Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Help/Action/DownloadObject

2010-02-17T15:27:45+01:00 (14 years ago)



  • Help/Action/DownloadObject

    v1 v1  
     3= Download object =
     5Keyboard shortcut: CTRL-SHIFT-O
     7[[Image(source:/trunk/images/downloadprimitive.png)]] ''Download object'' loads an OSM object (node, way or relation) from the OSM API server either in the current data layer or in a new data layer.  The downloaded data will contain the way nodes for ways and optionally any referrers (ways or relations that reference the downloaded object).  Note: Only the referrers of the downloaded object itself are downloaded, not the referrers for any of its children (way nodes).
     9The following dialog is displayed:
     13You can choose the type of object to download and enter its ID and click '''Download object'''.
     15You can choose whether or not any referrers are to be downloaded:
     16 * if '''Download referrers''' is selected, any referring objects are downloaded
     17 * if '''Download referrers''' is not selected, no referrers are downloaded
     19You can control whether the data is loaded into the current or in a new layer:
     20 * if '''Separate layer''' is selected, the data is loaded into a new layer
     21 * if '''Separate layer''' is not selected, the data is merged into the current data layer
     23If there isn't a data layer yet, a new data layer is always created.
     25== Data source ==
     26The OSM API server specified in [wiki:/Help/Preferences/Connection Connection Settings] is the data source used here.
     28== See also ==
     29  * [wiki:/Help/Menu/File File menu]