
Version 3 (modified by stoecker, 4 years ago) ( diff )

Fix link

A preset to help UN Mappers and United Nations Missions to edit in JOSM

<presets xmlns=""
         author="UNGSC - Brindisi"
         description="United Nations Global Service Centre - DTLM tagging preset">

    <group name="UN mappers" icon="ungsc_logo.png">
                    <item name="Tertiary road"
            icon="presets/transport/way/way_tertiary.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Tertiary road all weather, hard (compacted) surface" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="tertiary" />
            <combo key="surface" text="surface" values="compacted,paved,unpaved"  default="unpaved" />
            <space />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />

            <item name="Major road all weather, Hard surface"
            icon="presets/transport/way/way_unclassified.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Road all weather, hard (compacted) surface" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="unclassified" />
            <key key="surface" value="compacted" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />

                <item name="Major road fair weather, Loose surface"
              icon="way_unclassified_loose.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Major road fair weather, loose surface (unpaved)" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="unclassified" />
            <key key="surface" value="unpaved" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
        <item name="Minor road inside settlements"
              icon="presets/transport/way/way_residential.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Minor road inside settlements, unpaved. If a major road" />
            <label text="cross a settlement, please don't change it to minor" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="residential" />
            <key key="surface" value="unpaved" />

        <item name="Major track all weather, Loose surface"
              icon="presets/transport/way/track.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Major track all weather, Loose surface" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="track" />
            <key key="surface" value="unpaved" />
            <space />
          <combo key="tracktype" text="Tracktype" values_searchable="true">
            <list_entry value="grade2" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade2.svg" short_description="Mostly Solid: gravel/rock with some soft material mixed in" />
            <list_entry value="grade3" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade3.svg" short_description="Even mixture of hard and soft materials" />

        <item name="Track fair weather, Loose surface"
              icon="track_loose.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Track fair weather, loose surface (unpaved)" />
            <space />
            <key key="highway" value="track" />
            <key key="surface" value="unpaved" />
            <space />
          <combo key="tracktype" text="Tracktype" values_sort="false">
            <list_entry value="grade4" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade4.svg" short_description="Mostly Soft: soil/sand/grass with some hard material mixed in" />
            <list_entry value="grade5" icon="presets/transport/way/tracktype_grade5.svg" short_description="Soft: soil/sand/grass" />

        <item name="Footpath (less than 3m wide)"
        icon="presets/transport/way/path.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link href="" />
        <label text="Path/Trail (AP050)" />
        <space />
        <key key="highway" value="path" />
        <item name="Bridge"
        icon="presets/transport/bridge/bridge.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link href="" />
        <space />
        <label text="Add the bridge attribute (plus layer=1) to a road" />
        <label text="If needed, remember to cut in advance the way before to apply " />
        <key key="bridge"  value="yes" />
        <key key="layer" value="1" />

   <item name="Tunnel"
        icon="presets/transport/passage/tunnel.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link href="" />
        <space />
        <label text="Add the tunnel attribute (plus layer=-1) to a road" />
        <label text="If needed, remember to cut in advance the way before to apply " />
        <key key="tunnel"  value="yes" />
        <key key="layer" value="-1" />

 <group name="Water" icon="presets/nautical/water.svg">

        <item name="Lake"
              icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Lake (not a small one)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="water" />
            <key key="water" value="lake" />

        <item name="Pond"
              icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Pond: a very small natural lake"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="water" />
            <key key="water" value="pond" />
           <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
            <combo key="intermittent" text="intermittency" values="yes,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true"  />

        <item name="Reservoir"
              icon="presets/landuse/reservoir.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="water Reservoir (BH130)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="water" />
            <key key="water" value="reservoir" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />

        <item name="Covered Reservoir"
              icon="presets/landmark/reservoir_covered.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=reservoir_covered" />
            <space />
            <label text="Water covered Reservoir (BH130)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="man_made" value="reservoir_covered" />
        <item name="Ford"
              icon="presets/vehicle/ford.svg" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="   Ford (road crossing waterway)   "/>
            <label text="usually applied on the node, sometimes to a way"/>
            <space />
            <key key="ford" value="yes" />

        <item name="Water tower"
              icon="presets/landmark/water_tower.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Water tower (AL241 TTC:6)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="man_made" value="water_tower" />

        <item name="Spring"
              icon="presets/landmark/spring.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit spring"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="spring" />
            <space />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />


    <group name="Waterways" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg">

        <item name="River"
              icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit River (BH140)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="waterway" value="river" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <space />
            <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
            <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no,spring,summer,autumn,winter" use_last_as_default="force"/>
            <space />
        <label text="   Select tunnel=culvert only in the tunnelled parts   "/>
        <label text="   and layer (typically -1 for tunnel)   "/>
          <space />
        <combo key="tunnel" text="tunnel" values="culvert" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="-1,-2,-3"  default="" delete_if_empty="true" />

       <item name="Riverbank"
              icon="presets/nautical/waterway_river.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:waterway=riverbank" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Riverbank"/>
            <space />
            <key key="waterway" value="riverbank" />
            <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
            <check key="seasonal" text="seasonality" disable_off="true" />
        <item name="Stream"
              icon="presets/nautical/waterway_stream.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit stream"/>
            <space />
            <key key="waterway" value="stream" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <space />
            <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
            <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no,spring,summer,autumn,winter" use_last_as_default="force"/>
            <space />
        <label text="   Select tunnel=culvert only in the tunnelled parts   "/>
        <label text="   and layer (typically -1 for tunnel)   "/>
          <space />
        <combo key="tunnel" text="tunnel" values="culvert" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="-1,-2,-3"  default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <item name="Canal" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_canal.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link wiki="Tag:waterway=canal" />
        <space />
        <label text="A large artificial waterway (BH020)"/>
        <space />
        <key key="waterway" value="canal" />
        <space />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <space />
            <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
            <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no,spring,summer,autumn,winter" use_last_as_default="force"/>
            <space />
        <label text="   Select tunnel=culvert only in the tunnelled parts   "/>
        <label text="   and layer (typically -1 for tunnel)   "/>
          <space />
        <combo key="tunnel" text="tunnel" values="culvert" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="-1,-2,-3"  default="" delete_if_empty="true" />

        <item name="Drain" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_drain.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link wiki="Tag:waterway=drain" />
        <space />
        <label text="An artificial waterway mainly used for irrigation,"/>
        <label text="  or to carry superfluous water  "/>
        <space />
        <label text="If not sure is the rigth tag, please read the wiki first"/>

        <key key="waterway" value="drain" />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <space />
            <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
            <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no" use_last_as_default="force"/>
            <space />
        <label text="   Select tunnel=culvert only in the tunnelled parts   "/>
        <label text="   and layer (typically -1 for tunnel)   "/>
          <space />
        <combo key="tunnel" text="tunnel" values="culvert" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="-1,-2,-3"  default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
        <item name="Ditch" icon="presets/nautical/waterway_ditch.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
        <link wiki="Tag:waterway=ditch" />
        <space />
        <label text="Narrow artificial waterways (BH030)"/>
        <space />
        <key key="waterway" value="ditch" />
        <check key="intermittent" text="intermittent" disable_off="true" />
        <space />
        <combo key="seasonal" text="seasonality" values="yes,no" use_last_as_default="force"/>
        <space />
        <label text="   Select tunnel=culvert only in the tunnelled parts   "/>
        <combo key="tunnel" text="tunnel" values="culvert" default="" />
        <combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="-1,-2,-3"  default=""/>
    <group name="Barriers" icon="presets/barrier/fence.svg">
        <item name="Hedge barrier"
              icon="presets/barrier/hedge.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Hedgerow (natural) barrier (EA020)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="barrier" value="hedge" />
        <item name="Barrier (generic)"
              icon="presets/barrier/fence.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Insert/edit Fence (AL070)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="barrier" value="fence" />

        <item name="Wall"
              icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Insert/edit Wall (AL260)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="barrier" value="wall" />

 <group name="Landuse" icon="presets/landuse/farmland.svg">

          <item name="Farmland" icon="presets/landuse/farmland.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:landuse=farmland" />
           <label text="Farmland/Cropped area (EA010)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="farmland" />
            <space />
            <combo key="crop" text="Type of crop" values="rice,grape,corn,tea,cotton"  default="" />
          <item name="Scrub" icon="presets/landuse/scrub.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:natural=scrub" />
            <space />
            <label text="Scrub/Thicket (EB020)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="scrub" />

     <item name="Wood" icon="presets/landmark/forest.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:natural=wood" />
            <label text="Tree-covered natural (unmanaged) area"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="wood" />

       <item name="Grassland" icon="presets/landuse/meadow.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:natural=grassland" />
            <space />
            <label text="Where vegetation is dominated by grasses (Poaceae) and" />
            <label text="other herbaceous (non-woody) plants. Excludes cultivated areas." />
            <space />
           <key key="natural" value="grassland" />
       </item> <!-- Grassland -->
          <item name="Wetland (generic)" icon="presets/landuse/wetland.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:natural=wetland" />
            <space />
            <label text="Wetland generic seasonal"/>
            <label text="(if bog, marsh or swamp, please select the other item, underneath this one)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="wetland" />
            <key key="seasonal" value="yes" />

          <item name="Wetland (detailed)" icon="presets/landuse/wetland.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:natural=wetland" />
            <label text="Wetland / either bog,marsh or swamp"/>
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="wetland" />
            <space />
            <combo key="wetland" text="type of" values="bog,marsh,swamp" display_values="bog: (uncommon) mainly peat (torba) Tones range from medium grey to black,marsh: wetland dominated by herbaceous (non-woody) vegetation,swamp: waterlogged forest with dense vegetation - usually exists near a large water source"  />
        <item name="Orchard" icon="presets/landuse/orchard.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:landuse=orchard" />
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="orchard" />

     <item name="Forest" icon="presets/landmark/forest.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:landuse=forest" />
            <space />
            <label text="Managed forest or woodland plantation; for the unmanaged use wood instead"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="forest" />
          <item name="Bare ground" icon="bare_ground.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Landcover" />
            <space />
            <label text="Landcover / Soil surface (DA010)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landcover" value="bare_ground" />
            <key key="natural" value="ground" />
            <space />
            <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true"/>

        <item name="Heath" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
           <link wiki="Tag:natural=heath" />
            <space />
           <label text="Bare lower lying uncultivated land with a shrubland habitat found mainly on free-draining infertile, acidic soils, and is characterised by open, low-growing woody vegetation." />
           <space />
           <key key="natural" value="heath" />
       </item> <!-- Heath -->

        <item name="Sand" icon="presets/landuse/sand.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:natural=sand" />
            <space />
            <label text="Large area covered with sand." />
            <space />
            <key key="natural" value="sand" />
        </item> <!-- Sand -->

        <item name="Quarry" icon="presets/landmark/mine.svg" type="node,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:landuse=quarry" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Quarry"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="quarry" />

        <item name="Construction" icon="presets/misc/construction.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <label text="Insert/edit Building"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="construction" />
        <item name="Military" icon="presets/landuse/military.svg" type="closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Tag:landuse=military" />
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="military" />
        </item> <!-- Military -->

            <item name="Residential area"
            icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:landuse=residential" />
            <space />
            <label text="Residential/Built-Up area (AL020)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="landuse" value="residential" />
            <item name="Places"
            icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:landuse=residential" />
            <label text="Residential/Built-Up area (AL020)"/>
            <space />
            <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Choose one"/>
                <combo key="place" text="place" values="isolated_dwelling,hamlet,village,town,city" display_values="isolated_dwelling: 1-2 houses,hamlet: max 100-200 inhabitant,village: small settl. bigger than hamlet,town: important urban centre,city: large urban centre" default="hamlet" />

    <group name="Buildings" icon="presets/landmark/building.svg">
        <item name="Building generic"
              icon="presets/landmark/building.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Building"/>
            <space />
            <key key="building" value="yes" />

        <item name="Building hut"
              icon="presets/accomodation/basic_hut.svg" type="closedway" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Building"/>
            <key key="building" value="hut" />


  <group name="Artificial Landmark" icon="presets/landmark/tower.svg">

        <item name="Crane" icon="presets/landmark/crane.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=crane" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit permanent crane"/>
            <space />
            <key key="man_made" value="crane" />

        <item name="Chimney" icon="presets/landmark/chimney.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=chimney" />
            <space />
            <label text="Chimney (tall distinctive vertical conduit)"/>
            <key key="man_made" value="chimney" />
            <space />
            <label text="height in meters (only the number - e.g.: 95)"/>
            <space />
                <text key="height" text="height" default="" />
        <item name="Tower" icon="presets/landmark/tower.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=tower" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Tower (AL241)"/>
            <key key="man_made" value="tower" />
            <label text="Choose the type (if you know which is)"/>
            <space />
                <combo key="tower:type" text="tower type" values="observation,watchtower,defensive,bell_tower,minaret" default="" />

        <item name="Communication tower" icon="presets/landmark/tower.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Tall and big communication tower (AL241)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="man_made" value="tower" />
            <key key="tower:type" value="communication" />
        <item name="small Communication tower" icon="presets/landmark/tower.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=mast" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit small Communication tower "/>
            <space />
            <key key="man_made" value="mast" />
        <item name="Huge Communication tower" icon="presets/landmark/tower.svg" type="node" preset_name_label="true">
            <link href="Tag:man_made=communications_tower" />
            <space />
            <label text="Insert/edit Huge communication tower (AL241)"/>
            <key key="man_made" value="communications_tower" />
            <key key="tower:type" value="communication" />
            <space />
            <label text="height in meters (only the number - e.g.: 95)"/>
            <space />
                <text key="height" text="height" default="" />



<group name="Place of Worship" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg">
                <item name="Mosque" icon="presets/religion/muslim.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
                    <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
                    <space />
                    <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
                    <key key="religion" value="muslim" />
                    <text key="name" text="Name" />
                    <combo key="building" text="Building type" values="mosque" values_searchable="true" />
                    <preset_link preset_name="Building" />
                <item name="Madrassa" icon="presets/religion/muslim.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
                <label text="A religious muslim school"/>
                <space />
                <key key="amenity" value="school" />
                <key key="operator:type" value="religious" />
                <text key="name" text="Name" />
                <item name="Christian" icon="presets/religion/church.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
                    <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
                    <space />
                    <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />
                    <key key="religion" value="christian" />
                    <text key="name" text="Name" />
                <space />
                <combo key="building" text="Building type" values="basilica,cathedral,chapel,church,temple" values_searchable="true" />
                <item name="others" icon="presets/religion/religion.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
                    <link wiki="Tag:amenity=place_of_worship" />
                    <space />
                    <key key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" />

        <item name="IDP camp" icon="presets/social_facility/shelter.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true">
            <link wiki="Key:social_facility:for" />
            <space />
            <label text="IDP camp (AI030)"/>
            <space />
            <key key="amenity" value="social_facility" />
            <key key="social_facility" value="shelter" />
            <combo key="social_facility:for" text="social facility for" values="displaced,refugee,migrant" values_searchable="true" />
            <space />
            <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true" />
            <text key="source:date" text="source:date (YYYY-MM)" use_last_as_default="true" />


<group name="TextP MGCP (ZD040) Named Location" >
    <item name="locality" type="node">
      <key key="place" value="locality" />
      <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />
      <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true" />

    <item name="peak" type="node">
     <key key="natural" value="peak" />
     <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true" />
     <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />

    <item name="hill" type="node">
     <key key="natural" value="peak" />
     <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true" />
     <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />

    <item name="valley" type="node,closedway,multipolygon">
     <key key="natural" value="valley" />
     <text key="source" text="source" use_last_as_default="true" />
     <text key="name" text="Name" default="" />



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