Changeset 7916 in josm

2014-12-31T01:08:47+01:00 (10 years ago)

see #10898 - shortened translation contexts, removed unnecessary translation contexts

1 edited


  • trunk/data/defaultpresets.xml

    r7915 r7916  
    76577657            <text key="image" text="Image" />
    76587658        </item> <!-- Contact (Schema with 'contact:*' Prefix) -->
    7659         <item name="Description" name_context="the text to display for the tag description=*" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
     7659        <item name="Description" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
    76607660            <link href="" />
    76617661            <space />
    7662             <label text="A short text with additional information." text_context="explanation of the tag description=*" />
    7663             <label text="Is might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)." text_context="explanation of the tag description=*" />
    7664             <space />
    7665             <text key="description" text="Description" text_context="the text to display for the tag description=*" match="key" />
    7666             <space />
    7667             <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="the similar tags note=*, fixme=* and description=*, which have different meanings" />
     7662            <label text="A short text with additional information." text_context="description=*" />
     7663            <label text="It might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)." text_context="description=*" />
     7664            <space />
     7665            <text key="description" text="Description" match="key" />
     7666            <space />
     7667            <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="note=*, fixme=*, description=*" />
    76687668            <preset_link preset_name="Note" />
    76697669            <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" />
    76707670        </item> <!-- Description -->
    7671         <item name="Note" icon="styles/standard/misc/note-annotation.png" name_context="the text to display for the tag note=*" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
     7671        <item name="Note" icon="styles/standard/misc/note-annotation.png" name_context="the tag note=*" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
    76727672            <link href="" />
    76737673            <space />
    7674             <label text="An important hint for other mappers (not for the end user)." text_context="explanation of the tag note=*" />
    7675             <space />
    7676             <text key="note" text="Note" text_context="the text to display for the tag note=*" match="key" />
    7677             <space />
    7678             <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="the similar tags note=*, fixme=* and description=*, which have different meanings" />
     7674            <label text="An important hint for other mappers (not for the end user)." text_context="note=*" />
     7675            <space />
     7676            <text key="note" text="Note" text_context="the tag note=*" match="key" />
     7677            <space />
     7678            <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="note=*, fixme=*, description=*" />
    76797679            <preset_link preset_name="Fixme" />
    76807680            <preset_link preset_name="Description" />
    76817681        </item> <!-- Note -->
    7682         <item name="Fixme" icon="styles/standard/misc/fixme-annotation.png" name_context="the text to display for the tag fixme=*" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
     7682        <item name="Fixme" icon="styles/standard/misc/fixme-annotation.png" type="node,way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
    76837683            <link href="" />
    76847684            <space />
    7685             <label text="A hint for other mappers (not for the end user), that an object needs an improvement."  text_context="explanation of the tag fixme=*"/>
    7686             <space />
    7687             <text key="fixme" text="Fixme" text_context="the text to display for the tag fixme=*" match="key" />
    7688             <space />
    7689             <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="the similar tags note=*, fixme=* and description=*, which have different meanings" />
     7685            <label text="A hint for other mappers (not for the end user), that an object needs an improvement."  text_context="fixme=*"/>
     7686            <space />
     7687            <text key="fixme" text="Fixme" match="key" />
     7688            <space />
     7689            <label text="Similar but different tags:" text_context="note=*, fixme=*, description=*" />
    76907690            <preset_link preset_name="Note" />
    76917691            <preset_link preset_name="Description" />
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.