
Version 2 (modified by Polyglot, 13 years ago) ( diff )

fixed some typos and added articles to make it clearer

Name templates can be used to define custom formatting for gpx waypoints or osm primitives (for example in the Relations or the Selection lists).


  • {var} - use value of variable var
  • ?{condition1 'value1' | condition2 'value2 | 'value3'} - use value1 if condition1 is satisfied, value3 is no condition is satisfied. Condition can be either explicit - the same expression as in search or filters is used - or implicit; the value is used when all variables used inside exist


Template Tags Result
House number {addr:housenumber} addr:housenumber=10 House number 10
?{ 'House number {addr:housenumber} at {addr:street}' | 'House number {addr:housenumber}' } addr:housenumber=10 House number 10
addr:housenumber=10, addr:street=Abbey road House number 10 at Abbey road
?{ admin_level = 2 'NUTS 1' | admin_level = 4 'NUTS 2' | admin_level = 6 'NUTS 3' | 'Admin level {admin_level}'} admin_level=4 NUTS 2
admin_level=5 Admin level 5

Available values

For formatting of OSM primitives , the value of any tag can be used, use {special:everything} to see what values are available for your gpx waypoints. Some additional variables are available via the special prefix:

  • {special:everything} prints all available values, available for formatting of both primitives and waypoints.
  • {special:id} prints the ID of an osm primitive
  • {special:localName} prints the localized name, that is the value of name:lang for your language if it is available or the value of the name tag if it doesn't.
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.