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.'+" Bitte melde diesen Bug hier: __url__.__message__","use multi":'Du hast __count__ __part2__ Einzelne Regeln können mit ";" getrennt werden.',"selector multi 2a":"__what__ in einer Regel benutzt. Du kannst nur einen davon je Regel verwenden","selector multi 2b":"nicht verbundene __what__ in einer Regel benutzt. Das ist vermutlich ein Fehler."+" Gleiche Selektoren können (und sollten) immer zusammen und durch Kommas getrennt geschrieben werden."+' Beispiel für Zeitspannen "12:00-13:00,15:00-18:00".'+' Beispiel für Wochentage "Mo-We,Fr".',"selector state":"Status-Schlüsselwörter (offen, geschlossen)",comments:"Kommentare",months:"Monate",weekdays:"Wochentage",ranges:"Zeitspannen","default state":"Diese Regel, welche den Standard Status (d.h. geschlossen) für alle folgenden Regeln ändert, ist nicht die erste Regel."+" Diese Regel überschreibt alle vorherigen Regeln."+" Es kann legtim sein, den Standard Status z.B. auf geöffnet festzulegen"+" und dann nur die Zeiten, zu denen geschlossen ist, anzugeben.",vague:"Diese Regel ist nicht sehr aussagekräftig, da keine Zeit angegeben wurde."+" Bitte füge eine Zeitangabe oder einen Kommentar hinzu, um dies zu verbessern.","empty comment":"Du hast einen leeren Kommentar verwendet."+'" Bitte schreibe entweder einen Kommentar-Text oder benutze stattdessen das Schlüsselwort "unknown".',separator_for_readability:"Du hast das optionale Symbol <separator_for_readability> an der falschen Stelle benutzt."+" Bitte lies die Syntax Spezifikation um zu sehen wo es verwendet werden kann oder entferne es.","strange 24/7":'Du hast 24/7 in einer Art verwendet, welche wahrscheinlich nicht als "24 Stunden, 7 Tage die Woche" interpretiert wird.'+' Der Richtigkeit halber solltest du "open" oder "closed"'+" für diese Regel verwenden und dann die Ausnahmen angeben um das selbe Ziel zu erreichen. So ist es klarer –"+' zum Beispiel "open; Mo 12:00-14:00 off".',"public holiday":'Es wurde keine Regel für "PH" (feiertags) angegeben. Dies ist nicht sehr Aussagekräftig.__part2__'+' Bitte füge die Regel "PH off" an, wenn die Einrichtung an allen Feiertagen geschlossen ist'+' oder schreibe "Sa,Su,PH 12:00-16:00" um auszudrücken, dass Samstags, Sonntags und feiertags von 12:00-16:00 geöffnet ist.'+" Wenn du dir im Unklaren bist, versuche die Öffnungszeit zu klären. Falls das nicht möglich ist, lass die Angabe weg und ignoriere diese Warnung.","public holiday part2":' Leider ist der "tag key" (beispielsweise "opening_hours", or "lit") in opening_hours.js nicht bekannt.'+" Diese Warnung betrifft nur die Keys: __keys__. Falls deine Angabe nicht für einen dieser ist, ignoriere bitte folgenden Hinweis:",switched:'Der Selektor "__first__" wurde für eine bessere Lesbarkeit und der Vollständigkeit halber mit '+' "__second__" getauscht.',"no colon after":'Bitte Benutze kein ":" nach dem Token __token__.',"number -5 to 5":"Zahl zwischen -5 und 5 (außer 0) erwartet.","one weekday constraint":"Du kannst höchstens einen beschränkten Wochentag in einer Monats-Spanne verwenden","range contrainted weekdays":"Du kannst keine Wochentags-Spanne als Beschränkung in einer Monats-Spanne verwenden",expected:'"__symbol__" erwartet.',"range zero":'Du kannst keine __type__-Spanne mit Periode "0" verwenden.',"period one year+":'Bitte verwende keine __type__-Spannen mit Periode "1".'+' Wenn du ausdrücken willst, das eine Einrichtung ab einem bestimmten Jahr immer offen ist, benutze bitte "<year>+".',"period one":'Bitte verwende keine __type__-Spannen mit Periode "1".',"month 31":"Die Tagangabe für __month__ muss zwischen 1 und 31 liegen.","month 30":"Der Monat __month__ hat keine 31 Tage. Der letzte Tag von __month__ ist Tag 30.","month feb":'"Der Monat __month__ hat entwedet 28 oder 29 Tage (Schaltjahre)."',"point in time":"Erwarte Bindestrich (-) oder offenes Ende (+) in der Zeitspanne __calc__."+" Um mit Zeitpunkten zu arbeiten, muss der Modus für __libraryname__ umgestellt werden."+" Vielleicht falscher OSM tag verwendet?",calculation:"Berechnung","time range continue":"Die Zeitspanne geht nicht wie erwartet weiter","period continue":'Die Zeitspannen-Periode geht nicht wie erwartet weiter. Beispiel "/01:30".',"time range mode":'__libraryname__ wurde im "Zeitspannen-Modus" aufgerufen. Zeitpunkt gefunden.',"point in time mode":'__libraryname__ wurde im "Zeitpunkt-Modus" aufgerufen. Zeitspanne gefunden.',"outside current day":"Zeitspanne beginnt außerhalb des aktuellen Tages","two midnights":"Zeitspanne welche mehrmals Mitternacht beinhaltet wird nicht untersützt","without minutes":"Zeitspanne ohne Minutenangabe angegeben. Das ist nicht sehr eindeutig!"+' Bitte verwende stattdessen folgende Syntax "__syntax__".',"outside day":"Die Zeitspanne beginnt außerhalb des aktuellen Tages","zero calculation":"Das Hinzufügen von 0 in einer variablen Zeitberechnung ändert die variable Zeit nicht."+' Bitte entferne die Zeitberechnung (Beispiel: "sunrise-(sunset-00:00)").',"calculation syntax":"Berechnung mit variabler Zeit hat nicht die korrekte Syntax",missing:'Fehlendes "__symbol__"',"(time)":"(Zeit)","bad range":"Ungültige Zeitspanne: __from__-__to__","] or more numbers":'"]" oder weitere Zahlen erwartet.',"additional rule no sense":'Eine weitere Regel an dieser Stelle ergibt keinen Sinn. Benutze einfach ";" als Trenner für Regeln.'+" Siehe https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification#explain:additional_rule_separator","unexpected token weekday range":"Unerwartes Token in Tages-Spanne: __token__","max differ":"Es sollte keinen Grund geben, mehr als __maxdiffer__ Tage von einem __name__ abzuweichen. Wenn nötig, teile uns dies bitte mit …","adding 0":"Addition von 0 verändert das Datum nicht. Bitte weglassen.","unexpected token holiday":"Unerwartes Token (in Feiertags-Auswertung): __token__","no SH defintion":"Für die Schulferien __name__ fehlen die Defintionen für das Jahr __year__"+" Du kannst diese hinzufügen: __repository_url__","no PH definition":"Der Feiertag __name__ ist für das Land __cc__ nicht definiert."+" Du kannst diese hinzufügen: __repository_url__","no PH definition state":"Der Feiertag __name__ ist für das Land __cc__ und Bundesland __state__ nicht definiert."+" Du kannst diese hinzufügen: __repository_url__","no country code":"Der Ländercode fehlt. Dieser wird benötigt um die korrekten Feiertage zu bestimmen (siehe in der README wie dieser anzugeben ist)","movable no formular":"Der bewegliche Feiertag __name__ kann nicht berechnet werden."+" Bitte füge eine entsprechende Formel hinzu.","movable not in year":"Der bewegliche Feiertag __name__ plus __days__"+" Tage befindet sich nicht mehr im selben Jahr. Aktuell nicht unterstüzt.","year range one year":"Eine Jahres-Spanne mit gleichem Jahr als Beginn und Ende ergibt keinen Sinn."+' Bitte entferne das Ende-Jahr. zum Beispiel: "__year__ May 23"',"year range reverse":"Eine Jahres-Spanne mit Beginn größer als Ende ergibt keinen Sinn."+" Bitte umdrehen.","year past":"Das Jahr liegt in der Vergangenheit.","unexpected token year range":"Unerwartetes Token in der Jahres-Spanne: __token__","week range reverse":"Du hast eine Wochen-Spanne in umgekehrter Reihenfolge oder mehrere Jahr umfassende angegeben. Dies ist aktuell nicht unterstützt.","week negative":"Du hast eine Wochennummer kleiner 1 angegeben. Korrekte Angaben sind 1-53.","week exceed":"Du hast eine Wochennummer größer als 53 angegeben. Korrekte Angaben sind 1-53.","week period less than 2":"Du hast eine Wochenperiode kleiner 2 angegeben."+' Wenn du die gesammte Spanne von __weekfrom__ bis __weekto__ angeben will, lasse "/__period__" einfach weg.',"week period greater than 26":"Du hast eine Wochen-Periode größer als 26 angegeben."+" 26.5 ist die Hälfte des Maximums von 53 Wochen pro Jahr. Damit würde eine Periode größer als 26 nur einmal pro Jahr auftreten."+' Bitte gibt den Wochen-Selektor als "week __weekfrom__" an, wenn es das ist, was du ausdrücken möchtest.',"unexpected token week range":"Unerwartetes Token in Wochen-Spanne: __token__","unexpected token month range":"Unerwartetes Token in Monats-Spanne: __token__","day range reverse":"Zeitspanne in falscher Reihenfolge. Begin ist größer als Ende.","open end":'Angegeben als "open end". Schließzeit wurde geraten.',"date parameter needed":"Datumsparameter nötig."},pretty:{off:"geschlossen",SH:"Schulferien",PH:"Feiertags"}}}};if(!i18n.isInitialized()){i18n.init({fallbackLng:"en",resStore:opening_hours_resources,getAsync:true,useCookie:true,debug:true})}else{for(lang in opening_hours_resources){i18n.addResourceBundle(lang,"opening_hours",opening_hours_resources[lang]["opening_hours"],true)}}},{"i18next-client":"i18next-client"}],2:[function(require,module,exports){/* |
| 2 | Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Vladimir Agafonkin |
| 3 | SunCalc is a JavaScript library for calculating sun position, sunlight phases, and moon position. |
| 4 | https://github.com/mourner/suncalc |
| 5 | */ |
| 6 | (function(global){"use strict";var SunCalc;if(typeof exports!=="undefined"){SunCalc=exports}else{SunCalc=global.SunCalc={}}var PI=Math.PI,rad=PI/180,sin=Math.sin,cos=Math.cos,tan=Math.tan,asin=Math.asin,atan=Math.atan2,acos=Math.acos;var dayMs=1e3*60*60*24,J1970=2440588,J2000=2451545;function toJulian(date){return date.valueOf()/dayMs-.5+J1970}function fromJulian(j){return new Date((j+.5-J1970)*dayMs)}function toDays(date){return toJulian(date)-J2000}var e=rad*23.4397;function getRightAscension(l,b){return atan(sin(l)*cos(e)-tan(b)*sin(e),cos(l))}function getDeclination(l,b){return asin(sin(b)*cos(e)+cos(b)*sin(e)*sin(l))}function getAzimuth(H,phi,dec){return atan(sin(H),cos(H)*sin(phi)-tan(dec)*cos(phi))}function getAltitude(H,phi,dec){return asin(sin(phi)*sin(dec)+cos(phi)*cos(dec)*cos(H))}function getSiderealTime(d,lw){return rad*(280.16+360.9856235*d)-lw}function getSolarMeanAnomaly(d){return rad*(357.5291+.98560028*d)}function getEquationOfCenter(M){return rad*(1.9148*sin(M)+.02*sin(2*M)+3e-4*sin(3*M))}function getEclipticLongitude(M,C){var P=rad*102.9372;return M+C+P+PI}function getSunCoords(d){var M=getSolarMeanAnomaly(d),C=getEquationOfCenter(M),L=getEclipticLongitude(M,C);return{dec:getDeclination(L,0),ra:getRightAscension(L,0)}}SunCalc.getPosition=function(date,lat,lng){var lw=rad*-lng,phi=rad*lat,d=toDays(date),c=getSunCoords(d),th=getSiderealTime(d,lw),H=th-c.ra;return{azimuth:getAzimuth(H,phi,c.dec),altitude:getAltitude(H,phi,c.dec)}};var times=[[-.83,"sunrise","sunset"],[-.3,"sunriseEnd","sunsetStart"],[-6,"dawn","dusk"],[-12,"nauticalDawn","nauticalDusk"],[-18,"nightEnd","night"],[6,"goldenHourEnd","goldenHour"]];SunCalc.addTime=function(angle,riseName,setName){times.push([angle,riseName,setName])};var J0=9e-4;function getJulianCycle(d,lw){return Math.round(d-J0-lw/(2*PI))}function getApproxTransit(Ht,lw,n){return J0+(Ht+lw)/(2*PI)+n}function getSolarTransitJ(ds,M,L){return J2000+ds+.0053*sin(M)-.0069*sin(2*L)}function getHourAngle(h,phi,d){return acos((sin(h)-sin(phi)*sin(d))/(cos(phi)*cos(d)))}SunCalc.getTimes=function(date,lat,lng){var lw=rad*-lng,phi=rad*lat,d=toDays(date),n=getJulianCycle(d,lw),ds=getApproxTransit(0,lw,n),M=getSolarMeanAnomaly(ds),C=getEquationOfCenter(M),L=getEclipticLongitude(M,C),dec=getDeclination(L,0),Jnoon=getSolarTransitJ(ds,M,L);function getSetJ(h){var w=getHourAngle(h,phi,dec),a=getApproxTransit(w,lw,n);return getSolarTransitJ(a,M,L)}var result={solarNoon:fromJulian(Jnoon),nadir:fromJulian(Jnoon-.5)};var i,len,time,angle,morningName,eveningName,Jset,Jrise;for(i=0,len=times.length;i<len;i+=1){time=times[i];angle=time[0];morningName=time[1];eveningName=time[2];Jset=getSetJ(angle*rad);Jrise=Jnoon-(Jset-Jnoon);result[morningName]=fromJulian(Jrise);result[eveningName]=fromJulian(Jset)}return result};function getMoonCoords(d){var L=rad*(218.316+13.176396*d),M=rad*(134.963+13.064993*d),F=rad*(93.272+13.22935*d),l=L+rad*6.289*sin(M),b=rad*5.128*sin(F),dt=385001-20905*cos(M);return{ra:getRightAscension(l,b),dec:getDeclination(l,b),dist:dt}}SunCalc.getMoonPosition=function(date,lat,lng){var lw=rad*-lng,phi=rad*lat,d=toDays(date),c=getMoonCoords(d),H=getSiderealTime(d,lw)-c.ra,h=getAltitude(H,phi,c.dec);h=h+.017*rad/tan(h+10.26*rad/(h+5.1*rad));return{azimuth:getAzimuth(H,phi,c.dec),altitude:h,distance:c.dist}};SunCalc.getMoonFraction=function(date){var d=toDays(date),s=getSunCoords(d),m=getMoonCoords(d),sdist=149598e3,phi=acos(sin(s.dec)*sin(m.dec)+cos(s.dec)*cos(m.dec)*cos(s.ra-m.ra)),inc=atan(sdist*sin(phi),m.dist-sdist*cos(phi));return(1+cos(inc))/2}})(this)},{}],"i18next-client":[function(require,module,exports){(function(root){if(!Array.prototype.indexOf){Array.prototype.indexOf=function(searchElement){"use strict";if(this==null){throw new TypeError}var t=Object(this);var 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o.missingKeyHandler==="function"){if(options.lng){o.missingKeyHandler(lngs[0],ns,key,notFound,lngs)}else{o.missingKeyHandler(o.lng,ns,key,notFound,lngs)}}var postProcessorsToApply;if(typeof o.postProcess==="string"&&o.postProcess!==""){postProcessorsToApply=[o.postProcess]}else if(typeof o.postProcess==="array"||typeof o.postProcess==="object"){postProcessorsToApply=o.postProcess}else{postProcessorsToApply=[]}if(typeof options.postProcess==="string"&&options.postProcess!==""){postProcessorsToApply=postProcessorsToApply.concat([options.postProcess])}else if(typeof options.postProcess==="array"||typeof options.postProcess==="object"){postProcessorsToApply=postProcessorsToApply.concat(options.postProcess)}if(found!==undefined&&postProcessorsToApply.length){postProcessorsToApply.forEach(function(postProcessor){if(postProcessors[postProcessor]){found=postProcessors[postProcessor](found,key,options)}})}var splitNotFound=notFound;if(notFound.indexOf(o.nsseparator)>-1){parts=notFound.split(o.nsseparator);splitNotFound=parts[1]}if(splitNotFound===key&&o.parseMissingKey){notFound=o.parseMissingKey(notFound)}if(found===undefined){notFound=applyReplacement(notFound,options);notFound=applyReuse(notFound,options);if(postProcessorsToApply.length){var val=_getDefaultValue(key,options);postProcessorsToApply.forEach(function(postProcessor){if(postProcessors[postProcessor]){found=postProcessors[postProcessor](val,key,options)}})}}return found!==undefined?found:notFound}function _find(key,options){options=options||{};var optionWithoutCount,translated,notFound=_getDefaultValue(key,options),lngs=languages;if(!resStore){return notFound}if(lngs[0].toLowerCase()==="cimode")return notFound;if(options.lngs)lngs=options.lngs;if(options.lng){lngs=f.toLanguages(options.lng,options.fallbackLng);if(!resStore[lngs[0]]){var oldAsync=o.getAsync;o.getAsync=false;i18n.sync.load(lngs,o,function(err,store){f.extend(resStore,store);o.getAsync=oldAsync})}}var ns=options.ns||o.ns.defaultNs;if(key.indexOf(o.nsseparator)>-1){var parts=key.split(o.nsseparator);ns=parts[0];key=parts[1]}if(hasContext(options)){optionWithoutCount=f.extend({},options);delete optionWithoutCount.context;optionWithoutCount.defaultValue=o.contextNotFound;var contextKey=ns+o.nsseparator+key+"_"+options.context;translated=translate(contextKey,optionWithoutCount);if(translated!=o.contextNotFound){return applyReplacement(translated,{context:options.context})}}if(needsPlural(options,lngs[0])){optionWithoutCount=f.extend({lngs:[lngs[0]]},options);delete optionWithoutCount.count;optionWithoutCount._origLng=optionWithoutCount._origLng||optionWithoutCount.lng||lngs[0];delete optionWithoutCount.lng;optionWithoutCount.defaultValue=o.pluralNotFound;var pluralKey;if(!pluralExtensions.needsPlural(lngs[0],options.count)){pluralKey=ns+o.nsseparator+key}else{pluralKey=ns+o.nsseparator+key+o.pluralSuffix;var pluralExtension=pluralExtensions.get(lngs[0],options.count);if(pluralExtension>=0){pluralKey=pluralKey+"_"+pluralExtension}else if(pluralExtension===1){pluralKey=ns+o.nsseparator+key}}translated=translate(pluralKey,optionWithoutCount);if(translated!=o.pluralNotFound){return applyReplacement(translated,{count:options.count,interpolationPrefix:options.interpolationPrefix,interpolationSuffix:options.interpolationSuffix})}else if(lngs.length>1){var clone=lngs.slice();clone.shift();options=f.extend(options,{lngs:clone});options._origLng=optionWithoutCount._origLng;delete options.lng;translated=translate(ns+o.nsseparator+key,options);if(translated!=o.pluralNotFound)return translated}else{optionWithoutCount.lng=optionWithoutCount._origLng;delete optionWithoutCount._origLng;translated=translate(ns+o.nsseparator+key,optionWithoutCount);return applyReplacement(translated,{count:options.count,interpolationPrefix:options.interpolationPrefix,interpolationSuffix:options.interpolationSuffix})}}if(needsIndefiniteArticle(options)){var optionsWithoutIndef=f.extend({},options);delete optionsWithoutIndef.indefinite_article;optionsWithoutIndef.defaultValue=o.indefiniteNotFound;var indefiniteKey=ns+o.nsseparator+key+(options.count&&!needsPlural(options,lngs[0])||!options.count?o.indefiniteSuffix:"");translated=translate(indefiniteKey,optionsWithoutIndef);if(translated!=o.indefiniteNotFound){return translated}}var found;var keys=key.split(o.keyseparator);for(var i=0,len=lngs.length;i<len;i++){if(found!==undefined)break;var l=lngs[i];var x=0;var value=resStore[l]&&resStore[l][ns];while(keys[x]){value=value&&value[keys[x]];x++}if(value!==undefined&&(!o.showKeyIfEmpty||value!=="")){var valueType=Object.prototype.toString.apply(value);if(typeof value==="string"){value=applyReplacement(value,options);value=applyReuse(value,options)}else if(valueType==="[object Array]"&&!o.returnObjectTrees&&!options.returnObjectTrees){value=value.join("\n");value=applyReplacement(value,options);value=applyReuse(value,options)}else if(value===null&&o.fallbackOnNull===true){value=undefined}else if(value!==null){if(!o.returnObjectTrees&&!options.returnObjectTrees){if(o.objectTreeKeyHandler&&typeof o.objectTreeKeyHandler=="function"){value=o.objectTreeKeyHandler(key,value,l,ns,options)}else{value="key '"+ns+":"+key+" ("+l+")' "+"returned an object instead of string.";f.log(value)}}else if(valueType!=="[object Number]"&&valueType!=="[object Function]"&&valueType!=="[object RegExp]"){var copy=valueType==="[object Array]"?[]:{};f.each(value,function(m){copy[m]=_translate(ns+o.nsseparator+key+o.keyseparator+m,options)});value=copy}}if(typeof value==="string"&&value.trim()===""&&o.fallbackOnEmpty===true)value=undefined;found=value}}if(found===undefined&&!options.isFallbackLookup&&(o.fallbackToDefaultNS===true||o.fallbackNS&&o.fallbackNS.length>0)){options.isFallbackLookup=true;if(o.fallbackNS.length){for(var y=0,lenY=o.fallbackNS.length;y<lenY;y++){found=_find(o.fallbackNS[y]+o.nsseparator+key,options);if(found||found===""&&o.fallbackOnEmpty===false){var foundValue=found.indexOf(o.nsseparator)>-1?found.split(o.nsseparator)[1]:found,notFoundValue=notFound.indexOf(o.nsseparator)>-1?notFound.split(o.nsseparator)[1]:notFound;if(foundValue!==notFoundValue)break}}}else{options.ns=o.ns.defaultNs;found=_find(key,options)}options.isFallbackLookup=false}return found}function detectLanguage(){var detectedLng;var whitelist=o.lngWhitelist||[];var userLngChoices=[];var qsParm=[];if(typeof window!=="undefined"){(function(){var query=window.location.search.substring(1);var params=query.split("&");for(var i=0;i<params.length;i++){var pos=params[i].indexOf("=");if(pos>0){var key=params[i].substring(0,pos);if(key==o.detectLngQS){userLngChoices.push(params[i].substring(pos+1))}}}})()}if(o.useCookie&&typeof document!=="undefined"){var c=f.cookie.read(o.cookieName);if(c)userLngChoices.push(c)}if(o.detectLngFromLocalStorage&&typeof window!=="undefined"&&window.localStorage){var lang=f.localStorage.getItem("i18next_lng");if(lang){userLngChoices.push(lang)}}if(typeof navigator!=="undefined"){if(navigator.languages){for(var i=0;i<navigator.languages.length;i++){userLngChoices.push(navigator.languages[i])}}if(navigator.userLanguage){userLngChoices.push(navigator.userLanguage)}if(navigator.language){userLngChoices.push(navigator.language)}}(function(){for(var i=0;i<userLngChoices.length;i++){var lng=userLngChoices[i];if(lng.indexOf("-")>-1){var parts=lng.split("-");lng=o.lowerCaseLng?parts[0].toLowerCase()+"-"+parts[1].toLowerCase():parts[0].toLowerCase()+"-"+parts[1].toUpperCase()}if(whitelist.length===0||whitelist.indexOf(lng)>-1){detectedLng=lng;break}}})();if(!detectedLng){detectedLng=o.fallbackLng[0]}return detectedLng}var _rules=[["ach","Acholi",[1,2],1],["af","Afrikaans",[1,2],2],["ak","Akan",[1,2],1],["am","Amharic",[1,2],1],["an","Aragonese",[1,2],2],["ar","Arabic",[0,1,2,3,11,100],5],["arn","Mapudungun",[1,2],1],["ast","Asturian",[1,2],2],["ay","Aymará",[1],3],["az","Azerbaijani",[1,2],2],["be","Belarusian",[1,2,5],4],["bg","Bulgarian",[1,2],2],["bn","Bengali",[1,2],2],["bo","Tibetan",[1],3],["br","Breton",[1,2],1],["bs","Bosnian",[1,2,5],4],["ca","Catalan",[1,2],2],["cgg","Chiga",[1],3],["cs","Czech",[1,2,5],6],["csb","Kashubian",[1,2,5],7],["cy","Welsh",[1,2,3,8],8],["da","Danish",[1,2],2],["de","German",[1,2],2],["dev","Development Fallback",[1,2],2],["dz","Dzongkha",[1],3],["el","Greek",[1,2],2],["en","English",[1,2],2],["eo","Esperanto",[1,2],2],["es","Spanish",[1,2],2],["es_ar","Argentinean Spanish",[1,2],2],["et","Estonian",[1,2],2],["eu","Basque",[1,2],2],["fa","Persian",[1],3],["fi","Finnish",[1,2],2],["fil","Filipino",[1,2],1],["fo","Faroese",[1,2],2],["fr","French",[1,2],9],["fur","Friulian",[1,2],2],["fy","Frisian",[1,2],2],["ga","Irish",[1,2,3,7,11],10],["gd","Scottish Gaelic",[1,2,3,20],11],["gl","Galician",[1,2],2],["gu","Gujarati",[1,2],2],["gun","Gun",[1,2],1],["ha","Hausa",[1,2],2],["he","Hebrew",[1,2],2],["hi","Hindi",[1,2],2],["hr","Croatian",[1,2,5],4],["hu","Hungarian",[1,2],2],["hy","Armenian",[1,2],2],["ia","Interlingua",[1,2],2],["id","Indonesian",[1],3],["is","Icelandic",[1,2],12],["it","Italian",[1,2],2],["ja","Japanese",[1],3],["jbo","Lojban",[1],3],["jv","Javanese",[0,1],13],["ka","Georgian",[1],3],["kk","Kazakh",[1],3],["km","Khmer",[1],3],["kn","Kannada",[1,2],2],["ko","Korean",[1],3],["ku","Kurdish",[1,2],2],["kw","Cornish",[1,2,3,4],14],["ky","Kyrgyz",[1],3],["lb","Letzeburgesch",[1,2],2],["ln","Lingala",[1,2],1],["lo","Lao",[1],3],["lt","Lithuanian",[1,2,10],15],["lv","Latvian",[1,2,0],16],["mai","Maithili",[1,2],2],["mfe","Mauritian Creole",[1,2],1],["mg","Malagasy",[1,2],1],["mi","Maori",[1,2],1],["mk","Macedonian",[1,2],17],["ml","Malayalam",[1,2],2],["mn","Mongolian",[1,2],2],["mnk","Mandinka",[0,1,2],18],["mr","Marathi",[1,2],2],["ms","Malay",[1],3],["mt","Maltese",[1,2,11,20],19],["nah","Nahuatl",[1,2],2],["nap","Neapolitan",[1,2],2],["nb","Norwegian Bokmal",[1,2],2],["ne","Nepali",[1,2],2],["nl","Dutch",[1,2],2],["nn","Norwegian Nynorsk",[1,2],2],["no","Norwegian",[1,2],2],["nso","Northern Sotho",[1,2],2],["oc","Occitan",[1,2],1],["or","Oriya",[2,1],2],["pa","Punjabi",[1,2],2],["pap","Papiamento",[1,2],2],["pl","Polish",[1,2,5],7],["pms","Piemontese",[1,2],2],["ps","Pashto",[1,2],2],["pt","Portuguese",[1,2],2],["pt_br","Brazilian Portuguese",[1,2],2],["rm","Romansh",[1,2],2],["ro","Romanian",[1,2,20],20],["ru","Russian",[1,2,5],4],["sah","Yakut",[1],3],["sco","Scots",[1,2],2],["se","Northern Sami",[1,2],2],["si","Sinhala",[1,2],2],["sk","Slovak",[1,2,5],6],["sl","Slovenian",[5,1,2,3],21],["so","Somali",[1,2],2],["son","Songhay",[1,2],2],["sq","Albanian",[1,2],2],["sr","Serbian",[1,2,5],4],["su","Sundanese",[1],3],["sv","Swedish",[1,2],2],["sw","Swahili",[1,2],2],["ta","Tamil",[1,2],2],["te","Telugu",[1,2],2],["tg","Tajik",[1,2],1],["th","Thai",[1],3],["ti","Tigrinya",[1,2],1],["tk","Turkmen",[1,2],2],["tr","Turkish",[1,2],1],["tt","Tatar",[1],3],["ug","Uyghur",[1],3],["uk","Ukrainian",[1,2,5],4],["ur","Urdu",[1,2],2],["uz","Uzbek",[1,2],1],["vi","Vietnamese",[1],3],["wa","Walloon",[1,2],1],["wo","Wolof",[1],3],["yo","Yoruba",[1,2],2],["zh","Chinese",[1],3]]; |
| 9 | var _rulesPluralsTypes={1:function(n){return Number(n>1)},2:function(n){return Number(n!=1)},3:function(n){return 0},4:function(n){return Number(n%10==1&&n%100!=11?0:n%10>=2&&n%10<=4&&(n%100<10||n%100>=20)?1:2)},5:function(n){return Number(n===0?0:n==1?1:n==2?2:n%100>=3&&n%100<=10?3:n%100>=11?4:5)},6:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n>=2&&n<=4?1:2)},7:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n%10>=2&&n%10<=4&&(n%100<10||n%100>=20)?1:2)},8:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n==2?1:n!=8&&n!=11?2:3)},9:function(n){return Number(n>=2)},10:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n==2?1:n<7?2:n<11?3:4)},11:function(n){return Number(n==1||n==11?0:n==2||n==12?1:n>2&&n<20?2:3)},12:function(n){return Number(n%10!=1||n%100==11)},13:function(n){return Number(n!==0)},14:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n==2?1:n==3?2:3)},15:function(n){return Number(n%10==1&&n%100!=11?0:n%10>=2&&(n%100<10||n%100>=20)?1:2)},16:function(n){return Number(n%10==1&&n%100!=11?0:n!==0?1:2)},17:function(n){return Number(n==1||n%10==1?0:1)},18:function(n){return Number(0?0:n==1?1:2)},19:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n===0||n%100>1&&n%100<11?1:n%100>10&&n%100<20?2:3)},20:function(n){return Number(n==1?0:n===0||n%100>0&&n%100<20?1:2)},21:function(n){return Number(n%100==1?1:n%100==2?2:n%100==3||n%100==4?3:0)}};var pluralExtensions={rules:function(){var l,rules={};for(l=_rules.length;l--;){rules[_rules[l][0]]={name:_rules[l][1],numbers:_rules[l][2],plurals:_rulesPluralsTypes[_rules[l][3]]}}return rules}(),addRule:function(lng,obj){pluralExtensions.rules[lng]=obj},setCurrentLng:function(lng){if(!pluralExtensions.currentRule||pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng!==lng){var parts=lng.split("-");pluralExtensions.currentRule={lng:lng,rule:pluralExtensions.rules[parts[0]]}}},needsPlural:function(lng,count){var parts=lng.split("-");var ext;if(pluralExtensions.currentRule&&pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng===lng){ext=pluralExtensions.currentRule.rule}else{ext=pluralExtensions.rules[parts[f.getCountyIndexOfLng(lng)]]}if(ext&&ext.numbers.length<=1){return false}else{return this.get(lng,count)!==1}},get:function(lng,count){var parts=lng.split("-");function getResult(l,c){var ext;if(pluralExtensions.currentRule&&pluralExtensions.currentRule.lng===lng){ext=pluralExtensions.currentRule.rule}else{ext=pluralExtensions.rules[l]}if(ext){var i;if(ext.noAbs){i=ext.plurals(c)}else{i=ext.plurals(Math.abs(c))}var number=ext.numbers[i];if(ext.numbers.length===2&&ext.numbers[0]===1){if(number===2){number=-1}else if(number===1){number=1}}return number}else{return c===1?"1":"-1"}}return getResult(parts[f.getCountyIndexOfLng(lng)],count)}};var postProcessors={};var addPostProcessor=function(name,fc){postProcessors[name]=fc};var sprintf=function(){function get_type(variable){return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase()}function str_repeat(input,multiplier){for(var output=[];multiplier>0;output[--multiplier]=input){}return output.join("")}var str_format=function(){if(!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])){str_format.cache[arguments[0]]=str_format.parse(arguments[0])}return str_format.format.call(null,str_format.cache[arguments[0]],arguments)};str_format.format=function(parse_tree,argv){var cursor=1,tree_length=parse_tree.length,node_type="",arg,output=[],i,k,match,pad,pad_character,pad_length;for(i=0;i<tree_length;i++){node_type=get_type(parse_tree[i]);if(node_type==="string"){output.push(parse_tree[i])}else if(node_type==="array"){match=parse_tree[i];if(match[2]){arg=argv[cursor];for(k=0;k<match[2].length;k++){if(!arg.hasOwnProperty(match[2][k])){throw sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist',match[2][k])}arg=arg[match[2][k]]}}else if(match[1]){arg=argv[match[1]]}else{arg=argv[cursor++]}if(/[^s]/.test(match[8])&&get_type(arg)!="number"){throw sprintf("[sprintf] expecting number but found %s",get_type(arg))}switch(match[8]){case"b":arg=arg.toString(2);break;case"c":arg=String.fromCharCode(arg);break;case"d":arg=parseInt(arg,10);break;case"e":arg=match[7]?arg.toExponential(match[7]):arg.toExponential();break;case"f":arg=match[7]?parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match[7]):parseFloat(arg);break;case"o":arg=arg.toString(8);break;case"s":arg=(arg=String(arg))&&match[7]?arg.substring(0,match[7]):arg;break;case"u":arg=Math.abs(arg);break;case"x":arg=arg.toString(16);break;case"X":arg=arg.toString(16).toUpperCase();break}arg=/[def]/.test(match[8])&&match[3]&&arg>=0?"+"+arg:arg;pad_character=match[4]?match[4]=="0"?"0":match[4].charAt(1):" ";pad_length=match[6]-String(arg).length;pad=match[6]?str_repeat(pad_character,pad_length):"";output.push(match[5]?arg+pad:pad+arg)}}return output.join("")};str_format.cache={};str_format.parse=function(fmt){var _fmt=fmt,match=[],parse_tree=[],arg_names=0;while(_fmt){if((match=/^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt))!==null){parse_tree.push(match[0])}else if((match=/^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt))!==null){parse_tree.push("%")}else if((match=/^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt))!==null){if(match[2]){arg_names|=1;var field_list=[],replacement_field=match[2],field_match=[];if((field_match=/^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field))!==null){field_list.push(field_match[1]);while((replacement_field=replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length))!==""){if((field_match=/^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field))!==null){field_list.push(field_match[1])}else if((field_match=/^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field))!==null){field_list.push(field_match[1])}else{throw"[sprintf] huh?"}}}else{throw"[sprintf] huh?"}match[2]=field_list}else{arg_names|=2}if(arg_names===3){throw"[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported"}parse_tree.push(match)}else{throw"[sprintf] huh?"}_fmt=_fmt.substring(match[0].length)}return parse_tree};return str_format}();var vsprintf=function(fmt,argv){argv.unshift(fmt);return sprintf.apply(null,argv)};addPostProcessor("sprintf",function(val,key,opts){if(!opts.sprintf)return val;if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(opts.sprintf)==="[object Array]"){return vsprintf(val,opts.sprintf)}else if(typeof opts.sprintf==="object"){return sprintf(val,opts.sprintf)}return val});i18n.init=init;i18n.isInitialized=isInitialized;i18n.setLng=setLng;i18n.preload=preload;i18n.addResourceBundle=addResourceBundle;i18n.hasResourceBundle=hasResourceBundle;i18n.getResourceBundle=getResourceBundle;i18n.addResource=addResource;i18n.addResources=addResources;i18n.removeResourceBundle=removeResourceBundle;i18n.loadNamespace=loadNamespace;i18n.loadNamespaces=loadNamespaces;i18n.setDefaultNamespace=setDefaultNamespace;i18n.t=translate;i18n.translate=translate;i18n.exists=exists;i18n.detectLanguage=f.detectLanguage;i18n.pluralExtensions=pluralExtensions;i18n.sync=sync;i18n.functions=f;i18n.lng=lng;i18n.addPostProcessor=addPostProcessor;i18n.applyReplacement=f.applyReplacement;i18n.options=o;i18n.noConflict=noConflict})(typeof exports==="undefined"?window:exports)},{}],moment:[function(require,module,exports){(function(global,factory){typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"?module.exports=factory():typeof define==="function"&&define.amd?define(factory):global.moment=factory()})(this,function(){"use strict";var hookCallback;function utils_hooks__hooks(){return hookCallback.apply(null,arguments)}function setHookCallback(callback){hookCallback=callback}function isArray(input){return Object.prototype.toString.call(input)==="[object Array]"}function isDate(input){return input instanceof Date||Object.prototype.toString.call(input)==="[object Date]"}function map(arr,fn){var res=[],i;for(i=0;i<arr.length;++i){res.push(fn(arr[i],i))}return res}function hasOwnProp(a,b){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,b)}function extend(a,b){for(var i in b){if(hasOwnProp(b,i)){a[i]=b[i]}}if(hasOwnProp(b,"toString")){a.toString=b.toString}if(hasOwnProp(b,"valueOf")){a.valueOf=b.valueOf}return a}function create_utc__createUTC(input,format,locale,strict){return createLocalOrUTC(input,format,locale,strict,true).utc()}function defaultParsingFlags(){return{empty:false,unusedTokens:[],unusedInput:[],overflow:-2,charsLeftOver:0,nullInput:false,invalidMonth:null,invalidFormat:false,userInvalidated:false,iso:false}}function getParsingFlags(m){if(m._pf==null){m._pf=defaultParsingFlags()}return m._pf}function valid__isValid(m){if(m._isValid==null){var flags=getParsingFlags(m);m._isValid=!isNaN(m._d.getTime())&&flags.overflow<0&&!flags.empty&&!flags.invalidMonth&&!flags.nullInput&&!flags.invalidFormat&&!flags.userInvalidated;if(m._strict){m._isValid=m._isValid&&flags.charsLeftOver===0&&flags.unusedTokens.length===0&&flags.bigHour===undefined}}return m._isValid}function valid__createInvalid(flags){var m=create_utc__createUTC(NaN);if(flags!=null){extend(getParsingFlags(m),flags)}else{getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated=true}return m}var momentProperties=utils_hooks__hooks.momentProperties=[];function copyConfig(to,from){var i,prop,val;if(typeof from._isAMomentObject!=="undefined"){to._isAMomentObject=from._isAMomentObject}if(typeof from._i!=="undefined"){to._i=from._i}if(typeof from._f!=="undefined"){to._f=from._f}if(typeof from._l!=="undefined"){to._l=from._l}if(typeof from._strict!=="undefined"){to._strict=from._strict}if(typeof from._tzm!=="undefined"){to._tzm=from._tzm}if(typeof from._isUTC!=="undefined"){to._isUTC=from._isUTC}if(typeof from._offset!=="undefined"){to._offset=from._offset}if(typeof from._pf!=="undefined"){to._pf=getParsingFlags(from)}if(typeof from._locale!=="undefined"){to._locale=from._locale}if(momentProperties.length>0){for(i in momentProperties){prop=momentProperties[i];val=from[prop];if(typeof val!=="undefined"){to[prop]=val}}}return to}var updateInProgress=false;function Moment(config){copyConfig(this,config);this._d=new Date(+config._d);if(updateInProgress===false){updateInProgress=true;utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this);updateInProgress=false}}function isMoment(obj){return obj instanceof Moment||obj!=null&&obj._isAMomentObject!=null}function toInt(argumentForCoercion){var coercedNumber=+argumentForCoercion,value=0;if(coercedNumber!==0&&isFinite(coercedNumber)){if(coercedNumber>=0){value=Math.floor(coercedNumber)}else{value=Math.ceil(coercedNumber)}}return value}function compareArrays(array1,array2,dontConvert){var len=Math.min(array1.length,array2.length),lengthDiff=Math.abs(array1.length-array2.length),diffs=0,i;for(i=0;i<len;i++){if(dontConvert&&array1[i]!==array2[i]||!dontConvert&&toInt(array1[i])!==toInt(array2[i])){diffs++}}return diffs+lengthDiff}function Locale(){}var locales={};var globalLocale;function normalizeLocale(key){return key?key.toLowerCase().replace("_","-"):key}function chooseLocale(names){var i=0,j,next,locale,split;while(i<names.length){split=normalizeLocale(names[i]).split("-");j=split.length;next=normalizeLocale(names[i+1]);next=next?next.split("-"):null;while(j>0){locale=loadLocale(split.slice(0,j).join("-"));if(locale){return locale}if(next&&next.length>=j&&compareArrays(split,next,true)>=j-1){break}j--}i++}return null}function loadLocale(name){var oldLocale=null;if(!locales[name]&&typeof module!=="undefined"&&module&&module.exports){try{oldLocale=globalLocale._abbr;require("./locale/"+name);locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale)}catch(e){}}return locales[name]}function locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(key,values){var data;if(key){if(typeof values==="undefined"){data=locale_locales__getLocale(key)}else{data=defineLocale(key,values)}if(data){globalLocale=data}}return globalLocale._abbr}function defineLocale(name,values){if(values!==null){values.abbr=name;if(!locales[name]){locales[name]=new Locale}locales[name].set(values);locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale(name);return locales[name]}else{delete locales[name];return null}}function locale_locales__getLocale(key){var locale;if(key&&key._locale&&key._locale._abbr){key=key._locale._abbr}if(!key){return globalLocale}if(!isArray(key)){locale=loadLocale(key);if(locale){return locale}key=[key]}return chooseLocale(key)}var aliases={};function addUnitAlias(unit,shorthand){var lowerCase=unit.toLowerCase();aliases[lowerCase]=aliases[lowerCase+"s"]=aliases[shorthand]=unit}function normalizeUnits(units){return typeof units==="string"?aliases[units]||aliases[units.toLowerCase()]:undefined}function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject){var normalizedInput={},normalizedProp,prop;for(prop in inputObject){if(hasOwnProp(inputObject,prop)){normalizedProp=normalizeUnits(prop);if(normalizedProp){normalizedInput[normalizedProp]=inputObject[prop]}}}return normalizedInput}function makeGetSet(unit,keepTime){return function(value){if(value!=null){get_set__set(this,unit,value);utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this,keepTime);return this}else{return get_set__get(this,unit)}}}function get_set__get(mom,unit){return mom._d["get"+(mom._isUTC?"UTC":"")+unit]()}function get_set__set(mom,unit,value){return mom._d["set"+(mom._isUTC?"UTC":"")+unit](value)}function getSet(units,value){var unit;if(typeof units==="object"){for(unit in units){this.set(unit,units[unit])}}else{units=normalizeUnits(units);if(typeof this[units]==="function"){return this[units](value)}}return this}function zeroFill(number,targetLength,forceSign){var output=""+Math.abs(number),sign=number>=0;while(output.length<targetLength){output="0"+output}return(sign?forceSign?"+":"":"-")+output}var formattingTokens=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Q|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,4}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;var localFormattingTokens=/(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;var formatFunctions={};var formatTokenFunctions={};function addFormatToken(token,padded,ordinal,callback){var func=callback;if(typeof callback==="string"){func=function(){return this[callback]()}}if(token){formatTokenFunctions[token]=func}if(padded){formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]]=function(){return zeroFill(func.apply(this,arguments),padded[1],padded[2])}}if(ordinal){formatTokenFunctions[ordinal]=function(){return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this,arguments),token)}}}function removeFormattingTokens(input){if(input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)){return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g,"")}return input.replace(/\\/g,"")}function makeFormatFunction(format){var array=format.match(formattingTokens),i,length;for(i=0,length=array.length;i<length;i++){if(formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]){array[i]=formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]}else{array[i]=removeFormattingTokens(array[i])}}return function(mom){var output="";for(i=0;i<length;i++){output+=array[i]instanceof Function?array[i].call(mom,format):array[i]}return output}}function formatMoment(m,format){if(!m.isValid()){return m.localeData().invalidDate()}format=expandFormat(format,m.localeData());if(!formatFunctions[format]){formatFunctions[format]=makeFormatFunction(format)}return formatFunctions[format](m)}function expandFormat(format,locale){var i=5;function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input){return locale.longDateFormat(input)||input}localFormattingTokens.lastIndex=0;while(i>=0&&localFormattingTokens.test(format)){format=format.replace(localFormattingTokens,replaceLongDateFormatTokens);localFormattingTokens.lastIndex=0;i-=1}return format}var match1=/\d/;var match2=/\d\d/;var match3=/\d{3}/;var match4=/\d{4}/;var match6=/[+-]?\d{6}/;var match1to2=/\d\d?/;var match1to3=/\d{1,3}/;var match1to4=/\d{1,4}/;var match1to6=/[+-]?\d{1,6}/;var matchUnsigned=/\d+/;var matchSigned=/[+-]?\d+/;var matchOffset=/Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi;var matchTimestamp=/[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/;var matchWord=/[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i;var regexes={};function addRegexToken(token,regex,strictRegex){regexes[token]=typeof regex==="function"?regex:function(isStrict){return isStrict&&strictRegex?strictRegex:regex}}function getParseRegexForToken(token,config){if(!hasOwnProp(regexes,token)){return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token))}return regexes[token](config._strict,config._locale)}function unescapeFormat(s){return s.replace("\\","").replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g,function(matched,p1,p2,p3,p4){return p1||p2||p3||p4}).replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,"\\$&")}var tokens={};function addParseToken(token,callback){var i,func=callback;if(typeof token==="string"){token=[token]}if(typeof callback==="number"){func=function(input,array){array[callback]=toInt(input)}}for(i=0;i<token.length;i++){tokens[token[i]]=func}}function addWeekParseToken(token,callback){addParseToken(token,function(input,array,config,token){config._w=config._w||{};callback(input,config._w,config,token)})}function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token,input,config){if(input!=null&&hasOwnProp(tokens,token)){tokens[token](input,config._a,config,token)}}var YEAR=0;var MONTH=1;var DATE=2;var HOUR=3;var MINUTE=4;var SECOND=5;var MILLISECOND=6;function daysInMonth(year,month){return new Date(Date.UTC(year,month+1,0)).getUTCDate()}addFormatToken("M",["MM",2],"Mo",function(){return this.month()+1});addFormatToken("MMM",0,0,function(format){return this.localeData().monthsShort(this,format)});addFormatToken("MMMM",0,0,function(format){return this.localeData().months(this,format)});addUnitAlias("month","M");addRegexToken("M",match1to2);addRegexToken("MM",match1to2,match2);addRegexToken("MMM",matchWord);addRegexToken("MMMM",matchWord);addParseToken(["M","MM"],function(input,array){array[MONTH]=toInt(input)-1});addParseToken(["MMM","MMMM"],function(input,array,config,token){var month=config._locale.monthsParse(input,token,config._strict);if(month!=null){array[MONTH]=month}else{getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth=input}});var defaultLocaleMonths="January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_");function localeMonths(m){return this._months[m.month()]}var defaultLocaleMonthsShort="Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_");function localeMonthsShort(m){return this._monthsShort[m.month()]}function localeMonthsParse(monthName,format,strict){var i,mom,regex;if(!this._monthsParse){this._monthsParse=[];this._longMonthsParse=[];this._shortMonthsParse=[]}for(i=0;i<12;i++){mom=create_utc__createUTC([2e3,i]);if(strict&&!this._longMonthsParse[i]){this._longMonthsParse[i]=new RegExp("^"+this.months(mom,"").replace(".","")+"$","i");this._shortMonthsParse[i]=new RegExp("^"+this.monthsShort(mom,"").replace(".","")+"$","i")}if(!strict&&!this._monthsParse[i]){regex="^"+this.months(mom,"")+"|^"+this.monthsShort(mom,"");this._monthsParse[i]=new RegExp(regex.replace(".",""),"i")}if(strict&&format==="MMMM"&&this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)){return i}else if(strict&&format==="MMM"&&this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)){return i}else if(!strict&&this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)){return i}}}function setMonth(mom,value){var dayOfMonth;if(typeof value==="string"){value=mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);if(typeof value!=="number"){return mom}}dayOfMonth=Math.min(mom.date(),daysInMonth(mom.year(),value));mom._d["set"+(mom._isUTC?"UTC":"")+"Month"](value,dayOfMonth);return mom}function getSetMonth(value){if(value!=null){setMonth(this,value);utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this,true);return this}else{return get_set__get(this,"Month")}}function getDaysInMonth(){return daysInMonth(this.year(),this.month())}function checkOverflow(m){var overflow;var a=m._a;if(a&&getParsingFlags(m).overflow===-2){overflow=a[MONTH]<0||a[MONTH]>11?MONTH:a[DATE]<1||a[DATE]>daysInMonth(a[YEAR],a[MONTH])?DATE:a[HOUR]<0||a[HOUR]>24||a[HOUR]===24&&(a[MINUTE]!==0||a[SECOND]!==0||a[MILLISECOND]!==0)?HOUR:a[MINUTE]<0||a[MINUTE]>59?MINUTE:a[SECOND]<0||a[SECOND]>59?SECOND:a[MILLISECOND]<0||a[MILLISECOND]>999?MILLISECOND:-1;if(getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear&&(overflow<YEAR||overflow>DATE)){overflow=DATE}getParsingFlags(m).overflow=overflow}return m}function warn(msg){if(utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings===false&&typeof console!=="undefined"&&console.warn){console.warn("Deprecation warning: "+msg)}}function deprecate(msg,fn){var firstTime=true,msgWithStack=msg+"\n"+(new Error).stack;return extend(function(){if(firstTime){warn(msgWithStack);firstTime=false}return fn.apply(this,arguments)},fn)}var deprecations={};function deprecateSimple(name,msg){if(!deprecations[name]){warn(msg);deprecations[name]=true}}utils_hooks__hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings=false;var from_string__isoRegex=/^\s*(?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:(\d\d-\d\d)|(W\d\d$)|(W\d\d-\d)|(\d\d\d))((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d+)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;var isoDates=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d{2}-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d{2}/],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/]];var isoTimes=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/(T| )\d\d:\d\d/],["HH",/(T| )\d\d/]];var aspNetJsonRegex=/^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;function configFromISO(config){var i,l,string=config._i,match=from_string__isoRegex.exec(string);if(match){getParsingFlags(config).iso=true;for(i=0,l=isoDates.length;i<l;i++){if(isoDates[i][1].exec(string)){config._f=isoDates[i][0]+(match[6]||" 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This is "+"discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major "+"release. Please refer to "+"https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1407 for more info.",function(config){config._d=new Date(config._i+(config._useUTC?" UTC":""))});function createDate(y,m,d,h,M,s,ms){var date=new Date(y,m,d,h,M,s,ms);if(y<1970){date.setFullYear(y)}return date}function createUTCDate(y){var date=new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null,arguments));if(y<1970){date.setUTCFullYear(y)}return date}addFormatToken(0,["YY",2],0,function(){return this.year()%100});addFormatToken(0,["YYYY",4],0,"year");addFormatToken(0,["YYYYY",5],0,"year");addFormatToken(0,["YYYYYY",6,true],0,"year");addUnitAlias("year","y");addRegexToken("Y",matchSigned);addRegexToken("YY",match1to2,match2);addRegexToken("YYYY",match1to4,match4);addRegexToken("YYYYY",match1to6,match6);addRegexToken("YYYYYY",match1to6,match6);addParseToken(["YYYY","YYYYY","YYYYYY"],YEAR);addParseToken("YY",function(input,array){array[YEAR]=utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input)});function daysInYear(year){return isLeapYear(year)?366:365}function isLeapYear(year){return year%4===0&&year%100!==0||year%400===0}utils_hooks__hooks.parseTwoDigitYear=function(input){return toInt(input)+(toInt(input)>68?1900:2e3)};var getSetYear=makeGetSet("FullYear",false);function getIsLeapYear(){return isLeapYear(this.year())}addFormatToken("w",["ww",2],"wo","week");addFormatToken("W",["WW",2],"Wo","isoWeek");addUnitAlias("week","w");addUnitAlias("isoWeek","W");addRegexToken("w",match1to2);addRegexToken("ww",match1to2,match2);addRegexToken("W",match1to2);addRegexToken("WW",match1to2,match2);addWeekParseToken(["w","ww","W","WW"],function(input,week,config,token){week[token.substr(0,1)]=toInt(input)});function weekOfYear(mom,firstDayOfWeek,firstDayOfWeekOfYear){var end=firstDayOfWeekOfYear-firstDayOfWeek,daysToDayOfWeek=firstDayOfWeekOfYear-mom.day(),adjustedMoment;if(daysToDayOfWeek>end){daysToDayOfWeek-=7}if(daysToDayOfWeek<end-7){daysToDayOfWeek+=7}adjustedMoment=local__createLocal(mom).add(daysToDayOfWeek,"d");return{week:Math.ceil(adjustedMoment.dayOfYear()/7),year:adjustedMoment.year()}}function localeWeek(mom){return weekOfYear(mom,this._week.dow,this._week.doy).week}var defaultLocaleWeek={dow:0,doy:6};function localeFirstDayOfWeek(){return this._week.dow}function localeFirstDayOfYear(){return this._week.doy}function getSetWeek(input){var week=this.localeData().week(this);return input==null?week:this.add((input-week)*7,"d")}function getSetISOWeek(input){var week=weekOfYear(this,1,4).week;return input==null?week:this.add((input-week)*7,"d")}addFormatToken("DDD",["DDDD",3],"DDDo","dayOfYear");addUnitAlias("dayOfYear","DDD");addRegexToken("DDD",match1to3);addRegexToken("DDDD",match3);addParseToken(["DDD","DDDD"],function(input,array,config){config._dayOfYear=toInt(input)});function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year,week,weekday,firstDayOfWeekOfYear,firstDayOfWeek){var d=createUTCDate(year,0,1).getUTCDay();var daysToAdd;var dayOfYear;d=d===0?7:d;weekday=weekday!=null?weekday:firstDayOfWeek;daysToAdd=firstDayOfWeek-d+(d>firstDayOfWeekOfYear?7:0)-(d<firstDayOfWeek?7:0);dayOfYear=7*(week-1)+(weekday-firstDayOfWeek)+daysToAdd+1;return{year:dayOfYear>0?year:year-1,dayOfYear:dayOfYear>0?dayOfYear:daysInYear(year-1)+dayOfYear}}function getSetDayOfYear(input){var dayOfYear=Math.round((this.clone().startOf("day")-this.clone().startOf("year"))/864e5)+1;return input==null?dayOfYear:this.add(input-dayOfYear,"d")}function defaults(a,b,c){if(a!=null){return a}if(b!=null){return b}return c}function currentDateArray(config){var now=new Date;if(config._useUTC){return[now.getUTCFullYear(),now.getUTCMonth(),now.getUTCDate()]}return[now.getFullYear(),now.getMonth(),now.getDate()]}function configFromArray(config){var i,date,input=[],currentDate,yearToUse;if(config._d){return}currentDate=currentDateArray(config);if(config._w&&config._a[DATE]==null&&config._a[MONTH]==null){dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config)}if(config._dayOfYear){yearToUse=defaults(config._a[YEAR],currentDate[YEAR]);if(config._dayOfYear>daysInYear(yearToUse)){getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear=true}date=createUTCDate(yearToUse,0,config._dayOfYear);config._a[MONTH]=date.getUTCMonth();config._a[DATE]=date.getUTCDate()}for(i=0;i<3&&config._a[i]==null;++i){config._a[i]=input[i]=currentDate[i]}for(;i<7;i++){config._a[i]=input[i]=config._a[i]==null?i===2?1:0:config._a[i]}if(config._a[HOUR]===24&&config._a[MINUTE]===0&&config._a[SECOND]===0&&config._a[MILLISECOND]===0){config._nextDay=true;config._a[HOUR]=0}config._d=(config._useUTC?createUTCDate:createDate).apply(null,input);if(config._tzm!=null){config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes()-config._tzm)}if(config._nextDay){config._a[HOUR]=24}}function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config){var w,weekYear,week,weekday,dow,doy,temp;w=config._w;if(w.GG!=null||w.W!=null||w.E!=null){dow=1;doy=4;weekYear=defaults(w.GG,config._a[YEAR],weekOfYear(local__createLocal(),1,4).year);week=defaults(w.W,1);weekday=defaults(w.E,1)}else{dow=config._locale._week.dow;doy=config._locale._week.doy;weekYear=defaults(w.gg,config._a[YEAR],weekOfYear(local__createLocal(),dow,doy).year);week=defaults(w.w,1);if(w.d!=null){weekday=w.d;if(weekday<dow){++week}}else if(w.e!=null){weekday=w.e+dow}else{weekday=dow}}temp=dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear,week,weekday,doy,dow);config._a[YEAR]=temp.year;config._dayOfYear=temp.dayOfYear}utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601=function(){};function configFromStringAndFormat(config){if(config._f===utils_hooks__hooks.ISO_8601){configFromISO(config);return}config._a=[];getParsingFlags(config).empty=true;var string=""+config._i,i,parsedInput,tokens,token,skipped,stringLength=string.length,totalParsedInputLength=0;tokens=expandFormat(config._f,config._locale).match(formattingTokens)||[];for(i=0;i<tokens.length;i++){token=tokens[i];parsedInput=(string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token,config))||[])[0];if(parsedInput){skipped=string.substr(0,string.indexOf(parsedInput));if(skipped.length>0){getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped)}string=string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput)+parsedInput.length);totalParsedInputLength+=parsedInput.length}if(formatTokenFunctions[token]){if(parsedInput){getParsingFlags(config).empty=false}else{getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token)}addTimeToArrayFromToken(token,parsedInput,config)}else if(config._strict&&!parsedInput){getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token)}}getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver=stringLength-totalParsedInputLength;if(string.length>0){getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string)}if(getParsingFlags(config).bigHour===true&&config._a[HOUR]<=12&&config._a[HOUR]>0){getParsingFlags(config).bigHour=undefined}config._a[HOUR]=meridiemFixWrap(config._locale,config._a[HOUR],config._meridiem);configFromArray(config);checkOverflow(config)}function meridiemFixWrap(locale,hour,meridiem){var isPm;if(meridiem==null){return hour}if(locale.meridiemHour!=null){return locale.meridiemHour(hour,meridiem)}else if(locale.isPM!=null){isPm=locale.isPM(meridiem);if(isPm&&hour<12){hour+=12}if(!isPm&&hour===12){hour=0}return hour}else{return hour}}function configFromStringAndArray(config){var tempConfig,bestMoment,scoreToBeat,i,currentScore;if(config._f.length===0){getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat=true;config._d=new Date(NaN);return}for(i=0;i<config._f.length;i++){currentScore=0;tempConfig=copyConfig({},config);if(config._useUTC!=null){tempConfig._useUTC=config._useUTC}tempConfig._f=config._f[i];configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);if(!valid__isValid(tempConfig)){continue}currentScore+=getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;currentScore+=getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length*10;getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score=currentScore;if(scoreToBeat==null||currentScore<scoreToBeat){scoreToBeat=currentScore;bestMoment=tempConfig}}extend(config,bestMoment||tempConfig)}function configFromObject(config){if(config._d){return}var i=normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);config._a=[i.year,i.month,i.day||i.date,i.hour,i.minute,i.second,i.millisecond];configFromArray(config)}function createFromConfig(config){var input=config._i,format=config._f,res;config._locale=config._locale||locale_locales__getLocale(config._l);if(input===null||format===undefined&&input===""){return valid__createInvalid({nullInput:true})}if(typeof input==="string"){config._i=input=config._locale.preparse(input)}if(isMoment(input)){return new Moment(checkOverflow(input))}else if(isArray(format)){configFromStringAndArray(config)}else if(format){configFromStringAndFormat(config)}else if(isDate(input)){config._d=input}else{configFromInput(config)}res=new Moment(checkOverflow(config));if(res._nextDay){res.add(1,"d");res._nextDay=undefined}return res}function configFromInput(config){var input=config._i;if(input===undefined){config._d=new Date}else if(isDate(input)){config._d=new Date(+input)}else if(typeof input==="string"){configFromString(config)}else if(isArray(input)){config._a=map(input.slice(0),function(obj){return parseInt(obj,10)});configFromArray(config)}else if(typeof input==="object"){configFromObject(config)}else if(typeof input==="number"){config._d=new Date(input)}else{utils_hooks__hooks.createFromInputFallback(config)}}function createLocalOrUTC(input,format,locale,strict,isUTC){var c={};if(typeof locale==="boolean"){strict=locale;locale=undefined} |
| 10 | // https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1423 |
| 11 | c._isAMomentObject=true;c._useUTC=c._isUTC=isUTC;c._l=locale;c._i=input;c._f=format;c._strict=strict;return createFromConfig(c)}function local__createLocal(input,format,locale,strict){return createLocalOrUTC(input,format,locale,strict,false)}var prototypeMin=deprecate("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.min instead. https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1548",function(){var other=local__createLocal.apply(null,arguments);return other<this?this:other});var prototypeMax=deprecate("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.max instead. https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1548",function(){var other=local__createLocal.apply(null,arguments);return other>this?this:other});function pickBy(fn,moments){var res,i;if(moments.length===1&&isArray(moments[0])){moments=moments[0]}if(!moments.length){return local__createLocal()}res=moments[0];for(i=1;i<moments.length;++i){if(moments[i][fn](res)){res=moments[i]}}return res}function min(){var args=[].slice.call(arguments,0);return pickBy("isBefore",args)}function max(){var args=[].slice.call(arguments,0);return pickBy("isAfter",args)}function Duration(duration){var normalizedInput=normalizeObjectUnits(duration),years=normalizedInput.year||0,quarters=normalizedInput.quarter||0,months=normalizedInput.month||0,weeks=normalizedInput.week||0,days=normalizedInput.day||0,hours=normalizedInput.hour||0,minutes=normalizedInput.minute||0,seconds=normalizedInput.second||0,milliseconds=normalizedInput.millisecond||0;this._milliseconds=+milliseconds+seconds*1e3+minutes*6e4+hours*36e5;this._days=+days+weeks*7;this._months=+months+quarters*3+years*12;this._data={};this._locale=locale_locales__getLocale();this._bubble()}function isDuration(obj){return obj instanceof Duration}function offset(token,separator){addFormatToken(token,0,0,function(){var offset=this.utcOffset();var sign="+";if(offset<0){offset=-offset;sign="-"}return sign+zeroFill(~~(offset/60),2)+separator+zeroFill(~~offset%60,2)})}offset("Z",":");offset("ZZ","");addRegexToken("Z",matchOffset);addRegexToken("ZZ",matchOffset);addParseToken(["Z","ZZ"],function(input,array,config){config._useUTC=true;config._tzm=offsetFromString(input)});var chunkOffset=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;function offsetFromString(string){var matches=(string||"").match(matchOffset)||[];var chunk=matches[matches.length-1]||[];var parts=(chunk+"").match(chunkOffset)||["-",0,0];var minutes=+(parts[1]*60)+toInt(parts[2]);return parts[0]==="+"?minutes:-minutes}function cloneWithOffset(input,model){var res,diff;if(model._isUTC){res=model.clone();diff=(isMoment(input)||isDate(input)?+input:+local__createLocal(input))-+res;res._d.setTime(+res._d+diff);utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(res,false);return res}else{return local__createLocal(input).local()}return model._isUTC?local__createLocal(input).zone(model._offset||0):local__createLocal(input).local()}function getDateOffset(m){ |
| 12 | // https://github.com/moment/moment/pull/1871 |
| 13 | return-Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset()/15)*15}utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset=function(){};function getSetOffset(input,keepLocalTime){var offset=this._offset||0,localAdjust;if(input!=null){if(typeof input==="string"){input=offsetFromString(input)}if(Math.abs(input)<16){input=input*60}if(!this._isUTC&&keepLocalTime){localAdjust=getDateOffset(this)}this._offset=input;this._isUTC=true;if(localAdjust!=null){this.add(localAdjust,"m")}if(offset!==input){if(!keepLocalTime||this._changeInProgress){add_subtract__addSubtract(this,create__createDuration(input-offset,"m"),1,false)}else if(!this._changeInProgress){this._changeInProgress=true;utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(this,true);this._changeInProgress=null}}return this}else{return this._isUTC?offset:getDateOffset(this)}}function getSetZone(input,keepLocalTime){if(input!=null){if(typeof input!=="string"){input=-input}this.utcOffset(input,keepLocalTime);return this}else{return-this.utcOffset()}}function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime){return this.utcOffset(0,keepLocalTime)}function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime){if(this._isUTC){this.utcOffset(0,keepLocalTime);this._isUTC=false;if(keepLocalTime){this.subtract(getDateOffset(this),"m")}}return this}function setOffsetToParsedOffset(){if(this._tzm){this.utcOffset(this._tzm)}else if(typeof this._i==="string"){this.utcOffset(offsetFromString(this._i))}return this}function hasAlignedHourOffset(input){if(!input){input=0}else{input=local__createLocal(input).utcOffset()}return(this.utcOffset()-input)%60===0}function isDaylightSavingTime(){return this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(0).utcOffset()||this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()}function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted(){if(this._a){var other=this._isUTC?create_utc__createUTC(this._a):local__createLocal(this._a);return this.isValid()&&compareArrays(this._a,other.toArray())>0}return false}function isLocal(){return!this._isUTC}function isUtcOffset(){return this._isUTC}function isUtc(){return this._isUTC&&this._offset===0}var aspNetRegex=/(\-)?(?:(\d*)\.)?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?)?/;var create__isoRegex=/^(-)?P(?:(?:([0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([0-9,.]*)S)?)?|([0-9,.]*)W)$/;function create__createDuration(input,key){var duration=input,match=null,sign,ret,diffRes;if(isDuration(input)){duration={ms:input._milliseconds,d:input._days,M:input._months}}else if(typeof input==="number"){duration={};if(key){duration[key]=input}else{duration.milliseconds=input}}else if(!!(match=aspNetRegex.exec(input))){sign=match[1]==="-"?-1:1;duration={y:0,d:toInt(match[DATE])*sign,h:toInt(match[HOUR])*sign,m:toInt(match[MINUTE])*sign,s:toInt(match[SECOND])*sign,ms:toInt(match[MILLISECOND])*sign}}else if(!!(match=create__isoRegex.exec(input))){sign=match[1]==="-"?-1:1;duration={y:parseIso(match[2],sign),M:parseIso(match[3],sign),d:parseIso(match[4],sign),h:parseIso(match[5],sign),m:parseIso(match[6],sign),s:parseIso(match[7],sign),w:parseIso(match[8],sign)}}else if(duration==null){duration={}}else if(typeof duration==="object"&&("from"in duration||"to"in duration)){diffRes=momentsDifference(local__createLocal(duration.from),local__createLocal(duration.to));duration={};duration.ms=diffRes.milliseconds;duration.M=diffRes.months}ret=new Duration(duration);if(isDuration(input)&&hasOwnProp(input,"_locale")){ret._locale=input._locale}return ret}create__createDuration.fn=Duration.prototype;function parseIso(inp,sign){var res=inp&&parseFloat(inp.replace(",","."));return(isNaN(res)?0:res)*sign}function positiveMomentsDifference(base,other){var res={milliseconds:0,months:0};res.months=other.month()-base.month()+(other.year()-base.year())*12;if(base.clone().add(res.months,"M").isAfter(other)){--res.months}res.milliseconds=+other-+base.clone().add(res.months,"M");return res}function momentsDifference(base,other){var res;other=cloneWithOffset(other,base);if(base.isBefore(other)){res=positiveMomentsDifference(base,other)}else{res=positiveMomentsDifference(other,base);res.milliseconds=-res.milliseconds;res.months=-res.months}return res}function createAdder(direction,name){return function(val,period){var dur,tmp;if(period!==null&&!isNaN(+period)){deprecateSimple(name,"moment()."+name+"(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()."+name+"(number, period).");tmp=val;val=period;period=tmp}val=typeof val==="string"?+val:val;dur=create__createDuration(val,period);add_subtract__addSubtract(this,dur,direction);return this}}function add_subtract__addSubtract(mom,duration,isAdding,updateOffset){var milliseconds=duration._milliseconds,days=duration._days,months=duration._months;updateOffset=updateOffset==null?true:updateOffset;if(milliseconds){mom._d.setTime(+mom._d+milliseconds*isAdding)}if(days){get_set__set(mom,"Date",get_set__get(mom,"Date")+days*isAdding)}if(months){setMonth(mom,get_set__get(mom,"Month")+months*isAdding)}if(updateOffset){utils_hooks__hooks.updateOffset(mom,days||months)}}var add_subtract__add=createAdder(1,"add");var add_subtract__subtract=createAdder(-1,"subtract");function moment_calendar__calendar(time){var now=time||local__createLocal(),sod=cloneWithOffset(now,this).startOf("day"),diff=this.diff(sod,"days",true),format=diff<-6?"sameElse":diff<-1?"lastWeek":diff<0?"lastDay":diff<1?"sameDay":diff<2?"nextDay":diff<7?"nextWeek":"sameElse";return this.format(this.localeData().calendar(format,this,local__createLocal(now)))}function clone(){return new Moment(this)}function isAfter(input,units){var inputMs;units=normalizeUnits(typeof units!=="undefined"?units:"millisecond");if(units==="millisecond"){input=isMoment(input)?input:local__createLocal(input);return+this>+input}else{inputMs=isMoment(input)?+input:+local__createLocal(input);return inputMs<+this.clone().startOf(units)}}function isBefore(input,units){var inputMs;units=normalizeUnits(typeof units!=="undefined"?units:"millisecond");if(units==="millisecond"){input=isMoment(input)?input:local__createLocal(input);return+this<+input}else{inputMs=isMoment(input)?+input:+local__createLocal(input);return+this.clone().endOf(units)<inputMs}}function isBetween(from,to,units){return this.isAfter(from,units)&&this.isBefore(to,units)}function isSame(input,units){var inputMs;units=normalizeUnits(units||"millisecond");if(units==="millisecond"){input=isMoment(input)?input:local__createLocal(input);return+this===+input}else{inputMs=+local__createLocal(input);return+this.clone().startOf(units)<=inputMs&&inputMs<=+this.clone().endOf(units)}}function absFloor(number){if(number<0){return Math.ceil(number)}else{return Math.floor(number)}}function diff(input,units,asFloat){var that=cloneWithOffset(input,this),zoneDelta=(that.utcOffset()-this.utcOffset())*6e4,delta,output;units=normalizeUnits(units);if(units==="year"||units==="month"||units==="quarter"){output=monthDiff(this,that);if(units==="quarter"){output=output/3}else if(units==="year"){output=output/12}}else{delta=this-that;output=units==="second"?delta/1e3:units==="minute"?delta/6e4:units==="hour"?delta/36e5:units==="day"?(delta-zoneDelta)/864e5:units==="week"?(delta-zoneDelta)/6048e5:delta}return asFloat?output:absFloor(output)}function monthDiff(a,b){var wholeMonthDiff=(b.year()-a.year())*12+(b.month()-a.month()),anchor=a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff,"months"),anchor2,adjust;if(b-anchor<0){anchor2=a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff-1,"months");adjust=(b-anchor)/(anchor-anchor2)}else{anchor2=a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff+1,"months");adjust=(b-anchor)/(anchor2-anchor)}return-(wholeMonthDiff+adjust)}utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ";function toString(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")}function moment_format__toISOString(){var m=this.clone().utc();if(0<m.year()&&m.year()<=9999){if("function"===typeof Date.prototype.toISOString){return this.toDate().toISOString()}else{return formatMoment(m,"YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")}}else{return formatMoment(m,"YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")}}function format(inputString){var output=formatMoment(this,inputString||utils_hooks__hooks.defaultFormat);return this.localeData().postformat(output)}function from(time,withoutSuffix){if(!this.isValid()){return this.localeData().invalidDate()}return create__createDuration({to:this,from:time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix)}function fromNow(withoutSuffix){return this.from(local__createLocal(),withoutSuffix)}function to(time,withoutSuffix){if(!this.isValid()){return this.localeData().invalidDate()}return create__createDuration({from:this,to:time}).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix)}function toNow(withoutSuffix){return this.to(local__createLocal(),withoutSuffix)}function locale(key){var newLocaleData;if(key===undefined){return this._locale._abbr}else{newLocaleData=locale_locales__getLocale(key);if(newLocaleData!=null){this._locale=newLocaleData}return this}}var lang=deprecate("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",function(key){if(key===undefined){return this.localeData()}else{return this.locale(key)}});function localeData(){return this._locale}function startOf(units){units=normalizeUnits(units);switch(units){case"year":this.month(0);case"quarter":case"month":this.date(1);case"week":case"isoWeek":case"day":this.hours(0);case"hour":this.minutes(0);case"minute":this.seconds(0);case"second":this.milliseconds(0)}if(units==="week"){this.weekday(0)}if(units==="isoWeek"){this.isoWeekday(1)}if(units==="quarter"){this.month(Math.floor(this.month()/3)*3)}return this}function endOf(units){units=normalizeUnits(units);if(units===undefined||units==="millisecond"){return this}return this.startOf(units).add(1,units==="isoWeek"?"week":units).subtract(1,"ms")}function to_type__valueOf(){return+this._d-(this._offset||0)*6e4}function unix(){return Math.floor(+this/1e3)}function toDate(){return this._offset?new Date(+this):this._d}function toArray(){var m=this;return[m.year(),m.month(),m.date(),m.hour(),m.minute(),m.second(),m.millisecond()]}function moment_valid__isValid(){return valid__isValid(this)}function parsingFlags(){return extend({},getParsingFlags(this))}function invalidAt(){return getParsingFlags(this).overflow}addFormatToken(0,["gg",2],0,function(){return this.weekYear()%100});addFormatToken(0,["GG",2],0,function(){return this.isoWeekYear()%100});function 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this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),lowercase)})}meridiem("a",true);meridiem("A",false);addUnitAlias("hour","h");function matchMeridiem(isStrict,locale){return locale._meridiemParse}addRegexToken("a",matchMeridiem);addRegexToken("A",matchMeridiem);addRegexToken("H",match1to2);addRegexToken("h",match1to2);addRegexToken("HH",match1to2,match2);addRegexToken("hh",match1to2,match2);addParseToken(["H","HH"],HOUR);addParseToken(["a","A"],function(input,array,config){config._isPm=config._locale.isPM(input);config._meridiem=input});addParseToken(["h","hh"],function(input,array,config){array[HOUR]=toInt(input);getParsingFlags(config).bigHour=true});function localeIsPM(input){return(input+"").toLowerCase().charAt(0)==="p"}var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse=/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i;function localeMeridiem(hours,minutes,isLower){if(hours>11){return isLower?"pm":"PM"}else{return isLower?"am":"AM"}}var getSetHour=makeGetSet("Hours",true);addFormatToken("m",["mm",2],0,"minute");addUnitAlias("minute","m");addRegexToken("m",match1to2);addRegexToken("mm",match1to2,match2);addParseToken(["m","mm"],MINUTE);var getSetMinute=makeGetSet("Minutes",false);addFormatToken("s",["ss",2],0,"second");addUnitAlias("second","s");addRegexToken("s",match1to2);addRegexToken("ss",match1to2,match2);addParseToken(["s","ss"],SECOND);var getSetSecond=makeGetSet("Seconds",false);addFormatToken("S",0,0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/100)});addFormatToken(0,["SS",2],0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/10)});function millisecond__milliseconds(token){addFormatToken(0,[token,3],0,"millisecond")}millisecond__milliseconds("SSS");millisecond__milliseconds("SSSS");addUnitAlias("millisecond","ms");addRegexToken("S",match1to3,match1);addRegexToken("SS",match1to3,match2);addRegexToken("SSS",match1to3,match3);addRegexToken("SSSS",matchUnsigned);addParseToken(["S","SS","SSS","SSSS"],function(input,array){array[MILLISECOND]=toInt(("0."+input)*1e3)});var getSetMillisecond=makeGetSet("Milliseconds",false);addFormatToken("z",0,0,"zoneAbbr");addFormatToken("zz",0,0,"zoneName");function getZoneAbbr(){return this._isUTC?"UTC":""}function getZoneName(){return this._isUTC?"Coordinated Universal Time":""}var momentPrototype__proto=Moment.prototype;momentPrototype__proto.add=add_subtract__add;momentPrototype__proto.calendar=moment_calendar__calendar;momentPrototype__proto.clone=clone;momentPrototype__proto.diff=diff;momentPrototype__proto.endOf=endOf;momentPrototype__proto.format=format;momentPrototype__proto.from=from;momentPrototype__proto.fromNow=fromNow;momentPrototype__proto.to=to;momentPrototype__proto.toNow=toNow;momentPrototype__proto.get=getSet;momentPrototype__proto.invalidAt=invalidAt;momentPrototype__proto.isAfter=isAfter;momentPrototype__proto.isBefore=isBefore;momentPrototype__proto.isBetween=isBetween;momentPrototype__proto.isSame=isSame;momentPrototype__proto.isValid=moment_valid__isValid;momentPrototype__proto.lang=lang;momentPrototype__proto.locale=locale;momentPrototype__proto.localeData=localeData;momentPrototype__proto.max=prototypeMax;momentPrototype__proto.min=prototypeMin;momentPrototype__proto.parsingFlags=parsingFlags;momentPrototype__proto.set=getSet;momentPrototype__proto.startOf=startOf;momentPrototype__proto.subtract=add_subtract__subtract;momentPrototype__proto.toArray=toArray;momentPrototype__proto.toDate=toDate;momentPrototype__proto.toISOString=moment_format__toISOString;momentPrototype__proto.toJSON=moment_format__toISOString;momentPrototype__proto.toString=toString;momentPrototype__proto.unix=unix;momentPrototype__proto.valueOf=to_type__valueOf;momentPrototype__proto.year=getSetYear;momentPrototype__proto.isLeapYear=getIsLeapYear;momentPrototype__proto.weekYear=getSetWeekYear;momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekYear=getSetISOWeekYear;momentPrototype__proto.quarter=momentPrototype__proto.quarters=getSetQuarter;momentPrototype__proto.month=getSetMonth;momentPrototype__proto.daysInMonth=getDaysInMonth;momentPrototype__proto.week=momentPrototype__proto.weeks=getSetWeek;momentPrototype__proto.isoWeek=momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeks=getSetISOWeek;momentPrototype__proto.weeksInYear=getWeeksInYear;momentPrototype__proto.isoWeeksInYear=getISOWeeksInYear;momentPrototype__proto.date=getSetDayOfMonth;momentPrototype__proto.day=momentPrototype__proto.days=getSetDayOfWeek;momentPrototype__proto.weekday=getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;momentPrototype__proto.isoWeekday=getSetISODayOfWeek;momentPrototype__proto.dayOfYear=getSetDayOfYear;momentPrototype__proto.hour=momentPrototype__proto.hours=getSetHour;momentPrototype__proto.minute=momentPrototype__proto.minutes=getSetMinute;momentPrototype__proto.second=momentPrototype__proto.seconds=getSetSecond;momentPrototype__proto.millisecond=momentPrototype__proto.milliseconds=getSetMillisecond;momentPrototype__proto.utcOffset=getSetOffset;momentPrototype__proto.utc=setOffsetToUTC;momentPrototype__proto.local=setOffsetToLocal;momentPrototype__proto.parseZone=setOffsetToParsedOffset;momentPrototype__proto.hasAlignedHourOffset=hasAlignedHourOffset;momentPrototype__proto.isDST=isDaylightSavingTime;momentPrototype__proto.isDSTShifted=isDaylightSavingTimeShifted;momentPrototype__proto.isLocal=isLocal;momentPrototype__proto.isUtcOffset=isUtcOffset;momentPrototype__proto.isUtc=isUtc;momentPrototype__proto.isUTC=isUtc;momentPrototype__proto.zoneAbbr=getZoneAbbr;momentPrototype__proto.zoneName=getZoneName;momentPrototype__proto.dates=deprecate("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",getSetDayOfMonth);momentPrototype__proto.months=deprecate("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",getSetMonth);momentPrototype__proto.years=deprecate("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",getSetYear);momentPrototype__proto.zone=deprecate("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. https://github.com/moment/moment/issues/1779",getSetZone);var momentPrototype=momentPrototype__proto;function moment__createUnix(input){return local__createLocal(input*1e3)}function moment__createInZone(){return local__createLocal.apply(null,arguments).parseZone()}var defaultCalendar={sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"};function locale_calendar__calendar(key,mom,now){var output=this._calendar[key];return typeof output==="function"?output.call(mom,now):output}var defaultLongDateFormat={LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY LT",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY LT"};function longDateFormat(key){var output=this._longDateFormat[key];if(!output&&this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]){output=this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g,function(val){return val.slice(1)});this._longDateFormat[key]=output}return output}var defaultInvalidDate="Invalid date";function invalidDate(){return this._invalidDate}var defaultOrdinal="%d";var defaultOrdinalParse=/\d{1,2}/;function ordinal(number){return this._ordinal.replace("%d",number)}function preParsePostFormat(string){return string}var defaultRelativeTime={future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"};function relative__relativeTime(number,withoutSuffix,string,isFuture){var output=this._relativeTime[string];return typeof output==="function"?output(number,withoutSuffix,string,isFuture):output.replace(/%d/i,number)}function pastFuture(diff,output){var format=this._relativeTime[diff>0?"future":"past"];return typeof format==="function"?format(output):format.replace(/%s/i,output)}function locale_set__set(config){var prop,i;for(i in config){prop=config[i];if(typeof prop==="function"){this[i]=prop}else{this["_"+i]=prop}}this._ordinalParseLenient=new RegExp(this._ordinalParse.source+"|"+/\d{1,2}/.source)}var prototype__proto=Locale.prototype;prototype__proto._calendar=defaultCalendar;prototype__proto.calendar=locale_calendar__calendar;prototype__proto._longDateFormat=defaultLongDateFormat;prototype__proto.longDateFormat=longDateFormat;prototype__proto._invalidDate=defaultInvalidDate;prototype__proto.invalidDate=invalidDate;prototype__proto._ordinal=defaultOrdinal;prototype__proto.ordinal=ordinal;prototype__proto._ordinalParse=defaultOrdinalParse;prototype__proto.preparse=preParsePostFormat;prototype__proto.postformat=preParsePostFormat;prototype__proto._relativeTime=defaultRelativeTime;prototype__proto.relativeTime=relative__relativeTime;prototype__proto.pastFuture=pastFuture;prototype__proto.set=locale_set__set;prototype__proto.months=localeMonths;prototype__proto._months=defaultLocaleMonths;prototype__proto.monthsShort=localeMonthsShort;prototype__proto._monthsShort=defaultLocaleMonthsShort;prototype__proto.monthsParse=localeMonthsParse;prototype__proto.week=localeWeek;prototype__proto._week=defaultLocaleWeek;prototype__proto.firstDayOfYear=localeFirstDayOfYear;prototype__proto.firstDayOfWeek=localeFirstDayOfWeek;prototype__proto.weekdays=localeWeekdays;prototype__proto._weekdays=defaultLocaleWeekdays;prototype__proto.weekdaysMin=localeWeekdaysMin;prototype__proto._weekdaysMin=defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin;prototype__proto.weekdaysShort=localeWeekdaysShort;prototype__proto._weekdaysShort=defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort;prototype__proto.weekdaysParse=localeWeekdaysParse;prototype__proto.isPM=localeIsPM;prototype__proto._meridiemParse=defaultLocaleMeridiemParse;prototype__proto.meridiem=localeMeridiem;function lists__get(format,index,field,setter){var locale=locale_locales__getLocale();var utc=create_utc__createUTC().set(setter,index);return locale[field](utc,format)}function list(format,index,field,count,setter){if(typeof format==="number"){index=format;format=undefined}format=format||"";if(index!=null){return lists__get(format,index,field,setter)}var i;var out=[];for(i=0;i<count;i++){out[i]=lists__get(format,i,field,setter)}return out}function lists__listMonths(format,index){return list(format,index,"months",12,"month")}function lists__listMonthsShort(format,index){return list(format,index,"monthsShort",12,"month")}function lists__listWeekdays(format,index){return list(format,index,"weekdays",7,"day")}function lists__listWeekdaysShort(format,index){return list(format,index,"weekdaysShort",7,"day")}function lists__listWeekdaysMin(format,index){return list(format,index,"weekdaysMin",7,"day")}locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale("en",{ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,ordinal:function(number){var b=number%10,output=toInt(number%100/10)===1?"th":b===1?"st":b===2?"nd":b===3?"rd":"th";return number+output}});utils_hooks__hooks.lang=deprecate("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale);utils_hooks__hooks.langData=deprecate("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",locale_locales__getLocale);var mathAbs=Math.abs;function duration_abs__abs(){var data=this._data;this._milliseconds=mathAbs(this._milliseconds);this._days=mathAbs(this._days);this._months=mathAbs(this._months);data.milliseconds=mathAbs(data.milliseconds);data.seconds=mathAbs(data.seconds);data.minutes=mathAbs(data.minutes);data.hours=mathAbs(data.hours);data.months=mathAbs(data.months);data.years=mathAbs(data.years);return this}function duration_add_subtract__addSubtract(duration,input,value,direction){var other=create__createDuration(input,value);duration._milliseconds+=direction*other._milliseconds;duration._days+=direction*other._days;duration._months+=direction*other._months;return duration._bubble()}function duration_add_subtract__add(input,value){return duration_add_subtract__addSubtract(this,input,value,1)}function duration_add_subtract__subtract(input,value){return duration_add_subtract__addSubtract(this,input,value,-1)}function bubble(){var milliseconds=this._milliseconds;var days=this._days;var months=this._months;var data=this._data;var seconds,minutes,hours,years=0;data.milliseconds=milliseconds%1e3;seconds=absFloor(milliseconds/1e3);data.seconds=seconds%60;minutes=absFloor(seconds/60);data.minutes=minutes%60;hours=absFloor(minutes/60);data.hours=hours%24;days+=absFloor(hours/24);years=absFloor(daysToYears(days));days-=absFloor(yearsToDays(years));months+=absFloor(days/30);days%=30;years+=absFloor(months/12);months%=12;data.days=days;data.months=months;data.years=years;return this}function daysToYears(days){return days*400/146097}function yearsToDays(years){return years*146097/400}function as(units){var days;var months;var milliseconds=this._milliseconds;units=normalizeUnits(units);if(units==="month"||units==="year"){days=this._days+milliseconds/864e5;months=this._months+daysToYears(days)*12;return units==="month"?months:months/12}else{days=this._days+Math.round(yearsToDays(this._months/12));switch(units){case"week":return days/7+milliseconds/6048e5;case"day":return days+milliseconds/864e5;case"hour":return days*24+milliseconds/36e5;case"minute":return days*1440+milliseconds/6e4;case"second":return days*86400+milliseconds/1e3;case"millisecond":return Math.floor(days*864e5)+milliseconds;default:throw new Error("Unknown unit "+units)}}}function duration_as__valueOf(){return this._milliseconds+this._days*864e5+this._months%12*2592e6+toInt(this._months/12)*31536e6}function makeAs(alias){return function(){return this.as(alias)}}var asMilliseconds=makeAs("ms");var asSeconds=makeAs("s");var asMinutes=makeAs("m");var asHours=makeAs("h");var asDays=makeAs("d");var asWeeks=makeAs("w");var asMonths=makeAs("M");var asYears=makeAs("y");function duration_get__get(units){units=normalizeUnits(units);return this[units+"s"]()}function makeGetter(name){return function(){return this._data[name]}}var duration_get__milliseconds=makeGetter("milliseconds");var seconds=makeGetter("seconds");var minutes=makeGetter("minutes");var hours=makeGetter("hours");var days=makeGetter("days");var months=makeGetter("months");var years=makeGetter("years");function weeks(){return absFloor(this.days()/7)}var round=Math.round;var thresholds={s:45,m:45,h:22,d:26,M:11};function substituteTimeAgo(string,number,withoutSuffix,isFuture,locale){return locale.relativeTime(number||1,!!withoutSuffix,string,isFuture)}function duration_humanize__relativeTime(posNegDuration,withoutSuffix,locale){var duration=create__createDuration(posNegDuration).abs();var seconds=round(duration.as("s"));var minutes=round(duration.as("m"));var hours=round(duration.as("h"));var days=round(duration.as("d"));var months=round(duration.as("M"));var years=round(duration.as("y"));var a=seconds<thresholds.s&&["s",seconds]||minutes===1&&["m"]||minutes<thresholds.m&&["mm",minutes]||hours===1&&["h"]||hours<thresholds.h&&["hh",hours]||days===1&&["d"]||days<thresholds.d&&["dd",days]||months===1&&["M"]||months<thresholds.M&&["MM",months]||years===1&&["y"]||["yy",years];a[2]=withoutSuffix;a[3]=+posNegDuration>0;a[4]=locale;return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null,a)}function duration_humanize__getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold,limit){if(thresholds[threshold]===undefined){return false}if(limit===undefined){return thresholds[threshold]}thresholds[threshold]=limit;return true}function humanize(withSuffix){var locale=this.localeData();var output=duration_humanize__relativeTime(this,!withSuffix,locale);if(withSuffix){output=locale.pastFuture(+this,output)}return locale.postformat(output)}var iso_string__abs=Math.abs;function iso_string__toISOString(){ |
| 14 | // inspired by https://github.com/dordille/moment-isoduration/blob/master/moment.isoduration.js |
| 15 | var Y=iso_string__abs(this.years());var M=iso_string__abs(this.months());var D=iso_string__abs(this.days());var h=iso_string__abs(this.hours());var m=iso_string__abs(this.minutes());var s=iso_string__abs(this.seconds()+this.milliseconds()/1e3);var total=this.asSeconds();if(!total){return"P0D"}return(total<0?"-":"")+"P"+(Y?Y+"Y":"")+(M?M+"M":"")+(D?D+"D":"")+(h||m||s?"T":"")+(h?h+"H":"")+(m?m+"M":"")+(s?s+"S":"")}var duration_prototype__proto=Duration.prototype;duration_prototype__proto.abs=duration_abs__abs;duration_prototype__proto.add=duration_add_subtract__add;duration_prototype__proto.subtract=duration_add_subtract__subtract;duration_prototype__proto.as=as;duration_prototype__proto.asMilliseconds=asMilliseconds;duration_prototype__proto.asSeconds=asSeconds;duration_prototype__proto.asMinutes=asMinutes;duration_prototype__proto.asHours=asHours;duration_prototype__proto.asDays=asDays;duration_prototype__proto.asWeeks=asWeeks;duration_prototype__proto.asMonths=asMonths;duration_prototype__proto.asYears=asYears;duration_prototype__proto.valueOf=duration_as__valueOf;duration_prototype__proto._bubble=bubble;duration_prototype__proto.get=duration_get__get;duration_prototype__proto.milliseconds=duration_get__milliseconds;duration_prototype__proto.seconds=seconds;duration_prototype__proto.minutes=minutes;duration_prototype__proto.hours=hours;duration_prototype__proto.days=days;duration_prototype__proto.weeks=weeks;duration_prototype__proto.months=months;duration_prototype__proto.years=years;duration_prototype__proto.humanize=humanize;duration_prototype__proto.toISOString=iso_string__toISOString;duration_prototype__proto.toString=iso_string__toISOString;duration_prototype__proto.toJSON=iso_string__toISOString;duration_prototype__proto.locale=locale;duration_prototype__proto.localeData=localeData;duration_prototype__proto.toIsoString=deprecate("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",iso_string__toISOString);duration_prototype__proto.lang=lang;addFormatToken("X",0,0,"unix");addFormatToken("x",0,0,"valueOf");addRegexToken("x",matchSigned);addRegexToken("X",matchTimestamp);addParseToken("X",function(input,array,config){config._d=new Date(parseFloat(input,10)*1e3)});addParseToken("x",function(input,array,config){config._d=new Date(toInt(input))});utils_hooks__hooks.version="2.10.3";setHookCallback(local__createLocal);utils_hooks__hooks.fn=momentPrototype;utils_hooks__hooks.min=min;utils_hooks__hooks.max=max;utils_hooks__hooks.utc=create_utc__createUTC;utils_hooks__hooks.unix=moment__createUnix;utils_hooks__hooks.months=lists__listMonths;utils_hooks__hooks.isDate=isDate;utils_hooks__hooks.locale=locale_locales__getSetGlobalLocale;utils_hooks__hooks.invalid=valid__createInvalid;utils_hooks__hooks.duration=create__createDuration;utils_hooks__hooks.isMoment=isMoment;utils_hooks__hooks.weekdays=lists__listWeekdays;utils_hooks__hooks.parseZone=moment__createInZone;utils_hooks__hooks.localeData=locale_locales__getLocale;utils_hooks__hooks.isDuration=isDuration;utils_hooks__hooks.monthsShort=lists__listMonthsShort;utils_hooks__hooks.weekdaysMin=lists__listWeekdaysMin;utils_hooks__hooks.defineLocale=defineLocale;utils_hooks__hooks.weekdaysShort=lists__listWeekdaysShort;utils_hooks__hooks.normalizeUnits=normalizeUnits;utils_hooks__hooks.relativeTimeThreshold=duration_humanize__getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;var _moment=utils_hooks__hooks;return _moment})},{}],opening_hours:[function(require,module,exports){/* |
5 | | /* jshint laxbreak: true */ |
6 | | /* jshint boss: true */ |
7 | | /* jshint loopfunc: true */ |
8 | | |
9 | | (function (root, factory) { |
10 | | /* constants (holidays, error correction) {{{ */ |
11 | | /* holidays {{{ */ |
12 | | /* |
13 | | * The country code keys and the PH, SH keys are surrounded by '': |
14 | | * :%s/^\s\+\zs"\([^"]\+\)"\(: {\)/'\1'\2/ |
15 | | * Fixed the indention with Vim Marco: |
16 | | * /'PH'<cr>f{jVk%k,a: |
17 | | * Fixed spacing in parenthesis: |
18 | | * :%s/\[\zs\([^ ]\)/ \1/e | %s/\([^ ]\)\]/\1 \]/e | %s/,\([^ ]\)/, \1/e |
19 | | */ |
20 | | var holidays = { |
21 | | 'fr': { // {{{ |
22 | | 'PH': { // http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%AAtes_et_jours_f%C3%A9ri%C3%A9s_en_France |
23 | | "Jour de l'an" : [ 1, 1 ], |
24 | | "Vendredi saint" : [ 'easter', -2, [ 'Moselle', 'Bas-Rhin', 'Haut-Rhin', 'Guadeloupe', 'Martinique', 'Polynésie française' ] ], |
25 | | "Lundi de Pâques" : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
26 | | "Saint-Pierre-Chanel" : [ 4, 28, [ 'Wallis-et-Futuna' ] ], |
27 | | "Fête du Travail" : [ 5, 1 ], |
28 | | "Fête de la Victoire" : [ 5, 8 ], |
29 | | "Abolition de l'esclavage (Martinique)" : [ 5, 22, [ 'Martinique' ] ], |
30 | | "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guadeloupe)" : [ 5, 27, [ 'Guadeloupe' ] ], |
31 | | "Jeudi de l'Ascension" : [ 'easter', 39 ], |
32 | | "Lundi de Pentecôte" : [ 'easter', 50 ], |
33 | | "Abolition de l'esclavage (Guyane)" : [ 6, 10, [ 'Guyane' ] ], |
34 | | "Fête de l'autonomie" : [ 6, 29, [ 'Polynésie française' ] ], |
35 | | "Fête nationale" : [ 7, 14 ], |
36 | | "Fête Victor Schoelcher" : [ 7, 21, [ 'Guadeloupe', 'Martinique' ] ], |
37 | | "Fête du Territoire" : [ 7, 29, [ 'Wallis-et-Futuna' ] ], |
38 | | "Assomption" : [ 8, 15 ], |
39 | | "Fête de la citoyenneté" : [ 9, 24, [ 'Nouvelle-Calédonie' ] ], |
40 | | "Toussaint" : [ 11, 1 ], |
41 | | "Armistice" : [ 11, 11 ], |
42 | | "Abolition de l'esclavage (Réunion)" : [ 12, 20, [ 'Réunion' ] ], |
43 | | "Noël" : [ 12, 25 ], |
44 | | "Saint-Étienne " : [ 12, 26, [ 'Moselle', 'Bas-Rhin', 'Haut-Rhin' ] ] |
45 | | } |
46 | | }, // }}} |
47 | | 'de': { // {{{ |
48 | | 'PH': { // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feiertage_in_Deutschland |
49 | | 'Neujahrstag' : [ 1, 1 ], // month 1, day 1, whole Germany |
50 | | 'Heilige Drei Könige' : [ 1, 6, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Sachsen-Anhalt'] ], // only in the specified states |
51 | | 'Tag der Arbeit' : [ 5, 1 ], // whole Germany |
52 | | 'Karfreitag' : [ 'easter', -2 ], // two days before easter |
53 | | 'Ostersonntag' : [ 'easter', 0, [ 'Brandenburg'] ], |
54 | | 'Ostermontag' : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
55 | | 'Christi Himmelfahrt' : [ 'easter', 39 ], |
56 | | 'Pfingstsonntag' : [ 'easter', 49, [ 'Brandenburg'] ], |
57 | | 'Pfingstmontag' : [ 'easter', 50 ], |
58 | | 'Fronleichnam' : [ 'easter', 60, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Hessen', 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'Rheinland-Pfalz', 'Saarland' ] ], |
59 | | 'Mariä Himmelfahrt' : [ 8, 15, [ 'Saarland'] ], |
60 | | 'Tag der Deutschen Einheit' : [ 10, 3 ], |
61 | | 'Reformationstag' : [ 10, 31, [ 'Brandenburg', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern', 'Sachsen', 'Sachsen-Anhalt', 'Thüringen'] ], |
62 | | 'Allerheiligen' : [ 11, 1, [ 'Baden-Württemberg', 'Bayern', 'Nordrhein-Westfalen', 'Rheinland-Pfalz', 'Saarland' ] ], |
63 | | '1. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 25 ], |
64 | | '2. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 26 ], |
65 | | // 'Silvester' : [ 12, 31 ], // for testing |
66 | | }, |
67 | | 'Baden-Württemberg': { // does only apply in Baden-Württemberg |
68 | | // This more specific rule set overwrites the country wide one (they are just ignored). |
69 | | // You may use this instead of the country wide with some |
70 | | // additional holidays for some states, if one state |
71 | | // totally disagrees about how to do holidays … |
72 | | // 'PH': { |
73 | | // '2. Weihnachtstag' : [ 12, 26 ], |
74 | | // }, |
75 | | |
76 | | // school holiday normally variate between states |
77 | | 'SH': [ // generated by convert_ical_to_json |
78 | | // You may can adjust this script to use other resources (for other countries) too. |
79 | | { |
80 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
81 | | 2005: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 3, 24, 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
82 | | 2006: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
83 | | 2007: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
84 | | 2008: [ 3, 17, /* to */ 3, 28 ], |
85 | | 2009: [ 4, 9, /* to */ 4, 9, 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 17 ], |
86 | | 2010: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 1, 4, 6, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
87 | | 2011: [ 4, 21, /* to */ 4, 21, 4, 26, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
88 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 13 ], |
89 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 5 ], |
90 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 25 ], |
91 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
92 | | 2016: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
93 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ], |
94 | | }, |
95 | | { |
96 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
97 | | 2005: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ], |
98 | | 2006: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 10 ], |
99 | | 2007: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ], |
100 | | 2008: [ 5, 13, /* to */ 5, 23 ], |
101 | | 2009: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
102 | | 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 5 ], |
103 | | 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 25 ], |
104 | | 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ], |
105 | | 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 6, 1 ], |
106 | | 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 21 ], |
107 | | 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
108 | | 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ], |
109 | | 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 16 ], |
110 | | }, |
111 | | { |
112 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
113 | | 2005: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ], |
114 | | 2006: [ 8, 3, /* to */ 9, 16 ], |
115 | | 2007: [ 7, 26, /* to */ 9, 8 ], |
116 | | 2008: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 6 ], |
117 | | 2009: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ], |
118 | | 2010: [ 7, 29, /* to */ 9, 11 ], |
119 | | 2011: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ], |
120 | | 2012: [ 7, 26, /* to */ 9, 8 ], |
121 | | 2013: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 7 ], |
122 | | 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 13 ], |
123 | | 2015: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ], |
124 | | 2016: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 10 ], |
125 | | 2017: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 9 ], |
126 | | }, |
127 | | { |
128 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
129 | | 2005: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ], |
130 | | 2006: [ 10, 30, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
131 | | 2007: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
132 | | 2008: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
133 | | 2009: [ 10, 26, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
134 | | 2010: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 6 ], |
135 | | 2011: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 10, 31, 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ], |
136 | | 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
137 | | 2013: [ 10, 28, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
138 | | 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
139 | | 2015: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 6 ], |
140 | | 2016: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 4 ], |
141 | | }, |
142 | | { |
143 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
144 | | 2005: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
145 | | 2006: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
146 | | 2007: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
147 | | 2008: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 10 ], |
148 | | 2009: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ], |
149 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 8 ], |
150 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
151 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
152 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
153 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
154 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ], |
155 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
156 | | }, |
157 | | ], |
158 | | }, |
159 | | 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern': { |
160 | | 'SH': [ |
161 | | { |
162 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
163 | | 2010: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
164 | | 2011: [ 2, 7, /* to */ 2, 19 ], |
165 | | 2012: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 17 ], |
166 | | 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 15 ], |
167 | | 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 15 ], |
168 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 14 ], |
169 | | 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 13 ], |
170 | | 2017: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 18 ], |
171 | | }, |
172 | | { |
173 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
174 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 7 ], |
175 | | 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 27 ], |
176 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
177 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 3 ], |
178 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 23 ], |
179 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 8 ], |
180 | | 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 3, 30 ], |
181 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 19 ], |
182 | | }, |
183 | | { |
184 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
185 | | 2010: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 22 ], |
186 | | 2011: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 14 ], |
187 | | 2012: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 29 ], |
188 | | 2013: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 21 ], |
189 | | 2014: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 10 ], |
190 | | 2015: [ 5, 22, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
191 | | 2016: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
192 | | 2017: [ 6, 2, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
193 | | }, |
194 | | { |
195 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
196 | | 2010: [ 7, 12, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
197 | | 2011: [ 7, 4, /* to */ 8, 13 ], |
198 | | 2012: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
199 | | 2013: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
200 | | 2014: [ 7, 14, /* to */ 8, 23 ], |
201 | | 2015: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 29 ], |
202 | | 2016: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 3 ], |
203 | | 2017: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 2 ], |
204 | | }, |
205 | | { |
206 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
207 | | 2010: [ 10, 18, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
208 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 21 ], |
209 | | 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 5 ], |
210 | | 2013: [ 10, 14, /* to */ 10, 19 ], |
211 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 25 ], |
212 | | 2015: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
213 | | 2016: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
214 | | }, |
215 | | { |
216 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
217 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 12, 31 ], |
218 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
219 | | 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
220 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
221 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
222 | | 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
223 | | 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
224 | | }, |
225 | | ], |
226 | | }, |
227 | | 'Hessen': { |
228 | | 'SH': [ |
229 | | { |
230 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
231 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
232 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
233 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
234 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
235 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ], |
236 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
237 | | 2016: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
238 | | 2017: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 15 ], |
239 | | 2018: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 7 ], |
240 | | }, |
241 | | { |
242 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
243 | | 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 14 ], |
244 | | 2011: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ], |
245 | | 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 10 ], |
246 | | 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 16 ], |
247 | | 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 5 ], |
248 | | 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 5 ], |
249 | | 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ], |
250 | | 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 11 ], |
251 | | }, |
252 | | { |
253 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
254 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
255 | | 2011: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
256 | | 2012: [ 10, 15, /* to */ 10, 27 ], |
257 | | 2013: [ 10, 14, /* to */ 10, 26 ], |
258 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ], |
259 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
260 | | 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ], |
261 | | 2017: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 21 ], |
262 | | }, |
263 | | { |
264 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
265 | | 2010: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
266 | | 2011: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
267 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 12 ], |
268 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 11 ], |
269 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 10 ], |
270 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 9 ], |
271 | | 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
272 | | 2017: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 13 ], |
273 | | }, |
274 | | ], |
275 | | }, |
276 | | 'Schleswig-Holstein': { |
277 | | 'SH': [ |
278 | | { |
279 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
280 | | 2010: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 17 ], |
281 | | 2011: [ 4, 15, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
282 | | 2012: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 13 ], |
283 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
284 | | 2014: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
285 | | 2015: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 17 ], |
286 | | 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
287 | | 2017: [ 4, 7, /* to */ 4, 21 ], |
288 | | }, |
289 | | { |
290 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
291 | | 2010: [ 7, 12, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
292 | | 2011: [ 7, 4, /* to */ 8, 13 ], |
293 | | 2012: [ 6, 25, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
294 | | 2013: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
295 | | 2014: [ 7, 14, /* to */ 8, 23 ], |
296 | | 2015: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 29 ], |
297 | | 2016: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 3 ], |
298 | | 2017: [ 7, 24, /* to */ 9, 2 ], |
299 | | }, |
300 | | { |
301 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
302 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 4 ], |
303 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
304 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ], |
305 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
306 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
307 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ], |
308 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
309 | | }, |
310 | | { |
311 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
312 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
313 | | 2011: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
314 | | 2012: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 19 ], |
315 | | 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
316 | | 2014: [ 10, 13, /* to */ 10, 25 ], |
317 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
318 | | 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ], |
319 | | }, |
320 | | { |
321 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
322 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
323 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
324 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
325 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
326 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
327 | | 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
328 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
329 | | }, |
330 | | ], |
331 | | }, |
332 | | 'Berlin': { |
333 | | 'SH': [ |
334 | | { |
335 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
336 | | 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
337 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ], |
338 | | 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ], |
339 | | 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 9 ], |
340 | | 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 8 ], |
341 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ], |
342 | | 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
343 | | 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ], |
344 | | }, |
345 | | { |
346 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
347 | | 2010: [ 3, 31, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
348 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
349 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
350 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
351 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
352 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
353 | | 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
354 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
355 | | }, |
356 | | { |
357 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
358 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ], |
359 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ], |
360 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
361 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ], |
362 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
363 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
364 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
365 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
366 | | }, |
367 | | { |
368 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
369 | | 2010: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
370 | | 2011: [ 6, 29, /* to */ 8, 12 ], |
371 | | 2012: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
372 | | 2013: [ 6, 19, /* to */ 8, 2 ], |
373 | | 2014: [ 7, 9, /* to */ 8, 22 ], |
374 | | 2015: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 28 ], |
375 | | 2016: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 9, 2 ], |
376 | | 2017: [ 7, 19, /* to */ 9, 1 ], |
377 | | }, |
378 | | { |
379 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
380 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
381 | | 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ], |
382 | | 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 13 ], |
383 | | 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 12 ], |
384 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ], |
385 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
386 | | 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
387 | | }, |
388 | | { |
389 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
390 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
391 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
392 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
393 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
394 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
395 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
396 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
397 | | }, |
398 | | ], |
399 | | }, |
400 | | 'Saarland': { |
401 | | 'SH': [ |
402 | | { |
403 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
404 | | 2010: [ 2, 15, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
405 | | 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 12 ], |
406 | | 2012: [ 2, 20, /* to */ 2, 25 ], |
407 | | 2013: [ 2, 11, /* to */ 2, 16 ], |
408 | | 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 8 ], |
409 | | 2015: [ 2, 16, /* to */ 2, 21 ], |
410 | | }, |
411 | | { |
412 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
413 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
414 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
415 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
416 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
417 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ], |
418 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
419 | | }, |
420 | | { |
421 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
422 | | 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 14 ], |
423 | | 2011: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 6 ], |
424 | | 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 14 ], |
425 | | 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 17 ], |
426 | | 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 6 ], |
427 | | 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 4 ], |
428 | | 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ], |
429 | | 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 14 ], |
430 | | }, |
431 | | { |
432 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
433 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
434 | | 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
435 | | 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
436 | | 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
437 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
438 | | }, |
439 | | { |
440 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
441 | | 2010: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
442 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
443 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
444 | | 2013: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
445 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
446 | | }, |
447 | | ], |
448 | | }, |
449 | | 'Bremen': { |
450 | | 'SH': [ |
451 | | { |
452 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
453 | | 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 2 ], |
454 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ], |
455 | | 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
456 | | 2013: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ], |
457 | | 2014: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
458 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 3 ], |
459 | | 2016: [ 1, 28, /* to */ 1, 29 ], |
460 | | 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
461 | | }, |
462 | | { |
463 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
464 | | 2010: [ 3, 19, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
465 | | 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
466 | | 2012: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 11, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
467 | | 2013: [ 3, 16, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
468 | | 2014: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 22, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
469 | | 2015: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
470 | | 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
471 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
472 | | }, |
473 | | { |
474 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
475 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ], |
476 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3, 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 14 ], |
477 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18, 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ], |
478 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ], |
479 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30, 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ], |
480 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15, 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
481 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
482 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26, 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
483 | | }, |
484 | | { |
485 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
486 | | 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
487 | | 2011: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 17 ], |
488 | | 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ], |
489 | | 2013: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 7 ], |
490 | | 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 10 ], |
491 | | 2015: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 2 ], |
492 | | 2016: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
493 | | 2017: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 2 ], |
494 | | }, |
495 | | { |
496 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
497 | | 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
498 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ], |
499 | | 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
500 | | 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
501 | | 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 11, 8 ], |
502 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
503 | | 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
504 | | }, |
505 | | { |
506 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
507 | | 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
508 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
509 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
510 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
511 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
512 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
513 | | 2016: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
514 | | }, |
515 | | ], |
516 | | }, |
517 | | 'Bayern': { |
518 | | 'SH': [ |
519 | | { |
520 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
521 | | 2010: [ 2, 15, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
522 | | 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 11 ], |
523 | | 2012: [ 2, 20, /* to */ 2, 24 ], |
524 | | 2013: [ 2, 11, /* to */ 2, 15 ], |
525 | | 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 7 ], |
526 | | 2015: [ 2, 16, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
527 | | 2016: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 12 ], |
528 | | 2017: [ 2, 27, /* to */ 3, 3 ], |
529 | | }, |
530 | | { |
531 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
532 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
533 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
534 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
535 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
536 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ], |
537 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
538 | | 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 1 ], |
539 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
540 | | }, |
541 | | { |
542 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
543 | | 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 6, 5 ], |
544 | | 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 25 ], |
545 | | 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 6, 9 ], |
546 | | 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 31 ], |
547 | | 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 21 ], |
548 | | 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 6, 5 ], |
549 | | 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 28 ], |
550 | | 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 16 ], |
551 | | }, |
552 | | { |
553 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
554 | | 2010: [ 8, 2, /* to */ 9, 13 ], |
555 | | 2011: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ], |
556 | | 2012: [ 8, 1, /* to */ 9, 12 ], |
557 | | 2013: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 11 ], |
558 | | 2014: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 15 ], |
559 | | 2015: [ 8, 1, /* to */ 9, 14 ], |
560 | | 2016: [ 7, 30, /* to */ 9, 12 ], |
561 | | 2017: [ 7, 29, /* to */ 9, 11 ], |
562 | | }, |
563 | | { |
564 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
565 | | 2010: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 5 ], |
566 | | 2011: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 11, 5 ], |
567 | | 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
568 | | 2013: [ 10, 28, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
569 | | 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
570 | | 2015: [ 11, 2, /* to */ 11, 7 ], |
571 | | 2016: [ 10, 31, /* to */ 11, 4 ], |
572 | | }, |
573 | | { |
574 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
575 | | 2010: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
576 | | 2011: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
577 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
578 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
579 | | 2014: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
580 | | 2015: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
581 | | 2016: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
582 | | }, |
583 | | ], |
584 | | }, |
585 | | 'Niedersachsen': { |
586 | | 'SH': [ |
587 | | { |
588 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
589 | | 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 2 ], |
590 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ], |
591 | | 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
592 | | 2013: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 1 ], |
593 | | 2014: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
594 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 3 ], |
595 | | 2016: [ 1, 28, /* to */ 1, 29 ], |
596 | | 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
597 | | }, |
598 | | { |
599 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
600 | | 2010: [ 3, 19, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
601 | | 2011: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
602 | | 2012: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 11, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
603 | | 2013: [ 3, 16, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
604 | | 2014: [ 4, 3, /* to */ 4, 22, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
605 | | 2015: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
606 | | 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
607 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
608 | | }, |
609 | | { |
610 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
611 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14, 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ], |
612 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3, 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 14 ], |
613 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18, 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ], |
614 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ], |
615 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30, 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ], |
616 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15, 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
617 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
618 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26, 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
619 | | }, |
620 | | { |
621 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
622 | | 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
623 | | 2011: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 17 ], |
624 | | 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ], |
625 | | 2013: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 7 ], |
626 | | 2014: [ 7, 31, /* to */ 9, 10 ], |
627 | | 2015: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 2 ], |
628 | | 2016: [ 6, 23, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
629 | | 2017: [ 6, 22, /* to */ 8, 2 ], |
630 | | }, |
631 | | { |
632 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
633 | | 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
634 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 29 ], |
635 | | 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
636 | | 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
637 | | 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 11, 8 ], |
638 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
639 | | 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
640 | | }, |
641 | | { |
642 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
643 | | 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
644 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
645 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
646 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
647 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
648 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
649 | | 2016: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
650 | | }, |
651 | | ], |
652 | | }, |
653 | | 'Nordrhein-Westfalen': { |
654 | | 'SH': [ |
655 | | { |
656 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
657 | | 2010: [ 3, 27, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
658 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
659 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
660 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
661 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 26 ], |
662 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
663 | | 2016: [ 3, 21, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
664 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
665 | | }, |
666 | | { |
667 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
668 | | 2010: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 25 ], |
669 | | 2012: [ 5, 29, /* to */ 5, 29 ], |
670 | | 2013: [ 5, 21, /* to */ 5, 21 ], |
671 | | 2014: [ 6, 10, /* to */ 6, 10 ], |
672 | | 2015: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
673 | | 2016: [ 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
674 | | 2017: [ 6, 6, /* to */ 6, 6 ], |
675 | | }, |
676 | | { |
677 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
678 | | 2010: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 27 ], |
679 | | 2011: [ 7, 25, /* to */ 9, 6 ], |
680 | | 2012: [ 7, 9, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
681 | | 2013: [ 7, 22, /* to */ 9, 3 ], |
682 | | 2014: [ 7, 7, /* to */ 8, 19 ], |
683 | | 2015: [ 6, 29, /* to */ 8, 11 ], |
684 | | 2016: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 23 ], |
685 | | 2017: [ 7, 17, /* to */ 8, 29 ], |
686 | | }, |
687 | | { |
688 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
689 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
690 | | 2011: [ 10, 24, /* to */ 11, 5 ], |
691 | | 2012: [ 10, 8, /* to */ 10, 20 ], |
692 | | 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
693 | | 2014: [ 10, 6, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
694 | | 2015: [ 10, 5, /* to */ 10, 17 ], |
695 | | 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 21 ], |
696 | | }, |
697 | | { |
698 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
699 | | 2010: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 8 ], |
700 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
701 | | 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
702 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
703 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
704 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
705 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
706 | | }, |
707 | | ], |
708 | | }, |
709 | | 'Sachsen': { |
710 | | 'SH': [ |
711 | | { |
712 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
713 | | 2010: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
714 | | 2011: [ 2, 12, /* to */ 2, 26 ], |
715 | | 2012: [ 2, 13, /* to */ 2, 25 ], |
716 | | 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 15 ], |
717 | | 2014: [ 2, 17, /* to */ 3, 1 ], |
718 | | 2015: [ 2, 9, /* to */ 2, 21 ], |
719 | | 2016: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 20 ], |
720 | | 2017: [ 2, 13, /* to */ 2, 24 ], |
721 | | }, |
722 | | { |
723 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
724 | | 2010: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
725 | | 2011: [ 4, 22, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
726 | | 2012: [ 4, 6, /* to */ 4, 14 ], |
727 | | 2013: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
728 | | 2014: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 26 ], |
729 | | 2015: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
730 | | 2016: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
731 | | 2017: [ 4, 13, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
732 | | }, |
733 | | { |
734 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
735 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14 ], |
736 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ], |
737 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
738 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10, 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 22 ], |
739 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
740 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
741 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ], |
742 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
743 | | }, |
744 | | { |
745 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
746 | | 2010: [ 6, 28, /* to */ 8, 6 ], |
747 | | 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 19 ], |
748 | | 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ], |
749 | | 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 23 ], |
750 | | 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 29 ], |
751 | | 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
752 | | 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ], |
753 | | 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
754 | | }, |
755 | | { |
756 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
757 | | 2010: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 16 ], |
758 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
759 | | 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
760 | | 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 1 ], |
761 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
762 | | 2015: [ 10, 12, /* to */ 10, 24 ], |
763 | | 2016: [ 10, 3, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
764 | | }, |
765 | | { |
766 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
767 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
768 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
769 | | 2012: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
770 | | 2013: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
771 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
772 | | 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
773 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
774 | | }, |
775 | | ], |
776 | | }, |
777 | | 'Thüringen': { |
778 | | 'SH': [ |
779 | | { |
780 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
781 | | 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
782 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ], |
783 | | 2012: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 11 ], |
784 | | 2013: [ 2, 18, /* to */ 2, 23 ], |
785 | | 2014: [ 2, 17, /* to */ 2, 22 ], |
786 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ], |
787 | | 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
788 | | 2017: [ 2, 6, /* to */ 2, 11 ], |
789 | | }, |
790 | | { |
791 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
792 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
793 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
794 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 13 ], |
795 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
796 | | 2014: [ 4, 19, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
797 | | 2015: [ 3, 30, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
798 | | 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
799 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ], |
800 | | }, |
801 | | { |
802 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
803 | | 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
804 | | 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 19 ], |
805 | | 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 8, 31 ], |
806 | | 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 23 ], |
807 | | 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 29 ], |
808 | | 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
809 | | 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 10 ], |
810 | | 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 9 ], |
811 | | }, |
812 | | { |
813 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
814 | | 2011: [ 6, 11, /* to */ 6, 14 ], |
815 | | 2012: [ 5, 25, /* to */ 5, 29 ], |
816 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ], |
817 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
818 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
819 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6 ], |
820 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
821 | | }, |
822 | | { |
823 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
824 | | 2010: [ 10, 9, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
825 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
826 | | 2012: [ 10, 22, /* to */ 11, 3 ], |
827 | | 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
828 | | 2014: [ 10, 6, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
829 | | 2015: [ 10, 5, /* to */ 10, 17 ], |
830 | | 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
831 | | }, |
832 | | { |
833 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
834 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
835 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
836 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
837 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
838 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
839 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
840 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 12, 31 ], |
841 | | }, |
842 | | ], |
843 | | }, |
844 | | 'Hamburg': { |
845 | | 'SH': [ |
846 | | { |
847 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
848 | | 2010: [ 1, 29, /* to */ 1, 29 ], |
849 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
850 | | 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ], |
851 | | 2013: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 1 ], |
852 | | 2014: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 1, 31 ], |
853 | | 2015: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ], |
854 | | 2016: [ 1, 29, /* to */ 1, 29 ], |
855 | | 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 1, 30 ], |
856 | | }, |
857 | | { |
858 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
859 | | 2010: [ 3, 8, /* to */ 3, 20 ], |
860 | | 2011: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 18 ], |
861 | | 2012: [ 3, 5, /* to */ 3, 16 ], |
862 | | 2013: [ 3, 4, /* to */ 3, 15 ], |
863 | | 2014: [ 3, 3, /* to */ 3, 14 ], |
864 | | 2015: [ 3, 2, /* to */ 3, 13 ], |
865 | | 2016: [ 3, 7, /* to */ 3, 18 ], |
866 | | 2017: [ 3, 6, /* to */ 3, 17 ], |
867 | | }, |
868 | | { |
869 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
870 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 22 ], |
871 | | 2011: [ 4, 26, /* to */ 4, 29, 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ], |
872 | | 2012: [ 4, 30, /* to */ 5, 4, 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
873 | | 2013: [ 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 10 ], |
874 | | 2014: [ 4, 28, /* to */ 5, 2, 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
875 | | 2015: [ 5, 11, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
876 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 20 ], |
877 | | 2017: [ 5, 22, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
878 | | }, |
879 | | { |
880 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
881 | | 2010: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 18 ], |
882 | | 2011: [ 6, 30, /* to */ 8, 10 ], |
883 | | 2012: [ 6, 21, /* to */ 8, 1 ], |
884 | | 2013: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 7, 31 ], |
885 | | 2014: [ 7, 10, /* to */ 8, 20 ], |
886 | | 2015: [ 7, 16, /* to */ 8, 26 ], |
887 | | 2016: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 8, 31 ], |
888 | | 2017: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 8, 30 ], |
889 | | }, |
890 | | { |
891 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
892 | | 2010: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
893 | | 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ], |
894 | | 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 12 ], |
895 | | 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 11 ], |
896 | | 2014: [ 10, 13, /* to */ 10, 24 ], |
897 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
898 | | 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
899 | | }, |
900 | | { |
901 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
902 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
903 | | 2011: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
904 | | 2012: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
905 | | 2013: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
906 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
907 | | 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
908 | | 2016: [ 12, 27, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
909 | | }, |
910 | | ], |
911 | | }, |
912 | | 'Sachsen-Anhalt': { |
913 | | 'SH': [ |
914 | | { |
915 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
916 | | 2010: [ 2, 8, /* to */ 2, 13 ], |
917 | | 2011: [ 2, 5, /* to */ 2, 12 ], |
918 | | 2012: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 11 ], |
919 | | 2013: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 8 ], |
920 | | 2014: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 12 ], |
921 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 14 ], |
922 | | 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 10 ], |
923 | | 2017: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 11 ], |
924 | | }, |
925 | | { |
926 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
927 | | 2010: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
928 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 27 ], |
929 | | 2012: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 7 ], |
930 | | 2013: [ 3, 25, /* to */ 3, 30 ], |
931 | | 2014: [ 4, 14, /* to */ 4, 17 ], |
932 | | 2015: [ 4, 2, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
933 | | 2016: [ 3, 24, /* to */ 3, 24 ], |
934 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 13 ], |
935 | | }, |
936 | | { |
937 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
938 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 22 ], |
939 | | 2011: [ 6, 14, /* to */ 6, 18 ], |
940 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 25 ], |
941 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
942 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 6, 7 ], |
943 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 23 ], |
944 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 14 ], |
945 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
946 | | }, |
947 | | { |
948 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
949 | | 2010: [ 6, 24, /* to */ 8, 4 ], |
950 | | 2011: [ 7, 11, /* to */ 8, 24 ], |
951 | | 2012: [ 7, 23, /* to */ 9, 5 ], |
952 | | 2013: [ 7, 15, /* to */ 8, 28 ], |
953 | | 2014: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 9, 3 ], |
954 | | 2015: [ 7, 13, /* to */ 8, 26 ], |
955 | | 2016: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 10 ], |
956 | | 2017: [ 6, 26, /* to */ 8, 9 ], |
957 | | }, |
958 | | { |
959 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
960 | | 2010: [ 10, 18, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
961 | | 2011: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
962 | | 2012: [ 10, 29, /* to */ 11, 2 ], |
963 | | 2013: [ 10, 21, /* to */ 10, 25 ], |
964 | | 2014: [ 10, 27, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
965 | | 2015: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 24 ], |
966 | | 2016: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 15 ], |
967 | | }, |
968 | | { |
969 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
970 | | 2010: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
971 | | 2011: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
972 | | 2012: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
973 | | 2013: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
974 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
975 | | 2015: [ 12, 21, /* to */ 1, 5 ], |
976 | | 2016: [ 12, 19, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
977 | | }, |
978 | | ], |
979 | | }, |
980 | | 'Rheinland-Pfalz': { |
981 | | 'SH': [ |
982 | | { |
983 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
984 | | 2010: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 9 ], |
985 | | 2011: [ 4, 18, /* to */ 4, 29 ], |
986 | | 2012: [ 3, 29, /* to */ 4, 13 ], |
987 | | 2013: [ 3, 20, /* to */ 4, 5 ], |
988 | | 2014: [ 4, 11, /* to */ 4, 25 ], |
989 | | 2015: [ 3, 26, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
990 | | 2016: [ 3, 18, /* to */ 4, 1 ], |
991 | | 2017: [ 4, 10, /* to */ 4, 21 ], |
992 | | }, |
993 | | { |
994 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
995 | | 2010: [ 7, 5, /* to */ 8, 13 ], |
996 | | 2011: [ 6, 27, /* to */ 8, 5 ], |
997 | | 2012: [ 7, 2, /* to */ 8, 10 ], |
998 | | 2013: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 16 ], |
999 | | 2014: [ 7, 28, /* to */ 9, 5 ], |
1000 | | 2015: [ 7, 27, /* to */ 9, 4 ], |
1001 | | 2016: [ 7, 18, /* to */ 8, 26 ], |
1002 | | 2017: [ 7, 3, /* to */ 8, 11 ], |
1003 | | }, |
1004 | | { |
1005 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
1006 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 22 ], |
1007 | | 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ], |
1008 | | 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 12 ], |
1009 | | 2013: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 18 ], |
1010 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 10, 31 ], |
1011 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
1012 | | 2016: [ 10, 10, /* to */ 10, 21 ], |
1013 | | }, |
1014 | | { |
1015 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
1016 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
1017 | | 2011: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
1018 | | 2012: [ 12, 20, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
1019 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
1020 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 7 ], |
1021 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 8 ], |
1022 | | 2016: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 6 ], |
1023 | | }, |
1024 | | ], |
1025 | | }, |
1026 | | 'Brandenburg': { |
1027 | | 'SH': [ |
1028 | | { |
1029 | | name: 'Winterferien', |
1030 | | 2010: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
1031 | | 2011: [ 1, 31, /* to */ 2, 5 ], |
1032 | | 2012: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ], |
1033 | | 2013: [ 2, 4, /* to */ 2, 9 ], |
1034 | | 2014: [ 2, 3, /* to */ 2, 8 ], |
1035 | | 2015: [ 2, 2, /* to */ 2, 7 ], |
1036 | | 2016: [ 2, 1, /* to */ 2, 6 ], |
1037 | | 2017: [ 1, 30, /* to */ 2, 4 ], |
1038 | | }, |
1039 | | { |
1040 | | name: 'Osterferien', |
1041 | | 2010: [ 3, 31, /* to */ 4, 10 ], |
1042 | | 2011: [ 4, 20, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
1043 | | 2012: [ 4, 4, /* to */ 4, 14, 4, 30, /* to */ 4, 30 ], |
1044 | | 2013: [ 3, 27, /* to */ 4, 6 ], |
1045 | | 2014: [ 4, 16, /* to */ 4, 26, 5, 2, /* to */ 5, 2 ], |
1046 | | 2015: [ 4, 1, /* to */ 4, 11 ], |
1047 | | 2016: [ 3, 23, /* to */ 4, 2 ], |
1048 | | 2017: [ 4, 12, /* to */ 4, 22 ], |
1049 | | }, |
1050 | | { |
1051 | | name: 'Pfingstferien', |
1052 | | 2010: [ 5, 14, /* to */ 5, 14 ], |
1053 | | 2011: [ 6, 3, /* to */ 6, 3 ], |
1054 | | 2012: [ 5, 18, /* to */ 5, 18 ], |
1055 | | 2013: [ 5, 10, /* to */ 5, 10 ], |
1056 | | 2014: [ 5, 30, /* to */ 5, 30 ], |
1057 | | 2015: [ 5, 15, /* to */ 5, 15 ], |
1058 | | 2016: [ 5, 6, /* to */ 5, 6, 5, 17, /* to */ 5, 17 ], |
1059 | | 2017: [ 5, 26, /* to */ 5, 26 ], |
1060 | | }, |
1061 | | { |
1062 | | name: 'Sommerferien', |
1063 | | 2010: [ 7, 8, /* to */ 8, 21 ], |
1064 | | 2011: [ 6, 30, /* to */ 8, 13 ], |
1065 | | 2012: [ 6, 21, /* to */ 8, 3 ], |
1066 | | 2013: [ 6, 20, /* to */ 8, 2 ], |
1067 | | 2014: [ 7, 10, /* to */ 8, 22 ], |
1068 | | 2015: [ 7, 16, /* to */ 8, 28 ], |
1069 | | 2016: [ 7, 21, /* to */ 9, 3 ], |
1070 | | 2017: [ 7, 20, /* to */ 9, 1 ], |
1071 | | }, |
1072 | | { |
1073 | | name: 'Herbstferien', |
1074 | | 2010: [ 10, 11, /* to */ 10, 23 ], |
1075 | | 2011: [ 10, 4, /* to */ 10, 14 ], |
1076 | | 2012: [ 10, 1, /* to */ 10, 13 ], |
1077 | | 2013: [ 9, 30, /* to */ 10, 12, 11, 1, /* to */ 11, 1 ], |
1078 | | 2014: [ 10, 20, /* to */ 11, 1 ], |
1079 | | 2015: [ 10, 19, /* to */ 10, 30 ], |
1080 | | 2016: [ 10, 17, /* to */ 10, 28 ], |
1081 | | }, |
1082 | | { |
1083 | | name: 'Weihnachtsferien', |
1084 | | 2010: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 1 ], |
1085 | | 2011: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
1086 | | 2012: [ 12, 24, /* to */ 1, 4 ], |
1087 | | 2013: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
1088 | | 2014: [ 12, 22, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
1089 | | 2015: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 2 ], |
1090 | | 2016: [ 12, 23, /* to */ 1, 3 ], |
1091 | | }, |
1092 | | ], |
1093 | | }, |
1094 | | }, // }}} |
1095 | | 'at': { // {{{ |
1096 | | 'PH': { // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feiertage_in_%C3%96sterreich |
1097 | | 'Neujahrstag' : [ 1, 1 ], |
1098 | | 'Heilige Drei Könige' : [ 1, 6 ], |
1099 | | // 'Josef' : [ 3, 19, [ 'Kärnten', 'Steiermark', 'Tirol', 'Vorarlberg' ] ], |
1100 | | // 'Karfreitag' : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1101 | | 'Ostermontag' : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
1102 | | 'Staatsfeiertag' : [ 5, 1 ], |
1103 | | // 'Florian' : [ 5, 4, [ 'Oberösterreich' ] ], |
1104 | | 'Christi Himmelfahrt' : [ 'easter', 39 ], |
1105 | | 'Pfingstmontag' : [ 'easter', 50 ], |
1106 | | 'Fronleichnam' : [ 'easter', 60 ], |
1107 | | 'Mariä Himmelfahrt' : [ 8, 15 ], |
1108 | | // 'Rupert' : [ 9, 24, [ 'Salzburg' ] ], |
1109 | | // 'Tag der Volksabstimmung' : [ 10, 10, [ 'Kärnten' ] ], |
1110 | | 'Nationalfeiertag' : [ 10, 26 ], |
1111 | | 'Allerheiligen' : [ 11, 1 ], |
1112 | | // 'Martin' : [ 11, 11, [ 'Burgenland' ] ], |
1113 | | // 'Leopold' : [ 11, 15, [ 'Niederösterreich', 'Wien' ] ], |
1114 | | 'Mariä Empfängnis' : [ 12, 8 ], |
1115 | | // 'Heiliger Abend' : [ 12, 24 ], |
1116 | | 'Christtag' : [ 12, 25 ], |
1117 | | 'Stefanitag' : [ 12, 26 ], |
1118 | | // 'Silvester' : [ 12, 31 ], |
1119 | | }, |
1120 | | }, // }}} |
1121 | | 'ca': { // {{{ |
1122 | | 'PH': { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Canada |
1123 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1124 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1125 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1126 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1127 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1128 | | }, |
1129 | | 'Alberta': { |
1130 | | 'PH': { |
1131 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1132 | | "Alberta Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ], |
1133 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1134 | | "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
1135 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1136 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1137 | | "Heritage Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1138 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1139 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1140 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1141 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1142 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1143 | | }, |
1144 | | }, |
1145 | | 'British Columbia': { |
1146 | | 'PH': { |
1147 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1148 | | "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 7 ], |
1149 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1150 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1151 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1152 | | "British Columbia Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1153 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1154 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1155 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1156 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1157 | | }, |
1158 | | }, |
1159 | | 'Manitoba': { |
1160 | | 'PH': { |
1161 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1162 | | "Louis Riel Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ], |
1163 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1164 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1165 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1166 | | "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1167 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1168 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1169 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1170 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1171 | | }, |
1172 | | }, |
1173 | | 'New Brunswick': { |
1174 | | 'PH': { |
1175 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1176 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1177 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1178 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1179 | | "New Brunswick Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1180 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1181 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1182 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1183 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1184 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1185 | | }, |
1186 | | }, |
1187 | | 'Newfoundland and Labrador': { |
1188 | | 'PH': { |
1189 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1190 | | "Saint Patrick's Day" : [ 3, 17 ], |
1191 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1192 | | "Saint George's Day" : [ 4, 23 ], |
1193 | | "Discovery Day" : [ 6, 24 ], |
1194 | | "Memorial Day" : [ 7, 1 ], |
1195 | | "Orangemen's Day" : [ 7, 12 ], |
1196 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1197 | | "Armistice Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1198 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1199 | | }, |
1200 | | }, |
1201 | | 'Northwest Territories': { |
1202 | | 'PH': { |
1203 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1204 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1205 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1206 | | "National Aboriginal Day" : [ 6, 21 ], |
1207 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1208 | | "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1209 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1210 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1211 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1212 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1213 | | }, |
1214 | | }, |
1215 | | 'Nova Scotia': { |
1216 | | 'PH': { |
1217 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1218 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1219 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1220 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1221 | | "Natal Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1222 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1223 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1224 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1225 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1226 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1227 | | }, |
1228 | | }, |
1229 | | 'Nunavut': { |
1230 | | 'PH': { |
1231 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1232 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1233 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1234 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1235 | | "Nunavut Day" : [ 7, 9 ], |
1236 | | "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1237 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1238 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1239 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1240 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1241 | | }, |
1242 | | }, |
1243 | | 'Ontario': { |
1244 | | 'PH': { |
1245 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1246 | | "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ], |
1247 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1248 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1249 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1250 | | "August Civic Public Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1251 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1252 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1253 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1254 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1255 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1256 | | }, |
1257 | | }, |
1258 | | 'Prince Edward Island': { |
1259 | | 'PH': { |
1260 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1261 | | "Islander Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ], |
1262 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1263 | | "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
1264 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1265 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1266 | | "Civic Holiday" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1267 | | "Gold Cup Parade Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 18 ], |
1268 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1269 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1270 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1271 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1272 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1273 | | }, |
1274 | | }, |
1275 | | 'Quebec': { |
1276 | | 'PH': { |
1277 | | "Jour de l'an" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1278 | | "Vendredi saint" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1279 | | "Lundi de Pâques" : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
1280 | | "Journée nationale des patriotes" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1281 | | "Fête nationale du Québec" : [ 6, 24 ], |
1282 | | "Fête du Canada" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1283 | | "Fête du Travail" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1284 | | "Jour de l'Action de grâce" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1285 | | "Noël" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1286 | | }, |
1287 | | }, |
1288 | | 'Saskatchewan': { |
1289 | | 'PH': { |
1290 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1291 | | "Family Day" : [ 'firstFebruaryMonday', 14 ], |
1292 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1293 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1294 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1295 | | "Saskatchewan Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 0 ], |
1296 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1297 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1298 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1299 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1300 | | }, |
1301 | | }, |
1302 | | 'Yukon': { |
1303 | | 'PH': { |
1304 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1305 | | "Heritage Day" : [ 'lastFebruarySunday', -2 ], |
1306 | | "Good Friday" : [ 'easter', -2 ], |
1307 | | "Easter Monday" : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
1308 | | "Victoria Day" : [ 'victoriaDay', 0 ], |
1309 | | "Canada Day" : [ 'canadaDay', 0 ], |
1310 | | "Discovery Day" : [ 'firstAugustMonday', 14 ], |
1311 | | "Labour Day" : [ 'firstSeptemberMonday', 0 ], |
1312 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ 'firstOctoberMonday', 7 ], |
1313 | | "Remembrance Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1314 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1315 | | "Boxing Day" : [ 12, 26 ] |
1316 | | }, |
1317 | | }, |
1318 | | }, // }}} |
1319 | | 'ru': { // {{{ |
1320 | | 'PH': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8 |
1321 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1322 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1323 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1324 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1325 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1326 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1327 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1328 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1329 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1330 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1331 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1332 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1333 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1334 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1335 | | }, |
1336 | | 'Tatarstan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0 |
1337 | | 'PH': { |
1338 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1339 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1340 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1341 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1342 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1343 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1344 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1345 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1346 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1347 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1348 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1349 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1350 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1351 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1352 | | // local |
1353 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1354 | | "День Республики Татарстан": [ 8, 30 ], |
1355 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1356 | | "День Конституции Республики Татарстан": [ 11, 6 ], |
1357 | | }, |
1358 | | }, |
1359 | | 'Bashkortostan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0 |
1360 | | 'PH': { |
1361 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1362 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1363 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1364 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1365 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1366 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1367 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1368 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1369 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1370 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1371 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1372 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1373 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1374 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1375 | | // local |
1376 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1377 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1378 | | "День Республики Башкирии": [ 10, 11 ], |
1379 | | "День Конституции Башкортостана": [ 12, 24 ], |
1380 | | }, |
1381 | | }, |
1382 | | 'Chuvashia': { |
1383 | | 'PH': { |
1384 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1385 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1386 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1387 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1388 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1389 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1390 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1391 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1392 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1393 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1394 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1395 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1396 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1397 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1398 | | // local |
1399 | | "День Чувашской республики": [ 6, 24 ], |
1400 | | }, |
1401 | | }, |
1402 | | 'Sakha Republic': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AF%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.B4.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D0.AF.D0.BA.D1.83.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B8 |
1403 | | 'PH': { |
1404 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1405 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1406 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1407 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1408 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1409 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1410 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1411 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1412 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1413 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1414 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1415 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1416 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1417 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1418 | | // local |
1419 | | "День Республики Саха": [ 4, 27 ], |
1420 | | "Ысыах": [ 6, 23 ], |
1421 | | "День государственности Республики Саха": [ 9, 27 ], |
1422 | | }, |
1423 | | }, |
1424 | | 'Republic of Kalmykia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B8_%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BC%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BC%D1%8B%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B8 |
1425 | | 'PH': { |
1426 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1427 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1428 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1429 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1430 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1431 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1432 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1433 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1434 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1435 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1436 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1437 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1438 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1439 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1440 | | // local |
1441 | | "Цаган Сар": [ 1, 14 ], |
1442 | | "День принятия Степного Уложения (Конституции) Республики Калмыкия": [ 4, 5 ], |
1443 | | "День рождения Будды Шакьямун": [ 6, 6 ], |
1444 | | "Зул": [ 12, 15 ], |
1445 | | "День памяти жертв депортации калмыцкого народа": [ 12, 28 ], |
1446 | | }, |
1447 | | }, |
1448 | | 'Buryatia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%91%D1%83%D1%80%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B8 |
1449 | | 'PH': { |
1450 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1451 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1452 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1453 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1454 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1455 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1456 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1457 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1458 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1459 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1460 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1461 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1462 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1463 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1464 | | // |
1465 | | "Сагаалган": [ 1, 14 ], |
1466 | | }, |
1467 | | }, |
1468 | | 'Republic of Karelia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A0%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%8F |
1469 | | 'PH': { |
1470 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1471 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1472 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1473 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1474 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1475 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1476 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1477 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1478 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1479 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1480 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1481 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1482 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1483 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1484 | | // local |
1485 | | "День Республики Карелия": [ 6, 8 ], |
1486 | | "День освобождения Карелии от фашистских захватчиков": [ 9, 30 ], |
1487 | | }, |
1488 | | }, |
1489 | | 'Удмуртская республика': { |
1490 | | 'PH': { |
1491 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1492 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1493 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1494 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1495 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1496 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1497 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1498 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1499 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1500 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1501 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1502 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1503 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1504 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1505 | | // local |
1506 | | "День Государственности Удмуртской Республики": [ 5, 31 ], |
1507 | | }, |
1508 | | }, |
1509 | | 'Adygea': { |
1510 | | 'PH': { |
1511 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1512 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1513 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1514 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1515 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1516 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1517 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1518 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1519 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1520 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1521 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1522 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1523 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1524 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1525 | | // local |
1526 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1527 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1528 | | "День образования Республики Адыгея": [ 10, 5 ], |
1529 | | }, |
1530 | | }, |
1531 | | 'Republic of Dagestan': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0 |
1532 | | 'PH': { |
1533 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1534 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1535 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1536 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1537 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1538 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1539 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1540 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1541 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1542 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1543 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1544 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1545 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1546 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1547 | | // local |
1548 | | "День Конституции Республики Дагестан": [ 7, 26 ], |
1549 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1550 | | "День единства народов Дагестана": [ 9, 15 ], |
1551 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1552 | | }, |
1553 | | }, |
1554 | | 'Ingushetia': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%98%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%83%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B8 |
1555 | | 'PH': { |
1556 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1557 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1558 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1559 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1560 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1561 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1562 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1563 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1564 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1565 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1566 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1567 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1568 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1569 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1570 | | // local |
1571 | | "День образования Республики Ингушетия": [ 6, 4 ], |
1572 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1573 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1574 | | }, |
1575 | | }, |
1576 | | 'Карачаево-Черкесская республика': { |
1577 | | 'PH': { |
1578 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1579 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1580 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1581 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1582 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1583 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1584 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1585 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1586 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1587 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1588 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1589 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1590 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1591 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1592 | | // local |
1593 | | "День возрождения карачаевского народа": [ 5, 3 ], |
1594 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1595 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1596 | | }, |
1597 | | }, |
1598 | | 'Chechen Republic': { // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%A7%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8 |
1599 | | 'PH': { |
1600 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1601 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1602 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1603 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1604 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1605 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1606 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1607 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1608 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1609 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1610 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1611 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1612 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1613 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1614 | | // local |
1615 | | "День мира в Чеченской Республике": [ 4, 16 ], |
1616 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1617 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1618 | | }, |
1619 | | }, |
1620 | | 'Кабардино-Балкарская республика': { |
1621 | | 'PH': { |
1622 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1623 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1624 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1625 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1626 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1627 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1628 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1629 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1630 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1631 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1632 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1633 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1634 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1635 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1636 | | // local |
1637 | | "День возрождения балкарского народа": [ 3, 28 ], |
1638 | | "Черкесский день траура": [ 5, 21 ], |
1639 | | "Ураза-байрам": [ 7, 28 ], |
1640 | | "День государственности Кабардино-Балкарской Республики": [ 9, 1 ], |
1641 | | "Курбан-байрам": [ 10, 4 ], |
1642 | | }, |
1643 | | }, |
1644 | | 'Altai Republic': { |
1645 | | 'PH': { |
1646 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1647 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1648 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1649 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1650 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1651 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1652 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1653 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1654 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1655 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1656 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1657 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1658 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1659 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1660 | | // local |
1661 | | "Чага-Байрам": [ 1, 14 ], |
1662 | | }, |
1663 | | }, |
1664 | | 'Tuva': { |
1665 | | 'PH': { |
1666 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1667 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1668 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1669 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1670 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1671 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1672 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1673 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1674 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1675 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1676 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1677 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1678 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1679 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1680 | | // local |
1681 | | "Народный праздник Шагаа": [ 1, 14 ], |
1682 | | "День Республики Тыва": [ 8, 15 ], |
1683 | | }, |
1684 | | }, |
1685 | | 'Saratov Oblast': { |
1686 | | 'PH': { |
1687 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1688 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1689 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1690 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1691 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1692 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1693 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1694 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1695 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1696 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1697 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1698 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1699 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1700 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1701 | | // local |
1702 | | "Радоница": [ 4, 29 ], |
1703 | | }, |
1704 | | }, |
1705 | | 'Bryansk Oblast': { |
1706 | | 'PH': { |
1707 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1708 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1709 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1710 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1711 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1712 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1713 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1714 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1715 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1716 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1717 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1718 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1719 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1720 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1721 | | // local |
1722 | | "Радоница": [ 4, 29 ], |
1723 | | "День освобождения города Брянска": [ 9, 17 ], |
1724 | | }, |
1725 | | }, |
1726 | | 'Komi Republic': { |
1727 | | 'PH': { |
1728 | | "1. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 1 ], |
1729 | | "2. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 2 ], |
1730 | | "3. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 3 ], |
1731 | | "4. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 4 ], |
1732 | | "5. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 5 ], |
1733 | | "6. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 6 ], |
1734 | | "Рождество Христово": [ 1, 7 ], |
1735 | | "8. Новогодние каникулы": [ 1, 8 ], |
1736 | | "День защитника Отечества": [ 2, 23 ], |
1737 | | "Международный женский день": [ 3, 8 ], |
1738 | | "День Победы": [ 5, 9 ], |
1739 | | "Праздник Весны и Труда": [ 5, 1 ], |
1740 | | "День народного единства": [ 11, 4 ], |
1741 | | "День России": [ 6, 12 ], |
1742 | | // local |
1743 | | "День Республики Коми": [ 8, 22 ], |
1744 | | }, |
1745 | | }, |
1746 | | }, // }}} |
1747 | | 'ua': { // {{{ |
1748 | | 'PH': { // http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0_%D1%82%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BC%27%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%96_%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%96_%D0%B2_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%96 |
1749 | | "Новий рік" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1750 | | "Різдво" : [ 1, 7 ], |
1751 | | "Міжнародний жіночий день" : [ 3, 8 ], |
1752 | | "Великдень" : [ 'orthodox easter', 1 ], |
1753 | | "День Праці 1" : [ 5, 1 ], |
1754 | | "День Праці 2" : [ 5, 2 ], |
1755 | | "День Перемоги" : [ 5, 9 ], |
1756 | | "День Конституції України" : [ 6, 28 ], |
1757 | | "День Незалежності України" : [ 8, 24 ], |
1758 | | } |
1759 | | }, // }}} |
1760 | | 'us': { // {{{ |
1761 | | 'PH': { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_States |
1762 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1763 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1764 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1765 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1766 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1767 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1768 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1769 | | }, |
1770 | | 'Alabama': { |
1771 | | 'PH': { // http://www.archives.alabama.gov/intro/holidays.html |
1772 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1773 | | "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1774 | | "George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1775 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1776 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1777 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1778 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1779 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1780 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1781 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1782 | | "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 21 ], |
1783 | | "Jefferson Davis' Birthday" : [ "firstJuneMonday", 0 ] |
1784 | | } |
1785 | | }, |
1786 | | 'Alaska': { |
1787 | | 'PH': { |
1788 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1789 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1790 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1791 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1792 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1793 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1794 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1795 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1796 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1797 | | "Seward's Day" : [ "lastMarchMonday", 0 ], |
1798 | | "Alaska Day" : [ 10, 18 ] |
1799 | | } |
1800 | | }, |
1801 | | 'Arizona': { |
1802 | | 'PH': { |
1803 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1804 | | "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1805 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1806 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1807 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1808 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1809 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1810 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1811 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1812 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1813 | | } |
1814 | | }, |
1815 | | 'Arkansas': { |
1816 | | 'PH': { |
1817 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1818 | | "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1819 | | "George Washington's Birthday and Daisy Gatson Bates Day" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1820 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1821 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1822 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1823 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1824 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1825 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1826 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
1827 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1828 | | } |
1829 | | }, |
1830 | | 'California': { |
1831 | | 'PH': { |
1832 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1833 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1834 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1835 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1836 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1837 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1838 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1839 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1840 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1841 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1842 | | "César Chávez Day" : [ 3, 31 ] |
1843 | | } |
1844 | | }, |
1845 | | 'Colorado': { |
1846 | | 'PH': { |
1847 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1848 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1849 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1850 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1851 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1852 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1853 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1854 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1855 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1856 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1857 | | } |
1858 | | }, |
1859 | | 'Connecticut': { |
1860 | | 'PH': { |
1861 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1862 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1863 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1864 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1865 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1866 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1867 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1868 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1869 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1870 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1871 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ], |
1872 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ] |
1873 | | } |
1874 | | }, |
1875 | | 'Delaware': { |
1876 | | 'PH': { |
1877 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1878 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1879 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1880 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1881 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1882 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1883 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1884 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1885 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1886 | | "Day After Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
1887 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1888 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ] |
1889 | | } |
1890 | | }, |
1891 | | 'District of Columbia': { |
1892 | | 'PH': { |
1893 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1894 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1895 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1896 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1897 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1898 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1899 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1900 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1901 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1902 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1903 | | "Emancipation Day" : [ 4, 16 ] |
1904 | | } |
1905 | | }, |
1906 | | 'Florida': { |
1907 | | 'PH': { // http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0100-0199/0110/Sections/0110.117.html |
1908 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1909 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1910 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1911 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1912 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1913 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1914 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1915 | | "Friday after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
1916 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1917 | | } |
1918 | | }, |
1919 | | 'Georgia': { |
1920 | | 'PH': { |
1921 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1922 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1923 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1924 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1925 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1926 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1927 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1928 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1929 | | "Robert E. Lee's Birthday" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
1930 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ 12, 24 ], |
1931 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1932 | | "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "lastAprilMonday", 0 ] |
1933 | | } |
1934 | | }, |
1935 | | 'Guam': { |
1936 | | 'PH': { |
1937 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1938 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1939 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1940 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1941 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1942 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1943 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1944 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1945 | | "Guam Discovery Day" : [ 3, 5 ], |
1946 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
1947 | | "Liberation Day" : [ 7, 21 ], |
1948 | | "All Souls' Day" : [ 11, 2 ], |
1949 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1950 | | "Lady of Camarin Day" : [ 12, 8 ], |
1951 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1952 | | } |
1953 | | }, |
1954 | | 'Hawaii': { |
1955 | | 'PH': { |
1956 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1957 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1958 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1959 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1960 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1961 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1962 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1963 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1964 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1965 | | "Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day" : [ 3, 26 ], |
1966 | | "Kamehameha Day" : [ 6, 11 ], |
1967 | | "Statehood Day" : [ "firstAugustFriday", 14 ], |
1968 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
1969 | | } |
1970 | | }, |
1971 | | 'Idaho': { |
1972 | | 'PH': { |
1973 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1974 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr.-Idaho Human Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1975 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1976 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1977 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1978 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1979 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1980 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1981 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1982 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
1983 | | } |
1984 | | }, |
1985 | | 'Illinois': { |
1986 | | 'PH': { |
1987 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
1988 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
1989 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
1990 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
1991 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
1992 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
1993 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
1994 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
1995 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
1996 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
1997 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ], |
1998 | | "Casimir Pulaski Day" : [ "firstMarchMonday", 0 ], |
1999 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2000 | | } |
2001 | | }, |
2002 | | 'Indiana': { |
2003 | | 'PH': { |
2004 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2005 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2006 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2007 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2008 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2009 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2010 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2011 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2012 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2013 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2014 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2015 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
2016 | | "Primary Election Day" : [ "firstMayMonday", 1 ], |
2017 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2018 | | } |
2019 | | }, |
2020 | | 'Iowa': { |
2021 | | 'PH': { |
2022 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2023 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2024 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2025 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2026 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2027 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2028 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2029 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2030 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2031 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2032 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ] |
2033 | | } |
2034 | | }, |
2035 | | 'Kansas': { |
2036 | | 'PH': { |
2037 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2038 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2039 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2040 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2041 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2042 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2043 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2044 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2045 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2046 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2047 | | } |
2048 | | }, |
2049 | | 'Kentucky': { |
2050 | | 'PH': { |
2051 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2052 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2053 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2054 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2055 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2056 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2057 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2058 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2059 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2060 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2061 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2062 | | "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ], |
2063 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ] |
2064 | | } |
2065 | | }, |
2066 | | 'Louisiana': { |
2067 | | 'PH': { |
2068 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2069 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2070 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2071 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2072 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2073 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2074 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2075 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2076 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2077 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2078 | | "Mardi Gras" : [ "easter", -47 ], |
2079 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
2080 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2081 | | } |
2082 | | }, |
2083 | | 'Maine': { |
2084 | | 'PH': { |
2085 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2086 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2087 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2088 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2089 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2090 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2091 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2092 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2093 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2094 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2095 | | "Patriots' Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ] |
2096 | | } |
2097 | | }, |
2098 | | 'Maryland': { |
2099 | | 'PH': { |
2100 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2101 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2102 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2103 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2104 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2105 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2106 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2107 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2108 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2109 | | "Native American Heritage Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2110 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2111 | | } |
2112 | | }, |
2113 | | 'Massachusetts': { |
2114 | | 'PH': { |
2115 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2116 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2117 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2118 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2119 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2120 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2121 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2122 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2123 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2124 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2125 | | "Patriots' Day" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ] |
2126 | | } |
2127 | | }, |
2128 | | 'Michigan': { |
2129 | | 'PH': { |
2130 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2131 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2132 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2133 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2134 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2135 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2136 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2137 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2138 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2139 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2140 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2141 | | "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ] |
2142 | | } |
2143 | | }, |
2144 | | 'Minnesota': { |
2145 | | 'PH': { |
2146 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2147 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2148 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2149 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2150 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2151 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2152 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2153 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2154 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2155 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2156 | | } |
2157 | | }, |
2158 | | 'Mississippi': { |
2159 | | 'PH': { |
2160 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2161 | | "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2162 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2163 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2164 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2165 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2166 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2167 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2168 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2169 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2170 | | "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ "lastAprilMonday", 0 ] |
2171 | | } |
2172 | | }, |
2173 | | 'Missouri': { |
2174 | | 'PH': { |
2175 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2176 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2177 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2178 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2179 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2180 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2181 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2182 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2183 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2184 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2185 | | "Truman Day" : [ 5, 8 ] |
2186 | | } |
2187 | | }, |
2188 | | 'Montana': { |
2189 | | 'PH': { |
2190 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2191 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2192 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2193 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2194 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2195 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2196 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2197 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2198 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2199 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2200 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ], |
2201 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2202 | | "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ] |
2203 | | } |
2204 | | }, |
2205 | | 'Nebraska': { |
2206 | | 'PH': { |
2207 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2208 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2209 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2210 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2211 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2212 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2213 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2214 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2215 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2216 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2217 | | "Arbor Day" : [ "lastAprilFriday", 0 ] |
2218 | | } |
2219 | | }, |
2220 | | 'Nevada': { |
2221 | | 'PH': { |
2222 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2223 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2224 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2225 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2226 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2227 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2228 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2229 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2230 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2231 | | "Nevada Day" : [ "lastOctoberFriday", 0 ], |
2232 | | "Family Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ] |
2233 | | } |
2234 | | }, |
2235 | | 'New Hampshire': { |
2236 | | 'PH': { |
2237 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2238 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2239 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2240 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2241 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2242 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2243 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2244 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2245 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2246 | | "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2247 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2248 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2249 | | } |
2250 | | }, |
2251 | | 'New Jersey': { |
2252 | | 'PH': { |
2253 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2254 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2255 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2256 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2257 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2258 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2259 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2260 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2261 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2262 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2263 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ], |
2264 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
2265 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2266 | | } |
2267 | | }, |
2268 | | 'New Mexico': { |
2269 | | 'PH': { |
2270 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2271 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2272 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2273 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2274 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2275 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2276 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2277 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2278 | | "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2279 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2280 | | } |
2281 | | }, |
2282 | | 'New York': { |
2283 | | 'PH': { |
2284 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2285 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2286 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2287 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2288 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2289 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2290 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2291 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2292 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2293 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2294 | | "Lincoln's Birthday" : [ 2, 12 ], |
2295 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2296 | | } |
2297 | | }, |
2298 | | 'North Carolina': { |
2299 | | 'PH': { |
2300 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2301 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2302 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2303 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2304 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2305 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2306 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2307 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2308 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2309 | | "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2310 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2311 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2312 | | "Day after Christmas" : [ 12, 26 ], |
2313 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ] |
2314 | | } |
2315 | | }, |
2316 | | 'North Dakota': { |
2317 | | 'PH': { |
2318 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2319 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2320 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2321 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2322 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2323 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2324 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2325 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2326 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2327 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2328 | | } |
2329 | | }, |
2330 | | 'Ohio': { |
2331 | | 'PH': { |
2332 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2333 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2334 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2335 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2336 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2337 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2338 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2339 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2340 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2341 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2342 | | } |
2343 | | }, |
2344 | | 'Oklahoma': { |
2345 | | 'PH': { |
2346 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2347 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2348 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2349 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2350 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2351 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2352 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2353 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2354 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2355 | | "Day after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2356 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2357 | | } |
2358 | | }, |
2359 | | 'Oregon': { |
2360 | | 'PH': { |
2361 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2362 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2363 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2364 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2365 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2366 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2367 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2368 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2369 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2370 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2371 | | } |
2372 | | }, |
2373 | | 'Pennsylvania': { |
2374 | | 'PH': { |
2375 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2376 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2377 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2378 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2379 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2380 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2381 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2382 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2383 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2384 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2385 | | "Flag Day" : [ 6, 14 ] |
2386 | | } |
2387 | | }, |
2388 | | 'Puerto Rico': { |
2389 | | 'PH': { |
2390 | | "Día de Año Nuevo" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2391 | | "Día de Reyes" : [ 1, 6 ], |
2392 | | "Natalicio de Eugenio María de Hostos" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 7 ], |
2393 | | "Natalicio de Martin Luther King, Jr." : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2394 | | "Día de los Presidentes" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2395 | | "Día de la Abolición de Esclavitud" : [ 3, 22 ], |
2396 | | "Viernes Santo" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
2397 | | "Natalicio de José de Diego" : [ "firstAprilMonday", 14 ], |
2398 | | "Recordación de los Muertos de la Guerra" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2399 | | "Día de la Independencia" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2400 | | "Constitución de Puerto Rico" : [ 7, 25 ], |
2401 | | "Natalicio de Dr. José Celso Barbosa" : [ 7, 27 ], |
2402 | | "Día del Trabajo" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2403 | | "Día de la Raza Descubrimiento de América" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2404 | | "Día del Veterano" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2405 | | "Día del Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico" : [ 11, 19 ], |
2406 | | "Día de Acción de Gracias" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2407 | | "Noche Buena" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2408 | | "Día de Navidad" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2409 | | } |
2410 | | }, |
2411 | | 'Rhode Island': { |
2412 | | 'PH': { |
2413 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2414 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2415 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2416 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2417 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2418 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2419 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2420 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2421 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2422 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2423 | | "Victory Day" : [ "firstAugustMonday", 7 ] |
2424 | | } |
2425 | | }, |
2426 | | 'South Carolina': { |
2427 | | 'PH': { |
2428 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2429 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2430 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2431 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2432 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2433 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2434 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2435 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2436 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2437 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2438 | | "Confederate Memorial Day" : [ 5, 10 ] |
2439 | | } |
2440 | | }, |
2441 | | 'South Dakota': { |
2442 | | 'PH': { |
2443 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2444 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2445 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2446 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2447 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2448 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2449 | | "Native American Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2450 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2451 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2452 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2453 | | } |
2454 | | }, |
2455 | | 'Tennessee': { |
2456 | | 'PH': { |
2457 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2458 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2459 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2460 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2461 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2462 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2463 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2464 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2465 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2466 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2467 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2468 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ] |
2469 | | } |
2470 | | }, |
2471 | | 'Texas': { |
2472 | | 'PH': { |
2473 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2474 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2475 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2476 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2477 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2478 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2479 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2480 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2481 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2482 | | "Friday after Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ], |
2483 | | "Christmas Eve" : [ 12, 24 ], |
2484 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2485 | | "Day after Christmas" : [ 12, 26 ] |
2486 | | } |
2487 | | }, |
2488 | | 'United States Virgin Islands': { |
2489 | | 'PH': { |
2490 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2491 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2492 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2493 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2494 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2495 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2496 | | "Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2497 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2498 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2499 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2500 | | "Three Kings Day" : [ 1, 6 ], |
2501 | | "Transfer Day" : [ 3, 31 ], |
2502 | | "Holy Thursday" : [ "easter", -3 ], |
2503 | | "Good Friday" : [ "easter", -2 ], |
2504 | | "Easter Monday" : [ "easter", 1 ], |
2505 | | "Emancipation Day" : [ 7, 3 ], |
2506 | | "Hurricane Supplication Day" : [ "firstJulyMonday", 21 ], |
2507 | | "Hurricane Thanksgiving" : [ 10, 25 ], |
2508 | | "Liberty Day" : [ 11, 1 ], |
2509 | | "Christmas Second Day" : [ 12, 26 ], |
2510 | | "New Year's Eve" : [ 12, 31 ] |
2511 | | } |
2512 | | }, |
2513 | | 'Utah': { |
2514 | | 'PH': { |
2515 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2516 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2517 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2518 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2519 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2520 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2521 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2522 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2523 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2524 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2525 | | "Pioneer Day" : [ 7, 24 ] |
2526 | | } |
2527 | | }, |
2528 | | 'Vermont': { |
2529 | | 'PH': { |
2530 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2531 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2532 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2533 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2534 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2535 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2536 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2537 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2538 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2539 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2540 | | "Town Meeting Day" : [ "firstMarchTuesday", 0 ], |
2541 | | "Battle of Bennington" : [ "firstAugustMonday", 14 ] |
2542 | | } |
2543 | | }, |
2544 | | 'Virginia': { |
2545 | | 'PH': { |
2546 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2547 | | "Lee-Jackson Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 11 ], |
2548 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2549 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2550 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2551 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2552 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2553 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2554 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2555 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2556 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2557 | | } |
2558 | | }, |
2559 | | 'Washington': { |
2560 | | 'PH': { |
2561 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2562 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2563 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2564 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2565 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2566 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2567 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2568 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2569 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2570 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2571 | | } |
2572 | | }, |
2573 | | 'West Virginia': { |
2574 | | 'PH': { |
2575 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2576 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2577 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2578 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2579 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2580 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2581 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2582 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2583 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2584 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2585 | | "West Virginia Day" : [ 6, 20 ], |
2586 | | "Lincoln's Day" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 22 ] |
2587 | | } |
2588 | | }, |
2589 | | 'Wisconsin': { |
2590 | | 'PH': { // http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/995/20 |
2591 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2592 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2593 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2594 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2595 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2596 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2597 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2598 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2599 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2600 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ], |
2601 | | "Primary Election Day" : [ "firstAugustTuesday", 7 ], |
2602 | | "Election Day" : [ "firstNovemberMonday", 1 ] |
2603 | | } |
2604 | | }, |
2605 | | 'Wyoming': { |
2606 | | 'PH': { |
2607 | | "New Year's Day" : [ 1, 1 ], |
2608 | | "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" : [ "firstJanuaryMonday", 14 ], |
2609 | | "Washington's Birthday" : [ "firstFebruaryMonday", 14 ], |
2610 | | "Memorial Day" : [ "lastMayMonday", 0 ], |
2611 | | "Independence Day" : [ 7, 4 ], |
2612 | | "Labor Day" : [ "firstSeptemberMonday", 0 ], |
2613 | | "Columbus Day" : [ "firstOctoberMonday", 7 ], |
2614 | | "Veterans Day" : [ 11, 11 ], |
2615 | | "Thanksgiving" : [ "firstNovemberThursday", 21 ], |
2616 | | "Christmas Day" : [ 12, 25 ] |
2617 | | } |
2618 | | } |
2619 | | }, // }}} |
2620 | | 'si': { // {{{ |
2621 | | 'PH': { // http://www.vlada.si/o_sloveniji/politicni_sistem/prazniki/ |
2622 | | 'novo leto' : [ 1, 1 ], |
2623 | | 'Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik' : [ 2, 8 ], |
2624 | | 'velikonočna nedelja' : [ 'easter', 0 ], |
2625 | | 'velikonočni ponedeljek' : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
2626 | | 'dan upora proti okupatorju' : [ 4, 27 ], |
2627 | | 'praznik dela 1' : [ 5, 1 ], |
2628 | | 'praznik dela 2' : [ 5, 2 ], |
2629 | | 'binkoštna nedelja - binkošti' : [ 'easter', 49 ], |
2630 | | 'dan državnosti' : [ 6, 25 ], |
2631 | | 'Marijino vnebovzetje' : [ 8, 15 ], |
2632 | | 'dan reformacije' : [ 10, 31 ], |
2633 | | 'dan spomina na mrtve' : [ 11, 1 ], |
2634 | | 'božič' : [ 12, 25 ], |
2635 | | 'dan samostojnosti in enotnosti' : [ 12, 26 ] |
2636 | | } |
2637 | | }, // }}} |
2638 | | 'it': { // {{{ |
2639 | | 'PH': { // http://www.governo.it/Presidenza/ufficio_cerimoniale/cerimoniale/giornate.html |
2640 | | 'Capodanno' : [ 1, 1 ], |
2641 | | 'Epifania' : [ 1, 6 ], |
2642 | | 'Liberazione dal nazifascismo (1945)' : [ 4, 25 ], |
2643 | | 'Pasqua' : [ 'easter', 0 ], |
2644 | | 'Lunedì di Pasqua' : [ 'easter', 1 ], |
2645 | | 'Festa del lavoro' : [ 5, 1 ], |
2646 | | 'Festa della Repubblica' : [ 6, 2 ], |
2647 | | 'Assunzione di Maria' : [ 8, 15 ], |
2648 | | 'Ognissanti' : [ 11, 1 ], |
2649 | | 'Festa dell’unità nazionale' : [ 'firstSeptemberSunday', 0 ], |
2650 | | 'Immacolata Concezione' : [ 12, 8 ], |
2651 | | 'Natale di Gesù' : [ 12, 25 ], |
2652 | | 'Santo Stefano' : [ 12, 26 ], |
2653 | | }, |
2654 | | }, // }}} |
2655 | | }; |
2656 | | // }}} |
2657 | | |
2658 | | // error correction {{{ |
2659 | | // Taken form http://www.netzwolf.info/j/osm/time_domain.js |
2660 | | // Credits go to Netzwolf |
2661 | | // |
2662 | | // Key to word_error_correction is the token name except wrong_words |
2663 | | var word_error_correction = { |
2664 | | wrong_words: { /* {{{ */ |
2665 | | 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { |
2666 | | 'Frühling': 'Mar-May', |
2667 | | 'Frühjahr': 'Mar-May', |
2668 | | 'Sommer': 'Jun-Aug', |
2669 | | 'Herbst': 'Sep-Nov', |
2670 | | 'winter': 'Dec-Feb', |
2671 | | }, '"<ko>" wird als "<ok>" interpertiert.': { |
2672 | | 'spring': 'Mar-May', |
2673 | | 'summer': 'Jun-Aug', |
2674 | | 'autumn': 'Sep-Nov', |
2675 | | // 'winter': 'Dec-Feb', // Same as in English. |
2676 | | // morning: '08:00-12:00', |
2677 | | // evening: '13:00-18:00', |
2678 | | '_': '-', |
2679 | | 'daytime': 'sunrise-sunset', |
2680 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2681 | | 'sommer': 'summer', |
2682 | | 'werktag': 'Mo-Fr', |
2683 | | 'werktags': 'Mo-Fr', |
2684 | | }, 'Bitte benutze "<ok>" für "<ko>". Beispiel: "Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00; Tu off".': { |
2685 | | 'ruhetag': 'off', |
2686 | | 'ruhetage': 'off', |
2687 | | 'geschlossen': 'off', |
2688 | | 'geschl': 'off', |
2689 | | // 'ausser': 'off', |
2690 | | // 'außer': 'off', |
2691 | | }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': { |
2692 | | 'gesloten': 'off', |
2693 | | 'feestdag': 'PH', |
2694 | | 'feestdagen': 'PH', |
2695 | | }, 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>". Please avoid using "workday": http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:opening_hours#need_syntax_for_holidays_and_workingdays': { |
2696 | | // Used around 260 times but the problem is, that work day might be different in other countries. |
2697 | | 'wd': 'Mo-Fr', |
2698 | | 'on work day': 'Mo-Fr', |
2699 | | 'on work days': 'Mo-Fr', |
2700 | | 'weekday': 'Mo-Fr', |
2701 | | 'weekdays': 'Mo-Fr', |
2702 | | 'vardagar': 'Mo-Fr', |
2703 | | }, 'Please use something like "Mo off" instead "<ko>".': { |
2704 | | 'except': 'off', |
2705 | | }, 'Please omit "<ko>" or use a colon instead: "12:00-14:00".': { |
2706 | | 'h': '', |
2707 | | }, 'Please omit "<ko>".': { |
2708 | | 'season': '', |
2709 | | 'hs': '', |
2710 | | 'hrs': '', |
2711 | | 'hours': '', |
2712 | | '·': '', |
2713 | | }, 'Please omit "<ko>". The key must not be in the value.': { |
2714 | | 'opening_hours=': '', |
2715 | | }, 'Please omit "<ko>". You might want to express open end which can be specified as "12:00+" for example.': { |
2716 | | 'from': '', |
2717 | | }, 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>" in the case that you want to express open end times. Example: "12:00+".': { |
2718 | | 'til late': '+', |
2719 | | 'till late': '+', |
2720 | | 'bis open end': '+', |
2721 | | '-late': '+', |
2722 | | '-open end': '+', |
2723 | | '-openend': '+', |
2724 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". If the times are unsure or vary consider a comment e.g. 12:00-14:00 "only on sunshine".': { |
2725 | | '~': '-', |
2726 | | '~': '-', |
2727 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Fallback rule: 12:00-14:00 || "call us"': { |
2728 | | 'otherwise': '||', |
2729 | | }, 'You can use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>" temporally if the syntax will still be valid.': { |
2730 | | '?': 'unknown "please add this if known"', |
2731 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Although using "–" is typographical correct, the opening_hours syntax is defined with the normal hyphen. Correct typography should be done on application level …': { |
2732 | | '–': '-', |
2733 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { |
2734 | | '→': '-', |
2735 | | '−': '-', |
2736 | | '=': '-', |
2737 | | 'ー': '-', |
2738 | | 'to': '-', |
2739 | | 'до': '-', |
2740 | | 'a': '-', // language unknown |
2741 | | 'as': '-', // language unknown |
2742 | | 'á': '-', // language unknown |
2743 | | 'ás': '-', // language unknown |
2744 | | 'às': '-', // language unknown |
2745 | | 'ate': '-', // language unknown |
2746 | | 'till': '-', |
2747 | | 'til': '-', |
2748 | | 'until': '-', |
2749 | | 'through': '-', |
2750 | | 'and': ',', |
2751 | | '&': ',', |
2752 | | // '/': ',', // Can not be corrected as / is a valid token |
2753 | | ':': ':', |
2754 | | '°°': ':00', |
2755 | | 'always': '24/7', |
2756 | | 'nonstop': '24/7', |
2757 | | '24x7': '24/7', |
2758 | | 'anytime': '24/7', |
2759 | | 'all day': '24/7', |
2760 | | 'daily': 'Mo-Su', |
2761 | | 'everyday': 'Mo-Su', |
2762 | | 'every day': 'Mo-Su', |
2763 | | 'all days': 'Mo-Su', |
2764 | | '7j/7': 'Mo-Su', // I guess that it means that |
2765 | | '7/7': 'Mo-Su', // I guess that it means that |
2766 | | /* {{{ |
2767 | | * Fixing this causes to ignore the following warning: "There should be no |
2768 | | * reason to differ more than 6 days from a constrained |
2769 | | * weekdays. If so tell us …". |
2770 | | * The following mistake is expected to occur more often. |
2771 | | */ |
2772 | | '7days': 'Mo-Su', |
2773 | | '7 days': 'Mo-Su', |
2774 | | // }}} |
2775 | | '7 days a week': 'Mo-Su', |
2776 | | '7 days/week': 'Mo-Su', |
2777 | | '24 hours 7 days a week': '24/7', |
2778 | | '24 hours': '00:00-24:00', |
2779 | | 'midday': '12:00', |
2780 | | 'midnight': '00:00', |
2781 | | 'holiday': 'PH', |
2782 | | 'holidays': 'PH', |
2783 | | 'public holidays': 'PH', |
2784 | | 'public holiday': 'PH', |
2785 | | 'day after public holiday': 'PH +1 day', |
2786 | | 'one day after public holiday': 'PH +1 day', |
2787 | | 'day before public holiday': 'PH -1 day', |
2788 | | 'one day before public holiday': 'PH -1 day', |
2789 | | 'school holiday': 'SH', |
2790 | | 'school holidays': 'SH', |
2791 | | // summerholiday: 'SH', |
2792 | | // summerholidays: 'SH', |
2793 | | /* Not implemented {{{ */ |
2794 | | // 'day after school holiday': 'SH +1 day', |
2795 | | // 'one day after school holiday': 'SH +1 day', |
2796 | | // 'day before school holiday': 'SH -1 day', |
2797 | | // 'one day before school holiday': 'SH -1 day', |
2798 | | /* }}} */ |
2799 | | 'weekend': 'Sa,Su', |
2800 | | 'weekends': 'Sa,Su', |
2801 | | 'daylight': 'sunrise-sunset', |
2802 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". Those characters look very similar but are not the same!': { |
2803 | | 'оff': 'off', // Russian o |
2804 | | }, 'Please use time format in 24 hours notation ("<ko>"). If PM is used you might have to convert the hours to the 24 hours notation.': { |
2805 | | 'pm': '', |
2806 | | 'рм': '', |
2807 | | 'am': '', |
2808 | | 'ам': '', |
2809 | | }, 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>".': { |
2810 | | 'uhr': '', |
2811 | | 'geöffnet': '', |
2812 | | 'zwischen': '', |
2813 | | 'ist': '', |
2814 | | 'durchgehend': '', |
2815 | | }, 'Bitte verzichte auf "<ko>". Sie möchten eventuell eine Öffnungszeit ohne vorgegebenes Ende (Open End) angeben. Beispiel: "12:00+"': { |
2816 | | 'ab': '', |
2817 | | 'von': '', |
2818 | | }, 'Es sieht so aus also möchten Sie zusätzliche Einschränkungen für eine Öffnungszeit geben. Falls sich dies nicht mit der Syntax ausdrücken lässt können Kommentare verwendet werden. Zusätzlich sollte eventuell das Schlüsselwort `open` benutzt werden. Bitte probiere "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2819 | | 'damen': 'open "Damen"', |
2820 | | 'herren': 'open "Herren"', |
2821 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2822 | | 'bis': '-', |
2823 | | 'täglich': 'Mo-Su', |
2824 | | 'schulferien': 'SH', |
2825 | | 'sonn und feiertag': 'PH,Su', |
2826 | | 'sonn und feiertags': 'PH,Su', |
2827 | | 'sonn- und feiertags': 'PH,Su', |
2828 | | 'sonn-/feiertag': 'PH,Su', |
2829 | | 'sonn-/feiertags': 'PH,Su', |
2830 | | 'an sonn- und feiertagen': 'PH,Su', |
2831 | | 'nur sonn-/feiertags': 'PH,Su', |
2832 | | 'sonn- und feiertage': 'PH,Su', |
2833 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" für "<ko>". Es ist war typografisch korrekt aber laut der Spezifikation für opening_hours nicht erlaubt. Siehe auch: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:opening_hours/specification.': { |
2834 | | '„': '"', |
2835 | | '“': '"', |
2836 | | '”': '"', |
2837 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs might be typographically correct but are not defined in the specification. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': { |
2838 | | '«': '"', |
2839 | | '»': '"', |
2840 | | '‚': '"', |
2841 | | '‘': '"', |
2842 | | '’': '"', |
2843 | | '「': '"', |
2844 | | '」': '"', |
2845 | | '『': '"', |
2846 | | '』': '"', |
2847 | | }, 'Please use notation "<ok>" for "<ko>". The used quote signs are not defined in the specification. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours/specification.': { |
2848 | | "'": '"', |
2849 | | }, 'You might want to use comments instead of brackets (which are not valid in this context). If you do, replace "<ok>" with "<ko>".': { |
2850 | | // '(': '"', |
2851 | | // ')': '"', |
2852 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die Schreibweise "<ok>" als Ersatz für "und" bzw. "u.".': { |
2853 | | 'und': ',', |
2854 | | 'u': ',', |
2855 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2856 | | 'feiertag': 'PH', |
2857 | | 'feiertags': 'PH', |
2858 | | 'feiertage': 'PH', |
2859 | | 'feiertagen': 'PH' |
2860 | | }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': { |
2861 | | 'fermé': 'off', |
2862 | | 'et': ',', |
2863 | | 'à': '-', |
2864 | | 'jours fériés': 'PH', |
2865 | | } |
2866 | | }, /* }}} */ |
2867 | | |
2868 | | month: { /* {{{ */ |
2869 | | 'default': { |
2870 | | 'jan': 0, |
2871 | | 'feb': 1, |
2872 | | 'mar': 2, |
2873 | | 'apr': 3, |
2874 | | 'may': 4, |
2875 | | 'jun': 5, |
2876 | | 'jul': 6, |
2877 | | 'aug': 7, |
2878 | | 'sep': 8, |
2879 | | 'oct': 9, |
2880 | | 'nov': 10, |
2881 | | 'dec': 11, |
2882 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { |
2883 | | 'jänner': 0, // Austria |
2884 | | 'january': 0, |
2885 | | 'february': 1, |
2886 | | 'march': 2, |
2887 | | 'april': 3, |
2888 | | // 'may': 4, |
2889 | | 'june': 5, |
2890 | | 'july': 6, |
2891 | | 'august': 7, |
2892 | | 'september': 8, |
2893 | | 'sept': 8, |
2894 | | 'october': 9, |
2895 | | 'november': 10, |
2896 | | 'december': 11, |
2897 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2898 | | 'januar': 0, |
2899 | | 'februar': 1, |
2900 | | 'märz': 2, |
2901 | | 'maerz': 2, |
2902 | | 'mai': 4, |
2903 | | 'juni': 5, |
2904 | | 'juli': 6, |
2905 | | 'okt': 9, |
2906 | | 'oktober': 9, |
2907 | | 'dez': 11, |
2908 | | 'dezember': 11, |
2909 | | }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': { |
2910 | | 'janvier': 0, |
2911 | | 'février': 1, |
2912 | | 'fév': 1, |
2913 | | 'mars': 2, |
2914 | | 'avril': 3, |
2915 | | 'avr': 3, |
2916 | | 'mai': 4, |
2917 | | 'juin': 5, |
2918 | | 'juillet': 6, |
2919 | | 'août': 7, |
2920 | | 'aoû': 7, |
2921 | | 'septembre': 8, |
2922 | | 'octobre': 9, |
2923 | | 'novembre': 10, |
2924 | | 'décembre': 11, |
2925 | | }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': { |
2926 | | 'januari': 0, |
2927 | | 'februari': 1, |
2928 | | 'maart': 2, |
2929 | | 'mei': 4, |
2930 | | 'augustus': 7, |
2931 | | } |
2932 | | }, /* }}} */ |
2933 | | |
2934 | | calcday: { |
2935 | | 'default': { |
2936 | | 'day': 'day', |
2937 | | 'days': 'days', |
2938 | | }, |
2939 | | }, |
2940 | | |
2941 | | weekday: { // {{{ Good source: http://www.omniglot.com/language/time/days.htm */ |
2942 | | 'default': { |
2943 | | 'su': 0, |
2944 | | 'mo': 1, |
2945 | | 'tu': 2, |
2946 | | 'we': 3, |
2947 | | 'th': 4, |
2948 | | 'fr': 5, |
2949 | | 'sa': 6, |
2950 | | }, 'Assuming "<ok>" for "<ko>"': { |
2951 | | 'm': 1, |
2952 | | 'w': 3, |
2953 | | 'f': 5, |
2954 | | }, 'Please use the abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { |
2955 | | 'sun': 0, |
2956 | | 'sunday': 0, |
2957 | | 'sundays': 0, |
2958 | | 'mon': 1, |
2959 | | 'monday': 1, |
2960 | | 'mondays': 1, |
2961 | | 'tue': 2, |
2962 | | 'tues': 2, // Used here: http://www.westerhambeauty.co.uk/contact.php |
2963 | | 'tuesday': 2, |
2964 | | 'tuesdays': 2, |
2965 | | 'wed': 3, |
2966 | | 'weds': 3, |
2967 | | 'wednesday': 3, |
2968 | | 'wednesdays': 3, |
2969 | | 'thu': 4, |
2970 | | 'thur': 4, |
2971 | | 'thurs': 4, |
2972 | | 'thursday': 4, |
2973 | | 'thursdays': 4, |
2974 | | 'fri': 5, |
2975 | | 'friday': 5, |
2976 | | 'fridays': 5, |
2977 | | 'sat': 6, |
2978 | | 'saturday': 6, |
2979 | | 'saturdays': 6, |
2980 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>". Could also mean Saturday in Polish …': { |
2981 | | 'so': 0, |
2982 | | }, 'Bitte benutze die englische Abkürzung "<ok>" für "<ko>".': { |
2983 | | 'son': 0, |
2984 | | 'sonntag': 0, |
2985 | | 'sonn-': 0, |
2986 | | 'sonntags': 0, |
2987 | | 'montag': 1, |
2988 | | 'montags': 1, |
2989 | | 'di': 2, |
2990 | | 'die': 2, |
2991 | | 'dienstag': 2, |
2992 | | 'dienstags': 2, |
2993 | | 'mi': 3, |
2994 | | 'mit': 3, |
2995 | | 'mittwoch': 3, |
2996 | | 'mittwochs': 3, |
2997 | | 'do': 4, |
2998 | | 'don': 4, |
2999 | | 'donnerstag': 4, |
3000 | | 'donnerstags': 4, |
3001 | | 'fre': 5, |
3002 | | 'freitag': 5, |
3003 | | 'freitags': 5, |
3004 | | 'sam': 6, |
3005 | | 'samstag': 6, |
3006 | | 'samstags': 6, |
3007 | | }, 'S\'il vous plaît utiliser l\'abréviation "<ok>" pour "<ko>".': { |
3008 | | 'dim': 0, |
3009 | | 'dimanche': 0, |
3010 | | 'lu': 1, |
3011 | | 'lun': 1, |
3012 | | 'lundi': 1, |
3013 | | 'mardi': 2, |
3014 | | 'mer': 3, |
3015 | | 'mercredi': 3, |
3016 | | 'je': 4, |
3017 | | 'jeu': 4, |
3018 | | 'jeudi': 4, |
3019 | | 've': 5, |
3020 | | 'ven': 5, |
3021 | | 'vendredi': 5, |
3022 | | 'samedi': 6, |
3023 | | }, 'Neem de engelse afkorting "<ok>" voor "<ko>" alstublieft.': { |
3024 | | 'zo': 0, |
3025 | | 'zon': 0, |
3026 | | 'zontag': 0, // correct? |
3027 | | 'zondag': 0, |
3028 | | 'maandag': 1, |
3029 | | 'din': 2, |
3030 | | 'dinsdag': 2, |
3031 | | 'wo': 3, |
3032 | | 'woe': 3, |
3033 | | 'woensdag': 3, |
3034 | | 'donderdag': 4, |
3035 | | 'vr': 5, |
3036 | | 'vri': 5, |
3037 | | 'vrijdag': 5, |
3038 | | 'za': 6, |
3039 | | 'zat': 6, |
3040 | | 'zaterdag': 6, |
3041 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" for "<ko>".': { // FIXME: Translate to Czech. |
3042 | | 'neděle': 0, |
3043 | | 'ne': 0, |
3044 | | 'pondělí': 1, |
3045 | | 'po': 1, |
3046 | | 'úterý': 2, |
3047 | | 'út': 2, |
3048 | | 'středa': 3, |
3049 | | 'st': 3, |
3050 | | 'čtvrtek': 4, |
3051 | | 'čt': 4, |
3052 | | 'pátek': 5, |
3053 | | 'pá': 5, |
3054 | | 'sobota': 6, |
3055 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Spanish) for "<ko>".': { |
3056 | | 'martes': 0, |
3057 | | 'miércoles': 1, |
3058 | | 'jueves': 2, |
3059 | | 'viernes': 3, |
3060 | | 'sábado': 4, |
3061 | | 'domingo': 5, |
3062 | | 'lunes': 6, |
3063 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Indonesian) for "<ko>".': { |
3064 | | 'selasa': 0, |
3065 | | 'rabu': 1, |
3066 | | 'kami': 2, |
3067 | | 'jumat': 3, |
3068 | | 'sabtu': 4, |
3069 | | 'minggu': 5, |
3070 | | 'senin': 6, |
3071 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Swedish) for "<ko>".': { |
3072 | | 'söndag': 0, |
3073 | | 'söndagar': 0, |
3074 | | 'måndag': 1, |
3075 | | 'ma': 1, |
3076 | | 'tisdag': 2, |
3077 | | 'onsdag': 3, // Same in Danish |
3078 | | 'torsdag': 4, |
3079 | | 'fredag': 5, |
3080 | | 'lördag': 6, |
3081 | | 'lördagar': 6, |
3082 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Polish) for "<ko>".': { |
3083 | | 'niedziela': 0, 'niedz': 0, 'n': 0, 'ndz': 0, |
3084 | | 'poniedziałek': 1, 'poniedzialek': 1, 'pon': 1, 'pn': 1, |
3085 | | 'wtorek': 2, 'wt': 2, |
3086 | | 'środa': 3, 'sroda': 3, 'śr': 3, 'sr': 3, |
3087 | | 'czwartek': 4, 'czw': 4, 'cz': 4, |
3088 | | 'piątek': 5, 'piatek': 5, 'pt': 5, |
3089 | | 'sobota': 6, 'sob': 6, // 'so': 6 // abbreviation also used in German |
3090 | | }, 'Please use the English abbreviation "<ok>" (Russian) for "<ko>".': { |
3091 | | 'воскресенье' : 0, |
3092 | | 'Вс' : 0, |
3093 | | "voskresen'ye": 0, |
3094 | | 'понедельник' : 1, |
3095 | | &n |