Changeset 7 in josm
- Timestamp:
- 2005-10-02T20:32:00+02:00 (19 years ago)
- Files:
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r2 r7 56 56 MapFrame map = new MapFrame(dataSet); 57 57 Main.main.setMapFrame(gpxFile.getName(), map); 58 map.setVisible(true);59 58 } catch (JDOMException x) { 60 59 x.printStackTrace(); -
r6 r7 8 8 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 9 9 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; 10 import java.awt.event.MouseListener;11 import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;12 10 13 11 import javax.swing.JLabel; … … 16 14 import; 17 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; 18 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;19 16 20 17 /** … … 23 20 * @author imi 24 21 */ 25 public class DebugAction extends MapMode implements MouseMotionListener, MouseListener{22 public class DebugAction extends MapMode { 26 23 27 24 private JLabel label = new JLabel(); … … 32 29 33 30 @Override 34 public void registerListener(MapView mapView) { 35 mapView.addMouseMotionListener(this); 36 mapView.addMouseListener(this); 31 public void registerListener() { 32 super.registerListener(); 33 mv.addMouseMotionListener(this); 34 mv.addMouseListener(this); 37 35 mapFrame.add(label, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 38 36 } 39 37 40 38 @Override 41 public void unregisterListener(MapView mapView) { 42 mapView.removeMouseMotionListener(this); 43 mapView.removeMouseListener(this); 39 public void unregisterListener() { 40 super.unregisterListener(); 41 mv.removeMouseMotionListener(this); 42 mv.removeMouseListener(this); 44 43 mapFrame.remove(label); 45 44 } 46 45 47 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { 48 } 49 50 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { 51 } 52 46 @Override 53 47 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 54 48 Graphics g = mapFrame.mapView.getGraphics(); … … 66 60 67 61 private double perpendicularDistSq(double a, double b, double c) { 68 // I did this on paper by myself, so I am surprised too, that it is that69 // performant ;-)70 62 return a-(a-b+c)*(a-b+c)/4/c; 71 63 } 72 73 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {74 }75 76 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {77 }78 79 public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {80 }81 82 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {83 }84 85 64 } -
r4 r7 2 2 3 3 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 4 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; 5 import java.awt.event.MouseListener; 6 import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; 4 7 5 8 import javax.swing.AbstractAction; 6 9 import javax.swing.ImageIcon; 10 import javax.swing.JComponent; 11 import javax.swing.KeyStroke; 7 12 13 import; 8 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; 9 15 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; … … 17 23 * control. 18 24 */ 19 abstract public class MapMode extends AbstractAction { 25 abstract public class MapMode extends AbstractAction implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { 20 26 21 27 /** … … 23 29 */ 24 30 protected final MapFrame mapFrame; 31 /** 32 * Shortcut to the MapView. 33 */ 34 protected final MapView mv; 35 /** 36 * Shortcut to the DataSet. 37 */ 38 protected final DataSet ds; 25 39 26 40 /** … … 31 45 */ 32 46 public MapMode(String name, String iconName, String tooltip, int mnemonic, MapFrame mapFrame) { 33 super(name, new ImageIcon("images/"+iconName+".png")); 47 super(name, new ImageIcon("images/mapmode/"+iconName+".png")); 34 48 putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonic); 49 putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(mnemonic,0)); 35 50 putValue(LONG_DESCRIPTION, tooltip); 51 mapFrame.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(mnemonic,0), this); 52 mapFrame.getActionMap().put(this, this); 36 53 this.mapFrame = mapFrame; 54 mv = mapFrame.mapView; 55 ds = mv.dataSet; 37 56 } 38 57 … … 41 60 * @param mapView The view, where the listener should be registered. 42 61 */ 43 abstract public void registerListener(MapView mapView); 62 public void registerListener() { 63 firePropertyChange("active", false, true); 64 } 44 65 45 66 /** … … 47 68 * @param mapView The view from which the listener should be deregistered. 48 69 */ 49 abstract public void unregisterListener(MapView mapView); 70 public void unregisterListener() { 71 firePropertyChange("active", true, false); 72 } 50 73 51 74 /** … … 55 78 mapFrame.selectMapMode(this); 56 79 } 80 81 /** 82 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 83 */ 84 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {} 85 /** 86 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 87 */ 88 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} 89 /** 90 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 91 */ 92 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} 93 /** 94 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 95 */ 96 public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} 97 /** 98 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 99 */ 100 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} 101 /** 102 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 103 */ 104 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {} 105 /** 106 * Does nothing. Only to subclass. 107 */ 108 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {} 57 109 } -
r4 r7 1 1 package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode; 2 2 3 import java.awt.Cursor; 4 import java.awt.Point; 3 5 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 6 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; 7 import java.util.Collection; 8 import java.util.HashSet; 4 9 10 import; 11 import; 5 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; 6 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;7 13 8 14 /** … … 10 16 * 11 17 * If any object is selected, all selected objects are moved. If no object is 12 * selected, only nodes can be moved. In this case, the Node which is nearest to 13 * the mouse cursor when the left mouse button is pressed get selected and moved. 14 * (Of course, all primitives, which use this node are moved somewhat too). 18 * selected, the nearest object will be selected and moved. In this case, the 19 * object will be unselected as soon as movement stopped. 15 20 * 16 21 * @author imi … … 18 23 public class MoveAction extends MapMode { 19 24 25 /** 26 * The old cursor before the user pressed the mouse button. 27 */ 28 private Cursor oldCursor; 29 /** 30 * The position of the mouse before the user moves a node. 31 */ 32 private Point mousePos; 33 /** 34 * Non-<code>null</code>, if no object was selected before movement 35 * (and so the object get unselected after mouse release). 36 */ 37 private OsmPrimitive singleOsmPrimitive; 38 39 /** 40 * Create a new MoveAction 41 * @param mapFrame The MapFrame, this action belongs to. 42 */ 20 43 public MoveAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { 21 44 super("Move", "move", "Move selected objects around", KeyEvent.VK_M, mapFrame); … … 23 46 24 47 @Override 25 public void registerListener(MapView mapView) { 48 public void registerListener() { 49 super.registerListener(); 50 mv.addMouseListener(this); 51 mv.addMouseMotionListener(this); 26 52 } 27 53 28 54 @Override 29 public void unregisterListener(MapView mapView) { 55 public void unregisterListener() { 56 super.unregisterListener(); 57 mv.removeMouseListener(this); 58 mv.removeMouseMotionListener(this); 30 59 } 31 60 61 62 /** 63 * If the left mouse button is pressed, move all currently selected 64 * objects. 65 */ 66 @Override 67 public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { 68 if ((e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) == 0) 69 return; 70 71 if (mousePos == null) { 72 mousePos = e.getPoint(); 73 singleOsmPrimitive = null; 74 } 75 76 int dx = e.getX() - mousePos.x; 77 int dy = e.getY() - mousePos.y; 78 if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) 79 return; 80 81 Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection = ds.getSelected(); 82 // creating a list of all nodes that should be moved. 83 Collection<Node> movingNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); 84 for (OsmPrimitive osm : selection) 85 movingNodes.addAll(osm.getAllNodes()); 86 87 for (Node n : movingNodes) { 88 Point pos = mv.getScreenPoint(n.coor); 89 pos.x += dx; 90 pos.y += dy; 91 n.coor = mv.getPoint(pos.x, pos.y, true); 92 } 93 mv.repaint(); 94 95 mousePos = e.getPoint(); 96 } 97 98 /** 99 * Look, whether any object is selected. If not, select the nearest node. 100 * If there are no nodes in the dataset, do nothing. 101 * 102 * If the user did not press the left mouse button, do nothing. 103 * 104 * Also remember the starting position of the movement and change the mouse 105 * cursor to movement. 106 */ 107 @Override 108 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { 109 if (e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON1) 110 return; 111 112 if (ds.getSelected().size() == 0) { 113 OsmPrimitive osm = mv.getNearest(e.getPoint(), (e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) != 0); 114 if (osm != null) 115 osm.selected = true; 116 singleOsmPrimitive = osm; 117 mv.repaint(); 118 } else 119 singleOsmPrimitive = null; 120 121 mousePos = e.getPoint(); 122 oldCursor = mv.getCursor(); 123 mv.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); 124 } 125 126 /** 127 * Restore the old mouse cursor. 128 */ 129 @Override 130 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { 131 mv.setCursor(oldCursor); 132 if (singleOsmPrimitive != null) { 133 singleOsmPrimitive.selected = false; 134 mv.repaint(); 135 } 136 } 32 137 } -
r4 r7 1 1 package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode; 2 2 3 import java.awt.Point;4 3 import java.awt.Rectangle; 5 4 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 6 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; 7 import java.awt.geom.Point2D; 5 import java.util.Collection; 8 6 9 import;10 import;11 7 import; 12 import;13 8 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView;15 9 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager; 16 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SelectionManager.SelectionEnded; … … 52 46 * and the user clicked in or 10 pixel away from an area, this area is selected. 53 47 * If there is even no area, nothing is selected. Shift and Ctrl key applies to 54 * this as usual. 48 * this as usual. For more, @see MapView#getNearest(Point, boolean) 55 49 * 56 50 * @author imi … … 58 52 public class SelectionAction extends MapMode implements SelectionEnded { 59 53 60 /**61 * Shortcut for the MapView.62 */63 private MapView mv;64 54 /** 65 55 * The SelectionManager that manages the selection rectangle. … … 69 59 /** 70 60 * Create a new SelectionAction in the given frame. 71 * @param mapFrame 61 * @param mapFrame The frame this action belongs to 72 62 */ 73 63 public SelectionAction(MapFrame mapFrame) { 74 64 super("Selection", "selection", "Select objects by dragging or clicking", KeyEvent.VK_S, mapFrame); 75 = mapFrame.mapView;76 65 this.selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this, false, mv); 77 66 } 78 67 79 68 @Override 80 public void registerListener(MapView mapView) { 81 selectionManager.register(mapView); 69 public void registerListener() { 70 super.registerListener(); 71 selectionManager.register(mv); 82 72 } 83 73 84 74 @Override 85 public void unregisterListener(MapView mapView) { 86 selectionManager.unregister(mapView); 75 public void unregisterListener() { 76 super.unregisterListener(); 77 selectionManager.unregister(mv); 87 78 } 88 79 … … 91 82 * Check the state of the keys and buttons and set the selection accordingly. 92 83 */ 93 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, int modifiers) { 94 boolean shift = (modifiers & MouseEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 95 boolean alt = (modifiers & MouseEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 96 boolean ctrl = (modifiers & MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 84 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl) { 97 85 if (shift && ctrl) 98 86 return; // not allowed together 99 87 100 if (!ctrl && !shift) { 101 // remove the old selection. The new selection will replace the old. 102 mv.dataSet.clearSelection(); 103 } 88 if (!ctrl && !shift) 89 ds.clearSelection(); // new selection will replace the old. 104 90 105 // now set the selection to this value 106 boolean selection = !ctrl; 107 108 // whether user only clicked, not dragged. 109 boolean clicked = r.width <= 2 && r.height <= 2; 110 Point2D.Double center = new Point2D.Double(r.getCenterX(), r.getCenterY()); 111 112 try { 113 // nodes 114 double minDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE; 115 OsmPrimitive minPrimitive = null; 116 for (Node n : mv.dataSet.allNodes) { 117 Point sp = mv.getScreenPoint(n.coor); 118 double dist = center.distanceSq(sp); 119 if (clicked && minDistanceSq > dist && dist < 100) { 120 minDistanceSq = center.distanceSq(sp); 121 minPrimitive = n; 122 } else if (r.contains(sp)) 123 n.selected = selection; 124 } 125 if (minPrimitive != null) { 126 minPrimitive.selected = selection; 127 return; 128 } 129 130 // tracks 131 minDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE; 132 for (Track t : mv.dataSet.tracks) { 133 boolean wholeTrackSelected = t.segments.size() > 0; 134 for (LineSegment ls : t.segments) { 135 if (clicked) { 136 Point A = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor); 137 Point B = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor); 138 double c = A.distanceSq(B); 139 double a = center.distanceSq(B); 140 double b = center.distanceSq(A); 141 double perDist = perpendicularDistSq(a,b,c); 142 if (perDist < 100 && minDistanceSq > perDist && a < c+100 && b < c+100) { 143 minDistanceSq = perDist; 144 if (alt) 145 minPrimitive = t; 146 else 147 minPrimitive = ls; 148 } 149 } else { 150 if (alt) { 151 Point p1 = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor); 152 Point p2 = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor); 153 if (r.intersectsLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y)) 154 ls.selected = selection; 155 else 156 wholeTrackSelected = false; 157 } else { 158 if (r.contains(mv.getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor)) 159 && r.contains(mv.getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor))) 160 ls.selected = selection; 161 else 162 wholeTrackSelected = false; 163 } 164 } 165 } 166 if (wholeTrackSelected && !clicked) 167 t.selected = true; 168 } 169 if (minPrimitive != null) { 170 minPrimitive.selected = selection; 171 return; 172 } 173 174 // TODO arrays 175 } finally { 176 mv.repaint(); 177 } 178 } 179 180 /** 181 * Calculates the squared perpendicular distance named "h" from a point C to the 182 * straight line going to the points A and B, where the distance to B is 183 * sqrt(a) and the distance to A is sqrt(b). 184 * 185 * Think of a, b and c as the squared line lengths of any ordinary triangle 186 * A,B,C. a = BC, b = AC and c = AB. The straight line goes through A and B 187 * and the desired return value is the perpendicular distance from C to c. 188 * 189 * @param a Squared distance from B to C. 190 * @param b Squared distance from A to C. 191 * @param c Squared distance from A to B. 192 * @return The perpendicular distance from C to c. 193 */ 194 private double perpendicularDistSq(double a, double b, double c) { 195 // I did this on paper by myself, so I am surprised too, that it is that 196 // performant ;-) 197 return a-(a-b+c)*(a-b+c)/4/c; 91 Collection<OsmPrimitive> selectionList = selectionManager.getObjectsInRectangle(r,alt); 92 for (OsmPrimitive osm : selectionList) 93 osm.selected = !ctrl; 94 mv.repaint(); 198 95 } 199 96 } -
r6 r7 34 34 */ 35 35 private final SelectionManager selectionManager; 36 37 36 37 38 38 /** 39 39 * Construct a ZoomAction without a label. … … 49 49 * Zoom to the rectangle on the map. 50 50 */ 51 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, int modifier) {51 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl) { 52 52 if (r.width >= 3 && r.height >= 3) { 53 53 double scale = mv.getScale() * r.getWidth()/mv.getWidth(); … … 58 58 59 59 @Override 60 public void registerListener(MapView mapView) { 61 selectionManager.register(mapView); 60 public void registerListener() { 61 super.registerListener(); 62 selectionManager.register(mv); 62 63 } 63 64 64 65 @Override 65 public void unregisterListener(MapView mapView) { 66 selectionManager.unregister(mapView); 66 public void unregisterListener() { 67 super.unregisterListener(); 68 selectionManager.unregister(mv); 67 69 } 68 70 } -
r6 r7 1 1 package; 2 2 3 3 4 … … 65 66 return super.hashCode(); 66 67 } 68 69 /** 70 * Return the squared distance of the northing/easting values between 71 * this and the argument. 72 * 73 * @param other The other point to calculate the distance to. 74 * @return The square of the distance between this and the other point, 75 * regarding to the x/y values. 76 */ 77 public double distanceXY(GeoPoint other) { 78 return (x-other.x)*(x-other.x)+(y-other.y)*(y-other.y); 79 } 67 80 68 81 -
r6 r7 2 2 3 3 import java.util.Collection; 4 import java.util.List; 4 import java.util.HashSet; 5 import java.util.LinkedList; 5 6 6 7 import; … … 19 20 20 21 /** 21 * All nodes goes here, even when included in other data (tracks etc) listed.22 * All nodes goes here, even when included in other data (tracks etc). 22 23 * This enables the instant conversion of the whole DataSet by iterating over 23 24 * this data structure. 24 25 */ 25 public List<Node> allNodes; 26 public Collection<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); 27 28 /** 29 * All pending line segments goes here. Pending line segments are those, that 30 * are in this list but are in no track. 31 */ 32 public Collection<LineSegment> pendingLineSegments = new LinkedList<LineSegment>(); 26 33 27 34 /** … … 32 39 * track list. 33 40 */ 34 public List<Track> tracks;41 public Collection<Track> tracks; 35 42 36 43 /** … … 44 51 */ 45 52 public Bounds getBoundsXY() { 46 if ( allNodes.size() == 0)53 if (nodes.isEmpty()) 47 54 return null; 48 55 49 Bounds b = new Bounds(allNodes.get(0).coor.clone(), allNodes.get(0).coor.clone()); 50 for (Node w : allNodes) 56 Node first = nodes.iterator().next(); 57 Bounds b = new Bounds(first.coor.clone(), first.coor.clone()); 58 for (Node w : nodes) 51 59 { 52 60 if (Double.isNaN(w.coor.x) || Double.isNaN(w.coor.y)) … … 65 73 66 74 /** 75 * Return all tracks that contain the node. If nothing found, an empty array 76 * is returned. 77 * 78 * @param node This node is searched. 79 * @return All tracks, that reference the node in one of its line segments. 80 */ 81 public Collection<Track> getReferencedTracks(Node n) { 82 Collection<Track> all = new LinkedList<Track>(); 83 for (Track t : tracks) { 84 for (LineSegment ls : t.segments) { 85 if (ls.start == n || ls.end == n) { 86 all.add(t); 87 break; 88 } 89 } 90 } 91 return all; 92 } 93 94 /** 67 95 * Return the bounds of this DataSet, depending on lat/lon values. 68 96 * The min of the return value is the upper left GeoPoint, the max the lower … … 75 103 */ 76 104 public Bounds getBoundsLatLon() { 77 if ( allNodes.size() == 0)105 if (nodes.isEmpty()) 78 106 return null; 79 107 80 Bounds b = new Bounds(allNodes.get(0).coor.clone(), allNodes.get(0).coor.clone()); 81 for (Node w : allNodes) 108 Node first = nodes.iterator().next(); 109 Bounds b = new Bounds(first.coor.clone(), first.coor.clone()); 110 for (Node w : nodes) 82 111 { 83 112 if (Double.isNaN( || Double.isNaN(w.coor.lon)) … … 99 128 */ 100 129 public void clearSelection() { 101 clearSelection( allNodes);130 clearSelection(nodes); 102 131 clearSelection(tracks); 103 132 for (Track t : tracks) 104 133 clearSelection(t.segments); 134 } 135 136 /** 137 * Return a list of all selected objects. Even keys are returned. 138 * @return List of all selected objects. 139 */ 140 public Collection<OsmPrimitive> getSelected() { 141 Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = getSelected(nodes); 142 sel.addAll(getSelected(pendingLineSegments)); 143 sel.addAll(getSelected(tracks)); 144 for (Track t : tracks) 145 sel.addAll(getSelected(t.segments)); 146 return sel; 105 147 } 106 148 … … 118 160 } 119 161 } 120 162 163 /** 164 * Return all selected items in the collection. 165 * @param list The collection from which the selected items are returned. 166 */ 167 private Collection<OsmPrimitive> getSelected(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> list) { 168 Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = new HashSet<OsmPrimitive>(); 169 if (list == null) 170 return sel; 171 for (OsmPrimitive osm : list) { 172 if (osm.selected) 173 sel.add(osm); 174 if (osm.keys != null) 175 sel.addAll(getSelected(osm.keys.keySet())); 176 } 177 return sel; 178 } 179 180 121 181 @Override 122 182 public DataSet clone() { -
r1 r7 1 1 package; 2 3 import java.util.Collection; 4 import java.util.LinkedList; 2 5 3 6 … … 13 16 */ 14 17 public String name; 18 19 /** 20 * Return an empty list, since keys cannot have nodes. 21 */ 22 @Override 23 public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { 24 return new LinkedList<Node>(); 25 } 26 27 /** 28 * Keys are equal, when their name is equal, regardless of their other keys. 29 */ 30 @Override 31 public boolean equals(Object obj) { 32 if (!(obj instanceof Key)) 33 return false; 34 return name.equals(((Key)obj).name); 35 } 36 37 @Override 38 public int hashCode() { 39 return name.hashCode(); 40 } 15 41 } -
r1 r7 1 1 package; 2 3 import java.util.Collection; 4 import java.util.LinkedList; 2 5 3 6 … … 28 31 */ 29 32 public Node end; 33 34 /** 35 * Return start and end in a list. 36 */ 37 @Override 38 public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { 39 LinkedList<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); 40 nodes.add(start); 41 nodes.add(end); 42 return nodes; 43 } 44 45 /** 46 * Line segments are equal, if their starting and ending node and their 47 * keys are equal. 48 */ 49 @Override 50 public boolean equals(Object obj) { 51 if (!(obj instanceof LineSegment)) 52 return false; 53 return super.equals(obj) && 54 start.equals(((LineSegment)obj).start) && 55 end.equals(((LineSegment)obj).end); 56 } 57 58 @Override 59 public int hashCode() { 60 return super.hashCode() + start.hashCode() + end.hashCode(); 61 } 30 62 } -
r6 r7 1 1 package; 2 3 import java.util.Collection; 4 import java.util.LinkedList; 2 5 3 6 import; … … 36 39 return (coor == null ? 0 : coor.hashCode()) + super.hashCode(); 37 40 } 41 42 /** 43 * Return a list only this added. 44 */ 45 @Override 46 public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { 47 LinkedList<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>(); 48 nodes.add(this); 49 return nodes; 50 } 38 51 39 52 -
r6 r7 1 1 package; 2 2 3 import java.util.Collection; 3 4 import java.util.Map; 4 5 … … 10 11 * @author imi 11 12 */ 12 public class OsmPrimitive { 13 abstract public class OsmPrimitive { 13 14 14 15 /** … … 27 28 transient public boolean selected = false; 28 29 30 /** 31 * Return a list of all nodes, this osmPrimitive consists of. Does return 32 * an empty list, if it is an primitive that cannot have nodes (e.g. Key) 33 */ 34 abstract public Collection<Node> getAllNodes(); 35 36 /** 37 * Return <code>true</code>, if either <code>this.keys</code> and 38 * <code>other.keys</code> is <code>null</code> or if they do not share Keys 39 * with different values. 40 * 41 * @param other The second key-set to compare with. 42 * @return True, if the keysets are mergable 43 */ 44 public boolean keyPropertiesMergable(OsmPrimitive other) { 45 if ((keys == null) != (other.keys == null)) 46 return false; 47 48 if (keys != null) { 49 for (Key k : keys.keySet()) 50 if (other.keys.containsKey(k) && !keys.get(k).equals(other.keys.get(k))) 51 return false; 52 for (Key k : other.keys.keySet()) 53 if (keys.containsKey(k) && !other.keys.get(k).equals(keys.get(k))) 54 return false; 55 } 56 return true; 57 } 58 29 59 /** 30 60 * Osm primitives are equal, when their keys are equal. … … 49 79 return keys == null ? 0 : keys.hashCode(); 50 80 } 51 52 53 81 } -
r1 r7 2 2 3 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.Collection; 4 5 import java.util.List; 5 6 … … 14 15 * All track segments in this track 15 16 */ 16 public List<LineSegment> segments = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); 17 public final List<LineSegment> segments = new ArrayList<LineSegment>(); 18 19 /** 20 * Return a merge of getAllNodes - calls to the line segments. 21 */ 22 @Override 23 public Collection<Node> getAllNodes() { 24 ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); 25 for (LineSegment ls : segments) 26 nodes.addAll(ls.getAllNodes()); 27 return nodes; 28 } 29 30 /** 31 * Tracks are equal, when all segments and the keys are equal 32 */ 33 @Override 34 public boolean equals(Object obj) { 35 if (!(obj instanceof Track)) 36 return false; 37 if (!super.equals(obj)) 38 return false; 39 Track t = (Track)obj; 40 int size = segments.size(); 41 if (size != t.segments.size()) 42 return false; 43 for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) 44 if (!segments.get(i).equals(t.segments.get(i))) 45 return false; 46 return true; 47 } 48 49 @Override 50 public int hashCode() { 51 int hash = super.hashCode(); 52 for (LineSegment ls : segments) 53 hash += ls.hashCode(); 54 return hash; 55 } 56 57 /** 58 * Return the last node in the track. This is the node, which no line segment 59 * has as start, but at least one has it as end. If there are not exact one 60 * such nodes found, <code>null</code> is returned. 61 * 62 * TODO Currently does return just the end node in the list. 63 * 64 * @return The ending node, if there is one. 65 */ 66 public Node getEndingNode() { 67 if (segments.isEmpty()) 68 return null; 69 return segments.get(segments.size()-1).end; 70 } 71 72 /** 73 * Return the first node in the track. This is the node, which no line segment 74 * has as end, but at least one as starting node. If there are not exact one 75 * such nodes found, <code>null</code> is returned. 76 * 77 * TODO Currently does return just the first node in the list. 78 * 79 * @return The starting node, if there is one. 80 */ 81 public Node getStartingNode() { 82 if (segments.isEmpty()) 83 return null; 84 return segments.get(0).start; 85 } 17 86 } -
r6 r7 89 89 */ 90 90 public void init(DataSet dataSet) { 91 for (Node w : dataSet. allNodes)91 for (Node w : dataSet.nodes) 92 92 latlon2xy(w.coor); 93 93 } -
r4 r7 1 1 package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui; 2 3 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; 4 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; 2 5 3 6 import javax.swing.Action; … … 11 14 * @author imi 12 15 */ 13 public class IconToggleButton extends JToggleButton { 16 public class IconToggleButton extends JToggleButton implements PropertyChangeListener { 14 17 15 18 /** … … 19 22 super(action); 20 23 setText(null); 24 25 // Tooltip 26 String toolTipText = ""; 21 27 Object o = action.getValue(Action.LONG_DESCRIPTION); 22 28 if (o != null) 23 setToolTipText(o.toString()); 29 toolTipText += o.toString(); 30 o = action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY); 31 if (o != null) { 32 String ksName = o.toString(); 33 if (ksName.startsWith("pressed ")) 34 ksName = ksName.substring("pressed ".length()); 35 else if (ksName.startsWith("released ")) 36 ksName = ksName.substring("released ".length()); 37 toolTipText += " Shortcut: "+ksName; 38 } 39 setToolTipText(toolTipText); 40 41 action.addPropertyChangeListener(this); 42 } 43 44 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { 45 if (evt.getPropertyName() == "active") 46 setSelected((Boolean)evt.getNewValue()); 24 47 } 25 48 } -
r1 r7 62 62 setExtendedState(MAXIMIZED_BOTH); // some platform are able to maximize 63 63 64 // creating actions 65 OpenGpxAction openGpxAction = new OpenGpxAction(); 66 SaveGpxAction saveGpxAction = new SaveGpxAction(); 67 ExitAction exitAction = new ExitAction(); 68 PreferencesAction preferencesAction = new PreferencesAction(); 69 64 70 // creating menu 65 71 JMenuBar mainMenu = new JMenuBar(); … … 68 74 JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("Files"); 69 75 fileMenu.setMnemonic('F'); 70 fileMenu.add( new OpenGpxAction());71 fileMenu.add( new SaveGpxAction());76 fileMenu.add(openGpxAction); 77 fileMenu.add(saveGpxAction); 72 78 fileMenu.addSeparator(); 73 fileMenu.add( new ExitAction());79 fileMenu.add(exitAction); 74 80 mainMenu.add(fileMenu); 75 81 76 82 JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit"); 77 83 editMenu.setMnemonic('E'); 78 editMenu.add( new PreferencesAction());84 editMenu.add(preferencesAction); 79 85 mainMenu.add(editMenu); 80 86 … … 82 88 JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); 83 89 toolBar.setFloatable(false); 84 toolBar.add( new OpenGpxAction());85 toolBar.add( new SaveGpxAction());90 toolBar.add(openGpxAction); 91 toolBar.add(saveGpxAction); 86 92 toolBar.addSeparator(); 87 toolBar.add( new PreferencesAction());93 toolBar.add(preferencesAction); 88 94 89 95 getContentPane().add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); … … 133 139 = name; 134 140 this.mapFrame = mapFrame; 141 panel.setVisible(false); 135 142 panel.removeAll(); 136 143 panel.add(mapFrame, BorderLayout.CENTER); 137 144 panel.add(mapFrame.getToolBarActions(), BorderLayout.WEST); 145 panel.setVisible(true); 138 146 } 139 147 /** -
r4 r7 25 25 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; 26 26 27 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.AddLineSegmentAction; 28 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.AddNodeAction; 29 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.AddTrackAction; 30 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.CombineAction; 27 31 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.DebugAction; 32 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.DeleteAction; 28 33 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.MapMode; 34 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.MoveAction; 29 35 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.SelectionAction; 30 36 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.mapmode.ZoomAction; … … 39 45 * @author imi 40 46 */ 41 public class MapFrame extends J Component{47 public class MapFrame extends JPanel { 42 48 43 49 /** … … 123 129 124 130 add(mapView = new MapView(dataSet), BorderLayout.CENTER); 125 131 132 // toolbar 126 133 toolBarActions.setFloatable(false); 127 134 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new ZoomAction(this))); 128 135 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new SelectionAction(this))); 136 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new MoveAction(this))); 137 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new AddNodeAction(this))); 138 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new AddLineSegmentAction(this))); 139 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new AddTrackAction(this))); 140 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new CombineAction(this))); 141 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new DeleteAction(this))); 129 142 toolBarActions.add(new IconToggleButton(this, new DebugAction(this))); 130 143 … … 159 172 public void selectMapMode(MapMode mapMode) { 160 173 if (this.mapMode != null) 161 this.mapMode.unregisterListener( mapView);174 this.mapMode.unregisterListener(); 162 175 this.mapMode = mapMode; 163 mapMode.registerListener( mapView);176 mapMode.registerListener(); 164 177 } 165 178 -
r6 r7 24 24 import; 25 25 import; 26 import; 26 27 import; 27 28 import; … … 81 82 82 83 83 // Event handling functions and data84 85 /**86 * The event list with all state chaned listener87 */88 List<ChangeListener> listener = new LinkedList<ChangeListener>();89 /**90 * Add an event listener to the state changed event queue. If passed91 * <code>null</code>, nothing happens.92 */93 public final void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {94 if (l != null)95 listener.add(l);96 }97 /**98 * Remove an event listener from the event queue. If passed99 * <code>null</code>, nothing happens.100 */101 public final void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {102 listener.remove(l);103 }104 /**105 * Fires an ChangeEvent. Occours, when an non-data value changed, as example106 * the autoScale - state or the center. Is not fired, dataSet internal things107 * changes.108 */109 public final void fireStateChanged() {110 ChangeEvent e = null;111 for(ChangeListener l : listener) {112 if (e == null)113 e = new ChangeEvent(this);114 l.stateChanged(e);115 }116 }117 118 119 120 121 122 // other functions123 124 84 /** 125 85 * Construct a MapView and attach it to a frame. … … 178 138 return new Point(toScreenX(p.x), toScreenY(p.y)); 179 139 } 180 140 141 /** 142 * Return the object, that is nearest to the given screen point. 143 * 144 * First, a node will be searched. If a node within 10 pixel is found, the 145 * nearest node is returned. 146 * 147 * If no node is found, search for pending line segments. 148 * 149 * If no such line segment is found, and a non-pending line segment is 150 * within 10 pixel to p, this segment is returned, except when 151 * <code>wholeTrack</code> is <code>true</code>, in which case the 152 * corresponding Track is returned. 153 * 154 * If no line segment is found and the point is within an area, return that 155 * area. 156 * 157 * If no area is found, return <code>null</code>. 158 * 159 * @param p The point on screen. 160 * @param wholeTrack Whether the whole track or only the line segment 161 * should be returned. 162 * @return The primitive, that is nearest to the point p. 163 */ 164 public OsmPrimitive getNearest(Point p, boolean wholeTrack) { 165 double minDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE; 166 OsmPrimitive minPrimitive = null; 167 168 // nodes 169 for (Node n : dataSet.nodes) { 170 Point sp = getScreenPoint(n.coor); 171 double dist = p.distanceSq(sp); 172 if (minDistanceSq > dist && dist < 100) { 173 minDistanceSq = p.distanceSq(sp); 174 minPrimitive = n; 175 } 176 } 177 if (minPrimitive != null) 178 return minPrimitive; 179 180 // pending line segments 181 for (LineSegment ls : dataSet.pendingLineSegments) { 182 Point A = getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor); 183 Point B = getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor); 184 double c = A.distanceSq(B); 185 double a = p.distanceSq(B); 186 double b = p.distanceSq(A); 187 double perDist = a-(a-b+c)*(a-b+c)/4/c; // perpendicular distance squared 188 if (perDist < 100 && minDistanceSq > perDist && a < c+100 && b < c+100) { 189 minDistanceSq = perDist; 190 minPrimitive = ls; 191 } 192 } 193 194 // tracks & line segments 195 minDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE; 196 for (Track t : dataSet.tracks) { 197 for (LineSegment ls : t.segments) { 198 Point A = getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor); 199 Point B = getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor); 200 double c = A.distanceSq(B); 201 double a = p.distanceSq(B); 202 double b = p.distanceSq(A); 203 double perDist = a-(a-b+c)*(a-b+c)/4/c; // perpendicular distance squared 204 if (perDist < 100 && minDistanceSq > perDist && a < c+100 && b < c+100) { 205 minDistanceSq = perDist; 206 minPrimitive = wholeTrack ? t : ls; 207 } 208 } 209 } 210 if (minPrimitive != null) 211 return minPrimitive; 212 213 // TODO areas 214 215 216 return null; // nothing found 217 } 218 181 219 /** 182 220 * Zoom to the given coordinate. … … 220 258 center = new GeoPoint(51.526447, -0.14746371); 221 259 getProjection().latlon2xy(center); 222 scale = 10 000; // nice view from 1:10000, eh?260 scale = 10; 223 261 } else { 224 262 center = bounds.centerXY(); … … 258 296 } 259 297 298 // draw pending line segments 299 for (LineSegment ls : dataSet.pendingLineSegments) { 300 g.setColor(ls.selected ? Color.WHITE : Color.LIGHT_GRAY); 301 g.drawLine(toScreenX(ls.start.coor.x), toScreenY(ls.start.coor.y), 302 toScreenX(ls.end.coor.x), toScreenY(ls.end.coor.y)); 303 } 304 260 305 // draw nodes 261 306 Set<Integer> alreadyDrawn = new HashSet<Integer>(); 262 307 int width = getWidth(); 263 for (Node w : dataSet. allNodes) {308 for (Node w : dataSet.nodes) { 264 309 g.setColor(w.selected ? Color.WHITE : Color.RED); 265 310 int x = toScreenX(w.coor.x); … … 294 339 } 295 340 296 /** 297 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 298 */ 299 public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {} 300 /** 301 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 302 */ 303 public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {} 304 /** 305 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 306 */ 307 public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {} 308 341 342 // Event handling functions and data 343 344 /** 345 * The event list with all state chaned listener 346 */ 347 List<ChangeListener> listener = new LinkedList<ChangeListener>(); 348 /** 349 * Add an event listener to the state changed event queue. If passed 350 * <code>null</code>, nothing happens. 351 */ 352 public final void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { 353 if (l != null) 354 listener.add(l); 355 } 356 /** 357 * Remove an event listener from the event queue. If passed 358 * <code>null</code>, nothing happens. 359 */ 360 public final void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { 361 listener.remove(l); 362 } 363 /** 364 * Fires an ChangeEvent. Occours, when an non-data value changed, as example 365 * the autoScale - state or the center. Is not fired, dataSet internal things 366 * changes. 367 */ 368 public final void fireStateChanged() { 369 ChangeEvent e = null; 370 for(ChangeListener l : listener) { 371 if (e == null) 372 e = new ChangeEvent(this); 373 l.stateChanged(e); 374 } 375 } 376 309 377 /** 310 378 * Notify from the projection, that something has changed. … … 363 431 return center.clone(); 364 432 } 433 434 /** 435 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 436 */ 437 public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {} 438 /** 439 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 440 */ 441 public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {} 442 /** 443 * Does nothing. Just to satisfy ComponentListener. 444 */ 445 public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {} 365 446 } -
r4 r7 10 10 import java.awt.event.MouseListener; 11 11 import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; 12 import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; 13 import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; 14 import java.util.Collection; 15 import java.util.LinkedList; 16 17 import; 18 import; 19 import; 20 import; 12 21 13 22 /** … … 36 45 * @author imi 37 46 */ 38 public class SelectionManager implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { 47 public class SelectionManager implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, PropertyChangeListener { 39 48 40 49 /** … … 47 56 * Called, when the left mouse button was released. 48 57 * @param r The rectangle, that is currently the selection. 49 * @param modifiers The modifiers returned from the MouseEvent when 50 * the left mouse button was released. 58 * @param alt Whether the alt key was pressed 59 * @param shift Whether the shift key was pressed 60 * @param ctrl Whether the ctrl key was pressed 51 61 * @see InputEvent#getModifiersEx() 52 62 */ 53 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, int modifiers); 63 public void selectionEnded(Rectangle r, boolean alt, boolean shift, boolean ctrl); 64 /** 65 * Called to register the selection manager for "active" property. 66 * @param listener The listener to register 67 */ 68 public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); 69 /** 70 * Called to remove the selection manager from the listener list 71 * for "active" property. 72 * @param listener The listener to register 73 */ 74 public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener); 54 75 } 55 76 /** … … 67 88 private Point mousePos; 68 89 /** 69 * The component, the selection rectangle is drawn onto.70 */ 71 private final Component drawComponent;90 * The MapView, the selection rectangle is drawn onto. 91 */ 92 private final MapView mv; 72 93 /** 73 94 * Whether the selection rectangle must obtain the aspect ratio of the … … 83 104 * @param aspectRatio If true, the selection window must obtain the aspect 84 105 * ratio of the drawComponent. 85 * @param drawComponent The component, the rectangle is drawn onto.86 */ 87 public SelectionManager(SelectionEnded selectionEndedListener, boolean aspectRatio, Component drawComponent) {106 * @param mapView The view, the rectangle is drawn onto. 107 */ 108 public SelectionManager(SelectionEnded selectionEndedListener, boolean aspectRatio, MapView mapView) { 88 109 this.selectionEndedListener = selectionEndedListener; 89 110 this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; 90 this. drawComponent = drawComponent;111 = mapView; 91 112 } 92 113 … … 98 119 eventSource.addMouseListener(this); 99 120 eventSource.addMouseMotionListener(this); 121 selectionEndedListener.addPropertyChangeListener(this); 100 122 } 101 123 /** … … 108 130 eventSource.removeMouseListener(this); 109 131 eventSource.removeMouseMotionListener(this); 132 selectionEndedListener.removePropertyChangeListener(this); 110 133 } 111 134 … … 158 181 mousePosStart = null; 159 182 mousePos = null; 183 184 boolean shift = (e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 185 boolean alt = (e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 186 boolean ctrl = (e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK) != 0; 160 187 if ((e.getModifiersEx() & MouseEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK) == 0) 161 selectionEndedListener.selectionEnded(r, e.getModifiersEx());188 selectionEndedListener.selectionEnded(r, alt, shift, ctrl); 162 189 } 163 190 … … 168 195 */ 169 196 private void paintRect() { 170 Graphics g = drawComponent.getGraphics();197 Graphics g = mv.getGraphics(); 171 198 g.setColor(Color.BLACK); 172 199 g.setXORMode(Color.WHITE); … … 196 223 if (aspectRatio) { 197 224 // keep the aspect ration by shrinking the rectangle 198 double aspectRatio = (double) drawComponent.getWidth()/drawComponent.getHeight();225 double aspectRatio = (double)mv.getWidth()/mv.getHeight(); 199 226 if ((double)w/h > aspectRatio) { 200 227 int neww = (int)(h*aspectRatio); … … 212 239 return new Rectangle(x,y,w,h); 213 240 } 241 242 /** 243 * If the action goes inactive, remove the selection rectangle from screen 244 */ 245 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { 246 if (evt.getPropertyName() == "active" && !(Boolean)evt.getNewValue() && mousePosStart != null) { 247 paintRect(); 248 mousePosStart = null; 249 mousePos = null; 250 } 251 } 252 253 /** 254 * Return a list of all objects in the rectangle, respecting the different 255 * modifier. 256 * @param alt Whether the alt key was pressed, which means select all objects 257 * that are touched, instead those which are completly covered. Also 258 * select whole tracks instead of line segments. 259 */ 260 public Collection<OsmPrimitive> getObjectsInRectangle(Rectangle r, boolean alt) { 261 Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection = new LinkedList<OsmPrimitive>(); 262 263 // whether user only clicked, not dragged. 264 boolean clicked = r.width <= 2 && r.height <= 2; 265 Point center = new Point(r.x+r.width/2, r.y+r.height/2); 266 267 if (clicked) { 268 OsmPrimitive osm = mv.getNearest(center, alt); 269 if (osm != null) 270 selection.add(osm); 271 } else { 272 // nodes 273 for (Node n : mv.dataSet.nodes) { 274 if (r.contains(mv.getScreenPoint(n.coor))) 275 selection.add(n); 276 } 277 278 // pending line segments 279 for (LineSegment ls : mv.dataSet.pendingLineSegments) 280 if (rectangleContainLineSegment(r, alt, ls)) 281 selection.add(ls); 282 283 // tracks 284 for (Track t : mv.dataSet.tracks) { 285 boolean wholeTrackSelected = t.segments.size() > 0; 286 for (LineSegment ls : t.segments) 287 if (rectangleContainLineSegment(r, alt, ls)) 288 selection.add(ls); 289 else 290 wholeTrackSelected = false; 291 if (wholeTrackSelected) 292 selection.add(t); 293 } 294 295 // TODO areas 296 } 297 return selection; 298 } 299 300 /** 301 * Decide whether the line segment is in the rectangle Return 302 * <code>true</code>, if it is in or false if not. 303 * 304 * @param r The rectangle, in which the line segment has to be. 305 * @param alt Whether user pressed the Alt key 306 * @param ls The line segment. 307 * @return <code>true</code>, if the LineSegment was added to the selection. 308 */ 309 private boolean rectangleContainLineSegment(Rectangle r, boolean alt, LineSegment ls) { 310 if (alt) { 311 Point p1 = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor); 312 Point p2 = mv.getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor); 313 if (r.intersectsLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y)) 314 return true; 315 } else { 316 if (r.contains(mv.getScreenPoint(ls.start.coor)) 317 && r.contains(mv.getScreenPoint(ls.end.coor))) 318 return true; 319 } 320 return false; 321 } 214 322 323 215 324 /** 216 325 * Does nothing. Only to satisfy MouseListener … … 229 338 */ 230 339 public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {} 340 231 341 } -
r6 r7 4 4 import; 5 5 import java.util.ArrayList; 6 import java.util.LinkedList;7 6 8 7 import org.jdom.Element; … … 12 11 import; 13 12 import; 13 import; 14 14 import; 15 15 import; 16 import;17 16 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.Main; 18 17 … … 69 68 DataSet data = new DataSet(); 70 69 // read waypoints not contained in tracks or areas 71 data.allNodes = new LinkedList<Node>();72 70 for (Object o : e.getChildren("wpt", GPX)) 73 71 addNode(data, parseWaypoint((Element)o)); … … 109 107 private Node addNode (DataSet data, Node node) { 110 108 if (Main.pref.mergeNodes) 111 for (Node n : data. allNodes)109 for (Node n : data.nodes) 112 110 if (node.equals(n)) 113 111 return n; 114 data. allNodes.add(node);112 data.nodes.add(node); 115 113 return node; 116 114 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.