Changes between Version 513 and Version 514 of Changelog

2017-04-02T13:25:30+02:00 (7 years ago)

+changes up to 11826


  • Changelog

    v513 v514  
    1212== 2017-04-02: Stable release 11826 ([milestone:"17.03" 17.03]) == #stable-release-17.03
    1313* major enhancements
    14   * New install possibility on a lot linux systems via snapcraft: `snap install josm` (r11794)
    1514  * Completely prevent the upload of a layer with "upload=never" in the osm file (r11709)
    1615  * Add (expert) option to not zoom to the new downloaded data (r11658, r11743, r11774, r11784)
    2120  * New mapcss eval functions: upper, lower, trim and URL_decode (patch by nyurik, r11756)
    2221* minor enhancements
    23   * sort by default in order [relations, ways, nodes] in selection dialog (r11680)
     22  * Installation via snapcraft (r11794, r11823)
     23  * Sort by default in order [relations, ways, nodes] in selection dialog (r11680)
    2424  * Add dates to imagery entries
    2525  * WMTS: make it possible to switch between 2 supported projections (r11788:11790)
    2626  * WMTS: don't show layer selection dialog if there is only one layer with one tile matrix set that matches the current projection (r11791)
    2727  * WMTS: show layer title, not layer identifier in layer selection dialog (r11792)
    28   * WMTS: add mimetype produced by ESRI (r11798)
     28  * WMTS: add mimetypes jpgpng and png8 (used by ESRI and geoserver) (r11798, r11824)
    2929  * Fine tune preselection in Add Tag window for partial datasets (r14527)
    3030  * Add/improve/fix/change Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    4040   * Remove some useless validator warnings regarding unknown relation types (r11783)
    4141   * Add site_type=tumulus,megalith,fortification,settlement,necropolis,city values to historic=archaeological_site preset (r11787)
    42   * A lot more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=11822&stop_rev=11640&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 17.03]
     42  * A lot more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=11826&stop_rev=11640&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 17.03]
    4444== 2017-02-27: Stable release 11639 ([milestone:"17.02" 17.02]) == #stable-release-17.02