Changes between Version 497 and Version 498 of Maps

2017-11-25T00:36:27+01:00 (6 years ago)

Don't use white spaces and special characters in id


  • Maps

    v497 v498  
    720720|| '''type''' || The type. Can be {{{tms}}}, {{{wmts}}}, {{{wms}}} and {{{wms_endpoint}}}. If {{{wms_endpoint}}} is used then the user can choose one of the provided wms layers when adding the entry as background. In addition, there are the special types {{{bing}}} and {{{scanex}}} with hardcoded behaviour. ||
    721721|| '''url''' || The URL of the service. Can contain templates, e.g.{{{ {zoom} }}} will be replaced by the current zoom level (see below). The list of services is a XML document, so the '&' character is represented by '&amp;'. Alternatively, the URL can be wrapped in a <![CDATA[...]]> section. ||
    722 || '''id''' || Unique identifier of a map to allow automatic updates of map data in JOSM. ||
     722|| '''id''' || Unique identifier of a map to allow automatic updates of map data in JOSM. Don't use white spaces and special characters here (except `-` and `_`). ||
    723723|| '''default''' || If set to "true", the entry is in the [Help/Menu/Imagery users list] by default. (Only administrators can change default entries.) ||
    724724|| '''date''' || Creation date of imagery in form YYYY-MM-DD;YYYY-MM-DD. DD and MM as well as a second date are optional. a single "-" marks an unknown or open timespan. Examples **2015** or **2015;2016** or **2015-10;2016-01** or **-;2015** or **2015;-**. The date is displayed in JOSM in the mouse over tool tip in the imagery preferences, the Imagery menu and in the toolbar. ||