Changes between Version 516 and Version 517 of Maps

2018-02-18T19:16:01+01:00 (6 years ago)

+some hints


  • Maps

    v516 v517  
    33[[PageOutline(2-4,Table of Contents)]]
    5 This wiki page provides imagery sources for JOSM. You can add more WMS, TMS and WMTS servers to the list below, but [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]] '''make sure, they can be used for OpenStreetMap''' [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]].
     5This wiki page provides imagery sources for JOSM. You can add more WMS, TMS and WMTS servers to the list below, but [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]] '''make sure, they can be used for OpenStreetMap''' [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]]. Please read the [#Documentation documentation] first.
    77== List of services (editable) ==
    806806|| '''type''' || The type. Can be {{{tms}}}, {{{wmts}}}, {{{wms}}} and {{{wms_endpoint}}}. If {{{wms_endpoint}}} is used then the user can choose one of the provided wms layers when adding the entry as background. In addition, there are the special types {{{bing}}} and {{{scanex}}} with hardcoded behaviour. ||
    807807|| '''url''' || The URL of the service. Can contain templates, e.g.{{{ {zoom} }}} will be replaced by the current zoom level (see below). The list of services is a XML document, so the '&' character is represented by '&amp;'. Alternatively, the URL can be wrapped in a <![CDATA[...]]> section. ||
    808 || '''id''' || Unique identifier of a map to allow automatic updates of map data in JOSM. Don't use white spaces and special characters here (except `-` and `_`). ||
     808|| '''id''' || Unique identifier of a map to allow automatic updates of map data in JOSM. Don't use white spaces and special characters here (except `-` and `_`). Never change an existing id as this would break the idea behind the id. ||
    809809|| '''default''' || If set to "true", the entry is in the [Help/Menu/Imagery users list] by default. (Only administrators can change default entries.) ||
    810810|| '''date''' || Creation date of imagery in form YYYY-MM-DD;YYYY-MM-DD. DD and MM as well as a second date are optional. a single "-" marks an unknown or open timespan. Examples **2015** or **2015;2016** or **2015-10;2016-01** or **-;2015** or **2015;-**. The date is displayed in JOSM in the mouse over tool tip in the imagery preferences, the Imagery menu and in the toolbar. ||
    812812|| '''shape''' || A non-rectangular area of use inside the {{{<bounds>}}}, defined by an ordered list of {{{<point>}}}s. This allows a more precise display in [[Help/Preferences/Imagery]]. To easily create the shape xml code you can use the [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/Imagery-XML-Bounds Imagery-XML-Bounds plugin]. ||
    813813|| '''point''' || A lat/lon point, part of its parent {{{<shape>}}}, e.g {{{<point lat='45.4023663' lon='2.4599585' />}}} ||
    814 || '''permission-ref''' || Provide a source that this background can be used for OSM. A page on the OSM-wiki with additional explanation and further references is preferred, but other sources (for example the license text) can also be linked. The document does not have to be in English. ||
     814|| '''permission-ref''' || Provide a source that this background can be used for OSM. A page on the OSM-wiki with additional explanation and further references is preferred, but other sources (for example the license text) can also be linked. The document does not have to be in English. Please always use this property when adding new entries so it is easier for others to review. ||
    815815|| '''eula''' || A link to an EULA text that has to be accepted by the user, before the imagery source is added. ||
    816816|| '''attribution-url''' || A link that is opened, when the user clicks on the attribution text. If attribution-url is set also attribution-text must be set, else no attribution will be displayed. ||
    894894 * The editors iD, Potlatch 2 and Vespucci use the imagery list provided by the GitHub project [ Editor Layer Index]. Differences between this list and the JOSM list are detected by ImageryCompare and synced manually.
    895895 * Additional to the XML database there is also an geojson output which can be found here: [/maps?format=geojson&pretty=true pretty] and [/maps?format=geojson default].
     899When adding more entries [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]] '''make sure, they can be used for OpenStreetMap''' [[Image(source:/trunk/images/misc/error.svg,20,middle)]]. Please read the [#Documentation documentation] first.