- Timestamp:
- 2016-08-25T23:21:10+02:00 (8 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 3 added
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r10876 r10899 35 35 import java.util.concurrent.Executors; 36 36 import java.util.concurrent.Future; 37 import java.util.logging.Handler;38 import java.util.logging.Level;39 import java.util.logging.LogRecord;40 import java.util.logging.Logger;41 37 42 38 import javax.swing.Action; … … 74 70 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.validation.OsmValidator; 75 71 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.GettingStarted; 76 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication.Option;77 72 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainFrame; 78 73 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainMenu; … … 80 75 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrame; 81 76 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapFrameListener; 77 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ProgramArguments; 78 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ProgramArguments.Option; 82 79 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.io.SaveLayersDialog; 83 80 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractModifiableLayer; … … 104 101 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; 105 102 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.ImageProvider; 103 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 106 104 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.OpenBrowser; 107 105 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.OsmUrlToBounds; … … 219 217 protected static final Map<String, Throwable> NETWORK_ERRORS = new HashMap<>(); 220 218 221 // First lines of last 5 error and warning messages, used for bug reports222 private static final List<String> ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS = Collections.<String>synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());223 224 219 private static final Set<OnlineResource> OFFLINE_RESOURCES = EnumSet.noneOf(OnlineResource.class); 225 220 … … 227 222 * Logging level (5 = trace, 4 = debug, 3 = info, 2 = warn, 1 = error, 0 = none). 228 223 * @since 6248 229 */ 224 * @deprecated Use {@link Logging} class. 225 */ 226 @Deprecated 230 227 public static int logLevel = 3; 231 228 … … 235 232 */ 236 233 protected static final MainPanel mainPanel = new MainPanel(getLayerManager()); 237 238 private static void rememberWarnErrorMsg(String msg) {239 // Only remember first line of message240 int idx = msg.indexOf('\n');241 if (idx > 0) {242 ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.add(msg.substring(0, idx));243 } else {244 ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.add(msg);245 }246 // Only keep 10 lines to avoid memory leak247 while (ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.size() > 10) {248 ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.remove(0);249 }250 }251 234 252 235 /** … … 256 239 */ 257 240 public static final Collection<String> getLastErrorAndWarnings() { 258 return Collections.unmodifiableList(ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS);241 return Logging.getLastErrorAndWarnings(); 259 242 } 260 243 … … 264 247 */ 265 248 public static void clearLastErrorAndWarnings() { 266 ERRORS_AND_WARNINGS.clear();249 Logging.clearLastErrorAndWarnings(); 267 250 } 268 251 … … 273 256 */ 274 257 public static void error(String msg) { 275 if (logLevel < 1) 276 return; 277 if (msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) { 278 System.err.println(tr("ERROR: {0}", msg)); 279 rememberWarnErrorMsg("E: "+msg); 280 } 258 Logging.error(msg); 281 259 } 282 260 … … 286 264 */ 287 265 public static void warn(String msg) { 288 if (logLevel < 2) 289 return; 290 if (msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) { 291 System.err.println(tr("WARNING: {0}", msg)); 292 rememberWarnErrorMsg("W: "+msg); 293 } 266 Logging.warn(msg); 294 267 } 295 268 … … 299 272 */ 300 273 public static void info(String msg) { 301 if (logLevel < 3) 302 return; 303 if (msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) { 304 System.out.println(tr("INFO: {0}", msg)); 305 } 274 Logging.info(msg); 306 275 } 307 276 … … 311 280 */ 312 281 public static void debug(String msg) { 313 if (logLevel < 4) 314 return; 315 if (msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) { 316 System.out.println(tr("DEBUG: {0}", msg)); 317 } 282 Logging.debug(msg); 318 283 } 319 284 … … 323 288 */ 324 289 public static void trace(String msg) { 325 if (logLevel < 5) 326 return; 327 if (msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) { 328 System.out.print("TRACE: "); 329 System.out.println(msg); 330 } 290 Logging.trace(msg); 331 291 } 332 292 … … 338 298 */ 339 299 public static boolean isDebugEnabled() { 340 return logLevel >= 4;300 return Logging.isLoggingEnabled(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG); 341 301 } 342 302 … … 348 308 */ 349 309 public static boolean isTraceEnabled() { 350 return logLevel >= 5;310 return Logging.isLoggingEnabled(Logging.LEVEL_TRACE); 351 311 } 352 312 … … 359 319 */ 360 320 public static void error(String msg, Object... objects) { 361 error(MessageFormat.format(msg, objects));321 Logging.error(msg, objects); 362 322 } 363 323 … … 369 329 */ 370 330 public static void warn(String msg, Object... objects) { 371 warn(MessageFormat.format(msg, objects));331 Logging.warn(msg, objects); 372 332 } 373 333 … … 379 339 */ 380 340 public static void info(String msg, Object... objects) { 381 info(MessageFormat.format(msg, objects));341 Logging.info(msg, objects); 382 342 } 383 343 … … 389 349 */ 390 350 public static void debug(String msg, Object... objects) { 391 debug(MessageFormat.format(msg, objects));351 Logging.debug(msg, objects); 392 352 } 393 353 … … 399 359 */ 400 360 public static void trace(String msg, Object... objects) { 401 trace(MessageFormat.format(msg, objects));361 Logging.trace(msg, objects); 402 362 } 403 363 … … 408 368 */ 409 369 public static void error(Throwable t) { 410 error(t, true);370 Logging.logWithStackTrace(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, t); 411 371 } 412 372 … … 417 377 */ 418 378 public static void warn(Throwable t) { 419 warn(t, true);379 Logging.logWithStackTrace(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, t); 420 380 } 421 381 … … 426 386 */ 427 387 public static void debug(Throwable t) { 428 debug(getErrorMessage(t));388 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, t); 429 389 } 430 390 … … 435 395 */ 436 396 public static void trace(Throwable t) { 437 trace(getErrorMessage(t));397 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_TRACE, t); 438 398 } 439 399 … … 445 405 */ 446 406 public static void error(Throwable t, boolean stackTrace) { 447 error(getErrorMessage(t));448 407 if (stackTrace) { 449 t.printStackTrace(); 408 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, t); 409 } else { 410 Logging.logWithStackTrace(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, t); 450 411 } 451 412 } … … 458 419 */ 459 420 public static void error(Throwable t, String message) { 460 warn(message+ ' ' + getErrorMessage(t));421 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, message, t); 461 422 } 462 423 … … 468 429 */ 469 430 public static void warn(Throwable t, boolean stackTrace) { 470 warn(getErrorMessage(t));471 431 if (stackTrace) { 472 t.printStackTrace(); 432 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, t); 433 } else { 434 Logging.logWithStackTrace(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, t); 473 435 } 474 436 } … … 481 443 */ 482 444 public static void warn(Throwable t, String message) { 483 warn(message+ ' ' + getErrorMessage(t));445 Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, message, t); 484 446 } 485 447 … … 493 455 if (t == null) { 494 456 return null; 495 } 496 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(t.getClass().getName()); 497 String msg = t.getMessage(); 498 if (msg != null) { 499 sb.append(": ").append(msg.trim()); 500 } 501 Throwable cause = t.getCause(); 502 if (cause != null && !cause.equals(t)) { 503 sb.append(". ").append(tr("Cause: ")).append(getErrorMessage(cause)); 504 } 505 return sb.toString(); 457 } else { 458 return Logging.getErrorMessage(t); 459 } 506 460 } 507 461 … … 571 525 fileWatcher.start(); 572 526 573 new InitializationTask(tr("Executing platform startup hook")) { 574 @Override 575 public void initialize() { 576 platform.startupHook(); 577 } 578 }.call(); 579 580 new InitializationTask(tr("Building main menu")) { 581 582 @Override 583 public void initialize() { 584 initializeMainWindow(); 585 } 586 }.call(); 527 new InitializationTask(tr("Executing platform startup hook"), platform::startupHook).call(); 528 529 new InitializationTask(tr("Building main menu"), this::initializeMainWindow).call(); 587 530 588 531 undoRedo.addCommandQueueListener(redoUndoListener); … … 597 540 List<Callable<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); 598 541 599 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing OSM API")) { 600 601 @Override 602 public void initialize() { 542 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing OSM API"), () -> { 603 543 // We try to establish an API connection early, so that any API 604 544 // capabilities are already known to the editor instance. However … … 609 549 Main.warn(getErrorMessage(Utils.getRootCause(e))); 610 550 } 611 } 612 }); 613 614 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing validator")) { 615 616 @Override 617 public void initialize() { 618 OsmValidator.initialize(); 619 } 620 }); 621 622 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing presets")) { 623 624 @Override 625 public void initialize() { 626 TaggingPresets.initialize(); 627 } 628 }); 629 630 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing map styles")) { 631 632 @Override 633 public void initialize() { 634 MapPaintPreference.initialize(); 635 } 636 }); 637 638 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Loading imagery preferences")) { 639 640 @Override 641 public void initialize() { 642 ImageryPreference.initialize(); 643 } 644 }); 551 })); 552 553 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing validator"), OsmValidator::initialize)); 554 555 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing presets"), TaggingPresets::initialize)); 556 557 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Initializing map styles"), MapPaintPreference::initialize)); 558 559 tasks.add(new InitializationTask(tr("Loading imagery preferences"), ImageryPreference::initialize)); 645 560 646 561 try { 647 finalExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(562 ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( 648 563 Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), Utils.newThreadFactory("main-init-%d", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY)); 649 564 for (Future<Void> i : service.invokeAll(tasks)) { … … 658 573 FeatureAdapter.registerBrowserAdapter(OpenBrowser::displayUrl); 659 574 FeatureAdapter.registerTranslationAdapter(I18n.getTranslationAdapter()); 660 FeatureAdapter.registerLoggingAdapter(name -> { 661 Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); 662 logger.setUseParentHandlers(false); 663 logger.setLevel(Level.ALL); 664 if (logger.getHandlers().length == 0) { 665 logger.addHandler(new Handler() { 666 @Override 667 public void publish(LogRecord record) { 668 String msg = MessageFormat.format(record.getMessage(), record.getParameters()); 669 if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.SEVERE.intValue()) { 670 Main.error(msg); 671 } else if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.WARNING.intValue()) { 672 Main.warn(msg); 673 } else if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.INFO.intValue()) { 674 Main.info(msg); 675 } else if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.FINE.intValue()) { 676 Main.debug(msg); 677 } else { 678 Main.trace(msg); 679 } 680 } 681 682 @Override 683 public void flush() { 684 // Do nothing 685 } 686 687 @Override 688 public void close() { 689 // Do nothing 690 } 691 }); 692 } 693 return logger; 694 }); 695 696 new InitializationTask(tr("Updating user interface")) { 697 698 @Override 699 public void initialize() { 700 toolbar.refreshToolbarControl(); 701 toolbar.control.updateUI(); 702 contentPanePrivate.updateUI(); 703 } 704 }.call(); 575 FeatureAdapter.registerLoggingAdapter(name -> Logging.getLogger()); 576 577 new InitializationTask(tr("Updating user interface"), () -> { 578 toolbar.refreshToolbarControl(); 579 toolbar.control.updateUI(); 580 contentPanePrivate.updateUI(); 581 }).call(); 705 582 } 706 583 … … 713 590 } 714 591 715 private abstractstatic class InitializationTask implements Callable<Void> {592 private static class InitializationTask implements Callable<Void> { 716 593 717 594 private final String name; 718 719 protected InitializationTask(String name) { 595 private Runnable task; 596 597 protected InitializationTask(String name, Runnable task) { 720 598 this.name = name; 721 } 722 723 public abstract void initialize(); 599 this.task = task; 600 } 724 601 725 602 @Override … … 729 606 status = initListener.updateStatus(name); 730 607 } 731 initialize();608 task.run(); 732 609 if (initListener != null) { 733 610 initListener.finish(status); … … 951 828 * @param args The parsed argument list. 952 829 */ 953 public static void preConstructorInit( Map<Option, Collection<String>>args) {830 public static void preConstructorInit(ProgramArguments args) { 954 831 ProjectionPreference.setProjection(); 955 832 … … 1018 895 } 1019 896 1020 protected static void postConstructorProcessCmdLine(Map<Option, Collection<String>> args) { 1021 if (args.containsKey(Option.DOWNLOAD)) { 1022 List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>(); 1023 for (String s : args.get(Option.DOWNLOAD)) { 1024 DownloadParamType.paramType(s).download(s, fileList); 1025 } 1026 if (!fileList.isEmpty()) { 1027 OpenFileAction.openFiles(fileList, true); 1028 } 1029 } 1030 if (args.containsKey(Option.DOWNLOADGPS)) { 1031 for (String s : args.get(Option.DOWNLOADGPS)) { 1032 DownloadParamType.paramType(s).downloadGps(s); 1033 } 1034 } 1035 if (args.containsKey(Option.SELECTION)) { 1036 for (String s : args.get(Option.SELECTION)) { 1037 SearchAction.search(s, SearchAction.SearchMode.add); 1038 } 897 protected static void postConstructorProcessCmdLine(ProgramArguments args) { 898 List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>(); 899 for (String s : args.get(Option.DOWNLOAD)) { 900 DownloadParamType.paramType(s).download(s, fileList); 901 } 902 if (!fileList.isEmpty()) { 903 OpenFileAction.openFiles(fileList, true); 904 } 905 for (String s : args.get(Option.DOWNLOADGPS)) { 906 DownloadParamType.paramType(s).downloadGps(s); 907 } 908 for (String s : args.get(Option.SELECTION)) { 909 SearchAction.search(s, SearchAction.SearchMode.add); 1039 910 } 1040 911 } … … 1489 1360 if (!windowSwitchListeners.isEmpty()) { 1490 1361 for (Window w : Window.getWindows()) { 1491 if (w.isShowing()) { 1492 if (!Arrays.asList(w.getWindowListeners()).contains(getInstance())) { 1493 w.addWindowListener(getInstance()); 1494 } 1362 if (w.isShowing() && !Arrays.asList(w.getWindowListeners()).contains(getInstance())) { 1363 w.addWindowListener(getInstance()); 1495 1364 } 1496 1365 } -
r10876 r10899 25 25 import java.security.Policy; 26 26 import java.security.cert.CertificateException; 27 import java.util.ArrayList;28 27 import java.util.Arrays; 29 28 import java.util.Collection; 30 import java.util.EnumMap;31 29 import java.util.List; 32 30 import java.util.Locale; 33 import java.util. Map;31 import java.util.Optional; 34 32 import java.util.Set; 35 33 import java.util.TreeSet; 34 import java.util.logging.Level; 36 35 37 36 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; … … 46 45 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.CustomConfigurator; 47 46 import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Version; 47 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ProgramArguments.Option; 48 48 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.SplashScreen.SplashProgressMonitor; 49 49 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.download.DownloadDialog; … … 63 63 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.HttpClient; 64 64 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; 65 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 65 66 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.OsmUrlToBounds; 66 67 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.PlatformHookWindows; 67 68 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; 68 69 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.WindowGeometry; 70 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.bugreport.BugReport; 69 71 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.bugreport.BugReportExceptionHandler; 70 71 import gnu.getopt.Getopt;72 import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;73 72 74 73 /** … … 171 170 172 171 /** 173 * JOSM command line options.174 * @see <a href="https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/CommandLineOptions">Help/CommandLineOptions</a>175 * @since 5279176 */177 public enum Option {178 /** --help|-h Show this help */179 HELP(false),180 /** --version Displays the JOSM version and exits */181 VERSION(false),182 /** --debug Print debugging messages to console */183 DEBUG(false),184 /** --trace Print detailed debugging messages to console */185 TRACE(false),186 /** --language=<language> Set the language */187 LANGUAGE(true),188 /** --reset-preferences Reset the preferences to default */189 RESET_PREFERENCES(false),190 /** --load-preferences=<url-to-xml> Changes preferences according to the XML file */191 LOAD_PREFERENCES(true),192 /** --set=<key>=<value> Set preference key to value */193 SET(true),194 /** --geometry=widthxheight(+|-)x(+|-)y Standard unix geometry argument */195 GEOMETRY(true),196 /** --no-maximize Do not launch in maximized mode */197 NO_MAXIMIZE(false),198 /** --maximize Launch in maximized mode */199 MAXIMIZE(false),200 /** --download=minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon Download the bounding box <br>201 * --download=<URL> Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z) <br>202 * --download=<filename> Open a file (any file type that can be opened with File/Open) */203 DOWNLOAD(true),204 /** --downloadgps=minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon Download the bounding box as raw GPS <br>205 * --downloadgps=<URL> Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z) as raw GPS */206 DOWNLOADGPS(true),207 /** --selection=<searchstring> Select with the given search */208 SELECTION(true),209 /** --offline=<osm_api|josm_website|all> Disable access to the given resource(s), delimited by comma */210 OFFLINE(true),211 /** --skip-plugins */212 SKIP_PLUGINS(false);213 214 private final String name;215 private final boolean requiresArg;216 217 Option(boolean requiresArgument) {218 this.name = name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace('_', '-');219 this.requiresArg = requiresArgument;220 }221 222 /**223 * Replies the option name224 * @return The option name, in lowercase225 */226 public String getName() {227 return name;228 }229 230 /**231 * Determines if this option requires an argument.232 * @return {@code true} if this option requires an argument, {@code false} otherwise233 */234 public boolean requiresArgument() {235 return requiresArg;236 }237 }238 239 /**240 * Builds the command-line argument map.241 * @param args command-line arguments array242 * @return command-line argument map243 */244 public static Map<Option, Collection<String>> buildCommandLineArgumentMap(String ... args) {245 246 List<LongOpt> los = new ArrayList<>();247 for (Option o : Option.values()) {248 los.add(new LongOpt(o.getName(), o.requiresArgument() ? LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT : LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0));249 }250 251 Getopt g = new Getopt("JOSM", args, "hv", los.toArray(new LongOpt[los.size()]));252 253 Map<Option, Collection<String>> argMap = new EnumMap<>(Option.class);254 255 int c;256 while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) {257 Option opt;258 switch (c) {259 case 'h':260 opt = Option.HELP;261 break;262 case 'v':263 opt = Option.VERSION;264 break;265 case 0:266 opt = Option.values()[g.getLongind()];267 break;268 default:269 opt = null;270 }271 if (opt != null) {272 Collection<String> values = argMap.get(opt);273 if (values == null) {274 values = new ArrayList<>();275 argMap.put(opt, values);276 }277 values.add(g.getOptarg());278 } else279 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid option: "+c);280 }281 // positional arguments are a shortcut for the --download ... option282 for (int i = g.getOptind(); i < args.length; ++i) {283 Collection<String> values = argMap.get(Option.DOWNLOAD);284 if (values == null) {285 values = new ArrayList<>();286 argMap.put(Option.DOWNLOAD, values);287 }288 values.add(args[i]);289 }290 291 return argMap;292 }293 294 /**295 172 * Main application Startup 296 173 * @param argArray Command-line arguments … … 300 177 301 178 // construct argument table 302 Map<Option, Collection<String>>args = null;179 ProgramArguments args = null; 303 180 try { 304 args = buildCommandLineArgumentMap(argArray);181 args = new ProgramArguments(argArray); 305 182 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { 306 183 System.exit(1); … … 308 185 } 309 186 310 final boolean languageGiven = args.containsKey(Option.LANGUAGE); 311 312 if (languageGiven) { 313 I18n.set(args.get(Option.LANGUAGE).iterator().next()); 314 } 315 316 if (args.containsKey(Option.TRACE)) { 317 // Enable JOSM debug level 318 logLevel = 5; 319 // Enable debug in OAuth signpost via system preference, but only at trace level 320 Utils.updateSystemProperty("debug", "true"); 321 Main.info(tr("Enabled detailed debug level (trace)")); 322 } else if (args.containsKey(Option.DEBUG)) { 323 // Enable JOSM debug level 324 logLevel = 4; 325 Main.info(tr("Printing debugging messages to console")); 326 } 187 Level logLevel = args.getLogLevel(); 188 Logging.setLogLevel(logLevel); 189 Main.info(tr("Log level is at ", logLevel)); 190 191 Optional<String> language = args.getSingle(Option.LANGUAGE); 192 I18n.set(language.orElse(null)); 327 193 328 194 Policy.setPolicy(new Policy() { … … 350 216 Main.COMMAND_LINE_ARGS.addAll(Arrays.asList(argArray)); 351 217 352 if (args. containsKey(Option.VERSION)) {218 if (args.showVersion()) { 353 219 System.out.println(Version.getInstance().getAgentString()); 354 220 System.exit(0); 355 } 356 357 boolean skipLoadingPlugins = false; 358 if (args.containsKey(Option.SKIP_PLUGINS)) { 359 skipLoadingPlugins = true; 360 Main.info(tr("Plugin loading skipped")); 361 } 362 363 Main.pref.init(args.containsKey(Option.RESET_PREFERENCES)); 364 365 if (args.containsKey(Option.SET)) { 366 for (String i : args.get(Option.SET)) { 367 String[] kv = i.split("=", 2); 368 Main.pref.put(kv[0], "null".equals(kv[1]) ? null : kv[1]); 369 } 370 } 371 372 if (!languageGiven) { 373 I18n.set(Main.pref.get("language", null)); 374 } 375 Main.pref.updateSystemProperties(); 376 377 checkIPv6(); 378 379 // asking for help? show help and exit 380 if (args.containsKey(Option.HELP)) { 221 } else if (args.showHelp()) { 381 222 showHelp(); 382 223 System.exit(0); 383 224 } 384 225 226 boolean skipLoadingPlugins = args.hasOption(Option.SKIP_PLUGINS); 227 if (skipLoadingPlugins) { 228 Main.info(tr("Plugin loading skipped")); 229 } 230 231 if (Logging.isLoggingEnabled(Logging.LEVEL_TRACE)) { 232 // Enable debug in OAuth signpost via system preference, but only at trace level 233 Utils.updateSystemProperty("debug", "true"); 234 Main.info(tr("Enabled detailed debug level (trace)")); 235 } 236 237 Main.pref.init(args.hasOption(Option.RESET_PREFERENCES)); 238 239 args.getPreferencesToSet().forEach(Main.pref::put); 240 241 if (!language.isPresent()) { 242 I18n.set(Main.pref.get("language", null)); 243 } 244 Main.pref.updateSystemProperties(); 245 246 checkIPv6(); 247 248 // asking for help? show help and exit 249 if (args.hasOption(Option.HELP)) { 250 showHelp(); 251 System.exit(0); 252 } 253 385 254 processOffline(args); 386 255 … … 392 261 393 262 WindowGeometry geometry = WindowGeometry.mainWindow("gui.geometry", 394 args. containsKey(Option.GEOMETRY) ? args.get(Option.GEOMETRY).iterator().next() : null,395 !args. containsKey(Option.NO_MAXIMIZE) && Main.pref.getBoolean("gui.maximized", false));263 args.getSingle(Option.GEOMETRY).orElse(null), 264 !args.hasOption(Option.NO_MAXIMIZE) && Main.pref.getBoolean("gui.maximized", false)); 396 265 final MainFrame mainFrame = new MainFrame(contentPanePrivate, mainPanel, geometry); 397 266 Main.parent = mainFrame; 398 267 399 if (args. containsKey(Option.LOAD_PREFERENCES)) {268 if (args.hasOption(Option.LOAD_PREFERENCES)) { 400 269 CustomConfigurator.XMLCommandProcessor config = new CustomConfigurator.XMLCommandProcessor(Main.pref); 401 270 for (String i : args.get(Option.LOAD_PREFERENCES)) { … … 404 273 config.openAndReadXML(is); 405 274 } catch (IOException ex) { 406 throw new RuntimeException(ex);275 throw BugReport.intercept(ex).put("file", i); 407 276 } 408 277 } … … 467 336 468 337 boolean maximized = Main.pref.getBoolean("gui.maximized", false); 469 if ((!args. containsKey(Option.NO_MAXIMIZE) && maximized) || args.containsKey(Option.MAXIMIZE)) {338 if ((!args.hasOption(Option.NO_MAXIMIZE) && maximized) || args.hasOption(Option.MAXIMIZE)) { 470 339 mainFrame.setMaximized(true); 471 340 } … … 525 394 } 526 395 527 private static void processOffline( Map<Option, Collection<String>>args) {528 if (args.containsKey(Option.OFFLINE)) {529 for (String s : args.get(Option.OFFLINE).iterator().next().split(",")) {396 private static void processOffline(ProgramArguments args) { 397 for (String offlineNames : args.get(Option.OFFLINE)) { 398 for (String s : offlineNames.split(",")) { 530 399 try { 531 400 Main.setOffline(OnlineResource.valueOf(s.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))); … … 537 406 } 538 407 } 539 Set<OnlineResource> offline = Main.getOfflineResources();540 if (!offline.isEmpty()) {541 Main.warn(trn("JOSM is running inofflinemode. This resource will not be available: {0}",542 eseresourceswill not be available: {0}",543 .size(), offline.size() == 1 ? offline.iterator().next() : Arrays.toString(offline.toArray())));544 }408 } 409 Set<OnlineResource> offline = Main.getOfflineResources(); 410 if (!offline.isEmpty()) { 411 Main.warn(trn("JOSM is running in offline mode. This resource will not be available: {0}", 412 "JOSM is running in offline mode. These resources will not be available: {0}", 413 offline.size(), offline.size() == 1 ? offline.iterator().next() : Arrays.toString(offline.toArray()))); 545 414 } 546 415 } … … 597 466 private static class GuiFinalizationWorker implements Runnable { 598 467 599 private final Map<Option, Collection<String>>args;468 private final ProgramArguments args; 600 469 private final DefaultProxySelector proxySelector; 601 470 602 GuiFinalizationWorker( Map<Option, Collection<String>>args, DefaultProxySelector proxySelector) {471 GuiFinalizationWorker(ProgramArguments args, DefaultProxySelector proxySelector) { 603 472 this.args = args; 604 473 this.proxySelector = proxySelector; -
r10886 r10899 6 6 import java.io.StringWriter; 7 7 import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; 8 import java.util.function.Predicate; 8 9 9 10 import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.ShowStatusReportAction; … … 185 186 */ 186 187 public static String getCallingMethod(int offset) { 188 String className = BugReport.class.getName(); 189 String methodName = "getCallingMethod"; 190 StackTraceElement found = getCallingMethod(offset, className, methodName::equals); 191 if (found != null) { 192 return found.getClassName().replaceFirst(".*\\.", "") + '#' + found.getMethodName(); 193 } else { 194 return "?"; 195 } 196 } 197 198 /** 199 * Find the method that called the given method on the current stack trace. 200 * @param offset 201 * How many methods to look back in the stack trace. 1 gives the method calling this method, 0 gives you getCallingMethod(). 202 * @param className The name of the class to search for 203 * @param methodName The name of the method to search for 204 * @return The class and method name or null if it is unknown. 205 */ 206 public static StackTraceElement getCallingMethod(int offset, String className, Predicate<String> methodName) { 187 207 StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); 188 String className = BugReport.class.getName();189 208 for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length - offset; i++) { 190 209 StackTraceElement element = stackTrace[i]; 191 if (className.equals(element.getClassName()) && "getCallingMethod".equals(element.getMethodName())) {210 if (className.equals(element.getClassName()) && methodName.test(element.getMethodName())) { 192 211 StackTraceElement toReturn = stackTrace[i + offset]; 193 return toReturn .getClassName().replaceFirst(".*\\.", "") + '#' + toReturn.getMethodName();212 return toReturn; 194 213 } 195 214 } 196 return "?";215 return null; 197 216 } 198 217 -
r10876 r10899 22 22 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OsmApi; 23 23 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; 24 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 24 25 25 26 /** … … 99 100 Main.platform.preStartupHook(); 100 101 101 Main.logLevel= 3;102 Logging.setLogLevel(Logging.LEVEL_INFO); 102 103 Main.pref.init(false); 103 104 String url = Main.pref.get("osm-server.url"); -
r10340 r10899 3 3 4 4 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; 5 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;6 5 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; 7 6 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; … … 12 11 import org.junit.Test; 13 12 import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main.DownloadParamType; 14 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication;15 13 16 14 import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; … … 43 41 44 42 /** 45 * Unit test of {@code Main#preConstructorInit}.46 */47 @Test48 public void testPreConstructorInit() {49 Main.preConstructorInit(MainApplication.buildCommandLineArgumentMap(new String[0]));50 Main.preConstructorInit(MainApplication.buildCommandLineArgumentMap(new String[]{"--geometry=400x300+10+5", "--no-maximize"}));51 //assertEquals(new WindowGeometry(new Point(10, 5), new Dimension(400, 300)), Main.geometry); // FIXME see #1292752 }53 54 /**55 43 * Unit tests on log messages. 56 44 */ … … 78 66 assertTrue(warnings.contains("W: Warning message on one line")); 79 67 assertTrue(warnings.contains("W: First line of warning message on several lines")); 80 81 int defaultLevel = Main.logLevel;82 83 // Check levels84 Main.logLevel = 5;85 assertTrue(Main.isTraceEnabled());86 assertTrue(Main.isDebugEnabled());87 88 Main.logLevel = 4;89 assertFalse(Main.isTraceEnabled());90 assertTrue(Main.isDebugEnabled());91 92 Main.logLevel = 3;93 assertFalse(Main.isTraceEnabled());94 assertFalse(Main.isDebugEnabled());95 96 Main.logLevel = defaultLevel;97 68 } 98 69 } -
r10876 r10899 20 20 import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OsmTransferCanceledException; 21 21 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n; 22 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; 22 23 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.MemoryManagerTest; 23 24 import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.date.DateUtils; … … 182 183 TimeZone.setDefault(DateUtils.UTC); 183 184 // Set log level to info 184 Main.logLevel= 3;185 Logging.setLogLevel(Logging.LEVEL_INFO); 185 186 186 187 // Set up i18n
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