Changeset 4597 in josm for trunk/styles_nodist/potlatch2

2011-11-17T17:58:08+01:00 (13 years ago)

fixed #7065 - in potlatch2 style foot and cycle-oriented pathes paints over by bridges property (patch by iav)

3 edited


  • trunk/styles_nodist/potlatch2/patched/core_landuse.css

    r3900 r4597  
    88area[natural]:closed                          { color: #ADD6A5; width: 1; fill-color: #ADD6A5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
    99area[natural=beach]:closed                    { color: #ffdd44; width: 1; fill-color: yellow; fill-opacity: 0.2; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    10 way[natural=coastline]                                          { color: black; width: 3; }
     10way[natural=coastline]                                          { z-index: 5; color: black; width: 3; }
    1111area[landuse]:closed                          { color: #444444; width: 2; fill-color: #444444; fill-opacity: 0.3; }
    1212area[landuse=residential]:closed              { color: #666666; width: 2; fill-color: #666666; fill-opacity: 0.15; }
    2424area[waterway][waterway!=dam]:closed          { color: blue;    width: 2; fill-color: blue;    fill-opacity: 0.2; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    25 way[waterway=dam]                                                       { color: black; width: 1; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
     25way[waterway=dam]                                                       { z-index: 5; color: black; width: 1; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    2626area[man_made]:closed                                                   { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; prop_area_small_name : 1; }
    2727area[man_made=reservoir_covered]:closed       { color: blue; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; prop_area_small_name : 1; }
    3535area[public_transport=pay_scale_area]:closed  { color: gray;    width: 1; fill-color: gray;    fill-opacity: 0.1; }
    3636way[man_made=pier]                                                      { z-index: 4; color: #777; width: 3; casing-color: black; casing-width: 5;}
    37 way[man_made=pier][floating=yes]                        { dashes: 4,2; casing-color: #444;}
     37way[man_made=pier][floating=yes]                        { z-index: 5; dashes: 4,2; casing-color: #444;}
    3838area[leisure=marina]:closed                                     { color: pink; fill-color: pink; fill-opacity: 0.4; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    39 way[leisure=slipway]                                            { color: grey; width: 3; casing-color: blue; casing-width: 7; }
     39way[leisure=slipway]                                            { z-index: 5; color: grey; width: 3; casing-color: blue; casing-width: 7; }
    4040area[leisure=golf_course]:closed { color: #44ee22; width: 2; fill-color: #44ee22; fill-opacity: 0.2; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    41 way[boundary]                               { color: #000066; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 24,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
     41way[boundary]                               { z-index: 5; color: #000066; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 24,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
    4242/* Perhaps should be filled, on lower zooms. */
    43 way[boundary=national_park]                 { color: #225500; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 24,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
    44 way[boundary=protected_area]                { color: #447744; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 12,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
    45 way[boundary=administrative]                { color: purple; width: 2; opacity: 0.2; dashes: 24,4; z-index: 4;}
    46 way[boundary=administrative][waterway]      { opacity: 0.8; z-index: 4; dashes: 24,4; width: 6; }
    47 way[landuse=cemetery]                                           { color: #664466; width: 2; fill-color: #664466; opacity: 0.2; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
     43way[boundary=national_park]                 { z-index: 5; color: #225500; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 24,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
     44way[boundary=protected_area]                { z-index: 5; color: #447744; width: 2; opacity: 0.6; dashes: 12,4, 4, 4; z-index: 4;}
     45way[boundary=administrative]                { z-index: 5; color: purple; width: 2; opacity: 0.2; dashes: 24,4; z-index: 4;}
     46way[boundary=administrative][waterway]      { z-index: 5; opacity: 0.8; z-index: 4; dashes: 24,4; width: 6; }
     47way[landuse=cemetery]                                           { z-index: 5; color: #664466; width: 2; fill-color: #664466; opacity: 0.2; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    4848/* Addressing. Nodes with addresses *and* match POIs should have a poi icon, so we put addressing first */
  • trunk/styles_nodist/potlatch2/patched/core_pois.css

    r3902 r4597  
    9494node[addr:housename]::hn_casing { z-index: -100; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 10; symbol-fill-color: blue; }
    95 way[addr:interpolation] { color: #B0E0E6; width: 3; dashes: 3,3;}
     95way[addr:interpolation] { z-index: 5; color: #B0E0E6; width: 3; dashes: 3,3;}
  • trunk/styles_nodist/potlatch2/patched/core_ways.css

    r3900 r4597  
    13 way[highway=residential],way[highway=unclassified]  { text: auto; text-color: black; font-size: 10; text-position: line; text-halo-color: white; text-halo-radius: 2; }
     13way[highway=residential],way[highway=unclassified]  { z-index: 5; text: auto; text-color: black; font-size: 10; text-position: line; text-halo-color: white; text-halo-radius: 2; }
    1414way[highway=motorway],way[highway=motorway_link]    { z-index: 9; color: #809BC0; width: 7; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; }
    1515way[highway=trunk],way[highway=trunk_link]          { z-index: 9; color: #7FC97F; width: 7; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; }
    2020way[highway=tertiary_link]                          { z-index: 5; color: #FEFECB; width: 4; casing-width: 5; }
    2121way[highway=residential]                            { z-index: 5; color: #E8E8E8; width: 5; casing-color: gray; casing-width: 7; }
    22 way[highway=service][service!=parking_aisle]        { color: white; width: 3; casing-color: gray; casing-width: 5; }
    23 way[highway=service][service=parking_aisle]         { color: white; width: 1; casing-color: #aaaaaa; casing-width: 2; }
    24 way[highway=service][service=alley]                 { color: white; width: 2; dashes: 6,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 4; }
    25 way[highway=road]                                   { color: gray; width: 5; casing-color: white; casing-width: 7; }
     22way[highway=service][service!=parking_aisle]        { z-index: 5; color: white; width: 3; casing-color: gray; casing-width: 5; }
     23way[highway=service][service=parking_aisle]         { z-index: 5; color: white; width: 1; casing-color: #aaaaaa; casing-width: 2; }
     24way[highway=service][service=alley]                 { z-index: 5; color: white; width: 2; dashes: 6,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 4; }
     25way[highway=road]                                   { z-index: 5; color: gray; width: 5; casing-color: white; casing-width: 7; }
    2626way[highway=living_street]                          { z-index: 5; color: #ddffee; width: 3; casing-color: #555555; casing-width: 4; }
    2828/* Road areas */
    30 way[highway=pedestrian]!:closed { color: #ddddee; width: 5; casing-color: #555555; casing-width: 6; casing-dashes: 2,4;}
     30way[highway=pedestrian]!:closed { z-index: 5; color: #ddddee; width: 5; casing-color: #555555; casing-width: 6; casing-dashes: 2,4;}
    3131way[highway=pedestrian]:closed  { color: #555555; width: 1; fill-color: #ddddee; fill-opacity: 0.8; } /* FIXME: dashed outline */
    3333/* Paths */
    35 way[highway=steps]     { color: #FF6644; width: 6; dashes: 2, 2; }
    36 way[highway=footway]   { color: #FF6644; width: 2; dashes: 6, 3; prop_path : 1;}
     35way[highway=steps]     { z-index: 5; color: #FF6644; width: 6; dashes: 2, 2; }
     36way[highway=footway]   { z-index: 5; color: #FF6644; width: 2; dashes: 6, 3; prop_path : 1;}
    3737way[highway=footway][bicycle=yes]   { z-index: 4; color: blue; width: 1; }
    3838way[highway=bridleway] { z-index:9; color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2, 2, 2; prop_path : 1;}
    39 way[highway=track]     { color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; prop_path : 1;}
    40 way[highway=path]      { color: brown; width: 2; dashes: 2, 2; prop_path : 1;}
    41 way[highway=cycleway]  { color: blue; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; prop_path : 1;}
     39way[highway=track]     { z-index: 5; color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; prop_path : 1;}
     40way[highway=path]      { z-index: 5; color: brown; width: 2; dashes: 2, 2; prop_path : 1;}
     41way[highway=cycleway]  { z-index: 5; color: blue; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; prop_path : 1;}
    4242way[railway=tram]      { z-index: 11; color: #999999; width: 2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 6; }
    4343way[is_prop_set("prop_path")]              { text:auto; text-color: black; text-position: line; text-offset: 5;}
    4545/* Under construction */
    47 way[highway=proposed] { color: #88ffff; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; }
    48 way[highway=construction] { color: #ffffbb; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; casing-color: #0000aa; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 8,4;}
     47way[highway=proposed] { z-index: 5; color: #88ffff; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; }
     48way[highway=construction] { z-index: 5; color: #ffffbb; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; casing-color: #0000aa; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 8,4;}
    5050        { z-index: 6; color: black; width: 5; dashes: 6, 6, 4, 8;}
    74 way[waterway=stream]   { color: blue; width: 2; text:auto; text-color:blue; font-size:9; text-position: line; text-offset: 7;}
    75 way[waterway=drain]                      {color: blue; width: 1; text:auto; text-color: blue; text-position: line; text-offset: 3;}
    76 way[waterway][tunnel=yes]                {dashes: 8,4;}
     74way[waterway=stream]   { z-index: 5; color: blue; width: 2; text:auto; text-color:blue; font-size:9; text-position: line; text-offset: 7;}
     75way[waterway=drain]                      {z-index: 5; color: blue; width: 1; text:auto; text-color: blue; text-position: line; text-offset: 3;}
     76way[waterway][tunnel=yes]                {z-index: 5; dashes: 8,4;}
    7878/* Aeroways */
    113113/* Barriers */
    115 way[barrier] {color: #000000; width: 1}
    116 way[barrier=fence] {color: #000000; width: 1; dashes: 8,4,2,4; }
     115way[barrier] {z-index: 5; color: #000000; width: 1}
     116way[barrier=fence] {z-index: 5; color: #000000; width: 1; dashes: 8,4,2,4; }
    118118/* Power */
    120 way[power=line] {color: darkgray; width: 3; dashes: 12,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 4, 38;}
    121 way[power=minor_line] {color: gray; width: 2; dashes: 2,4; casing-width: 8; casing-color: white; casing-dashes: 2,22;}
    122 way[power=station]:closed { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #666666; fill-opacity: 0.6; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    123 way[power=generator]:closed { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #444444; fill-opacity: 0.6; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
     120way[power=line] {z-index: 5; color: darkgray; width: 3; dashes: 12,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 4, 38;}
     121way[power=minor_line] {z-index: 5; color: gray; width: 2; dashes: 2,4; casing-width: 8; casing-color: white; casing-dashes: 2,22;}
     122way[power=station]:closed { z-index: 5; color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #666666; fill-opacity: 0.6; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
     123way[power=generator]:closed { z-index: 5; color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #444444; fill-opacity: 0.6; prop_area_small_name : 1;}
    125125/* Leisure */
    127 way[golf=hole] {color: darkgreen; width: 5; casing-color: green; casing-width: 10; }
     127way[golf=hole] {z-index: 5; color: darkgreen; width: 5; casing-color: green; casing-width: 10; }
    128128way[leisure=sports_centre]:closed { color: #66ddcc; fill-color: #66ddcc; prop_area_small_name : 1; }
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