Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ru:Help/Preferences/Validator

2017-11-21T09:13:12+01:00 (6 years ago)



  • Ru:Help/Preferences/Validator

    v1 v2  
    1 [[TranslatedPages(revision=1)]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(revision=36, outdated=Перевод не завершён. Исходная англоязычная страница неполная.)]]
    3 = Настройки > Настройки проверки данных =
     3= Настройки > Проверка данных =
     4== Обзор ==
    5 В данном окне вы можете выбрать только те проверки, которые вам нужны. По умолчанию, активированы все проверку уровней ''ошибки'' и ''предупреждения''.
     6В этом диалоговом окне настроек можно активировать только нужные вам тесты. По умолчанию активны все проверки на ошибки и предупреждения.
    7 Выполняются следующие проверки:
    9 || || Проверка || Описание || Как исправить ||
    10 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Дублирующиеся точки||Checks that there are no nodes in the very same location||Merge the nodes into only one, adding the properties from all nodes to the merged one||
    11 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Повторяющиеся точки линий||Checks that ways contain no loop edges (i.e., a single step from a node to itself)||Split the way, and delete the way consisting of the loop edge.||
    12 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Неверное направление береговой линии: берег не слева||Checks for coastlines that are not counter-clockwise or that are otherwise misplaced (coastline misused as inland lake)||Reverse coastline||
    13 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Незамкнутая береговая линия: coastline ways do not form closed loops||Checks for coastlines ways that are not connected to the end of other coastline ways|| ||
    14 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Неупорядоченная береговая линия: coastline ways are not connected start-to-end||Checks for coastline ways of which either the start is not connected to the end of another coastline or the end is not connected to the start of another coastline||Reverse coastline||
    15 ||[[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]]||Незаконченные линии||Checks for ways with zero or only one node||Removes the way||
    16 || ||Проверка написания ключей||Checks misspelled property keys. See the [source:/trunk/data/words.cfg words.cfg] for file of misspelled property keys||Replace wrong key with right one||
    17 || ||Проверка написания значений||Checks misspelled property values. Uses the [TaggingPresets tagging presets] file for checking||Correct spelling||
    18 || ||Пустые значения||Checks for properties with empty values||Remove the empty properties||
    19 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Пересекающиеся линии||Checks for ways (with highway/railway/waterway tags) that crosses in same layer with no crossing node||Add appropriate layer (and possibly bridge or tunnel)||
    20 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Перекрытие линий||Checks for ways (with highway/railway/waterway tags) that overlaping in same layer|| Разделите линии||
    21 || ||Неупорядоченные линии||Checks that all segments in a way are properly ordered||Reorder the way||
    22 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Дублирующиеся линии||Checks for two (high)ways that share the same nodes||Remove the double (high)way||
    23 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Линии, пересекающие сами себя||Check if a way crosses itself||Remove the self-crossing, remove overlapping parts or split way||
    24 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Похожее название линий||Checks for ways with very similar names, possibly a typo||Fix names or ignore false warning||
    25 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Незамкнутые линии||Checks that way types, which should be closed really are closed||Close unclosed ways||
    26 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Линии без тегов||Checks for untagged ways||Either describe them correctly or remove ways when useless||
    27 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Безымянные линии||Checks for unnamed ways||Either describe them correctly or remove ways when useless||
    28 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Пересекающиеся здания|| || ||
    29 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Неизвестный тип отношения|| || ||
    30 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Конец линии расположен около другой дороги|| End point of a way is very near to other ways || Connect the ways or when really unconnected set a 'noexit' tag to prevent further warnings ||
    31 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Конец линии расположен около другой линии|| End point of a way is very near to other ways || Connect the ways or when really unconnected set a 'noexit' tag to prevent further warnings ||
     10== Список ошибок ==
     121. Если вы новичок в OSM и столкнулись с ошибками при проверке объектов, которые вы не редактировали, пожалуйста, пока игнорируйте эти сообщения об ошибках.
     132. Валидатор может ошибаться или знать не всё о практике тегирования. Не исправляйте ошибки, насчёт которых вы полностью не уверены.
     143. Сначала ознакомьтесь с тем,  [wiki:Ru:Help/Dialog/Validator как использовать валидатор]
     16Третий столбец содержит также '''(видео)''' пояснения. Таблица неполная.
     18|| ||= ''Проверка'' =||= ''Что проверяется'' =||= Комментарий =||
     19||||= '''Адреса''' =|||| Ошибки в [[osmwiki:RU:Addresses|адресах]] и [[osmwiki:RU:Relation:associatedStreet|отношениях associatedStreet]]. ||
     20|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Номер дома без указания улицы || Объекты с тегом `addr:housenumber`, но без `addr:street` или `addr:place`. Название улицы можно также указать с помощью отношения `associatedStreet` или интерполируемой линии. || Добавьте отсутствующую информацию об улице. ||
     21|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Дублирующиеся номера домов || Два участника отношения `associatedStreet` имеют одинаковый номер дома. || Это возможно, но маловероятно. ||
     22|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Несколько названий улиц в отношении || Тег `name` в отношении `associatedStreet` совпадает с тегом `name` участников с ролью `street` и тегом `addr:street` участников с ролью `house`.
     23|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Номер дома слишком далеко от улицы || Дома в `associatedStreet` слишком далеко от соответствующей улицы. || Проверьте, действительно ли дом относится к улице, указанной в отношении. ||
     24|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Несколько отношений associatedStreet || Объект участвует в нескольких отношениях `associatedStreet`. || ||
     25||||= '''Преграды и проходы''' =|||| Ошибки в [[osmwiki:RU:Barriers|преградах]] и [[osmwiki:RU:Key:entrance|проходах]]. ||
     26||||= '''Coastlines''' =|||| [[osmwiki:Coastline]] are correct. ||
     27||||= '''Conditional Keys''' =|| usage of `*:conditional` tags. || Imprecise rules covered at [ osm wiki page "Conditional restrictions"]
     28||||= '''Crossing barriers / boundaries / ways''' =||  ||
     29|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Crossing ways||ways (with highway/railway/waterway tags) that crosses in same layer with no crossing node|| 1. [ (video) usually you need to add a common node] or 2. add appropriate [[osmwiki:Key:layer]] (and possibly [[osmwiki:Key:bridge]] or [[osmwiki:Key:tunnel]]) ||
     30||||= '''Duplicated nodes''' =||||  ||
     31|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Duplicated nodes||no nodes in the very same location||Merge the nodes into only one, adding the properties from all nodes to the merged one||
     32||||= '''Duplicated relations''' =|||| no relations with same tags and same members with same roles. ||
     33||||= '''Duplicated ways''' =|||| no ways with same node coordinates and optionally also same tags. ||
     34||||= '''Duplicated way nodes''' =|||| ways with identical consecutive nodes. ||
     35||||= '''Highways''' =|||| semantic checks on highways. ||
     36||||= '''Lane tags''' =|||| `lane:` tags. ||
     37||||= '''Tag checker (MapCSS based)''' =|||| errors in tag keys and values. ||
     38||||= '''Multipolygon''' =|||| multipolygons are valid. ||
     39||||= '''Missing name:* translation''' =|||| finds multilingual objects whose ''name'' attribute is not equal to some ''name:*'' attribute and not a composition of ''name:*'' attributes, e.g., Italia - Italien - Italy. ||
     40||||= '''Opening hours syntax''' =|| correct usage of the opening hours syntax. || [ common OH examples] [ common mistakes] [ complete OH spec] ||
     41||||= '''Overlapping ways''' =|| a connection between two nodes is not used by more than one way. || [ (video) Using selection, split and middle mouse] ||
     42|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Overlapping (high)ways || two (high) ways that share the same nodes ||
     43||||= '''Power lines''' =|||| nodes in power lines that do not have a power=tower/pole tag. ||
     44||||= '''Relation checker''' =|||| errors in relations. ||
     45||||= '''Self-intersecting ways''' =|||| ways that contain some of their nodes more than once. ||
     46||||= '''Similarly named ways''' =|||| ways with similar names that may have been misspelled. ||
     47|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Similar named ways||ways with very similar names, possibly a typo ||
     48||||= '''Tag checker''' =|||| errors in tag keys and values. ||
     49||||= '''Turnrestrictions''' =|||| [[osmwiki:Relation:restriction|turn restrictions]] are valid. ||
     50|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Unknown role || the role for members of a turn restriction relation is either `from`, `to` (ways) or `via` (nodes and ways) || ||
     51|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Unknown member type || only nodes and ways (and not relations) are members of a turn restriction relation. || ||
     52|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] || No "from" way found [[br]] No "to" way found [[br]] No "via" node or way found || all necessary elements of a turn restriction relation are present. || ||
     53|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] || More than one "from" way found [[br]] More than one "to" way found [[br]] More than one "via" node found || at most one way with role `from` and `to` and at most one node with role `via` in a turn restriction relaion. || ||
     54|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] || Cannot mix node and way for role "via" || there is either a "via" node or multiple "via" ways, but not a mix of nodes and ways with role `via`. || ||
     55|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] || The "from" way does not start or end at a "via" node. [[br]] The "to" way does not start or end at a "via" node. [[br]] The "from" and the first "via" way are not connected. [[br]] The "via" ways are not connected. [[br]] The last "via" and the "to" way are not connected. || the different parts of a turn restriction relation are connected. is also aware of oneway streets and considers parts unconnected, if they cannot be traveled in the intended order due to the oneway restriction.  || Make sure that consecutive member of a turn restriction relation are connected. (Ways must be connected end-to-end.) ||
     56|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] || Superfluous turnrestriction as "to" way is oneway || The turn restriction is not needed, because the corresponding turn would mean to enter a oneway street from the wrong side. || Verify that the "from" and "to" ways are correctly assigned and delete the relation if it is indeed superfluous. ||
     57||||= '''Unclosed Ways''' =|||| ways which should be circular are closed. ||
     58||||= '''Unconnected highways / natural lands and landuses / power ways / railways / waterways''' |||| a way has an endpoint very near to another way. ||
     59||||= '''Untagged and unconnected nodes''' =|| untagged nodes that are not part of any way. || 1. If it is yours node, you are to decide if to remove it otherwise 2. Download parent relations and contact mappers who added these nodes in unclear cases ||
     60||||= '''Untagged, empty and one node ways''' =|||| untagged, empty and one node ways. ||
     61||||= '''Way connected to Area''' =|||| ways connected to areas. ||
     62||||= '''Wrongly Ordered Ways''' =|||| direction of water, land and coastline ways. ||
     63||||= '''Uncategorized''' =|||| Descriptions that need to be checked, updated and added to one of the categories above. ||
     64|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Duplicated way nodes||ways contain no loop edges (i.e., a single step from a node to itself)||Split the way, and delete the way consisting of the loop edge.||
     65|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Reversed coastline: land not on left side||coastlines that are not counter-clockwise or that are otherwise misplaced (coastline misused as inland lake)||Reverse coastline||
     66|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Unconnected coastline: coastline ways do not form closed loops||coastlines ways that are not connected to the end of other coastline ways|| ||
     67|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]] ||Unordered coastline: coastline ways are not connected start-to-end||coastline ways of which either the start is not connected to the end of another coastline or the end is not connected to the start of another coastline||Reverse coastline||
     68||[[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/error.png)]]||Incomplete ways||ways with zero or only one node||Removes the way||
     69|| ||Check property keys||misspelled property keys. See the [source:/trunk/data/validator/words.cfg words.cfg] for file of misspelled property keys||Replace wrong key with right one||
     70|| ||Check property values||misspelled property values. Uses the [TaggingPresets tagging presets] file for checking||
     71|| ||Empty properties||properties with empty values|| ||
     72|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Self-intersecting ways||a way crosses itself||Remove the self-crossing, remove overlapping parts or split way||
     73|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Unclosed ways||way types, which should be closed really are closed||Close unclosed ways||
     74|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Untagged ways||untagged ways|| 1. describe them correctly if you know this objects or 2. leave them until somebody describes them ||
     75|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Way end node near other highway|| End point of a way is very near to other ways || Connect the ways or when really unconnected set a 'noexit' tag to prevent further warnings ||
    3276|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Style for outer way mismatches||Within a multipolygon relation, one of the tags of the relation and the outer ways is shared but with different values||Copy relation related tags to the relation itself||
    33 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Style for inner way equals multipolygon||Within a multipolygon relation, one of the tags of the relation and the outer ways is shared and has the same value||Remove tag from inner way ||
    34 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Проверка наличия тега FIXME||Checks for any property with the word "FIXME" inside||Resolve the mentioned issue||
    35 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Highway without a reference||Checks if there is a [[Key:ref|ref tag]] for highways that are tagged tertiary. Not always required, see for instance [[NL:Map_Features#Wegen]]||Add ref property or ignore ||
    36 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Key 'x' invalid. - ...||Check for illegal key combinations, names and similar issues||Fix the issue when possible||
    37 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Точки с одинаковыми названиями||Check if two nodes have equal name||Join nodes when possible, ignore otherwise||
    38 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Наложенные полигоны||Checks if areas overlap||Remove overlapping only when really wrong.||
    39 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Unknown propery value||Checks for proper use of tags||Remove or change incorrectly used tag||
    40 || [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Неприсоединённые точки без тегов||Checks rogue nodes||Delete unused nodes when they have no further tags||
     77|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/warning.png)]] ||Style for inner way equals multipolygon||Within a multipolygon relation, one of the tags of the relation and the inner ways is shared and has the same value||Remove tag from inner way
     78|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||FIXMES||any property with the word "FIXME" inside ||
     79|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Highway without a reference||there is a [osmwiki:Key:ref ref tag] for highways that are tagged tertiary. Not always required, see for instance [osmwiki:Map_Features#Highway Highway]|| ||
     80|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Key 'x' invalid. - ...||illegal key combinations, names and similar issues ||
     81|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Nodes with the same name||two nodes have equal name|| ||
     82|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Overlapping areas||areas overlap||Remove overlapping only when really wrong.||
     83|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||Unknown propery value||proper use of tags||If it is your new tag, it is good idea document it at wiki [[osmwiki:Any tags you like]]||
    4184|| [[Image(source:/trunk/images/data/other.png)]] ||No style in multipolygon relation||The multipolygon relation is missing a tag describing what it represents||For a building, add building=yes to the relation etc.||
    43 == См. также ==
    44  * [wiki:/Ru:Help/Dialog/Validator Проверка данных]
    45  * [wiki:/Ru:Help/HowTo/ValidatorExamples Некоторые примеры] как использовать проверку данных
     86== See also ==
     87 * [wiki:/Help/Dialog/Validator Validator dialog]
     88 * [wiki:Rules JOSM Validator Custom rules from "Tag Checker Rules"]
     89 * [wiki:/Help/Validator/MapCSSTagChecker MapCSSTagChecker] - about the syntax of validator checks, which are based on MapCSS
    48 Назад к [wiki:/Ru:Help/Action/Preferences Настройкам][[Br]]
    49 Назад к [wiki:/Ru:Help Основной странице]
     92Back to [wiki:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences][[Br]]
     93Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]