
Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#18258 closed enhancement (fixed)

[RFC PATCH] Allow end user to know what the original id of a feature was

Reported by: taylor.smock Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 20.06
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: split way, original id Cc:

Description (last modified by taylor.smock)

There are two options:

1) Set the id of the object to the "original" id
2) Add a tag with the "original" id. This would have to be a "well-known" tag to avoid other people using it (current_id probably isn't a good choice, maybe xml_current_id?).

For the attached patch, I did the latter. There are some unit tests, but one is deliberately failing until a strategy is decided upon.

Attachments (6)

18258.patch (3.3 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Implementation of (2) (no unit tests)
18258.1.patch (9.8 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Add generic unit tests, with a test that will fail until a strategy is decided upon (at which point it will need to be modified)
18258.2.patch (9.9 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Actually save the variable passed in the constructor…
18258.4.patch (13.2 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Use an enum instead of a bunch of booleans, mark old methods with booleans as deprecated (not removed), add current_id to the list of discardable keys
18258.5.patch (12.9 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Add javadoc, enum is public, remove methods that would otherwise be deprecated (only affects the MapWithAI plugin, as far as we know)
18258.6.patch (10.5 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 5 years ago.
Modify unit tests to match code expectations

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (21)

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.patch added

Implementation of (2) (no unit tests)

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.1.patch added

Add generic unit tests, with a test that will fail until a strategy is decided upon (at which point it will need to be modified)

comment:1 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.2.patch added

Actually save the variable passed in the constructor...

comment:2 by Don-vip, 5 years ago

Sorry I must have missed something, what is this ticket about?

in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

The MapWithAI service passes back roads with an id. This id is used for deduplication using the xml attribute orig_id (the reason I filed bug #18249).

A more complete example of what the MapWithAI service provides is as follows:

From the following split download request:

$ curl ",1.032616,110.6452774,1.0375754" > 1.osm
$ curl ",1.032616,110.6367552,1.0375754" > 2.osm
$ curl ",1.0276566,110.6452774,1.032616" > 3.osm
$ curl ",1.0276566,110.6367552,1.032616" > 4.osm


  <way action="modify" id="-2694366360314326357" orig_id="-358790951424482" visible="true">
    <nd ref="-2310517922340745"/>
    <nd ref="-343968989585587"/>
    <more nodes.../>
    <tag k="highway" v="residential"/>
    <tag k="source" v="digitalglobe"/>


  <way action="modify" id="-358790951424482" visible="true">
    <more nodes.../>
    <nd ref="-343968989585587"/>
    <nd ref="-2310517922340745"/>
    <more nodes.../>
    <tag k="highway" v="residential"/>
    <tag k="source" v="digitalglobe"/>

Right now I'm looking at overriding buildPrimitive from to do the same thing that I'm doing in this patch (adding a tag), but I thought that it might be better to have the functionality in core JOSM to have the ability to keep the "original" id of a negative id object, either by setting its id to the original id or by adding a tag with the original id.

For example, I could modify the buildPrimitive method to keep the original id like so:

    protected OsmPrimitive buildPrimitive(PrimitiveData pd) {
        OsmPrimitive p;
        if (pd.getUniqueId() < 0) {
            p = pd.getType().newInstance(pd.getUniqueId(), true);
            if (pd.getUniqueId() < AbstractPrimitive.currentUniqueId()) {
        } else {
            p = pd.getType().newVersionedInstance(pd.getId(), pd.getVersion());
        externalIdMap.put(pd.getPrimitiveId(), p);
        return p;

but that duplicates some code, and I thought it might be generally useful.

Does this answer your question?

From Don-vip:

Sorry I must have missed something, what is this ticket about?

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by Don-vip, 5 years ago

Replying to taylor.smock:

Does this answer your question?

Yes thanks, I understand better now.

I must give some thoughts to the question, right now I don't know what would be the best solution.

comment:5 by simon04, 5 years ago

Keywords: split way original id added
Milestone: 20.06

Instead of ending up with many boolean flags in OsmReader, I'd suggest to use an enum, such as:


… and using OsmReader(Options... options).

How to avoid uploading the tag current_id, or is this meant to be uploaded?

comment:6 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

I like your enum idea. :)

So parseDataSet(InputStream source, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor, Options... options).

For avoiding uploading current_id, that would have to be the responsibility of additional code. For example, in MapWithAI, I have some code specifically to avoid that situation (where the original id is uploaded to a service -- I don't think it is actually used right now though).

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by simon04, 5 years ago

Replying to taylor.smock:

I like your enum idea. :)

Inspired by the functions in java.nio.file.Files

For avoiding uploading current_id, that would have to be the responsibility of additional code.

We could add the tag to

Last edited 5 years ago by simon04 (previous) (diff)

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.4.patch added

Use an enum instead of a bunch of booleans, mark old methods with booleans as deprecated (not removed), add current_id to the list of discardable keys

comment:8 by simon04, 5 years ago

Some comments on attachment:18258.4.patch​ …

  • List<Options> optionsCollection<Options> options
  • enum Options needs to be protected/public, please add Javadoc
  • From my investigations, MapWithAI is the only plugin using convertUnknownToTags. If you want to, we can remove the corresponding constructor and factory function without deprecating it.
  • In OsmReaderTest#testValidData the boolean flags aren't used at all?

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Replying to simon04:

Some comments on attachment:18258.4.patch​ …

  • List<Options> optionsCollection<Options> options

Fair enough. I didn't do anything specific with a List. I just tend to default to List over Collection, just so I can .get(index).

  • enum Options needs to be protected/public, please add Javadoc


  • From my investigations, MapWithAI is the only plugin using convertUnknownToTags. If you want to, we can remove the corresponding constructor and factory function without deprecating it.

I don't mind doing this. I prefer to keep compatibility for the past month (at least) though. It just makes it a bit easier to backport fixes to the version of the plugin for JOSM stable. This is small enough and contained enough that I can (fairly) easily make the modification. I just hope we have a release in July. :)

  • In OsmReaderTest#testValidData the boolean flags aren't used at all?

This probably tracks with your previous point. I didn't see the point of having a test calling an @deprecated function, when said function was in turn calling the appropriate function.

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by taylor.smock (next)

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.5.patch added

Add javadoc, enum is public, remove methods that would otherwise be deprecated (only affects the MapWithAI plugin, as far as we know)

comment:10 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

@simon04: I'm assuming you prefer the current_id method over setting the id of the object to the id returned by the server (just clarifying -- if you and everyone else is ok with current_id, I need to remove the testNegativeIds test, since that is failing).

When I originally wrote the patch, I had two unit tests which were mutually exclusive. One tested that a negative id from the data source would be set to the object id, while the other tested that it was set to the current_id.

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by simon04, 5 years ago

Thanks for updating your patch!

Replying to taylor.smock:

@simon04: I'm assuming you prefer the current_id method over setting the id of the object to the id returned by the server

Yes, a similar procedure is used when converting a GPX to an OSM dataset.

by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

Attachment: 18258.6.patch added

Modify unit tests to match code expectations

comment:12 by simon04, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 16641/josm:

fix #18258 - OsmReader: Allow end user to know what the original id of a feature was (patch by taylor.smock, modified)

comment:13 by simon04, 5 years ago

In 16642/josm:

see #18258 - OsmReaderTest: test all options combinations

comment:14 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

MapWithAI is fixed (so isn't relevant anymore).

See v1.6.1.

Thanks for merging the patch!

comment:15 by stoecker, 2 years ago

In 18646/josm:

see #18258 - add a note why current_id is here

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